/* parse a type - the part which is repeated with each identifier in a declaration list */
void TypeParseIdentPart(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *BasicTyp, struct ValueType **Typ, char **Identifier)
    struct ParseState Before;
    enum LexToken Token;
    struct Value *LexValue;
    int Done = FALSE;
    *Typ = BasicTyp;
    *Identifier = StrEmpty;
    while (!Done)
        ParserCopy(&Before, Parser);
        Token = LexGetToken(Parser, &LexValue, TRUE);
        switch (Token)
            case TokenOpenBracket:
                if (*Typ != NULL)
                    ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
                TypeParse(Parser, Typ, Identifier, NULL);
                if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenCloseBracket)
                    ProgramFail(Parser, "')' expected");
            case TokenAsterisk:
                if (*Typ == NULL)
                    ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");

                *Typ = TypeGetMatching(Parser, *Typ, TypePointer, 0, StrEmpty, TRUE);
            case TokenIdentifier:
                if (*Typ == NULL || *Identifier != StrEmpty)
                    ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");
                *Identifier = LexValue->Val->Identifier;
                Done = TRUE;
            default: ParserCopy(Parser, &Before); Done = TRUE; break;
    if (*Typ == NULL)
        ProgramFail(Parser, "bad type declaration");

    if (*Identifier != StrEmpty)
        /* parse stuff after the identifier */
        *Typ = TypeParseBack(Parser, *Typ);
/* parse a type - the part at the end after the identifier. eg. array specifications etc. */
struct ValueType *TypeParseBack(struct ParseState *Parser, struct ValueType *FromType)
    enum LexToken Token;
    struct ParseState Before;

    ParserCopy(&Before, Parser);
    Token = LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
    if (Token == TokenLeftSquareBracket)
        /* add another array bound */
        if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, FALSE) == TokenRightSquareBracket)
            /* an unsized array */
            LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE);
            return TypeGetMatching(Parser, TypeParseBack(Parser, FromType), TypeArray, 0, StrEmpty, TRUE);
            /* get a numeric array size */
            enum RunMode OldMode = Parser->Mode;
            int ArraySize;
            Parser->Mode = RunModeRun;
            ArraySize = ExpressionParseInt(Parser);
            Parser->Mode = OldMode;
            if (LexGetToken(Parser, NULL, TRUE) != TokenRightSquareBracket)
                ProgramFail(Parser, "']' expected");
            return TypeGetMatching(Parser, TypeParseBack(Parser, FromType), TypeArray, ArraySize, StrEmpty, TRUE);
        /* the type specification has finished */
        ParserCopy(Parser, &Before);
        return FromType;