 * @brief Actions to perform when destroying one hangar.
 * @param[in] base Pointer to the base where hangar is destroyed.
 * @param[in] capacity Type of hangar capacity: CAP_AIRCRAFT_SMALL or CAP_AIRCRAFT_BIG
 * @note called when player destroy its building or hangar is destroyed during base attack.
 * @note These actions will be performed after we actually remove the building.
 * @pre we checked before calling this function that all parameters are valid.
 * @pre building is not under construction.
 * @sa B_BuildingDestroy_f
 * @todo If player choose to destroy the building, a popup should ask him if he wants to sell aircraft in it.
void CAP_RemoveAircraftExceedingCapacity (base_t* base, baseCapacities_t capacity)
	linkedList_t *awayAircraft = nullptr;
	int numAwayAircraft;
	int randomNum;

	/* destroy aircraft only if there's not enough hangar (hangar is already destroyed) */
	if (CAP_GetFreeCapacity(base, capacity) >= 0)

	/* destroy one aircraft (must not be sold: may be destroyed by aliens) */
	AIR_ForeachFromBase(aircraft, base) {
		const int aircraftSize = aircraft->size;

		switch (aircraftSize) {
			if (capacity != CAP_AIRCRAFT_SMALL)
			if (capacity != CAP_AIRCRAFT_BIG)
			cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "B_RemoveAircraftExceedingCapacity: Unknown type of aircraft '%i'", aircraftSize);

		/* Only aircraft in hangar will be destroyed by hangar destruction */
		if (!AIR_IsAircraftInBase(aircraft)) {
			if (AIR_IsAircraftOnGeoscape(aircraft))
				cgi->LIST_AddPointer(&awayAircraft, (void*)aircraft);

		/* Remove aircraft and aircraft items, but do not fire employees */
	numAwayAircraft = cgi->LIST_Count(awayAircraft);

	if (!numAwayAircraft)
	/* All aircraft are away from base, pick up one and change it's homebase */
	randomNum = rand() % numAwayAircraft;
	if (!CL_DisplayHomebasePopup((aircraft_t*)cgi->LIST_GetByIdx(awayAircraft, randomNum), false)) {
		aircraft_t *aircraft = (aircraft_t*)cgi->LIST_GetByIdx(awayAircraft, randomNum);
		/* No base can hold this aircraft */
		if (!MapIsWater(GEO_GetColor(aircraft->pos, MAPTYPE_TERRAIN, nullptr)))
			CP_SpawnRescueMission(aircraft, nullptr);
		else {
			/* Destroy the aircraft and everything onboard - the aircraft pointer
			 * is no longer valid after this point */
			/* Pilot skills; really kill pilot in this case? */
 * @brief Actions to execute when a fight is done.
 * @param[in] campaign The campaign data structure
 * @param[in] shooter Pointer to the aircraft that fired the projectile.
 * @param[in] aircraft Pointer to the aircraft which was destroyed (alien or phalanx).
 * @param[in] phalanxWon qtrue if PHALANX won, qfalse if UFO won.
 * @note Some of these mission values are redone (and not reloaded) in CP_Load
 * @note shooter may be NULL
 * @sa UFO_DestroyAllUFOsOnGeoscape_f
 * @sa CP_Load
 * @sa CP_SpawnCrashSiteMission
void AIRFIGHT_ActionsAfterAirfight (const campaign_t* campaign, aircraft_t *shooter, aircraft_t* aircraft, qboolean phalanxWon)
	if (phalanxWon) {
		const byte *color;


		/* change destination of other projectiles aiming aircraft */
		/* now update the projectile for the destroyed aircraft, too */

		/* don't remove ufo from global array: the mission is not over yet
		 * UFO are removed from game only at the end of the mission
		 * (in case we need to know what item to collect e.g.) */

		/* get the color value of the map at the crash position */
		color = MAP_GetColor(aircraft->pos, MAPTYPE_TERRAIN, NULL);
		/* if this color value is not the value for water ...
		 * and we hit the probability to spawn a crashsite mission */
		if (!MapIsWater(color)) {
		} else {
			Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_CLIENT, "AIRFIGHT_ActionsAfterAirfight: zone: %s (%i:%i:%i)\n", MAP_GetTerrainType(color), color[0], color[1], color[2]);
			MS_AddNewMessage(_("Interception"), _("UFO interception successful -- UFO lost to sea."), qfalse, MSG_STANDARD, NULL);
	} else {
		/* change destination of other projectiles aiming aircraft */

		/* and now update the projectile pointers (there still might be some in the air
		 * of the current destroyed aircraft) - this is needed not send the aircraft
		 * back to base as soon as the projectiles will hit their target */

		/* notify UFOs that a phalanx aircraft has been destroyed */

		if (!MapIsWater(MAP_GetColor(aircraft->pos, MAPTYPE_TERRAIN, NULL)))
			CP_SpawnRescueMission(aircraft, shooter);
		else {
			/* Destroy the aircraft and everything onboard - the aircraft pointer
			 * is no longer valid after this point */

		/* Make UFO proceed with its mission, if it has not been already destroyed */
		if (shooter)
			CP_UFOProceedMission(campaign, shooter);

		MS_AddNewMessage(_("Interception"), _("You've lost the battle"), qfalse, MSG_DEATH, NULL);
 * @brief Actions to execute when a fight is done.
 * @param[in] campaign The campaign data structure
 * @param[in] shooter Pointer to the aircraft that fired the projectile.
 * @param[in] aircraft Pointer to the aircraft which was destroyed (alien or phalanx).
 * @param[in] phalanxWon true if PHALANX won, false if UFO won.
 * @note Some of these mission values are redone (and not reloaded) in CP_Load
 * @note shooter may be nullptr
 * @sa UFO_DestroyAllUFOsOnGeoscape_f
 * @sa CP_Load
 * @sa CP_SpawnCrashSiteMission
void AIRFIGHT_ActionsAfterAirfight (const campaign_t* campaign, aircraft_t* shooter, aircraft_t* aircraft, bool phalanxWon)
	if (phalanxWon) {
		const byte* color;


		/* change destination of other projectiles aiming aircraft */
		/* now update the projectile for the destroyed aircraft, too */

		/* don't remove ufo from global array: the mission is not over yet
		 * UFO are removed from game only at the end of the mission
		 * (in case we need to know what item to collect e.g.) */

		/* get the color value of the map at the crash position */
		color = GEO_GetColor(aircraft->pos, MAPTYPE_TERRAIN, nullptr);
		/* if this color value is not the value for water ...
		 * and we hit the probability to spawn a crashsite mission */
		if (!MapIsWater(color)) {
		} else {
			Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_CLIENT, "AIRFIGHT_ActionsAfterAirfight: zone: %s (%i:%i:%i)\n", cgi->csi->terrainDefs.getTerrainName(color), color[0], color[1], color[2]);
			MS_AddNewMessage(_("Interception"), _("UFO interception successful -- UFO lost to sea."));

		/* skill increase (for aircraft only, base defences skip) */
		if (shooter) {
			/* Increase targeting skill of pilot who destroyed UFO. Never more than 70, see AIRFIGHT_ProbabilityToHit() */
			shooter->pilot->chr.score.skills[SKILL_TARGETING] += 1;
			shooter->pilot->chr.score.skills[SKILL_TARGETING] = std::min(shooter->pilot->chr.score.skills[SKILL_TARGETING], 70);

			/* Increase evasion skill of pilot who destroyed UFO if the aircraft it attacked can carry weapons.
			 * Never more than 70, see AIRFIGHT_ProbabilityToHit() */
			if (aircraft->maxWeapons > 0) {
				shooter->pilot->chr.score.skills[SKILL_EVADING] += 1;
				shooter->pilot->chr.score.skills[SKILL_EVADING] = std::min(shooter->pilot->chr.score.skills[SKILL_EVADING], 70);
	} else {
		/* change destination of other projectiles aiming aircraft */

		/* and now update the projectile pointers (there still might be some in the air
		 * of the current destroyed aircraft) - this is needed not send the aircraft
		 * back to base as soon as the projectiles will hit their target */

		/* notify UFOs that a phalanx aircraft has been destroyed */

		if (!MapIsWater(GEO_GetColor(aircraft->pos, MAPTYPE_TERRAIN, nullptr))) {
			CP_SpawnRescueMission(aircraft, shooter);
		} else {
			/* Destroy the aircraft and everything onboard - the aircraft pointer
			 * is no longer valid after this point */
			bool pilotSurvived = false;
			if (AIR_PilotSurvivedCrash(aircraft))
				pilotSurvived = true;

			AIR_DestroyAircraft(aircraft, pilotSurvived);

			if (pilotSurvived)
				MS_AddNewMessage(_("Interception"), _("Pilot ejected from craft"), MSG_STANDARD);
				MS_AddNewMessage(_("Interception"), _("Pilot killed in action"), MSG_STANDARD);

		/* Make UFO proceed with its mission, if it has not been already destroyed */
		if (shooter)
			CP_UFOProceedMission(campaign, shooter);

		MS_AddNewMessage(_("Interception"), _("A PHALANX craft has been destroyed"), MSG_DEATH);