static void um_arraystore_expand(UndoMesh *um) { Mesh *me = &um->me; um_arraystore_cd_expand(um->store.vdata, &me->vdata, me->totvert); um_arraystore_cd_expand(um->store.edata, &me->edata, me->totedge); um_arraystore_cd_expand(um->store.ldata, &me->ldata, me->totloop); um_arraystore_cd_expand(um->store.pdata, &me->pdata, me->totpoly); if (um->store.keyblocks) { const size_t stride = me->key->elemsize; KeyBlock *keyblock = me->key->block.first; for (int i = 0; i < me->key->totkey; i++, keyblock = keyblock->next) { BArrayState *state = um->store.keyblocks[i]; size_t state_len; keyblock->data = BLI_array_store_state_data_get_alloc(state, &state_len); BLI_assert(keyblock->totelem == (state_len / stride)); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(stride); } } if (um->store.mselect) { const size_t stride = sizeof(*me->mselect); BArrayState *state = um->store.mselect; size_t state_len; me->mselect = BLI_array_store_state_data_get_alloc(state, &state_len); BLI_assert(me->totselect == (state_len / stride)); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(stride); } /* not essential, but prevents accidental dangling pointer access */ BKE_mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me, false); }
void BKE_paint_toolslots_brush_update_ex(Paint *paint, Brush *brush) { const uint tool_offset = paint->runtime.tool_offset; UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(tool_offset); BLI_assert(tool_offset != 0); const int slot_index = BKE_brush_tool_get(brush, paint); BKE_paint_toolslots_len_ensure(paint, slot_index + 1); PaintToolSlot *tslot = &paint->tool_slots[slot_index]; id_us_plus(&brush->id); id_us_min(&tslot->brush->id); tslot->brush = brush; }
/* translate callbacks */ static void gizmo_value_operator_redo_value_get(const wmGizmo *gz, wmGizmoProperty *gz_prop, void *value_p) { float *value = value_p; BLI_assert(gz_prop->type->array_length == 1); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(gz_prop); struct ValueOpRedoGroup *igzgroup = gz->parent_gzgroup->customdata; wmOperator *op = igzgroup->state.op; *value = RNA_property_float_get(op->ptr, op->type->prop); }
static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_vert_splice(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BPy_BMVert *py_vert; BPy_BMVert *py_vert_target; BMesh *bm; bool ok; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!:vert_splice", &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert, &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert_target)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert); BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert_target); bm = py_vert->bm; BPY_BM_CHECK_SOURCE_OBJ(bm, "vert_splice", py_vert_target); if (py_vert->v == py_vert_target->v) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_splice(...): vert arguments match"); return NULL; } if (BM_edge_exists(py_vert->v, py_vert_target->v)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_splice(...): verts can't share an edge"); return NULL; } if (BM_vert_pair_share_face_check(py_vert->v, py_vert_target->v)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_splice(...): verts can't share a face"); return NULL; } /* should always succeed */ ok = BM_vert_splice(bm, py_vert_target->v, py_vert->v); BLI_assert(ok == true); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(ok); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
/** * \note There is no room for data going out of sync here. * The layers and the states are stored together so this can be kept working. */ static void um_arraystore_cd_expand( const BArrayCustomData *bcd, struct CustomData *cdata, const size_t data_len) { CustomDataLayer *layer = cdata->layers; while (bcd) { const int stride = CustomData_sizeof(bcd->type); for (int i = 0; i < bcd->states_len; i++) { BLI_assert(bcd->type == layer->type); if (bcd->states[i]) { size_t state_len; layer->data = BLI_array_store_state_data_get_alloc(bcd->states[i], &state_len); BLI_assert(stride * data_len == state_len); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(stride, data_len); } else { layer->data = NULL; } layer++; } bcd = bcd->next; } }
/** * Run this to ensure brush types are set for each slot on entering modes * (for new scenes for example). */ void BKE_paint_toolslots_brush_validate(Main *bmain, Paint *paint) { /* Clear slots with invalid slots or mode (unlikely but possible). */ const uint tool_offset = paint->runtime.tool_offset; UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(tool_offset); const eObjectMode ob_mode = paint->runtime.ob_mode; BLI_assert(tool_offset && ob_mode); for (int i = 0; i < paint->tool_slots_len; i++) { PaintToolSlot *tslot = &paint->tool_slots[i]; if (tslot->brush) { if ((i != BKE_brush_tool_get(tslot->brush, paint)) || (tslot->brush->ob_mode & ob_mode) == 0) { id_us_min(&tslot->brush->id); tslot->brush = NULL; } } } /* Unlikely but possible the active brush is not currently using a slot. */ BKE_paint_toolslots_brush_update(paint); /* Fill slots from brushes. */ paint_toolslots_init(bmain, paint); }
/** * Replace all references in given Main to \a old_id by \a new_id * (if \a new_id is NULL, it unlinks \a old_id). */ void BKE_libblock_remap_locked( Main *bmain, void *old_idv, void *new_idv, const short remap_flags) { IDRemap id_remap_data; ID *old_id = old_idv; ID *new_id = new_idv; int skipped_direct, skipped_refcounted; BLI_assert(old_id != NULL); BLI_assert((new_id == NULL) || GS(old_id->name) == GS(new_id->name)); BLI_assert(old_id != new_id); libblock_remap_data(bmain, NULL, old_id, new_id, remap_flags, &id_remap_data); if (free_notifier_reference_cb) { free_notifier_reference_cb(old_id); } /* We assume editors do not hold references to their IDs... This is false in some cases * (Image is especially tricky here), editors' code is to handle refcount (id->us) itself then. */ if (remap_editor_id_reference_cb) { remap_editor_id_reference_cb(old_id, new_id); } skipped_direct = id_remap_data.skipped_direct; skipped_refcounted = id_remap_data.skipped_refcounted; /* If old_id was used by some ugly 'user_one' stuff (like Image or Clip editors...), and user count has actually * been incremented for that, we have to decrease once more its user count... unless we had to skip * some 'user_one' cases. */ if ((old_id->tag & LIB_TAG_EXTRAUSER_SET) && !(id_remap_data.status & ID_REMAP_IS_USER_ONE_SKIPPED)) { id_us_min(old_id); old_id->tag &= ~LIB_TAG_EXTRAUSER_SET; } BLI_assert(old_id->us - skipped_refcounted >= 0); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(skipped_refcounted); if (skipped_direct == 0) { /* old_id is assumed to not be used directly anymore... */ if (old_id->lib && (old_id->tag & LIB_TAG_EXTERN)) { old_id->tag &= ~LIB_TAG_EXTERN; old_id->tag |= LIB_TAG_INDIRECT; } } /* Some after-process updates. * This is a bit ugly, but cannot see a way to avoid it. Maybe we should do a per-ID callback for this instead? */ switch (GS(old_id->name)) { case ID_OB: libblock_remap_data_postprocess_object_fromgroup_update(bmain, (Object *)old_id, (Object *)new_id); break; case ID_GR: if (!new_id) { /* Only affects us in case group was unlinked. */ for (Scene *sce = bmain->scene.first; sce; sce = sce-> { libblock_remap_data_postprocess_group_scene_unlink(bmain, sce, old_id); } } break; case ID_ME: case ID_CU: case ID_MB: if (new_id) { /* Only affects us in case obdata was relinked (changed). */ for (Object *ob = bmain->object.first; ob; ob = ob-> { libblock_remap_data_postprocess_obdata_relink(bmain, ob, new_id); } } break; default: break; } /* Full rebuild of DAG! */ DAG_relations_tag_update(bmain); }
/** * \return a face index in \a faces and set \a r_is_flip * if the face is flipped away from the center. */ static int recalc_face_normals_find_index(BMesh *bm, BMFace **faces, const int faces_len, bool *r_is_flip) { const float eps = FLT_EPSILON; float cent_area_accum = 0.0f; float cent[3]; const float cent_fac = 1.0f / (float)faces_len; bool is_flip = false; int f_start_index; int i; /** Search for the best loop. Members are compared in-order defined here. */ struct { /** * Squared distance from the center to the loops vertex 'l->v'. * The normalized direction between the center and this vertex * is also used for the dot-products below. */ float dist_sq; /** * Signed dot product using the normalized edge vector, * (best of 'l->prev->v' or 'l->next->v'). */ float edge_dot; /** * Unsigned dot product using the loop-normal * (sign is used to check if we need to flip). */ float loop_dot; } best, test; UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(bm); zero_v3(cent); /* first calculate the center */ for (i = 0; i < faces_len; i++) { float f_cent[3]; const float f_area = BM_face_calc_area(faces[i]); BM_face_calc_center_median_weighted(faces[i], f_cent); madd_v3_v3fl(cent, f_cent, cent_fac * f_area); cent_area_accum += f_area; BLI_assert(BMO_face_flag_test(bm, faces[i], FACE_TEMP) == 0); BLI_assert(BM_face_is_normal_valid(faces[i])); } if (cent_area_accum != 0.0f) { mul_v3_fl(cent, 1.0f / cent_area_accum); } /* Distances must start above zero, * or we can't do meaningful calculations based on the direction to the center */ best.dist_sq = eps; best.edge_dot = best.loop_dot = -FLT_MAX; /* used in degenerate cases only */ f_start_index = 0; /** * Find the outer-most vertex, comparing distance to the center, * then the outer-most loop attached to that vertex. * * Important this is correctly detected, * where casting a ray from the center wont hit any loops past this one. * Otherwise the result may be incorrect. */ for (i = 0; i < faces_len; i++) { BMLoop *l_iter, *l_first; l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(faces[i]); do { bool is_best_dist_sq; float dir[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(dir, l_iter->v->co, cent); test.dist_sq = len_squared_v3(dir); is_best_dist_sq = (test.dist_sq > best.dist_sq); if (is_best_dist_sq || (test.dist_sq == best.dist_sq)) { float edge_dir_pair[2][3]; mul_v3_fl(dir, 1.0f / sqrtf(test.dist_sq)); sub_v3_v3v3(edge_dir_pair[0], l_iter->next->v->co, l_iter->v->co); sub_v3_v3v3(edge_dir_pair[1], l_iter->prev->v->co, l_iter->v->co); if ((normalize_v3(edge_dir_pair[0]) > eps) && (normalize_v3(edge_dir_pair[1]) > eps)) { bool is_best_edge_dot; test.edge_dot = max_ff(dot_v3v3(dir, edge_dir_pair[0]), dot_v3v3(dir, edge_dir_pair[1])); is_best_edge_dot = (test.edge_dot > best.edge_dot); if (is_best_dist_sq || is_best_edge_dot || (test.edge_dot == best.edge_dot)) { float loop_dir[3]; cross_v3_v3v3(loop_dir, edge_dir_pair[0], edge_dir_pair[1]); if (normalize_v3(loop_dir) > eps) { float loop_dir_dot; /* Highly unlikely the furthest loop is also the concave part of an ngon, * but it can be contrived with _very_ non-planar faces - so better check. */ if (UNLIKELY(dot_v3v3(loop_dir, l_iter->f->no) < 0.0f)) { negate_v3(loop_dir); } loop_dir_dot = dot_v3v3(dir, loop_dir); test.loop_dot = fabsf(loop_dir_dot); if (is_best_dist_sq || is_best_edge_dot || (test.loop_dot > best.loop_dot)) { best = test; f_start_index = i; is_flip = (loop_dir_dot < 0.0f); } } } } } } while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first); } *r_is_flip = is_flip; return f_start_index; }