void TW_CALL UiPropertyGrid::GetCallbackPropertyString( void* value, void* clientData )
	std::string *destPtr = static_cast<std::string *>(value);

	SceneManager::Property* property ( reinterpret_cast<SceneManager::Property*>(clientData) );
	property->GetValue( *(std::string*)value );
	TwCopyStdStringToLibrary(*destPtr, *(std::string*)value); // Get: copy the value of s to AntTweakBar
// Callback function called by AntTweakBar to get the "EditTitle" std::string variable
void TW_CALL GetBarTitleCB(void *value, void *clientData)
    std::string *destStringPtr = (std::string *)(value);
    int barIndex = *(int *)(&clientData);   // clientData stores the bar index
    std::string title = g_BarTitles[barIndex];

    // Do not assign destStringPtr directly (see TwCopyStdStringToLibrary doc for explanation):
    // Use TwCopyStdStringToLibrary to copy the bar title string to AntTweakBar
    TwCopyStdStringToLibrary(*destStringPtr, title);
void TW_CALL GetMyStdStringCB(void *value, void * /*clientData*/)
	// Get: copy the value of s to AntTweakBar
	std::string *destPtr = static_cast<std::string *>(value);
	TwCopyStdStringToLibrary(*destPtr, g_leapListener.gestureName); // the use of TwCopyStdStringToLibrary is required here