uint8_t i2c_endTransmission(uint8_t stop) { // actually sends the buffer
	bool xferOK = false;
	uint8_t errorCode = 0;
	xferOK = USI_TWI_Start_Read_Write(USI_Buf,USI_BufIdx+1); // core func that does the work
	USI_BufIdx = 0;
	if (xferOK) {
		if (stop) {
			errorCode = USI_TWI_Master_Stop();
			if (errorCode == 0) {
				errorCode = USI_TWI_Get_State_Info();
				return errorCode;
		return 0;
	} else {                                  // there was an error
		errorCode = USI_TWI_Get_State_Info(); // this function returns the error number
		return errorCode;
//read value of channel 1 of the light sensor
uint16_t read_ch1(){
	unsigned char message[2];
	message[0] = 0x9E;
	I2C_write(LIGHT_SENSOR_ADDR, message, 1, FALSE);
		I2C_read(LIGHT_SENSOR_ADDR, message, 2, TRUE);
	} while(USI_TWI_Get_State_Info() == USI_TWI_NO_ACK_ON_ADDRESS);
	return (*((uint16_t*)message));
uint8_t USI_TWI::endTransmission(){ // actually sends the buffer
  bool xferOK = false;
  uint8_t errorCode = 0;
  xferOK = USI_TWI_Start_Read_Write(USI_Buf,USI_BufIdx+1); // core func that does the work
  USI_BufIdx = 0;
  if (xferOK) return 0;
  else {                                  // there was an error
    errorCode = USI_TWI_Get_State_Info(); // this function returns the error number
    return errorCode;
uint8_t i2c_requestFrom(uint8_t slaveAddr, uint8_t numBytes){ // setup for receiving from slave
	bool xferOK = false;
	uint8_t errorCode = 0;
	USI_LastRead = 0;
	USI_BytesAvail = numBytes; // save this off in a global
	numBytes++;                // add extra byte to transmit header
	USI_Buf[0] = (slaveAddr<<TWI_ADR_BITS) | USI_RCVE;   // setup address & Rcve bit
	xferOK = USI_TWI_Start_Read_Write(USI_Buf,numBytes); // core func that does the work
	// USI_Buf now holds the data read
	if (xferOK) {
		errorCode = USI_TWI_Master_Stop();
		if (errorCode == 0) {
			errorCode = USI_TWI_Get_State_Info();
			return errorCode;
		return 0;
	} else {                                  // there was an error
		errorCode = USI_TWI_Get_State_Info(); // this function returns the error number
		return errorCode;
static unsigned int display_number(unsigned int n) {

    unsigned char data[2];
    unsigned int digit_1 = 0;
    unsigned int digit_2 = 0;

    if(n > 99)
        n = 99;

    digit_1 = n % 10;
    digit_2 = n / 10;

    if (digit_2 == 8) digit_2 = 9;
    else if (digit_2 == 9) digit_2 = 8;

    data[0] = PCF8574_ADDRESS << 1;
    data[1] = (digit_1 << 4) | (digit_2);

    USI_TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data(data, 2);

    return  USI_TWI_Get_State_Info();
int16_t I2C_masterReadRegisterByte(I2C_Device *dev, uint8_t *reg, uint8_t rLen, uint8_t *data, uint8_t dLen) {
#ifdef USI_TWI
	uint8_t cmd_buf[MAX_REQ_BUF]; // For speed reasons, use a static buffer...
	if (dLen +rLen >= MAX_REQ_BUF) dLen = MAX_REQ_BUF - (rLen + 1);

	cmd_buf[0] = (((dev->id << 4) & 0xF0) | ((dev->address << 1) & 0x0E)) | (FALSE << TWI_READ_BIT);
	for (int curReg = 0; curReg < rLen; curReg++) {
		cmd_buf[1 + curReg] = reg[curReg];

	int retval = USI_TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data(cmd_buf, 1 + rLen);

	if (retval != TRUE) return -1;

	cmd_buf[0] = (((dev->id << 4) & 0xF0) | ((dev->address << 1) & 0x0E)) | (TRUE << TWI_READ_BIT);	
	do {
		retval = USI_TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data(cmd_buf, 1 + dLen);
	} while(USI_TWI_Get_State_Info() == USI_TWI_NO_ACK_ON_ADDRESS);

	for (uint8_t bufIdx = 0; bufIdx < dLen; bufIdx++)
		data[bufIdx] = cmd_buf[bufIdx + 1];

	return (retval == TRUE) ? dLen : -1;
	uint8_t twiStatus;
	uint8_t retryCount = 0;
	int16_t retval = dLen;

	while (retryCount < MAX_RETRIES) {
		// Start command
		twiStatus = I2C_internal_sendCommand(I2C_StartCommand);
		if (twiStatus == TW_MT_ARB_LOST) { // We need to retry...
			continue; // Begin to loop again
		} else if ((twiStatus != TW_START) && (twiStatus != TW_REP_START)) {
			retval = -1;

		// Now send slave address... asking for a write
		TWDR = ((dev->id << 4) & 0xF0) | ((dev->address << 1) & 0x0E) | TW_WRITE;
		twiStatus = I2C_internal_sendCommand(I2C_DataNACKCommand);
		if ((twiStatus == TW_MT_SLA_NACK) || (twiStatus == TW_MT_ARB_LOST)) {
		} else if (twiStatus != TW_MT_SLA_ACK) {
			retval = -1;

		// Send register address
		for (int curReg = 0; curReg < rLen; curReg++) {
			TWDR = reg[curReg];
			twiStatus = I2C_internal_sendCommand(I2C_DataNACKCommand);
			if (twiStatus != TW_MT_DATA_ACK) {
				retval = -1;
		if (retval == -1) break; // Something bad happened sending the register address

		// Send start command again.
		twiStatus = I2C_internal_sendCommand(I2C_StartCommand);
		if (twiStatus == TW_MT_ARB_LOST) { // We need to retry...
			continue; // Begin to loop again
		} else if ((twiStatus != TW_START) && (twiStatus != TW_REP_START)) {
			retval = -1;

		// Now send slave address... asking for a read
		TWDR = ((dev->id << 4) & 0xF0) | ((dev->address << 1) & 0x0E) | TW_READ;
		twiStatus = I2C_internal_sendCommand(I2C_DataNACKCommand);
		if ((twiStatus == TW_MR_SLA_NACK) || (twiStatus == TW_MR_ARB_LOST)) {
		} else if (twiStatus != TW_MR_SLA_ACK) {
			retval = -1;

		for (int curData = 0; curData < dLen; curData++) {
			// Read the data

			if (curData == (dLen - 1)) { // Last read... we need to send a NACK
				twiStatus = I2C_internal_sendCommand(I2C_DataNACKCommand);
				if (twiStatus != TW_MR_DATA_NACK) {
					retval = -1;
			} else { // We have to perform other reads... send an ACK
				twiStatus = I2C_internal_sendCommand(I2C_DataACKCommand);
				if (twiStatus != TW_MR_DATA_ACK) {
					retval = -1;
			// Read the data!
			data[curData] = TWDR;


	twiStatus = I2C_internal_sendCommand(I2C_StopCommand);	

	return retval; 