bool SurrogatePairAwareTextIterator::consumeSlowCase(UChar32& character, unsigned& clusterLength)
    if (character <= 0x30FE) {
        // Deal with Hiragana and Katakana voiced and semi-voiced syllables.
        // Normalize into composed form, and then look for glyph with base + combined mark.
        // Check above for character range to minimize performance impact.
        if (UChar32 normalized = normalizeVoicingMarks()) {
            character = normalized;
            clusterLength = 2;
        return true;

    if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE(character))
        return true;

    // If we have a surrogate pair, make sure it starts with the high part.
    if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(character))
        return false;

    // Do we have a surrogate pair? If so, determine the full Unicode (32 bit) code point before glyph lookup.
    // Make sure we have another character and it's a low surrogate.
    if (m_currentCharacter + 1 >= m_endCharacter)
        return false;

    UChar low = m_characters[1];
    if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(low))
        return false;

    character = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(character, low);
    clusterLength = 2;
    return true;
// FIXME: This function may not work if the emphasis mark uses a complex script, but none of the
// standard emphasis marks do so.
bool Font::getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(const AtomicString& mark, GlyphData& glyphData) const
    if (mark.isEmpty())
        return false;

    // FIXME: Implement for SVG fonts.
    if (primaryFont()->isSVGFont())
        return false;

    UChar32 character = mark[0];

    if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(character)) {
        if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(character))
            return false;

        if (mark.length() < 2)
            return false;

        UChar low = mark[1];
        if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(low))
            return false;

        character = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(character, low);

    glyphData = glyphDataForCharacter(character, false, EmphasisMarkVariant);
    return true;
static UChar32 surrogatePairAwareFirstCharacter(const UChar* characters, unsigned length)
    if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(characters[0])) {
        if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(characters[0]) || length < 2 || !U16_IS_TRAIL(characters[1]))
            return ' ';
        return U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(characters[0], characters[1]);
    return characters[0];
static String getFontFamilyForCharacters(const UChar* characters, size_t numCharacters)
    FcCharSet* cset = FcCharSetCreate();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < numCharacters; ++i) {
        if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(characters[i])
         && U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(characters[i])
         && i != numCharacters - 1
         && U16_IS_TRAIL(characters[i + 1])) {
              if (FcCharSetAddChar(cset, U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(characters[i], characters[i+1])) == FcFalse)
                  return String();
        } else
              if (FcCharSetAddChar(cset, characters[i]) == FcFalse)
                  return String();


    FcPattern *pattern = FcPatternCreate();

    FcPatternAddCharSet(pattern, FC_CHARSET, cset);

    FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

    FcResult result;
    FcPattern *match = FcFontMatch(0, pattern, &result);

    FcChar8 *filename;

    if (FcPatternGetString(match, FC_FILE, 0, &filename) != FcResultMatch) {
        return String();

    FcChar8* family;

    if (FcPatternGetString(match, FC_FAMILY, 0, &family) == FcResultMatch) {
        const char* charFamily = reinterpret_cast<char*>(family);
        return String(charFamily);


    return String();
bool UTF16TextIterator::isValidSurrogatePair(UChar32& character)
    // If we have a surrogate pair, make sure it starts with the high part.
    if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(character))
        return false;

    // Do we have a surrogate pair? If so, determine the full Unicode (32 bit)
    // code point before glyph lookup.
    // Make sure we have another character and it's a low surrogate.
    if (m_characters + 1 >= m_charactersEnd)
        return false;

    UChar low = m_characters[1];
    if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(low))
        return false;
    return true;
FcPattern* createFontConfigPatternForCharacters(const UChar* characters, int length)
    FcPattern* pattern = FcPatternCreate();

    FcCharSet* fontConfigCharSet = FcCharSetCreate();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(characters[i]) && U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(characters[i])
                && i != length - 1 && U16_IS_TRAIL(characters[i + 1])) {
            FcCharSetAddChar(fontConfigCharSet, U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(characters[i], characters[i+1]));
        } else
            FcCharSetAddChar(fontConfigCharSet, characters[i]);
    FcPatternAddCharSet(pattern, FC_CHARSET, fontConfigCharSet);

    FcPatternAddBool(pattern, FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue);
    FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);
    return pattern;
// FIXME: This function may not work if the emphasis mark uses a complex script, but none of the
// standard emphasis marks do so.
bool Font::getEmphasisMarkGlyphData(const AtomicString& mark, GlyphData& glyphData) const
    if (mark.isEmpty())
        return false;

    UChar32 character = mark[0];

    if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(character)) {
        if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(character))
            return false;

        if (mark.length() < 2)
            return false;

        UChar low = mark[1];
        if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(low))
            return false;

        character = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(character, low);

    glyphData = glyphDataForCharacter(character, false, EmphasisMarkVariant);
    return true;
bool readUTFChar(const UChar* str, int* begin, int length, unsigned* codePoint)
    if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(str[*begin])) {
        if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(str[*begin]) || *begin + 1 >= length || !U16_IS_TRAIL(str[*begin + 1])) {
            // Invalid surrogate pair.
            *codePoint = kUnicodeReplacementCharacter;
            return false;

        // Valid surrogate pair.
        *codePoint = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(str[*begin], str[*begin + 1]);
    } else {
        // Not a surrogate, just one 16-bit word.
        *codePoint = str[*begin];

    if (U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(*codePoint))
        return true;

    // Invalid code point.
    *codePoint = kUnicodeReplacementCharacter;
    return false;
void WidthIterator::advance(int offset, GlyphBuffer* glyphBuffer)
    if (offset > m_end)
        offset = m_end;

    int currentCharacter = m_currentCharacter;
    const UChar* cp = m_run.data(currentCharacter);

    bool rtl = m_run.rtl();
    bool hasExtraSpacing = (m_font->letterSpacing() || m_font->wordSpacing() || m_padding) && !m_run.spacingDisabled();

    float widthSinceLastRounding = m_runWidthSoFar;
    m_runWidthSoFar = floorf(m_runWidthSoFar);
    widthSinceLastRounding -= m_runWidthSoFar;

    float lastRoundingWidth = m_finalRoundingWidth;
    FloatRect bounds;

    const SimpleFontData* primaryFont = m_font->primaryFont();
    const SimpleFontData* lastFontData = primaryFont;

    while (currentCharacter < offset) {
        UChar32 c = *cp;
        unsigned clusterLength = 1;
        if (c >= 0x3041) {
            if (c <= 0x30FE) {
                // Deal with Hiragana and Katakana voiced and semi-voiced syllables.
                // Normalize into composed form, and then look for glyph with base + combined mark.
                // Check above for character range to minimize performance impact.
                UChar32 normalized = normalizeVoicingMarks(currentCharacter);
                if (normalized) {
                    c = normalized;
                    clusterLength = 2;
            } else if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) {
                if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c))

                // Do we have a surrogate pair?  If so, determine the full Unicode (32 bit)
                // code point before glyph lookup.
                // Make sure we have another character and it's a low surrogate.
                if (currentCharacter + 1 >= m_run.length())
                UChar low = cp[1];
                if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(low))
                c = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, low);
                clusterLength = 2;

        const GlyphData& glyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(c, rtl);
        Glyph glyph = glyphData.glyph;
        const SimpleFontData* fontData = glyphData.fontData;


        // Now that we have a glyph and font data, get its width.
        float width;
        if (c == '\t' && m_run.allowTabs()) {
            float tabWidth = m_font->tabWidth(*fontData);
            width = tabWidth - fmodf(m_run.xPos() + m_runWidthSoFar + widthSinceLastRounding, tabWidth);
        } else {
            width = fontData->widthForGlyph(glyph);

            // SVG uses horizontalGlyphStretch(), when textLength is used to stretch/squeeze text.
            width *= m_run.horizontalGlyphStretch();

            // We special case spaces in two ways when applying word rounding.
            // First, we round spaces to an adjusted width in all fonts.
            // Second, in fixed-pitch fonts we ensure that all characters that
            // match the width of the space character have the same width as the space character.
            if (width == fontData->spaceWidth() && (fontData->pitch() == FixedPitch || glyph == fontData->spaceGlyph()) && m_run.applyWordRounding())
                width = fontData->adjustedSpaceWidth();

        if (fontData != lastFontData && width) {
            lastFontData = fontData;
            if (m_fallbackFonts && fontData != primaryFont) {
                // FIXME: This does a little extra work that could be avoided if
                // glyphDataForCharacter() returned whether it chose to use a small caps font.
                if (!m_font->isSmallCaps() || c == toUpper(c))
                else {
                    const GlyphData& uppercaseGlyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(toUpper(c), rtl);
                    if (uppercaseGlyphData.fontData != primaryFont)

        if (hasExtraSpacing) {
            // Account for letter-spacing.
            if (width && m_font->letterSpacing())
                width += m_font->letterSpacing();

            if (Font::treatAsSpace(c)) {
                // Account for padding. WebCore uses space padding to justify text.
                // We distribute the specified padding over the available spaces in the run.
                if (m_padding) {
                    // Use left over padding if not evenly divisible by number of spaces.
                    if (m_padding < m_padPerSpace) {
                        width += m_padding;
                        m_padding = 0;
                    } else {
                        float previousPadding = m_padding;
                        m_padding -= m_padPerSpace;
                        width += roundf(previousPadding) - roundf(m_padding);

                // Account for word spacing.
                // We apply additional space between "words" by adding width to the space character.
                if (currentCharacter != 0 && !Font::treatAsSpace(cp[-1]) && m_font->wordSpacing())
                    width += m_font->wordSpacing();

        if (m_accountForGlyphBounds) {
            bounds = fontData->boundsForGlyph(glyph);
            if (!currentCharacter)
                m_firstGlyphOverflow = max<float>(0, -bounds.x());

        if (m_forTextEmphasis && !Font::canReceiveTextEmphasis(c))
            glyph = 0;

        // Advance past the character we just dealt with.
        cp += clusterLength;
        currentCharacter += clusterLength;

        // Account for float/integer impedance mismatch between CG and KHTML. "Words" (characters 
        // followed by a character defined by isRoundingHackCharacter()) are always an integer width.
        // We adjust the width of the last character of a "word" to ensure an integer width.
        // If we move KHTML to floats we can remove this (and related) hacks.

        float oldWidth = width;

        // Force characters that are used to determine word boundaries for the rounding hack
        // to be integer width, so following words will start on an integer boundary.
        if (m_run.applyWordRounding() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(c)) {
            width = ceilf(width);

            // Since widthSinceLastRounding can lose precision if we include measurements for
            // preceding whitespace, we bypass it here.
            m_runWidthSoFar += width;

            // Since this is a rounding hack character, we should have reset this sum on the previous
            // iteration.
        } else {
            // Check to see if the next character is a "rounding hack character", if so, adjust
            // width so that the total run width will be on an integer boundary.
            if ((m_run.applyWordRounding() && currentCharacter < m_run.length() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(*cp))
                    || (m_run.applyRunRounding() && currentCharacter >= m_end)) {
                float totalWidth = widthSinceLastRounding + width;
                widthSinceLastRounding = ceilf(totalWidth);
                width += widthSinceLastRounding - totalWidth;
                m_runWidthSoFar += widthSinceLastRounding;
                widthSinceLastRounding = 0;
            } else
                widthSinceLastRounding += width;

        if (glyphBuffer)
            glyphBuffer->add(glyph, fontData, (rtl ? oldWidth + lastRoundingWidth : width));

        lastRoundingWidth = width - oldWidth;

        if (m_accountForGlyphBounds) {
            m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY = max(m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY, bounds.bottom());
            m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY = min(m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY, bounds.y());
            m_lastGlyphOverflow = max<float>(0, bounds.right() - width);

    m_currentCharacter = currentCharacter;
    m_runWidthSoFar += widthSinceLastRounding;
    m_finalRoundingWidth = lastRoundingWidth;
 * Match each code point in a string against each code point in the matchSet.
 * Return the index of the first string code point that
 * is (polarity==TRUE) or is not (FALSE) contained in the matchSet.
 * Return -(string length)-1 if there is no such code point.
static int32_t
_matchFromSet(const UChar* string, const UChar* matchSet, UBool polarity) {
    int32_t matchLen, matchBMPLen, strItr, matchItr;
    UChar32 stringCh, matchCh;
    UChar c, c2;

    /* first part of matchSet contains only BMP code points */
    matchBMPLen = 0;
    while ((c = matchSet[matchBMPLen]) != 0 && U16_IS_SINGLE(c)) {

    /* second part of matchSet contains BMP and supplementary code points */
    matchLen = matchBMPLen;
    while (matchSet[matchLen] != 0) {

    for (strItr = 0; (c = string[strItr]) != 0;) {
        if (U16_IS_SINGLE(c)) {
            if (polarity) {
                for (matchItr = 0; matchItr < matchLen; ++matchItr) {
                    if (c == matchSet[matchItr]) {
                        return strItr - 1; /* one matches */
            } else {
                for (matchItr = 0; matchItr < matchLen; ++matchItr) {
                    if (c == matchSet[matchItr]) {
                        goto endloop;
                return strItr - 1; /* none matches */
        } else {
             * No need to check for string length before U16_IS_TRAIL
             * because c2 could at worst be the terminating NUL.
            if (U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c) && U16_IS_TRAIL(c2 = string[strItr])) {
                stringCh = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, c2);
            } else {
                stringCh = c; /* unpaired trail surrogate */

            if (polarity) {
                for (matchItr = matchBMPLen; matchItr < matchLen;) {
                    U16_NEXT(matchSet, matchItr, matchLen, matchCh);
                    if (stringCh == matchCh) {
                        return strItr - U16_LENGTH(stringCh); /* one matches */
            } else {
                for (matchItr = matchBMPLen; matchItr < matchLen;) {
                    U16_NEXT(matchSet, matchItr, matchLen, matchCh);
                    if (stringCh == matchCh) {
                        goto endloop;
                return strItr - U16_LENGTH(stringCh); /* none matches */
        /* wish C had continue with labels like Java... */;

    /* Didn't find it. */
    return -strItr - 1;
static void
UConverter_fromUnicode_CompoundText_OFFSETS(UConverterFromUnicodeArgs* args, UErrorCode* err){
    UConverter *cnv = args->converter;
    uint8_t *target = (uint8_t *) args->target;
    const uint8_t *targetLimit = (const uint8_t *) args->targetLimit;
    const UChar* source = args->source;
    const UChar* sourceLimit = args->sourceLimit;
    /* int32_t* offsets = args->offsets; */
    UChar32 sourceChar;
    UBool useFallback = cnv->useFallback;
    uint8_t tmpTargetBuffer[7];
    int32_t tmpTargetBufferLength = 0;
    COMPOUND_TEXT_CONVERTERS currentState, tmpState;
    uint32_t pValue;
    int32_t pValueLength = 0;
    int32_t i, n, j;

    UConverterDataCompoundText *myConverterData = (UConverterDataCompoundText *) cnv->extraInfo;

    currentState = myConverterData->state;

    /* check if the last codepoint of previous buffer was a lead surrogate*/
    if((sourceChar = cnv->fromUChar32)!=0 && target< targetLimit) {
        goto getTrail;

    while( source < sourceLimit){
        if(target < targetLimit){

            sourceChar  = *(source++);
            /*check if the char is a First surrogate*/
             if(U16_IS_SURROGATE(sourceChar)) {
                if(U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(sourceChar)) {
                    /*look ahead to find the trail surrogate*/
                    if(source < sourceLimit) {
                        /* test the following code unit */
                        UChar trail=(UChar) *source;
                        if(U16_IS_TRAIL(trail)) {
                            sourceChar=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(sourceChar, trail);
                            /* convert this supplementary code point */
                            /* exit this condition tree */
                        } else {
                            /* this is an unmatched lead code unit (1st surrogate) */
                            /* callback(illegal) */
                    } else {
                        /* no more input */
                } else {
                    /* this is an unmatched trail code unit (2nd surrogate) */
                    /* callback(illegal) */

             tmpTargetBufferLength = 0;
             tmpState = getState(sourceChar);

             if (tmpState != DO_SEARCH && currentState != tmpState) {
                 /* Get escape sequence if necessary */
                 currentState = tmpState;
                 for (i = 0; escSeqCompoundText[currentState][i] != 0; i++) {
                     tmpTargetBuffer[tmpTargetBufferLength++] = escSeqCompoundText[currentState][i];

             if (tmpState == DO_SEARCH) {
                 /* Test all available converters */
                 for (i = 1; i < SEARCH_LENGTH; i++) {
                     pValueLength = ucnv_MBCSFromUChar32(myConverterData->myConverterArray[i], sourceChar, &pValue, useFallback);
                     if (pValueLength > 0) {
                         tmpState = (COMPOUND_TEXT_CONVERTERS)i;
                         if (currentState != tmpState) {
                             currentState = tmpState;
                             for (j = 0; escSeqCompoundText[currentState][j] != 0; j++) {
                                 tmpTargetBuffer[tmpTargetBufferLength++] = escSeqCompoundText[currentState][j];
                         for (n = (pValueLength - 1); n >= 0; n--) {
                             tmpTargetBuffer[tmpTargetBufferLength++] = (uint8_t)(pValue >> (n * 8));
             } else if (tmpState == COMPOUND_TEXT_SINGLE_0) {
void WidthIterator::advance(int offset, GlyphBuffer* glyphBuffer)
    if (offset > m_end)
        offset = m_end;

    int currentCharacter = m_currentCharacter;
    const UChar* cp = m_run.data(currentCharacter);

    bool rtl = m_run.rtl();
    bool hasExtraSpacing = m_font->letterSpacing() || m_font->wordSpacing() || m_padding;

    float runWidthSoFar = m_runWidthSoFar;
    float lastRoundingWidth = m_finalRoundingWidth;
    while (currentCharacter < offset) {
        UChar32 c = *cp;
        unsigned clusterLength = 1;
        if (c >= 0x3041) {
            if (c <= 0x30FE) {
                // Deal with Hiragana and Katakana voiced and semi-voiced syllables.
                // Normalize into composed form, and then look for glyph with base + combined mark.
                // Check above for character range to minimize performance impact.
                UChar32 normalized = normalizeVoicingMarks(currentCharacter);
                if (normalized) {
                    c = normalized;
                    clusterLength = 2;
            } else if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) {
                if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c))

                // Do we have a surrogate pair?  If so, determine the full Unicode (32 bit)
                // code point before glyph lookup.
                // Make sure we have another character and it's a low surrogate.
                if (currentCharacter + 1 >= m_run.length())
                UChar low = cp[1];
                if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(low))
                c = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, low);
                clusterLength = 2;

        const GlyphData& glyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(c, rtl);
        Glyph glyph = glyphData.glyph;
        const SimpleFontData* fontData = glyphData.fontData;


        // Now that we have a glyph and font data, get its width.
        float width;
        if (c == '\t' && m_run.allowTabs()) {
            float tabWidth = m_font->tabWidth();
            width = tabWidth - fmodf(m_run.xPos() + runWidthSoFar, tabWidth);
        } else {
            width = fontData->widthForGlyph(glyph);
            // We special case spaces in two ways when applying word rounding.
            // First, we round spaces to an adjusted width in all fonts.
            // Second, in fixed-pitch fonts we ensure that all characters that
            // match the width of the space character have the same width as the space character.
            if (width == fontData->m_spaceWidth && (fontData->m_treatAsFixedPitch || glyph == fontData->m_spaceGlyph) && m_run.applyWordRounding())
                width = fontData->m_adjustedSpaceWidth;

        if (hasExtraSpacing && !m_run.spacingDisabled()) {
            // Account for letter-spacing.
            if (width && m_font->letterSpacing())
                width += m_font->letterSpacing();

            if (Font::treatAsSpace(c)) {
                // Account for padding. WebCore uses space padding to justify text.
                // We distribute the specified padding over the available spaces in the run.
                if (m_padding) {
                    // Use left over padding if not evenly divisible by number of spaces.
                    if (m_padding < m_padPerSpace) {
                        width += m_padding;
                        m_padding = 0;
                    } else {
                        width += m_padPerSpace;
                        m_padding -= m_padPerSpace;

                // Account for word spacing.
                // We apply additional space between "words" by adding width to the space character.
                if (currentCharacter != 0 && !Font::treatAsSpace(cp[-1]) && m_font->wordSpacing())
                    width += m_font->wordSpacing();

        // Advance past the character we just dealt with.
        cp += clusterLength;
        currentCharacter += clusterLength;

        // Account for float/integer impedance mismatch between CG and KHTML. "Words" (characters 
        // followed by a character defined by isRoundingHackCharacter()) are always an integer width.
        // We adjust the width of the last character of a "word" to ensure an integer width.
        // If we move KHTML to floats we can remove this (and related) hacks.

        float oldWidth = width;

        // Force characters that are used to determine word boundaries for the rounding hack
        // to be integer width, so following words will start on an integer boundary.
        if (m_run.applyWordRounding() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(c))
            width = ceilf(width);

        // Check to see if the next character is a "rounding hack character", if so, adjust
        // width so that the total run width will be on an integer boundary.
        if ((m_run.applyWordRounding() && currentCharacter < m_run.length() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(*cp))
                || (m_run.applyRunRounding() && currentCharacter >= m_end)) {
            float totalWidth = runWidthSoFar + width;
            width += ceilf(totalWidth) - totalWidth;

        runWidthSoFar += width;

        if (glyphBuffer)
            glyphBuffer->add(glyph, fontData, (rtl ? oldWidth + lastRoundingWidth : width));

        lastRoundingWidth = width - oldWidth;

    m_currentCharacter = currentCharacter;
    m_runWidthSoFar = runWidthSoFar;
    m_finalRoundingWidth = lastRoundingWidth;
bool FontConfigDirect::Match(std::string* result_family,
                             unsigned* result_filefaceid,
                             bool filefaceid_valid, unsigned filefaceid,
                             const std::string& family,
                             const void* data, size_t characters_bytes,
                             bool* is_bold, bool* is_italic) {
    if (family.length() > kMaxFontFamilyLength)
        return false;

    SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(mutex_);

    // Given |family|, |is_bold| and |is_italic| but not |data|, the result will
    // be a function of these three parameters, and thus eligible for caching.
    // This is the fast path for |SkTypeface::CreateFromName()|.
    bool eligible_for_cache = !family.empty() && is_bold && is_italic && !data;
    if (eligible_for_cache) {
        int style = (*is_bold ? SkTypeface::kBold : 0 ) |
                    (*is_italic ? SkTypeface::kItalic : 0);
        FontMatchKey key = FontMatchKey(family, style);
        const std::map<FontMatchKey, FontMatch>::const_iterator i =
        if (i != font_match_cache_.end()) {
            *is_bold = i->second.is_bold;
            *is_italic = i->second.is_italic;
            if (result_family)
                *result_family = i->second.family;
            if (result_filefaceid)
                *result_filefaceid = i->second.filefaceid;
            return true;

    FcPattern* pattern = FcPatternCreate();

    if (filefaceid_valid) {
        const std::map<unsigned, std::string>::const_iterator
            i = fileid_to_filename_.find(FileFaceIdToFileId(filefaceid));
        if (i == fileid_to_filename_.end()) {
            return false;
        int face_index = filefaceid & 0xfu;
        FcPatternAddString(pattern, FC_FILE,
            reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8*>(i->second.c_str()));
        // face_index is added only when family is empty because it is not
        // necessary to uniquiely identify a font if both file and
        // family are given.
        if (family.empty())
            FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_INDEX, face_index);
    if (!family.empty()) {
        FcPatternAddString(pattern, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8*) family.c_str());

    FcCharSet* charset = NULL;
    if (data) {
        charset = FcCharSetCreate();
        const uint16_t* chars = (const uint16_t*) data;
        size_t num_chars = characters_bytes / 2;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_chars; ++i) {
            if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(chars[i])
                && U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(chars[i])
                && i != num_chars - 1
                && U16_IS_TRAIL(chars[i + 1])) {
                FcCharSetAddChar(charset, U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(chars[i], chars[i+1]));
            } else {
                FcCharSetAddChar(charset, chars[i]);
        FcPatternAddCharSet(pattern, FC_CHARSET, charset);
        FcCharSetDestroy(charset);  // pattern now owns it.

    FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT,
                        is_bold && *is_bold ? FC_WEIGHT_BOLD
                                            : FC_WEIGHT_NORMAL);
    FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT,
                        is_italic && *is_italic ? FC_SLANT_ITALIC
                                                : FC_SLANT_ROMAN);
    FcPatternAddBool(pattern, FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue);

    FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

    // Font matching:
    // CSS often specifies a fallback list of families:
    //    font-family: a, b, c, serif;
    // However, fontconfig will always do its best to find *a* font when asked
    // for something so we need a way to tell if the match which it has found is
    // "good enough" for us. Otherwise, we can return NULL which gets piped up
    // and lets WebKit know to try the next CSS family name. However, fontconfig
    // configs allow substitutions (mapping "Arial -> Helvetica" etc) and we
    // wish to support that.
    // Thus, if a specific family is requested we set @family_requested. Then we
    // record two strings: the family name after config processing and the
    // family name after resolving. If the two are equal, it's a good match.
    // So consider the case where a user has mapped Arial to Helvetica in their
    // config.
    //    requested family: "Arial"
    //    post_config_family: "Helvetica"
    //    post_match_family: "Helvetica"
    //      -> good match
    // and for a missing font:
    //    requested family: "Monaco"
    //    post_config_family: "Monaco"
    //    post_match_family: "Times New Roman"
    //      -> BAD match
    // However, we special-case fallback fonts; see IsFallbackFontAllowed().
    FcChar8* post_config_family;
    FcPatternGetString(pattern, FC_FAMILY, 0, &post_config_family);

    FcResult result;
    FcFontSet* font_set = FcFontSort(0, pattern, 0, 0, &result);
    if (!font_set) {
        return false;

    FcPattern* match = MatchFont(font_set, post_config_family, family);
    if (!match) {
        return false;


    FcChar8* c_filename;
    if (FcPatternGetString(match, FC_FILE, 0, &c_filename) != FcResultMatch) {
        return false;
    int face_index;
    if (FcPatternGetInteger(match, FC_INDEX, 0, &face_index) != FcResultMatch) {
        return false;

    FontMatch font_match;
    if (filefaceid_valid) {
        font_match.filefaceid = filefaceid;
    } else {
        unsigned out_fileid;
        const std::string filename(reinterpret_cast<char*>(c_filename));
        const std::map<std::string, unsigned>::const_iterator
            i = filename_to_fileid_.find(filename);
        if (i == filename_to_fileid_.end()) {
            out_fileid = next_file_id_++;
            filename_to_fileid_[filename] = out_fileid;
            fileid_to_filename_[out_fileid] = filename;
        } else {
            out_fileid = i->second;
        // fileid stored in filename_to_fileid_ and fileid_to_filename_ is
        // unique only up to the font file. We have to encode face_index for
        // the out param.
        font_match.filefaceid =
            FileIdAndFaceIndexToFileFaceId(out_fileid, face_index);

    bool success = GetFontProperties(match,

    if (success) {
        // If eligible, cache the result of the matching.
        if (eligible_for_cache) {
            int style = (*is_bold ? SkTypeface::kBold : 0 ) |
                        (*is_italic ? SkTypeface::kItalic : 0);
            font_match_cache_[FontMatchKey(family, style)] = font_match;

        if (result_family)
            *result_family = font_match.family;
        if (result_filefaceid)
            *result_filefaceid = font_match.filefaceid;
        if (is_bold)
            *is_bold = font_match.is_bold;
        if (is_italic)
            *is_italic = font_match.is_italic;

    return success;
void CoreTextController::collectCoreTextRuns()
    if (!m_end)

    // We break up glyph run generation for the string by FontData and (if needed) the use of small caps.
    const UChar* cp = m_run.characters();
    bool hasTrailingSoftHyphen = m_run[m_end - 1] == softHyphen;

    if (m_font.isSmallCaps() || hasTrailingSoftHyphen)

    unsigned indexOfFontTransition = m_run.rtl() ? m_end - 1 : 0;
    const UChar* curr = m_run.rtl() ? cp + m_end  - 1 : cp;
    const UChar* end = m_run.rtl() ? cp - 1 : cp + m_end;

    // FIXME: Using HYPHEN-MINUS rather than HYPHEN because Times has a HYPHEN-MINUS glyph that looks like its
    // SOFT-HYPHEN glyph, and has no HYPHEN glyph.
    static const UChar hyphen = '-';

    if (hasTrailingSoftHyphen && m_run.rtl()) {
        collectCoreTextRunsForCharacters(&hyphen, 1, m_end - 1, m_font.glyphDataForCharacter(hyphen, false).fontData);

    GlyphData glyphData;
    GlyphData nextGlyphData;

    bool isSurrogate = U16_IS_SURROGATE(*curr);
    if (isSurrogate) {
        if (m_run.ltr()) {
            if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(curr[0]) || curr + 1 == end || !U16_IS_TRAIL(curr[1]))
            nextGlyphData = m_font.glyphDataForCharacter(U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(curr[0], curr[1]), false);
        } else {
            if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(curr[0]) || curr -1 == end || !U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(curr[-1]))
            nextGlyphData = m_font.glyphDataForCharacter(U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(curr[-1], curr[0]), false);
    } else
        nextGlyphData = m_font.glyphDataForCharacter(*curr, false);

    UChar newC = 0;

    bool isSmallCaps;
    bool nextIsSmallCaps = !isSurrogate && m_font.isSmallCaps() && !(U_GET_GC_MASK(*curr) & U_GC_M_MASK) && (newC = u_toupper(*curr)) != *curr;

    if (nextIsSmallCaps)
        m_smallCapsBuffer[curr - cp] = newC;

    while (true) {
        curr = m_run.rtl() ? curr - (isSurrogate ? 2 : 1) : curr + (isSurrogate ? 2 : 1);
        if (curr == end)

        glyphData = nextGlyphData;
        isSmallCaps = nextIsSmallCaps;
        int index = curr - cp;
        isSurrogate = U16_IS_SURROGATE(*curr);
        UChar c = *curr;
        bool forceSmallCaps = !isSurrogate && isSmallCaps && (U_GET_GC_MASK(c) & U_GC_M_MASK);
        if (isSurrogate) {
            if (m_run.ltr()) {
                if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(curr[0]) || curr + 1 == end || !U16_IS_TRAIL(curr[1]))
                nextGlyphData = m_font.glyphDataForCharacter(U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(curr[0], curr[1]), false);
            } else {
                if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(curr[0]) || curr -1 == end || !U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(curr[-1]))
                nextGlyphData = m_font.glyphDataForCharacter(U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(curr[-1], curr[0]), false);
        } else
            nextGlyphData = m_font.glyphDataForCharacter(*curr, false, forceSmallCaps);

        if (!isSurrogate && m_font.isSmallCaps()) {
            nextIsSmallCaps = forceSmallCaps || (newC = u_toupper(c)) != c;
            if (nextIsSmallCaps)
                m_smallCapsBuffer[index] = forceSmallCaps ? c : newC;

        if (nextGlyphData.fontData != glyphData.fontData || nextIsSmallCaps != isSmallCaps || !nextGlyphData.glyph != !glyphData.glyph) {
            int itemStart = m_run.rtl() ? index + 1 : indexOfFontTransition;
            int itemLength = m_run.rtl() ? indexOfFontTransition - index : index - indexOfFontTransition;
            collectCoreTextRunsForCharacters((isSmallCaps ? m_smallCapsBuffer.data() : cp) + itemStart, itemLength, itemStart, glyphData.glyph ? glyphData.fontData : 0);
            indexOfFontTransition = index;

    int itemLength = m_run.rtl() ? indexOfFontTransition + 1 : m_end - indexOfFontTransition - (hasTrailingSoftHyphen ? 1 : 0);
    if (itemLength) {
        int itemStart = m_run.rtl() ? 0 : indexOfFontTransition;
        collectCoreTextRunsForCharacters((nextIsSmallCaps ? m_smallCapsBuffer.data() : cp) + itemStart, itemLength, itemStart, nextGlyphData.glyph ? nextGlyphData.fontData : 0);

    if (hasTrailingSoftHyphen && m_run.ltr())
        collectCoreTextRunsForCharacters(&hyphen, 1, m_end - 1, m_font.glyphDataForCharacter(hyphen, false).fontData);