static kBlock* kStmt_ParseClassBlockNULL(KonohaContext *kctx, kStmt *stmt, kToken *tokenClassName)
	kBlock *bk = NULL;
	kToken *blockToken = (kToken *)kStmt_GetObject(kctx, stmt, KW_BlockPattern, NULL);
	if(blockToken != NULL && blockToken->resolvedSyntaxInfo->keyword == KW_BlockPattern) {
		const char *cname = S_text(tokenClassName->text);
		TokenSeq range = {Stmt_ns(stmt), GetSugarContext(kctx)->preparedTokenList};
		TokenSeq_Push(kctx, range);
		SUGAR TokenSeq_Tokenize(kctx, &range,  S_text(blockToken->text), blockToken->uline);
			TokenSeq sourceRange = {range.ns, range.tokenList, range.endIdx};
			kToken *prevToken = blockToken;
			int i;
			for(i = range.beginIdx; i < range.endIdx; i++) {
				kToken *tk = range.tokenList->TokenItems[i];
				if(tk->hintChar == '(' && prevToken->unresolvedTokenType == TokenType_SYMBOL && strcmp(cname, S_text(prevToken->text)) == 0) {
					kTokenVar *newToken = new_(TokenVar, TokenType_SYMBOL, sourceRange.tokenList);
					KFieldSet(newToken, newToken->text, SYM_s(MN_new));
				KLIB kArray_Add(kctx, sourceRange.tokenList, tk);
				prevToken = tk;
			TokenSeq_end(kctx, (&sourceRange));
			bk = SUGAR new_kBlock(kctx, stmt/*parent*/, NULL, &sourceRange);
			KLIB kObject_setObject(kctx, stmt, KW_BlockPattern, TY_Block, bk);
		TokenSeq_Pop(kctx, range);
	return bk;
//## Block Stmt.newBlock(String macro);
static KMETHOD Stmt_newBlock(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp)
	kStmt    *stmt = sfp[0].asStmt;
	kString *macro = sfp[1].asString;
	TokenSeq source = {Stmt_ns(stmt), GetSugarContext(kctx)->preparedTokenList/*TODO: set appropriate tokenList to TokenSeq*/};
	TokenSeq_Push(kctx, source);
	SUGAR TokenSeq_Tokenize(kctx, &source, S_text(macro), 0);
	kBlock *bk = SUGAR new_kBlock(kctx, stmt, NULL, &source);
	TokenSeq_Pop(kctx, source);
static kstatus_t kNameSpace_Eval(KonohaContext *kctx, kNameSpace *ns, const char *script, kfileline_t uline, KTraceInfo *trace)
	kstatus_t result;
	kmodsugar->h.setupModuleContext(kctx, (KonohaModule *)kmodsugar, 0/*lazy*/);
		TokenSeq tokens = {ns, GetSugarContext(kctx)->preparedTokenList};
		TokenSeq_Push(kctx, tokens);
		TokenSeq_Tokenize(kctx, &tokens, script, uline);
		result = TokenSeq_Eval(kctx, &tokens, trace);
		TokenSeq_Pop(kctx, tokens);
	return result;
static kBlock *new_MacroBlock(KonohaContext *kctx, kStmt *stmt, kToken *IteratorTypeToken, kToken *IteratorExprToken, kToken *TypeToken, kToken *VariableToken)
	kNameSpace *ns = Stmt_ns(stmt);
	TokenSeq source = {ns, GetSugarContext(kctx)->preparedTokenList};
	TokenSeq_Push(kctx, source);
	/* FIXME(imasahiro)
	 * we need to implement template as Block
	 * "T _ = E; if(_.hasNext()) { N = _.next(); }"
	 *                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	SUGAR TokenSeq_Tokenize(kctx, &source, "T _ = E; if(_.hasNext()) N = _.next();", 0);
	MacroSet macroSet[4] = {{0, NULL, 0, 0}};
	MacroSet_setTokenAt(kctx, macroSet, 0, source.tokenList, "T", IteratorTypeToken, NULL);
	MacroSet_setTokenAt(kctx, macroSet, 1, source.tokenList, "E", IteratorExprToken, NULL);
	if(TypeToken == NULL) {
		MacroSet_setTokenAt(kctx, macroSet, 2, source.tokenList, "N", VariableToken, NULL);
	else {
		MacroSet_setTokenAt(kctx, macroSet, 2, source.tokenList, "N", TypeToken, VariableToken, NULL);
	kBlock *bk = SUGAR new_kBlock(kctx, stmt, macroSet, &source);
	TokenSeq_Pop(kctx, source);
	return bk;