bool ReadRoadBridge(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { BridgeInfo info; if (TokenizeLine(tokens, " efffffffififfffffffi", &info.rep_type, &info.min_length, &info.max_length, &info.min_seg_length, &info.max_seg_length, &info.min_seg_count, &info.max_seg_count, &info.curve_limit, &info.split_count, &info.split_length, &info.split_arch, &info.min_start_agl, &info.max_start_agl, &info.search_dist, &info.pref_start_agl, &info.min_center_agl, &info.max_center_agl, &info.height_ratio, &info.road_slope, &info.export_type) != 21) return false; // Special case these - otherwise we get inexact values from deg-rad conversion. if (info.curve_limit == 90.0) info.curve_limit = 0.0; else if (info.curve_limit ==180.0) info.curve_limit =-1.0; else if (info.curve_limit == 0.0) info.curve_limit = 1.0; else info.curve_limit = cos(info.curve_limit * DEG_TO_RAD); gBridgeInfo.push_back(info); return true; }
static void DoOptions( char *buf ) /********************************/ // process options in a string, if present { char opt[LINE_BUF_SIZE]; char *cmd; for( cmd = buf; *cmd != '\0'; ++cmd ) { if( *cmd == '/' ) { break; } } /* See if option separator was found. */ if( *cmd == '/' ) { *cmd = '\0'; strcpy( opt, cmd + 1 ); /* Strip trailing spaces from text preceding the option. */ --cmd; while( cmd > buf && *cmd == ' ' ) { *cmd-- = '\0'; } /* Strip trailing junk from the option. */ //@TODO! /* Now handle the option(s). */ TokenizeLine( opt, '/', DoOneOption ); } }
bool ReadRoadPromoteZoning(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { gPromotedZoningSet.clear(); if(TokenizeLine(tokens," S",&gPromotedZoningSet) != 2) return false; return true; }
bool ReadLevelCrossing(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { int t1, t2; if(TokenizeLine(tokens," ee", &t1, &t2) != 3) return false; gLevelCrossings[t1] = t2; return true; }
bool ReadRoadPromote(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { int rt; ZoningPromote p; if(TokenizeLine(tokens," eeee",&rt,&p.promote_left, &p.promote_right,&p.promote_both) != 5) return false; if(gZonePromote.count(rt) != 0) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: promotion info for road %s included twice.\n", FetchTokenString(rt)); gZonePromote[rt] = p; return true; }
bool ReadChangeRule(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { ChangeRule r; if(TokenizeLine(tokens," eeee", &r.prev, &, &r.new_mid) != 4) return false; gChangeRules.push_back(r); return true; }
bool RoadGeneralProps(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { int feature_type; NetFeatureInfo info; if (TokenizeLine(tokens, " efie", &feature_type, &info.density_factor, &info.is_oneway, &info.oneway_feature) != 5) return false; if (gNetFeatures.count(feature_type) > 0) printf("WARNING: duplicate token %s\n", tokens[1].c_str()); gNetFeatures[feature_type] = info; return true; }
bool ReadTwinRule(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { int type_1, type_2; if(TokenizeLine(tokens, " ee",&type_1,&type_2) != 3) return false; if(gTwinRules.count(type_1) || gTwinRules.count(type_2)) { printf("ERROR: duplicate twin rule.\n"); return false; } gTwinRules[type_1] = type_2; gTwinRules[type_2] = type_1; return true; }
bool ReadForkRule(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { ForkRule r; if(TokenizeLine(tokens," eeeeee", &r.trunk, &r.left, &r.right, &r.new_trunk, &r.new_left, &r.new_right) != 7) return false; gForkRules.push_back(r); return true; }
bool ReadRoadPick(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { Feature2RepInfo info; int feature_type; if (TokenizeLine(tokens, " effffffffe", &info.feature, &info.min_density,&info.max_density, &info.min_rail, &info.max_rail, &info.rain_min, &info.rain_max, &info.temp_min, &info.temp_max, &info.rep_type) != 11) return false; gFeature2Rep.push_back(info); return true; }
bool ReadRoadSpecificProps(const vector<string>& tokens, void * ref) { int rep_type; NetRepInfo info; info.export_type_draped = NO_VALUE; // hack for mesh tool - allow draped param to not be attached! float crease, max_rad; if (TokenizeLine(tokens, " effffeiifff",&rep_type, &info.semi_l, &info.semi_r, &info.pad, &info.building_percent, &info.use_mode, &info.is_oneway, &info.export_type_draped, &crease, &max_rad, &info.max_err) != 12) { return false; } info.crease_angle_cos=cos(crease * DEG_TO_RAD); info.min_defl_deg_mtr = max_rad > 0.0 ? (360.0 / (2 * PI * max_rad)) : 0.0f; if (gNetReps.count(rep_type) > 0) printf("WARNING: duplicate token %s\n", FetchTokenString(rep_type)); gNetReps[rep_type] = info; return true; }
void SourceEdit::OnConvertPaste(NMHDR* hdr, LRESULT* res) { SCNXConvertPaste* cp = (SCNXConvertPaste*)hdr; *res = 0; // Get the source of the data COleDataObject data; if (cp->source) data.Attach((LPDATAOBJECT)(cp->source),FALSE); else data.AttachClipboard(); // Try to interpret tables and leading white space if (data.IsDataAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) { CStringW theText(cp->utext,cp->ulen); CStringW newText, line; newText.Preallocate(theText.GetLength()); bool foundTable = false; bool inTable = false; int charPos = 0, lineCount = 0; while (GetNextLine(theText,line,charPos)) { if (inTable) { CArray<CStringW> tokens; TokenizeLine(line,tokens); // Separate multiple tokens with tabs: if less than two tokens, // we're at the end of the table if (tokens.GetSize() > 1) { line.Empty(); for (int j = 0; j < tokens.GetSize(); j++) { if (j > 0) line.AppendChar(L'\t'); line.Append(tokens.GetAt(j)); } } else inTable = false; } else { // Look for the start of a table if (line.Left(6).CompareNoCase(L"table ") == 0) { inTable = true; foundTable = true; } // Replace any leading blocks of 4 spaces int i = 0; while (i >= 0) { if (line.Mid(i,4).Compare(L" ") == 0) { line.Delete(i,3); line.SetAt(i,L'\t'); i++; } else i = -1; } } if (lineCount > 0) newText.AppendChar(L'\n'); newText.Append(line); lineCount++; } CString newTextUtf = TextFormat::UnicodeToUTF8(newText); cp->text = new char[newTextUtf.GetLength() + 1]; strcpy(cp->text,newTextUtf); *res = 1; } }
extern void ParseMicrosoft( void ) /********************************/ // read in Microsoft linker commands { char cmd[LINE_BUF_SIZE]; char *end; size_t len; bool first; bool more_objs; bool more_libs; /* Start with object files. */ mask_spc_chr = 0x1f; /* Replace spaces with another character. */ more_cmdline = !!*CmdFile->current; first = more_cmdline; is_new_line = true; do { more_objs = false; /* No more unless we discover otherwise. */ if( first ) len = GetLine( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), OPTION_SLOT ); else len = GetLine( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), OBJECT_SLOT ); if( !len ) break; end = LastStringChar( cmd ); if( *end == mask_spc_chr ) { more_objs = true; *end = '\0'; } TokenizeLine( cmd, mask_spc_chr, DoOneObject ); first = false; } while( more_objs ); /* Check for possible error conditions. */ if( OverlayLevel ) Error( "unmatched left parenthesis" ); FindObjectName(); /* This will report an error if no objects. */ mask_spc_chr = 0; /* Remove spaces in input. */ /* Get executable and map file name. */ GetNextInput( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), RUN_SLOT ); GetNextInput( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), MAP_SLOT ); mask_spc_chr = 0x1f; /* Replace spaces with another character. */ /* Get library file names. */ if( !is_term ) { do { GetLine( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), LIBRARY_SLOT ); more_libs = false; if( is_term || *cmd == '\0' ) break; end = LastStringChar( cmd ); if( *end == mask_spc_chr ) { more_libs = true; *end = '\0'; } TokenizeLine( cmd, mask_spc_chr, DoOneLib ); } while( more_libs ); } mask_spc_chr = 0; /* Remove spaces in input again. */ /* Get def file name and process it. */ GetNextInput( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), DEF_SLOT ); ProcessDefFile(); }