void HPGL_PLOTTER::FlashPadRoundRect( const wxPoint& aPadPos, const wxSize& aSize,
                                        int aCornerRadius, double aOrient,
                                        EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aTraceMode )
    SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;
    const int segmentToCircleCount = 32;

    wxSize size = aSize;

    if( aTraceMode == FILLED )
        // in filled mode, the pen diameter is removed from size
        // to keep the pad size
        size.x -= KiROUND( penDiameter ) / 2;
        size.x = std::max( size.x, 0);
        size.y -= KiROUND( penDiameter ) / 2;
        size.y = std::max( size.y, 0);

        // keep aCornerRadius to a value < min size x,y < 2:
        aCornerRadius = std::min( aCornerRadius, std::min( size.x, size.y ) /2 );

    TransformRoundRectToPolygon( outline, aPadPos, size, aOrient,
                                 aCornerRadius, segmentToCircleCount );

    // TransformRoundRectToPolygon creates only one convex polygon
    std::vector< wxPoint > cornerList;
    cornerList.reserve( segmentToCircleCount + 4 );
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& poly = outline.Outline( 0 );

    for( int ii = 0; ii < poly.PointCount(); ++ii )
        cornerList.push_back( wxPoint( poly.Point( ii ).x, poly.Point( ii ).y ) );

    PlotPoly( cornerList, aTraceMode == FILLED ? FILLED_SHAPE : NO_FILL );
void GERBER_PLOTTER::FlashPadRoundRect( const wxPoint& aPadPos, const wxSize& aSize,
                                     int aCornerRadius, double aOrient,
                                     EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aTraceMode, void* aData )

    GBR_METADATA gbr_metadata;

    if( aData )
        gbr_metadata = *static_cast<GBR_METADATA*>( aData );
        // If the pad is drawn on a copper layer,
        // set attribute to GBR_APERTURE_ATTRIB_CONDUCTOR
        if( gbr_metadata.IsCopper() )
            gbr_metadata.SetApertureAttrib( GBR_APERTURE_METADATA::GBR_APERTURE_ATTRIB_CONDUCTOR );

        wxString attrname( ".P" );
        gbr_metadata.m_NetlistMetadata.ClearAttribute( &attrname );   // not allowed on inner layers

    if( aTraceMode != FILLED )
        SetCurrentLineWidth( USE_DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH, &gbr_metadata );

    // Currently, a Pad RoundRect is plotted as polygon.
    // TODO: use Aperture macro and flash it
    SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;
    const int segmentToCircleCount = 64;
    TransformRoundRectToPolygon( outline, aPadPos, aSize, aOrient,
                                 aCornerRadius, segmentToCircleCount );

    if( aTraceMode != FILLED )
        outline.Inflate( -GetCurrentLineWidth()/2, 16 );

    std::vector< wxPoint > cornerList;
    // TransformRoundRectToPolygon creates only one convex polygon
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& poly = outline.Outline( 0 );
    cornerList.reserve( poly.PointCount() + 1 );

    for( int ii = 0; ii < poly.PointCount(); ++ii )
        cornerList.push_back( wxPoint( poly.Point( ii ).x, poly.Point( ii ).y ) );

    // Close polygon
    cornerList.push_back( cornerList[0] );

    PlotPoly( cornerList, aTraceMode == FILLED ? FILLED_SHAPE : NO_FILL,
              aTraceMode == FILLED ? 0 : GetCurrentLineWidth(), &gbr_metadata );

    // Now, flash a pad anchor, if a netlist attribute is set
    // (remove me when a Aperture macro will be used)
    if( aData && aTraceMode == FILLED )
        int diameter = std::min( aSize.x, aSize.y );
        FlashPadCircle( aPadPos, diameter, aTraceMode , aData );
void DXF_PLOTTER::FlashPadRoundRect( const wxPoint& aPadPos, const wxSize& aSize,
                                     int aCornerRadius, double aOrient,
                                     EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aTraceMode, void* aData )
    SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;
    const int segmentToCircleCount = 64;
    TransformRoundRectToPolygon( outline, aPadPos, aSize, aOrient,
                                 aCornerRadius, segmentToCircleCount );

    // TransformRoundRectToPolygon creates only one convex polygon
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& poly = outline.Outline( 0 );

    MoveTo( wxPoint( poly.Point( 0 ).x, poly.Point( 0 ).y ) );

    for( int ii = 1; ii < poly.PointCount(); ++ii )
        LineTo( wxPoint( poly.Point( ii ).x, poly.Point( ii ).y ) );

    FinishTo( wxPoint( poly.Point( 0 ).x, poly.Point( 0 ).y ) );
void PSLIKE_PLOTTER::FlashPadRoundRect( const wxPoint& aPadPos, const wxSize& aSize,
                                        int aCornerRadius, double aOrient,
                                        EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aTraceMode, void* aData )
    wxSize size( aSize );

    if( aTraceMode == FILLED )
        SetCurrentLineWidth( 0 );
        SetCurrentLineWidth( USE_DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH );
        size.x -= GetCurrentLineWidth();
        size.y -= GetCurrentLineWidth();
        aCornerRadius -= GetCurrentLineWidth()/2;

    SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;
    const int segmentToCircleCount = 64;
    TransformRoundRectToPolygon( outline, aPadPos, size, aOrient,
                                 aCornerRadius, segmentToCircleCount );

    std::vector< wxPoint > cornerList;
    cornerList.reserve( segmentToCircleCount + 5 );
    // TransformRoundRectToPolygon creates only one convex polygon
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& poly = outline.Outline( 0 );

    for( int ii = 0; ii < poly.PointCount(); ++ii )
        cornerList.push_back( wxPoint( poly.Point( ii ).x, poly.Point( ii ).y ) );

    // Close polygon
    cornerList.push_back( cornerList[0] );

    PlotPoly( cornerList, ( aTraceMode == FILLED ) ? FILLED_SHAPE : NO_FILL,
              GetCurrentLineWidth() );
bool D_PAD::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosition ) const
    int dx, dy;

    wxPoint shape_pos = ShapePos();

    wxPoint delta = aPosition - shape_pos;

    // first test: a test point must be inside a minimum sized bounding circle.
    int radius = GetBoundingRadius();

    if( ( abs( delta.x ) > radius ) || ( abs( delta.y ) > radius ) )
        return false;

    dx = m_Size.x >> 1; // dx also is the radius for rounded pads
    dy = m_Size.y >> 1;

    switch( GetShape() )
        if( KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( delta ) ) <= dx )
            return true;


        wxPoint poly[4];
        BuildPadPolygon( poly, wxSize(0,0), 0 );
        RotatePoint( &delta, -m_Orient );

        return TestPointInsidePolygon( poly, 4, delta );

    case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:
        RotatePoint( &delta, -m_Orient );
        // An oval pad has the same shape as a segment with rounded ends
        // After rotation, the test point is relative to an horizontal pad
        int dist;
        wxPoint offset;
        if( dy > dx )   // shape is a vertical oval
            offset.y = dy - dx;
            dist = dx;
        else    //if( dy <= dx ) shape is an horizontal oval
            offset.x = dy - dx;
            dist = dy;
        return TestSegmentHit( delta, - offset, offset, dist );

    case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:
        RotatePoint( &delta, -m_Orient );

        if( (abs( delta.x ) <= dx ) && (abs( delta.y ) <= dy) )
            return true;


        // Check for hit in polygon
        SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;
        const int segmentToCircleCount = 32;
        TransformRoundRectToPolygon( outline, wxPoint(0,0), GetSize(), m_Orient,
                                 GetRoundRectCornerRadius(), segmentToCircleCount );

        const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN &poly = outline.COutline( 0 );
        return TestPointInsidePolygon( (const wxPoint*)&poly.CPoint(0), poly.PointCount(), delta );

        // Check for hit in polygon
        RotatePoint( &delta, -m_Orient );

        if( m_customShapeAsPolygon.OutlineCount() )
            const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& poly = m_customShapeAsPolygon.COutline( 0 );
            return TestPointInsidePolygon( (const wxPoint*)&poly.CPoint(0), poly.PointCount(), delta );

    return false;