//! Reads data from a ring buffer.
//! \param psUSBRingBuf points to the ring buffer to be read from.
//! \param pui8Data points to where the data should be stored.
//! \param ui32Length is the number of bytes to be read.
//! This function reads a sequence of bytes from a ring buffer.
//! \return None.
USBRingBufRead(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf, uint8_t *pui8Data,
               uint32_t ui32Length)
    uint32_t ui32Temp;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(psUSBRingBuf != NULL);
    ASSERT(pui8Data != NULL);
    ASSERT(ui32Length != 0);

    // Verify that data is available in the buffer.
    ASSERT(ui32Length <= USBRingBufUsed(psUSBRingBuf));

    // Read the data from the ring buffer.
    for(ui32Temp = 0; ui32Temp < ui32Length; ui32Temp++)
        pui8Data[ui32Temp] = USBRingBufReadOne(psUSBRingBuf);
//! Reads data from a ring buffer.
//! \param ptUSBRingBuf points to the ring buffer to be read from.
//! \param pucData points to where the data should be stored.
//! \param ulLength is the number of bytes to be read.
//! This function reads a sequence of bytes from a ring buffer.
//! \return None.
USBRingBufRead(tUSBRingBufObject *ptUSBRingBuf, unsigned char *pucData,
               unsigned long ulLength)
    unsigned long ulTemp;

    // Check the arguments.
    ASSERT(ptUSBRingBuf != NULL);
    ASSERT(pucData != NULL);
    ASSERT(ulLength != 0);

    // Verify that data is available in the buffer.
    ASSERT(ulLength <= USBRingBufUsed(ptUSBRingBuf));

    // Read the data from the ring buffer.
    for(ulTemp = 0; ulTemp < ulLength; ulTemp++)
        pucData[ulTemp] = USBRingBufReadOne(ptUSBRingBuf);