 * Overrides method from UMLWidget
UMLSceneSize PackageWidget::minimumSize()
    if ( !m_pObject ) {
        return UMLWidget::minimumSize();

    const QFontMetrics &fm = getFontMetrics(FT_BOLD_ITALIC);
    const int fontHeight = fm.lineSpacing();

    int lines = 1;

    int width = fm.width( m_pObject->name() );

    int tempWidth = 0;
    if (!m_pObject->stereotype().isEmpty()) {
        tempWidth = fm.width(m_pObject->stereotype(true));
        lines = 2;
    if (tempWidth > width)
        width = tempWidth;
    width += PACKAGE_MARGIN * 2;
    if (width < 70)
        width = 70;  // minumin width of 70

    int height = (lines*fontHeight) + fontHeight + (PACKAGE_MARGIN * 2);

    return UMLSceneSize(width, height);
UMLSceneSize CategoryWidget::minimumSize()
    const UMLWidget::FontType ft = ( m_pObject->isAbstract() ? FT_BOLD_ITALIC : FT_BOLD );
    const QFontMetrics &fm = UMLWidget::getFontMetrics(ft);
    const int fontHeight = fm.lineSpacing();
    int radius = UC_RADIUS + fontHeight + UC_MARGIN;

    return UMLSceneSize(radius, radius);
 * Overrides method from UMLWidget.
UMLSceneSize ActorWidget::minimumSize()
    const QFontMetrics &fm = getFontMetrics(FT_NORMAL);
    const int fontHeight  = fm.lineSpacing();
    const int textWidth = fm.width(name());
    int width = textWidth > A_WIDTH ? textWidth : A_WIDTH;
    int height = A_HEIGHT + fontHeight + A_MARGIN;
    width += A_MARGIN * 2;
    return UMLSceneSize(width, height);
UMLSceneSize PreconditionWidget::minimumSize()
    int width = 10, height = 10;
    const QFontMetrics &fm = getFontMetrics(FT_NORMAL);
    const int fontHeight  = fm.lineSpacing();
    const int textWidth = fm.width(name()) + 25;
    height = fontHeight;
    width = textWidth > PRECONDITION_WIDTH ? textWidth : PRECONDITION_WIDTH;
    height = height > PRECONDITION_HEIGHT ? height : PRECONDITION_HEIGHT;
    width += PRECONDITION_MARGIN * 2;
    height += PRECONDITION_MARGIN * 2;

    return UMLSceneSize(width, height);
UMLSceneSize RegionWidget::minimumSize() {

    int width = 10, height = 10;
    const QFontMetrics &fm = getFontMetrics(FT_NORMAL);
    const int fontHeight  = fm.lineSpacing();
    int textWidth = fm.width(getName());

    height  = fontHeight;
    width   = textWidth > REGION_WIDTH?textWidth:REGION_WIDTH;
    height  = height > REGION_HEIGHT ? height : REGION_HEIGHT;
    width  += REGION_MARGIN * 2;
    height += REGION_MARGIN * 2;

    return UMLSceneSize(width, height);
UMLSceneSize ClassifierWidget::minimumSize()
    if (!m_pObject) {
        return UMLWidget::minimumSize();
    if (classifier()->isInterface() && m_drawAsCircle) {
        return calculateAsCircleSize();

    const QFontMetrics &fm = getFontMetrics(UMLWidget::FT_NORMAL);
    const int fontHeight = fm.lineSpacing();
    // width is the width of the longest 'word'
    int width = 0, height = 0;

    // consider stereotype
    if (m_showStereotype && !m_pObject->stereotype().isEmpty()) {
        height += fontHeight;
        // ... width
        const QFontMetrics &bfm = UMLWidget::getFontMetrics(UMLWidget::FT_BOLD);
        const int stereoWidth = bfm.size(0,m_pObject->stereotype(true)).width();
        if (stereoWidth > width)
            width = stereoWidth;

    // consider name
    height += fontHeight;
    // ... width
    QString displayedName;
    if (m_showPackage)
        displayedName = m_pObject->fullyQualifiedName();
        displayedName = m_pObject->name();
    const UMLWidget::FontType nft = (m_pObject->isAbstract() ? FT_BOLD_ITALIC : FT_BOLD);
    const int nameWidth = UMLWidget::getFontMetrics(nft).size(0,displayedName).width();
    if (nameWidth > width)
        width = nameWidth;

    // consider attributes
    const int numAtts = displayedAttributes();
    if (numAtts == 0) {
        height += fontHeight / 2;  // no atts, so just add a bit of space
    } else {
        height += fontHeight * numAtts;
        // calculate width of the attributes
        UMLClassifierListItemList list = classifier()->getFilteredList(UMLObject::ot_Attribute);
        foreach (UMLClassifierListItem *a , list ) {
            if (m_showPublicOnly && a->visibility() != Uml::Visibility::Public)
            const int attWidth = fm.size(0,a->toString(m_ShowAttSigs)).width();
            if (attWidth > width)
                width = attWidth;

    // consider operations
    const int numOps = displayedOperations();
    if (numOps == 0) {
        height += fontHeight / 2;  // no ops, so just add a bit of space
    } else {
        height += numOps * fontHeight;
        // ... width
        UMLOperationList list(classifier()->getOpList());
        foreach (UMLOperation* op ,  list) {
                  if (m_showPublicOnly && op->visibility() != Uml::Visibility::Public)
            const QString displayedOp = op->toString(m_ShowOpSigs);
            UMLWidget::FontType oft;
            oft = (op->isAbstract() ? UMLWidget::FT_ITALIC : UMLWidget::FT_NORMAL);
            const int w = UMLWidget::getFontMetrics(oft).size(0,displayedOp).width();
            if (w > width)
                width = w;

    // consider template box _as last_ !
    QSize templatesBoxSize = calculateTemplatesBoxSize();
    if (templatesBoxSize.width() != 0) {
        // add width to largest 'word'
        width += templatesBoxSize.width() / 2;
    if (templatesBoxSize.height() != 0) {
        height += templatesBoxSize.height() - MARGIN;

    // allow for height margin
    if (!m_showOperations && !m_showAttributes && !m_showStereotype) {
        height += MARGIN * 2;

    // allow for width margin
    width += MARGIN * 2;

    return UMLSceneSize(width, height);