void	EffectTranslucency::Render( float _Time, float _DeltaTime )
	float3	TorusPosition = float3(
		0.8f * sinf( _TV(0.95f) * _Time ) * sinf( _TV(0.7f) * _Time ),
		0.8f * sinf( _TV(0.83f) * _Time ) * sinf( _TV(-0.19f) * _Time ),
		0.2f * cosf( _TV(0.5f) * _Time ) * sinf( _TV(-0.17f) * _Time ) );							// Oscillate within the quiche

	float4	TorusRotation = float4::QuatFromAngleAxis( _TV(1.35f) * _Time, float3::UnitY );	// Rotate, too

	m_EmissivePower = SATURATE( -4.0f * sinf( _TV(0.5f) * _Time ) );

	float4	SphereNoise = float4( _Time * 0.2f * float3( 1.0f, -0.5f, 0.9f ), 0.2f );
	float4	TorusNoise = float4( _Time * 0.2f * float3( 1.0f, -0.5f, 0.9f ), 0.0f );

	// 1] Render the internal & external objects into the RGBA ZBuffer
	gs_Device.ClearRenderTarget( *m_pRTZBuffer, float4( 2.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f ) );
	gs_Device.SetRenderTarget( *m_pRTZBuffer, m_pDepthStencil );

	{	USING_MATERIAL_START( *m_pMatBuildZBuffer )

		// === Render external object ===
		m_pCB_Object->m.Local2World.PRS( float3::Zero, float4::QuatFromAngleAxis( 0.0f, float3::UnitY ), float3::One );
		m_pCB_Object->m.NoiseOffset = SphereNoise;

			// Front
		gs_Device.ClearDepthStencil( *m_pDepthStencil, 1.0f, 0 );
 		gs_Device.SetStates( gs_Device.m_pRS_CullBack, gs_Device.m_pDS_ReadWriteLess, gs_Device.m_pBS_Disabled_RedOnly );
		m_pPrimSphereExternal->Render( *m_pMatBuildZBuffer );

			// Back
		gs_Device.ClearDepthStencil( *m_pDepthStencil, 0.0f, 0 );
 		gs_Device.SetStates( gs_Device.m_pRS_CullFront, gs_Device.m_pDS_ReadWriteGreater, gs_Device.m_pBS_Disabled_GreenOnly );
		m_pPrimSphereExternal->Render( *m_pMatBuildZBuffer );

		// === Render rotating internal object ===
		m_pCB_Object->m.Local2World.PRS( TorusPosition, TorusRotation, float3::One );
		m_pCB_Object->m.NoiseOffset = TorusNoise;

			// Front
		gs_Device.ClearDepthStencil( *m_pDepthStencil, 1.0f, 0 );
 		gs_Device.SetStates( gs_Device.m_pRS_CullBack, gs_Device.m_pDS_ReadWriteLess, gs_Device.m_pBS_Disabled_BlueOnly );
		m_pPrimTorusInternal->Render( *m_pMatBuildZBuffer );

			// Back
		gs_Device.ClearDepthStencil( *m_pDepthStencil, 0.0f, 0 );
 		gs_Device.SetStates( gs_Device.m_pRS_CullFront, gs_Device.m_pDS_ReadWriteGreater, gs_Device.m_pBS_Disabled_AlphaOnly );
		m_pPrimTorusInternal->Render( *m_pMatBuildZBuffer );


	// 2] Render the irradiance map ?

	// LATER... Not sure it's necessary

	// 3] Perform diffusion
	gs_Device.SetStates( gs_Device.m_pRS_CullNone, gs_Device.m_pDS_Disabled, gs_Device.m_pBS_Disabled );

	{	USING_MATERIAL_START( *m_pMatDiffusion )

		// Clear original irradiance map
		gs_Device.ClearRenderTarget( *m_ppRTDiffusion[0], float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );

		// Setup our global diffusion parameters
		float	BBoxSize = _TV(0.002f);	// Size of the BBox containing our objects, in meter

		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.BBoxSize = BBoxSize;
		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.SliceThickness = BBoxSize / DIFFUSION_PASSES_COUNT;	// Size of a single slice
		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.TexelSize = BBoxSize / DIFFUSION_SIZE;				// Size of a single texel
		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.ExtinctionCoeff = _TV(1000.0f) * float3( 0.8f, 0.85f, 1.0f );
		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.Albedo = _TV(0.8f) * float3::One;

		float3	ScatteringAnisotropy = _TV(0.0f) * float3::One;
		float		PhaseFactor = _TV(4.6f);
		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.Phase0 = PhaseFactor * ComputePhase( ScatteringAnisotropy, 0, 1, m_pCB_Diffusion->m.TexelSize, m_pCB_Diffusion->m.SliceThickness );
		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.Phase1 = PhaseFactor * ComputePhase( ScatteringAnisotropy, 1, 8, m_pCB_Diffusion->m.TexelSize, m_pCB_Diffusion->m.SliceThickness );
		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.Phase2 = PhaseFactor * ComputePhase( ScatteringAnisotropy, 2, 12, m_pCB_Diffusion->m.TexelSize, m_pCB_Diffusion->m.SliceThickness );

//		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.ExternalLight = _TV(2.0f) * NjFloat3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.ExternalLight = _TV(1.4f) * (1.4f - m_EmissivePower) * float3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
		m_pCB_Diffusion->m.InternalEmissive = _TV(10.0f) * m_EmissivePower * float3( 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.2f );


gs_Device.SetRenderTarget( gs_Device.DefaultRenderTarget(), NULL );

		m_pRTZBuffer->SetPS( 10 );

		// Diffuse light through multiple passes
		for ( int PassIndex=0; PassIndex <= DIFFUSION_PASSES_COUNT; PassIndex++ )
			gs_Device.SetRenderTarget( *m_ppRTDiffusion[1] );

			m_pCB_Pass->m.PassIndex = float(PassIndex);
			m_pCB_Pass->m.CurrentZ = 2.0f * PassIndex / DIFFUSION_PASSES_COUNT;
			m_pCB_Pass->m.NextZ = 2.0f * (PassIndex+1) / DIFFUSION_PASSES_COUNT;

			m_ppRTDiffusion[0]->SetPS( 11 );
			gs_pPrimQuad->Render( *m_pMatDiffusion );

			// Swap irradiance maps
			Texture2D*	pTemp = m_ppRTDiffusion[0];
			m_ppRTDiffusion[0] = m_ppRTDiffusion[1];
			m_ppRTDiffusion[1] = pTemp;


	// 4] Finally, render the object with a planar mapping of the irradiance map
	{	USING_MATERIAL_START( *m_pMatDisplay )

		gs_Device.SetRenderTarget( m_RTTarget, &gs_Device.DefaultDepthStencil() );
		gs_Device.SetStates( gs_Device.m_pRS_CullBack, gs_Device.m_pDS_ReadWriteLess, NULL );

		m_ppRTDiffusion[0]->SetPS( 10 );

		// Render the sphere
		m_pCB_Object->m.Local2World.PRS( float3( 0, 1, 0 ), float4::QuatFromAngleAxis( _TV(0.0f) * _Time, float3::UnitY ), float3::One );
		m_pCB_Object->m.EmissiveColor = float4::Zero;
		m_pCB_Object->m.NoiseOffset = SphereNoise;

		m_pPrimSphereExternal->Render( *m_pMatDisplay );

		// Render the torus
		m_pCB_Object->m.Local2World.PRS( float3( 0, 1, 0 ) + TorusPosition, TorusRotation, float3::One );
		m_pCB_Object->m.EmissiveColor = float4( 0.0f * float3::One + m_pCB_Diffusion->m.InternalEmissive, 1.0f );
		m_pCB_Object->m.NoiseOffset = TorusNoise;

		m_pPrimTorusInternal->Render( *m_pMatDisplay );

void	EffectParticles::Render( float _Time, float _DeltaTime )
	// 1] Update particles' positions
	{	USING_MATERIAL_START( *m_pMatCompute )
		ID3D11RenderTargetView*	ppRenderTargets[3] =
			m_ppRTParticlePositions[2]->GetTargetView( 0, 0, 1 ), m_ppRTParticleNormals[1]->GetTargetView( 0, 0, 1 ), m_ppRTParticleTangents[1]->GetTargetView( 0, 0, 1 )
		gs_Device.SetRenderTargets( m_ppRTParticlePositions[2]->GetWidth(), m_ppRTParticlePositions[2]->GetHeight(), 3, ppRenderTargets );
 		gs_Device.SetStates( gs_Device.m_pRS_CullNone, gs_Device.m_pDS_Disabled, gs_Device.m_pBS_Disabled );

		m_pCB_Render->m.dUV = m_ppRTParticlePositions[2]->GetdUV();
		m_pCB_Render->m.DeltaTime.x = 10.0f * _DeltaTime;

		m_ppRTParticlePositions[0]->SetPS( 10 );
		m_ppRTParticlePositions[1]->SetPS( 11 );
		m_ppRTParticleNormals[0]->SetPS( 12 );
		m_ppRTParticleTangents[0]->SetPS( 13 );

		gs_pPrimQuad->Render( *m_pMatCompute );

		// Scroll positions for integration next frame
		Texture2D*	pTemp = m_ppRTParticlePositions[0];
		m_ppRTParticlePositions[0] = m_ppRTParticlePositions[1];
		m_ppRTParticlePositions[1] = m_ppRTParticlePositions[2];
		m_ppRTParticlePositions[2] = pTemp;

		// Swap normals & tangents
		pTemp = m_ppRTParticleNormals[0];
		m_ppRTParticleNormals[0] = m_ppRTParticleNormals[1];
		m_ppRTParticleNormals[1] = pTemp;

		pTemp = m_ppRTParticleTangents[0];
		m_ppRTParticleTangents[0] = m_ppRTParticleTangents[1];
		m_ppRTParticleTangents[1] = pTemp;

		// Keep delta time for next time
		m_pCB_Render->m.DeltaTime.y = 1.0f;//_DeltaTime;


	// 2] Render the particles
	{	USING_MATERIAL_START( *m_pMatDisplay )

		gs_Device.SetRenderTarget( gs_Device.DefaultRenderTarget(), &gs_Device.DefaultDepthStencil() );
		gs_Device.SetStates( gs_Device.m_pRS_CullNone, gs_Device.m_pDS_ReadWriteLess, gs_Device.m_pBS_Disabled );

		m_ppRTParticlePositions[1]->SetVS( 10 );
		m_ppRTParticleNormals[0]->SetVS( 11 );
		m_ppRTParticleTangents[0]->SetVS( 12 );
		m_pTexVoronoi->SetPS( 13 );

//		m_pPrimParticle->RenderInstanced( *m_pMatDisplay, EFFECT_PARTICLES_COUNT*EFFECT_PARTICLES_COUNT );
		m_pPrimParticle->Render( *m_pMatDisplay );


{	USING_MATERIAL_START( *m_pMatDebugVoronoi )

0, // FLOAT TopLeftX;
0, // FLOAT TopLeftY;
0.2f * RESX, // FLOAT Width;
0.2f * RESX, // FLOAT Height;
0, // FLOAT MinDepth;
1, // FLOAT MaxDepth;
	gs_Device.SetRenderTarget( gs_Device.DefaultRenderTarget(), &gs_Device.DefaultDepthStencil(), &Vp );
	gs_Device.SetStates( gs_Device.m_pRS_CullNone, gs_Device.m_pDS_Disabled, gs_Device.m_pBS_Disabled );

	m_pTexVoronoi->SetPS( 10 );

	gs_pPrimQuad->Render( *m_pMatDebugVoronoi );
