文件: csg.c 项目: chegestar/omni-bot
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
tree_t *ProcessWorldBrushes( int brush_start, int brush_end ) {
	bspbrush_t *brushes;
	tree_t *tree;
	node_t *node;
	vec3_t mins, maxs;

	//take the whole world
	mins[0] = map_mins[0] - 8;
	mins[1] = map_mins[1] - 8;
	mins[2] = map_mins[2] - 8;

	maxs[0] = map_maxs[0] + 8;
	maxs[1] = map_maxs[1] + 8;
	maxs[2] = map_maxs[2] + 8;

	//reset the brush bsp

	// the makelist and chopbrushes could be cached between the passes...

	//create a list with brushes that are within the given mins/maxs
	//some brushes will be cut and only the part that falls within the
	//mins/maxs will be in the bush list
	brushes = MakeBspBrushList( brush_start, brush_end, mins, maxs );

	if ( !brushes ) {
		node = AllocNode();
		node->planenum = PLANENUM_LEAF;
		node->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID;

		tree = Tree_Alloc();
		tree->headnode = node;
		VectorCopy( mins, tree->mins );
		VectorCopy( maxs, tree->maxs );
	} //end if
		//Carves any intersecting solid brushes into the minimum number
		//of non-intersecting brushes.
		if ( !nocsg ) {
			brushes = ChopBrushes( brushes );
			if (create_aas)
				brushes = MergeBrushes(brushes);
			} //end if*/
		} //end if
		  //if the conversion is cancelled
		if ( cancelconversion ) {
			FreeBrushList( brushes );
			return NULL;
		} //end if
		  //create the actual bsp tree
		tree = BrushBSP( brushes, mins, maxs );
	} //end else
	  //return the tree
	return tree;
} //end of the function ProcessWorldBrushes
// The incoming brush list will be freed before exiting
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					-
// Changes Globals:		-
tree_t *BrushBSP( bspbrush_t *brushlist, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs ) {
	int i, c_faces, c_nonvisfaces, c_brushes;
	bspbrush_t *b;
	node_t *node;
	tree_t *tree;
	vec_t volume;
//	vec3_t point;

	Log_Print( "-------- Brush BSP ---------\n" );

	tree = Tree_Alloc();

	c_faces = 0;
	c_nonvisfaces = 0;
	c_brushes = 0;
	c_totalsides = 0;
	for ( b = brushlist; b; b = b->next )

		volume = BrushVolume( b );
		if ( volume < microvolume ) {
			Log_Print( "WARNING: entity %i, brush %i: microbrush\n",
					   b->original->entitynum, b->original->brushnum );
		} //end if

		for ( i = 0 ; i < b->numsides ; i++ )
			if ( b->sides[i].flags & SFL_BEVEL ) {
			if ( !b->sides[i].winding ) {
			if ( b->sides[i].texinfo == TEXINFO_NODE ) {
			if ( b->sides[i].flags & SFL_VISIBLE ) {
			} //end if
				//if (create_aas) b->sides[i].texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE;
			} //end if
		} //end for
		c_totalsides += b->numsides;

		AddPointToBounds( b->mins, tree->mins, tree->maxs );
		AddPointToBounds( b->maxs, tree->mins, tree->maxs );
	} //end for

	Log_Print( "%6i brushes\n", c_brushes );
	Log_Print( "%6i visible faces\n", c_faces );
	Log_Print( "%6i nonvisible faces\n", c_nonvisfaces );
	Log_Print( "%6i total sides\n", c_totalsides );

	c_active_brushes = c_brushes;
	c_nodememory = 0;
	c_brushmemory = 0;
	c_peak_brushmemory = 0;

	c_nodes = 0;
	c_nonvis = 0;
	node = AllocNode();

	//volume of first node (head node)
	node->volume = BrushFromBounds( mins, maxs );
	tree->headnode = node;
	//just get some statistics and the mins/maxs of the node
	numrecurse = 0;
//	qprintf("%6d splits", numrecurse);

	tree->headnode->brushlist = brushlist;
	BuildTree( tree );

	//build the bsp tree with the start node from the brushlist
//	node = BuildTree_r(node, brushlist);

	//if the conversion is cancelled
	if ( cancelconversion ) {
		return tree;

	qprintf( "\n" );
	Log_Write( "%6d splits\r\n", numrecurse );
//	Log_Print("%6i visible nodes\n", c_nodes/2 - c_nonvis);
//	Log_Print("%6i nonvis nodes\n", c_nonvis);
//	Log_Print("%6i leaves\n", (c_nodes+1)/2);
//	Log_Print("%6i solid leaf nodes\n", c_solidleafnodes);
//	Log_Print("%6i active brushes\n", c_active_brushes);
	if ( numthreads == 1 ) {
//		Log_Print("%6i KB of node memory\n", c_nodememory >> 10);
//		Log_Print("%6i KB of brush memory\n", c_brushmemory >> 10);
//		Log_Print("%6i KB of peak brush memory\n", c_peak_brushmemory >> 10);
//		Log_Print("%6i KB of winding memory\n", WindingMemory() >> 10);
//		Log_Print("%6i KB of peak winding memory\n", WindingPeakMemory() >> 10);
		Log_Print( "%6i KB of peak total bsp memory\n", c_peak_totalbspmemory >> 10 );
	} //end if