 * Perform any initialization.
FAnalyticsProviderET::FAnalyticsProviderET(const FAnalyticsET::Config& ConfigValues)
	, MaxCachedNumEvents(20)
	, MaxCachedElapsedTime(60.0f)
	, bShouldCacheEvents(!FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("ANALYTICSDISABLECACHING")))
	, FlushEventsCountdown(MaxCachedElapsedTime)
	, bInDestructor(false)
	// if we are not caching events, we are operating in debug mode. Turn on super-verbose analytics logging
	if (!bShouldCacheEvents)
		UE_SET_LOG_VERBOSITY(LogAnalytics, VeryVerbose);

	APIKey = ConfigValues.APIKeyET;
	UE_LOG(LogAnalytics, Verbose, TEXT("[%s] Initializing ET Analytics provider"), *APIKey);

	// allow the APIServer value to be empty and use defaults.
	APIServer = ConfigValues.APIServerET.IsEmpty() 
		? FAnalyticsET::Config::GetDefaultAPIServer()
		: ConfigValues.APIServerET;

	// default to GEngineVersion if one is not provided, append GEngineVersion otherwise.
	FString ConfigAppVersion = ConfigValues.AppVersionET;
	// Allow the cmdline to force a specific AppVersion so it can be set dynamically.
	FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("ANALYTICSAPPVERSION="), ConfigAppVersion, false);
	AppVersion = ConfigAppVersion.IsEmpty() 
		? GEngineVersion.ToString() 
		: ConfigAppVersion.Replace(TEXT("%VERSION%"), *GEngineVersion.ToString(), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);

	UE_LOG(LogAnalytics, Log, TEXT("[%s] APIServer = %s. AppVersion = %s"), *APIKey, *APIServer, *AppVersion);

	// cache the build type string
	FAnalytics::BuildType BuildTypeEnum = FAnalytics::Get().GetBuildType();
	BuildType = 
		BuildTypeEnum == FAnalytics::Debug 
			? "Debug"
			: BuildTypeEnum == FAnalytics::Development
				? "Development"
				: BuildTypeEnum == FAnalytics::Release
					? "Release"
					: BuildTypeEnum == FAnalytics::Test
						? "Test"
						: "UNKNOWN";

	// see if there is a cmdline supplied UserID.
	FString ConfigUserID;
	if (FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("ANALYTICSUSERID="), ConfigUserID, false))
 * Perform any initialization.
FAnalyticsProviderET::FAnalyticsProviderET(const FAnalyticsET::Config& ConfigValues)
	, APIKey(ConfigValues.APIKeyET)
	, APIServer(ConfigValues.APIServerET)
	, MaxCachedNumEvents(20)
	, MaxCachedElapsedTime(60.0f)
	, bShouldCacheEvents(!FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("ANALYTICSDISABLECACHING")))
	, FlushEventsCountdown(MaxCachedElapsedTime)
	, bInDestructor(false)
	, UseLegacyProtocol(ConfigValues.UseLegacyProtocol)
	, bUsingLegacyAppServer(false)
	if (APIKey.IsEmpty() || APIServer.IsEmpty())
		UE_LOG(LogAnalytics, Fatal, TEXT("AnalyticsET: APIKey (%s) and APIServer (%s) cannot be empty!"), *APIKey, *APIServer);

	// if we are not caching events, we are operating in debug mode. Turn on super-verbose analytics logging
	if (!bShouldCacheEvents)
		UE_SET_LOG_VERBOSITY(LogAnalytics, VeryVerbose);

	UE_LOG(LogAnalytics, Verbose, TEXT("[%s] Initializing ET Analytics provider"), *APIKey);

	// default to FEngineVersion::Current() if one is not provided, append FEngineVersion::Current() otherwise.
	FString ConfigAppVersion = ConfigValues.AppVersionET;
	// Allow the cmdline to force a specific AppVersion so it can be set dynamically.
	FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("ANALYTICSAPPVERSION="), ConfigAppVersion, false);
	AppVersion = ConfigAppVersion.IsEmpty() 
		? FEngineVersion::Current().ToString() 
		: ConfigAppVersion.Replace(TEXT("%VERSION%"), *FEngineVersion::Current().ToString(), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);

	// support legacy connections that send to the old URL and route them to the new URL.
	// This automatically route older titles to the new endpoint until all their configs can be updated.
	// @todo: Remove this hack once all internal titles have been updated to use the new URL explicitly.
	if (APIServer.Equals(TEXT("http://et2.epicgames.com/ET2/"), ESearchCase::IgnoreCase))
		UE_LOG(LogAnalytics, Warning, TEXT("[%s] APIServer is using legacy URL (%s). Automatically updating to the new data router endpoint. Please update your configuration to explicitly point to a data router endpoint."), *APIKey, *APIServer);
		bUsingLegacyAppServer = true;
		APIServer = TEXT("https://datarouter.ol.epicgames.com/");

	UE_LOG(LogAnalytics, Log, TEXT("[%s] APIServer = %s. AppVersion = %s"), *APIKey, *APIServer, *AppVersion);

	// only need these if we are using the data router protocol.
	if (!UseLegacyProtocol)
		AppEnvironment = ConfigValues.AppEnvironment.IsEmpty()
			? FAnalyticsET::Config::GetDefaultAppEnvironment()
			: ConfigValues.AppEnvironment;
		UploadType = ConfigValues.UploadType.IsEmpty()
			? FAnalyticsET::Config::GetDefaultUploadType()
			: ConfigValues.UploadType;

	// see if there is a cmdline supplied UserID.
	FString ConfigUserID;
	if (FParse::Value(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("ANALYTICSUSERID="), ConfigUserID, false))