void CBaseDoor :: PostSpawn( void )
	if (m_pMoveWith)
		m_vecPosition1 = pev->origin - m_pMoveWith->pev->origin;
		m_vecPosition1 = pev->origin;

	// Subtract 2 from size because the engine expands bboxes by 1 in all directions
	m_vecPosition2	= m_vecPosition1 + (pev->movedir * (fabs( pev->movedir.x * (pev->size.x-2) ) + fabs( pev->movedir.y * (pev->size.y-2) ) + fabs( pev->movedir.z * (pev->size.z-2) ) - m_flLip));

	ASSERTSZ(m_vecPosition1 != m_vecPosition2, "door start/end positions are equal");
	if ( FBitSet (pev->spawnflags, SF_DOOR_START_OPEN) )
	{	// swap pos1 and pos2, put door at pos2
		if (m_pMoveWith)
			m_vecSpawnOffset = m_vecSpawnOffset + (m_vecPosition2 + m_pMoveWith->pev->origin) - pev->origin;
			UTIL_AssignOrigin(this, m_vecPosition2 + m_pMoveWith->pev->origin);
			m_vecSpawnOffset = m_vecSpawnOffset + m_vecPosition2 - pev->origin;
			UTIL_AssignOrigin(this, m_vecPosition2);
		Vector vecTemp = m_vecPosition2;
		m_vecPosition2 = m_vecPosition1;
		m_vecPosition1 = vecTemp;
//		ALERT(at_console, "func_door postspawn: origin %f %f %f\n", pev->origin.x, pev->origin.y, pev->origin.z);
// LRC- bInitiator is true if this is being called directly, rather than because pEntity is moving with something else.
void UTIL_AssignOrigin(CBaseEntity *pEntity, const Vector vecOrigin, BOOL bInitiator)
	Vector vecDiff = vecOrigin - pEntity->pev->origin;

	UTIL_SetOrigin(pEntity, vecOrigin);

	if (bInitiator && pEntity->m_pMoveWith)
		pEntity->m_vecOffsetOrigin = pEntity->pev->origin - pEntity->m_pMoveWith->pev->origin;
	if (pEntity->m_pChildMoveWith) // now I've moved pEntity, does anything else have to move with it?
		CBaseEntity* pChild = pEntity->m_pChildMoveWith;

		Vector vecTemp;
		while (pChild)
			if (pChild->pev->movetype != MOVETYPE_PUSH || pChild->pev->velocity == pEntity->pev->velocity) // if the child isn't moving under its own power
				UTIL_AssignOrigin(pChild, vecOrigin + pChild->m_vecOffsetOrigin, FALSE);
				vecTemp = vecDiff + pChild->pev->origin;
				UTIL_AssignOrigin(pChild, vecTemp, FALSE);
			pChild = pChild->m_pSiblingMoveWith;
void CBaseDoor :: SetToggleState( int state )
	if ( state == TS_AT_TOP )
		if (m_pMoveWith)
			UTIL_AssignOrigin( this, m_vecPosition2 + m_pMoveWith->pev->origin);
			UTIL_AssignOrigin( this, m_vecPosition2 );
		if (m_pMoveWith)
			UTIL_AssignOrigin( this, m_vecPosition1 + m_pMoveWith->pev->origin);
			UTIL_AssignOrigin( this, m_vecPosition1 );
void CTriggerCamera::Move( void )
	// Not moving on a path, return
	if (!m_pGoalEnt) return;

	// Subtract movement from the previous frame
	pev->frags -= pev->speed * gpGlobals->frametime;

	// Have we moved enough to reach the target?
	if ( pev->frags <= 0 )
		// Fire the passtarget if there is one
		if ( m_pGoalEnt->pev->message )
			UTIL_FireTargets( m_pGoalEnt->pev->message, this, this, USE_TOGGLE, 0 );
			if ( FBitSet( m_pGoalEnt->pev->spawnflags, SF_CORNER_FIREONCE ) )
				m_pGoalEnt->pev->message = 0;

		if ( FBitSet( m_pGoalEnt->pev->spawnflags, SF_CORNER_TELEPORT ) )
			m_pGoalEnt = m_pGoalEnt->GetNext();
			if ( m_pGoalEnt ) UTIL_AssignOrigin( this, m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin ); 
		if ( FBitSet( m_pGoalEnt->pev->spawnflags, SF_CORNER_WAITFORTRIG ) )
			//strange feature...
		// Time to go to the next target
		m_pGoalEnt = m_pGoalEnt->GetNext();

		// Set up next corner
		if ( !m_pGoalEnt ) UTIL_SetVelocity( this, g_vecZero );
			pev->message = m_pGoalEnt->pev->targetname; //save last corner
			pev->armorvalue = m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed;

			Vector delta = m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin - pev->origin;
			pev->frags = delta.Length();
			pev->movedir = delta.Normalize();
			m_flDelay = gpGlobals->time + m_pGoalEnt->GetDelay();

	if ( m_flDelay > gpGlobals->time )
		pev->speed = UTIL_Approach( 0, pev->speed, 500 * gpGlobals->frametime );
	else pev->speed = UTIL_Approach( pev->armorvalue, pev->speed, 500 * gpGlobals->frametime );
	if( !pTarget ) UTIL_WatchTarget( this, m_pGoalEnt ); // watch for track

	float fraction = 2 * gpGlobals->frametime;
	UTIL_SetVelocity( this, ((pev->movedir * pev->speed) * fraction) + (pev->velocity * ( 1 - fraction )));
void UTIL_MergePos(CBaseEntity *pEnt, int loopbreaker)
	if (loopbreaker <= 0)return;
	if (!pEnt->m_pMoveWith)return;

	Vector forward, right, up, vecOrg, vecAngles;

	UTIL_MakeVectorsPrivate(pEnt->m_pMoveWith->pev->angles, forward, right, up);

	if (pEnt->m_pMoveWith->pev->flags & FL_MONSTER)
		vecOrg = pEnt->m_vecPostAssistOrg = pEnt->m_pMoveWith->pev->origin + (forward * pEnt->m_vecOffsetOrigin.x) + (right * pEnt->m_vecOffsetOrigin.y) + (up * pEnt->m_vecOffsetOrigin.z);
	else	vecOrg = pEnt->m_vecPostAssistOrg = pEnt->m_pMoveWith->pev->origin + (forward * pEnt->m_vecOffsetOrigin.x) + (-right * pEnt->m_vecOffsetOrigin.y) + (up * pEnt->m_vecOffsetOrigin.z);

	vecAngles = pEnt->m_vecPostAssistAng = pEnt->m_pMoveWith->pev->angles + pEnt->m_vecOffsetAngles;

	if (pEnt->m_pChildMoveWith)
		CBaseEntity *pMoving = pEnt->m_pChildMoveWith;
		int sloopbreaker = MAX_MOVEWITH_DEPTH;
		while (pMoving)
			UTIL_MergePos(pMoving, loopbreaker - 1);
			pMoving = pMoving->m_pSiblingMoveWith;
			if (sloopbreaker <= 0)break;

	if (pEnt->m_iLFlags & LF_MERGEPOS)
		UTIL_AssignOrigin(pEnt, vecOrg);
		UTIL_AssignAngles(pEnt, vecAngles);
		ClearBits(pEnt->m_iLFlags, LF_MERGEPOS);
	if (pEnt->m_iLFlags & LF_POSTORG)
		pEnt->pev->origin = vecOrg;
		pEnt->pev->angles = vecAngles;
		SetBits(pEnt->m_iLFlags, LF_DODESIRED); //refresh position every frame
		if (!pEnt->m_pAssistLink) UTIL_AddToAssistList(pEnt);
void CMomentaryDoor::Spawn( void )
	SetMovedir (pev);

	pev->solid		= SOLID_BSP;
	pev->movetype	= MOVETYPE_PUSH;

	UTIL_SetOrigin(this, pev->origin);
	SET_MODEL( ENT(pev), STRING(pev->model) );
//	if (pev->speed == 0)
//		pev->speed = 100;
	if (pev->dmg == 0)
		pev->dmg = 2;

	m_iState = STATE_OFF;
	m_vecPosition1	= pev->origin;
	// Subtract 2 from size because the engine expands bboxes by 1 in all directions making the size too big
	m_vecPosition2	= m_vecPosition1 + (pev->movedir * (fabs( pev->movedir.x * (pev->size.x-2) ) + fabs( pev->movedir.y * (pev->size.y-2) ) + fabs( pev->movedir.z * (pev->size.z-2) ) - m_flLip));
	ASSERTSZ(m_vecPosition1 != m_vecPosition2, "door start/end positions are equal");

	//LRC: FIXME, move to PostSpawn
	if ( FBitSet (pev->spawnflags, SF_DOOR_START_OPEN) )
	{	// swap pos1 and pos2, put door at pos2
		UTIL_AssignOrigin(this, m_vecPosition2);
		Vector vecTemp = m_vecPosition2;
		m_vecPosition2 = m_vecPosition1;
		m_vecPosition1 = vecTemp;

	if (m_pMoveWith)
		m_vecPosition1 = m_vecPosition1 - m_pMoveWith->pev->origin;
		m_vecPosition2 = m_vecPosition2 - m_pMoveWith->pev->origin;

	SetTouch( NULL );
void CBaseToggle :: LinearMoveDoneNow( void )
	Vector vecDest;

//	ALERT(at_console, "LMDone %s\n", STRING(pev->targetname));

	UTIL_SetVelocity(this, g_vecZero);//, TRUE);
//	pev->velocity = g_vecZero;
	if (m_pMoveWith)
		vecDest = m_vecFinalDest + m_pMoveWith->pev->origin;
//		ALERT(at_console, "LMDone %s: p.origin = %f %f %f, origin = %f %f %f. Set it to %f %f %f\n", STRING(pev->targetname), m_pMoveWith->pev->origin.x,  m_pMoveWith->pev->origin.y,  m_pMoveWith->pev->origin.z, pev->origin.x, pev->origin.y, pev->origin.z, vecDest.x, vecDest.y, vecDest.z);
		vecDest = m_vecFinalDest;
//		ALERT(at_console, "LMDone %s: origin = %f %f %f. Set it to %f %f %f\n", STRING(pev->targetname), pev->origin.x, pev->origin.y, pev->origin.z, vecDest.x, vecDest.y, vecDest.z);
	UTIL_AssignOrigin(this, vecDest);
	DontThink(); //LRC
	//pev->nextthink = -1;
	if ( m_pfnCallWhenMoveDone )
// LRC- change the origin to the given position, and bring any movewiths along too.
void UTIL_AssignOrigin(CBaseEntity *pEntity, const Vector vecOrigin)
	UTIL_AssignOrigin(pEntity, vecOrigin, TRUE);