static int unpack_all_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C); uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; char title[64]; int count = 0; count = countPackedFiles(bmain); if (!count) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_WARNING, "No packed files to unpack"); G.fileflags &= ~G_AUTOPACK; return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } if (count == 1) BLI_strncpy(title, IFACE_("Unpack 1 File"), sizeof(title)); else BLI_snprintf(title, sizeof(title), IFACE_("Unpack %d Files"), count); pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, title, ICON_NONE); layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT); uiItemsEnumO(layout, "FILE_OT_unpack_all", "method"); UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); return OPERATOR_INTERFACE; }
/* callback to report why a driver variable is invalid */ static void driver_dvar_invalid_name_query_cb(bContext *C, void *dvar_v, void *UNUSED(arg)) { uiPopupMenu *pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, CTX_IFACE_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, "Invalid Variable Name"), ICON_NONE); uiLayout *layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); DriverVar *dvar = (DriverVar *)dvar_v; if (dvar->flag & DVAR_FLAG_INVALID_EMPTY) { uiItemL(layout, "It cannot be left blank", ICON_ERROR); } if (dvar->flag & DVAR_FLAG_INVALID_START_NUM) { uiItemL(layout, "It cannot start with a number", ICON_ERROR); } if (dvar->flag & DVAR_FLAG_INVALID_START_CHAR) { uiItemL(layout, "It cannot start with a special character," " including '$', '@', '!', '~', '+', '-', '_', '.', or ' '", ICON_NONE); } if (dvar->flag & DVAR_FLAG_INVALID_HAS_SPACE) { uiItemL(layout, "It cannot contain spaces (e.g. 'a space')", ICON_ERROR); } if (dvar->flag & DVAR_FLAG_INVALID_HAS_DOT) { uiItemL(layout, "It cannot contain dots (e.g. '')", ICON_ERROR); } if (dvar->flag & DVAR_FLAG_INVALID_HAS_SPECIAL) { uiItemL(layout, "It cannot contain special (non-alphabetical/numeric) characters", ICON_ERROR); } if (dvar->flag & DVAR_FLAG_INVALID_PY_KEYWORD) { uiItemL(layout, "It cannot be a reserved keyword in Python", ICON_INFO); } UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); }
/* invoke callback which presents a list of bone-groups for the user to choose from */ static int pose_groups_menu_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { Object *ob = ED_pose_object_from_context(C); bPose *pose; PropertyRNA *prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "type"); uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; bActionGroup *grp; int i; /* only continue if there's an object, and a pose there too */ if (ELEM(NULL, ob, ob->pose)) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; pose = ob->pose; /* If group index is set, try to use it! */ if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop)) { const int num_groups = BLI_listbase_count(&pose->agroups); const int group = RNA_property_int_get(op->ptr, prop); /* just use the active group index, and call the exec callback for the calling operator */ if (group > 0 && group <= num_groups) { return op->type->exec(C, op); } } /* if there's no active group (or active is invalid), create a new menu to find it */ if (pose->active_group <= 0) { /* create a new menu, and start populating it with group names */ pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, op->type->name, ICON_NONE); layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); /* special entry - allow to create new group, then use that * (not to be used for removing though) */ if (strstr(op->idname, "assign")) { uiItemIntO(layout, "New Group", ICON_NONE, op->idname, "type", 0); uiItemS(layout); } /* add entries for each group */ for (grp = pose->agroups.first, i = 1; grp; grp = grp->next, i++) uiItemIntO(layout, grp->name, ICON_NONE, op->idname, "type", i); /* finish building the menu, and process it (should result in calling self again) */ UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); return OPERATOR_INTERFACE; } else { /* just use the active group index, and call the exec callback for the calling operator */ RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "type", pose->active_group); return op->type->exec(C, op); } }
/* popup menu wrapper */ static PointerRNA rna_PopMenuBegin(bContext *C, const char *title, int icon) { PointerRNA r_ptr; void *data; data = (void *)UI_popup_menu_begin(C, title, icon); RNA_pointer_create(NULL, &RNA_UIPopupMenu, data, &r_ptr); return r_ptr; }
static int select_orientation_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, IFACE_("Orientation"), ICON_NONE); layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); uiItemsEnumO(layout, "TRANSFORM_OT_select_orientation", "orientation"); UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); return OPERATOR_INTERFACE; }
static int workspace_add_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { uiPopupMenu *pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, op->type->name, ICON_ADD); uiLayout *layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); uiItemMenuF(layout, IFACE_("General"), ICON_NONE, workspace_add_menu, NULL); ListBase templates; BKE_appdir_app_templates(&templates); for (LinkData *link = templates.first; link; link = link->next) { char *template = link->data;
static int node_group_separate_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { uiPopupMenu *pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, CTX_IFACE_(BLF_I18NCONTEXT_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, "Separate"), ICON_NONE); uiLayout *layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT); uiItemEnumO(layout, "NODE_OT_group_separate", NULL, 0, "type", NODE_GS_COPY); uiItemEnumO(layout, "NODE_OT_group_separate", NULL, 0, "type", NODE_GS_MOVE); UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); return OPERATOR_INTERFACE; }
static int unpack_item_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, IFACE_("Unpack"), ICON_NONE); layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(layout, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT); uiItemsFullEnumO(layout, op->type->idname, "method", op->ptr->data, WM_OP_EXEC_REGION_WIN, 0); UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); return OPERATOR_INTERFACE; }
static int toolbox_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { bScreen *sc = CTX_wm_screen(C); SpaceButs *sbuts = CTX_wm_space_buts(C); PointerRNA ptr; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; RNA_pointer_create(&sc->id, &RNA_SpaceProperties, sbuts, &ptr); pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, IFACE_("Align"), ICON_NONE); layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); uiItemsEnumR(layout, &ptr, "align"); UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); return OPERATOR_INTERFACE; }
static int undo_history_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUSED(event)) { int undosys, totitem = 0; undosys = get_undo_system(C); if (undosys) { const EnumPropertyItem *item = rna_undo_itemf(C, undosys, &totitem); if (totitem > 0) { uiPopupMenu *pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, RNA_struct_ui_name(op->type->srna), ICON_NONE); uiLayout *layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); uiLayout *split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, false); uiLayout *column = NULL; const int col_size = 20 + totitem / 12; int i, c; bool add_col = true; for (c = 0, i = totitem; i--;) { if (add_col && !(c % col_size)) { column = uiLayoutColumn(split, false); add_col = false; } if (item[i].identifier) { uiItemIntO(column, item[i].name, item[i].icon, op->type->idname, "item", item[i].value); ++c; add_col = true; } } MEM_freeN((void *)item); UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); } } return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; }
void unpack_menu(bContext *C, const char *opname, const char *id_name, const char *abs_name, const char *folder, struct PackedFile *pf) { Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C); PointerRNA props_ptr; uiPopupMenu *pup; uiLayout *layout; char line[FILE_MAX + 100]; wmOperatorType *ot = WM_operatortype_find(opname, 1); pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, IFACE_("Unpack File"), ICON_NONE); layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup); uiItemFullO_ptr( layout, ot, IFACE_("Remove Pack"), ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0, &props_ptr); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_REMOVE); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); if (G.relbase_valid) { char local_name[FILE_MAXDIR + FILE_MAX], fi[FILE_MAX]; BLI_split_file_part(abs_name, fi, sizeof(fi)); BLI_snprintf(local_name, sizeof(local_name), "//%s/%s", folder, fi); if (!STREQ(abs_name, local_name)) { switch (checkPackedFile(BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain), local_name, pf)) { case PF_NOFILE: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Create %s"), local_name); uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0, &props_ptr); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_EQUAL: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Use %s (identical)"), local_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0, &props_ptr); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_DIFFERS: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Use %s (differs)"), local_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0, &props_ptr); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Overwrite %s"), local_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0, &props_ptr); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; } } } switch (checkPackedFile(BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain), abs_name, pf)) { case PF_NOFILE: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Create %s"), abs_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0, &props_ptr); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_EQUAL: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Use %s (identical)"), abs_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0, &props_ptr); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; case PF_DIFFERS: BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Use %s (differs)"), abs_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0, &props_ptr); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); BLI_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), IFACE_("Overwrite %s"), abs_name); //uiItemEnumO_ptr(layout, ot, line, 0, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); uiItemFullO_ptr(layout, ot, line, ICON_NONE, NULL, WM_OP_EXEC_DEFAULT, 0, &props_ptr); RNA_enum_set(&props_ptr, "method", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); RNA_string_set(&props_ptr, "id", id_name); break; } UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup); }