ostream &operator<< (ostream &o, CPowers &self)
    LPower::iterator  itLine, beginLine, endLine;

    o << "+ CPowers:\n";
    o << "+   ";

    if (self.type == C_HORIZONTAL) o << "horizontal";
    else                           o << "vertical  ";

    o << " " << layer2a (self.layer) << " " << UNSCALE (self.width);
    o << " [" << UNSCALE (self.AB1)
      <<  "," << UNSCALE (self.AB2) << "]\n";

    beginLine = self.powerLines.begin ();
    endLine   = self.powerLines.end ();

    for (itLine = beginLine; itLine != endLine; itLine++) {
        o << "+  " << itLine->first << " " << itLine->second << "\n";

    return (o);
文件: genps.c 项目: JorgeKtch/vrp
define_coordinate_axes (

struct pset *		pts,		/* IN - terminals to plot */
struct scale_info *	sip		/* IN - problem scaling info */
int			i;
int			n;
struct point *		p1;
double			x, y;
double			minxcoord, maxxcoord;
double			minycoord, maxycoord;
double			xspan, yspan, span;
double			axmin, axmax;
double			aymin, aymax;

	n = pts -> n;

	if (n < 1) {
		printf ("\n0 1 0 1 SetAxes\n");

	p1 = &(pts -> a [0]);

	minxcoord = maxxcoord = p1 -> x;
	minycoord = maxycoord = p1 -> y;

	for (i = 1; i < n; i++, p1++) {
		x = p1 -> x;
		y = p1 -> y;
		if (x < minxcoord) {
			minxcoord = x;
		else if (x > maxxcoord) {
			maxxcoord = x;
		if (y < minycoord) {
			minycoord = y;
		else if (y > maxycoord) {
			maxycoord = y;

	minxcoord = UNSCALE (minxcoord, sip);
	maxxcoord = UNSCALE (maxxcoord, sip);
	minycoord = UNSCALE (minycoord, sip);
	maxycoord = UNSCALE (maxycoord, sip);

	/* We only generate square plots having equal scales on both	*/
	/* axes.  Determine the "span" of the plot, i.e., the length of	*/
	/* each axis in the plot.					*/

	xspan = maxxcoord - minxcoord;
	yspan = maxycoord - minycoord;

	if (xspan EQ 0.0) {
		if (yspan EQ 0.0) {
			/* Single point. */
			if (maxxcoord NE 0.0) {
				if (fabs (maxxcoord) >= fabs (maxycoord)) {
					span = 2.0 * fabs (maxxcoord);
				else {
					span = 2.0 * fabs (maxycoord);
			else if (maxycoord NE 0.0) {
				span = 2.0 * fabs (maxycoord);
			else {
				/* Single point at the origin. */
				span = 2.0;
		else {
			span = get_limit (yspan);
	else if (yspan EQ 0.0) {
		span = get_limit (xspan);
	else if (xspan >= yspan) {
		span = get_limit (xspan);
	else {
		span = get_limit (yspan);

	/* Determine the minimum x axis value. */

	if (xspan EQ 0.0) {
		goto center_x;
	else if ((0.0 <= minxcoord) AND (maxxcoord <= span)) {
		axmin = 0.0;
	else if ((-span <= minxcoord) AND (maxxcoord <= 0.0)) {
		axmin = -span;
	else if ((-0.5 * span <= minxcoord) AND (maxxcoord <= 0.5 * span)) {
		axmin = -0.5 * span;
	else {
		/* Center the x coordinates. */
		axmin = 0.5 * (minxcoord + maxxcoord - span);
	axmax = axmin + span;

	/* Determine the minimum y axis value. */

	if (yspan EQ 0.0) {
		goto center_y;
	else if ((0.0 <= minycoord) AND (maxycoord <= span)) {
		aymin = 0.0;
	else if ((-span <= minycoord) AND (maxycoord <= 0.0)) {
		aymin = -span;
	else if ((-0.5 * span <= minycoord) AND (maxycoord <= 0.5 * span)) {
		aymin = -0.5 * span;
	else {
		/* Center the y coordinates */
		aymin = 0.5 * (minycoord + maxycoord - span);
	aymax = aymin + span;

	/* Good enough for now... */
	printf ("\n%g %g %g %g SetAxes\n", axmin, axmax, aymin, aymax);
CPowers::CPowers ( CFig *fig
                   , long  xoff
                   , long  yoff
                   , char  atype
                   , int   alayer
                   , long  awidth
                 ) throw (except_done)
    : xoffset(xoff)
    , yoffset(yoff)
    LPower::iterator  itLine, beginLine, endLine;
    phins_list       *ins;
    phfig_list       *model;
    phseg_list       *seg, flatSeg;
    string            mess1,  mess2;
    char              ORIENT1, ORIENT2;
    char              segType;
    long              lbound, rbound, key;

    type  = atype;
    width = awidth;
    layer = layer2CALU (alayer);

    switch (type) {
    case C_HORIZONTAL:
        mess1   = "horizontal";
        mess2   = "EAST/WEST";
        ORIENT1 = EAST;
        ORIENT2 = WEST;

        AB1 = fig->XAB1 ();
        AB2 = fig->XAB2 ();
    case C_VERTICAL:
        mess1   = "vertical";
        mess2   = "NORTH/SOUTH";
        ORIENT1 = NORTH;
        ORIENT2 = SOUTH;

        AB1 = fig->YAB1 ();
        AB2 = fig->YAB2 ();

    // Loop over all the instances.
    for (ins = fig->phfig.fig->PHINS; ins != NULL; ins = ins->NEXT) {
        model = getphfig (ins->FIGNAME, 'A');

        // Find the power segments (CALUx).
        for (seg = model->PHSEG; seg != NULL; seg = seg->NEXT) {

            // Skip no power segments.
            if (!(cmpALU (alayer, seg->LAYER) & F_CALU)) continue;
            segType = C_POWER_NONE;
            if (ISVDD (seg->NAME)) segType = C_POWER_VDD;
            if (ISVSS (seg->NAME)) segType = C_POWER_VSS;
            if (segType == C_POWER_NONE) continue;

            xyflat ( &(flatSeg.X1), &(flatSeg.Y1)
                     ,       seg->X1, seg->Y1
                     ,     ins->XINS, ins->YINS
                     ,   model->XAB1, model->YAB1
                     ,   model->XAB2, model->YAB2
                     ,   ins->TRANSF

            xyflat ( &(flatSeg.X2), &(flatSeg.Y2)
                     ,       seg->X2, seg->Y2
                     ,     ins->XINS, ins->YINS
                     ,   model->XAB1, model->YAB1
                     ,   model->XAB2, model->YAB2
                     ,   ins->TRANSF

            // Check the segment width.
            if (seg->WIDTH != width) {
                cerr << hwarn ("");
                cerr << "  " << layer2a (layer) << " \"" << seg->NAME
                     <<"\" segment at ("
                     << UNSCALE (seg->X1) << ","
                     << UNSCALE (seg->Y1) << ") doesn't have the rigth witdth :"
                     << UNSCALE (seg->WIDTH) << " instead of "
                     << UNSCALE (width) << ".\n";
                cerr << "  (instance \"" << ins->INSNAME << "\" of model \""
                     << model->NAME << "\")\n";


            // Check the segment direction & position.
            switch (type) {
            case C_HORIZONTAL:
                lbound = flatSeg.X1;
                rbound = flatSeg.X2;
                key = flatSeg.Y1;

                if (flatSeg.Y1 != flatSeg.Y2) {
                    cerr << hwarn ("");
                    cerr << "  " << layer2a (layer) << " \"" << seg->NAME
                         <<"\" segment at ("
                         << UNSCALE (seg->X1) << ","
                         << UNSCALE (seg->Y1) << ") is not " << mess1;
                    cerr << "  (instance \"" << ins->INSNAME << "\" of model \""
                         << model->NAME << "\")\n";


                if (   (cmpALU (alayer, CALU1) & F_CALU)
                        && !fig->phfig.onslice (flatSeg.Y1,yoffset)) {
                    cerr << hwarn ("");
                    cerr << "  " << layer2a (layer) << " \"" << seg->NAME
                         <<"\" segment at ("
                         << UNSCALE (seg->X1) << ","
                         << UNSCALE (seg->Y1) << ") is not on a slice boundary.\n";
                    cerr << "  (instance \"" << ins->INSNAME << "\" of model \""
                         << model->NAME << "\")\n";
                    cerr << "  (valide slices boundaries are"
                         << " ((n * " << D::Y_SLICE << ") - " << D::WIDTH_VSS / 2 << ") or"
                         << " ((n * " << D::Y_SLICE << ") + " << D::WIDTH_VSS / 2 << ") )\n";


            case C_VERTICAL:
                lbound = flatSeg.Y1;
                rbound = flatSeg.Y2;
                key = flatSeg.X1;

                if (flatSeg.X1 != flatSeg.X2) {
                    cerr << hwarn ("");
                    cerr << "  " << layer2a (layer) << " \"" << seg->NAME
                         <<"\" segment at ("
                         << UNSCALE (seg->X1) << ","
                         << UNSCALE (seg->Y1) << ") is not " << mess1;
                    cerr << "  (instance \"" << ins->INSNAME << "\" of model \""
                         << model->NAME << "\")\n";


            beginLine = powerLines.begin ();
            endLine = powerLines.end ();

            // Check if the power line is of the same type.
            // (no short circuits between VDD & VSS.
            itLine = powerLines.find (key);
            if (itLine != endLine) {
                if (itLine->second.type != segType) {
                    cerr << herr ("");
                    cerr << "  " << layer2a (layer) << " \"" << seg->NAME
                         <<"\" segment at ("
                         << UNSCALE (seg->X1) << ","
                         << UNSCALE (seg->Y1) << ") conflict with power line at"
                         << UNSCALE (key) << ".\n";

                    throw except_done ();

            // Merge the segment with the power line (at long last...).
            powerLines[key].add (lbound, rbound);
            powerLines[key].type = segType;