void UTIL_BloodDrips( const Vector &origin, const Vector &direction, int color, int amount )
	if ( !UTIL_ShouldShowBlood( color ) )

	if ( color == DONT_BLEED || amount == 0 )

	if ( g_Language.GetInt() == LANGUAGE_GERMAN && color == BLOOD_COLOR_RED )
		color = 0;

	if ( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() )
		// scale up blood effect in multiplayer for better visibility
		amount *= 5;

	if ( amount > 255 )
		amount = 255;

	if (color == BLOOD_COLOR_MECH)
		if (random->RandomFloat(0, 2) >= 1)
			UTIL_Smoke(origin, random->RandomInt(10, 15), 10);
		// Normal blood impact
		UTIL_BloodImpact( origin, direction, color, amount );
void CHL1NPCTalker::TraceAttack(const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator)
	if ( info.GetDamage() >= 1.0 && !(info.GetDamageType() & DMG_SHOCK ) )
		UTIL_BloodImpact( ptr->endpos, vecDir, BloodColor(), 4 );

	BaseClass::TraceAttack( info, vecDir, ptr, pAccumulator );
void UTIL_BloodDrips( const Vector &origin, const Vector &direction, int color, int amount )
#ifdef HL2SB
	//Andrew; see https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Fixing_AI_in_multiplayer#Blood
	IPredictionSystem::SuppressHostEvents( NULL );

	if ( !UTIL_ShouldShowBlood( color ) )

	if ( color == DONT_BLEED || amount == 0 )

	if ( g_Language.GetInt() == LANGUAGE_GERMAN && color == BLOOD_COLOR_RED )
		color = 0;

	if ( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() )
		// scale up blood effect in multiplayer for better visibility
		amount *= 5;

	if ( amount > 255 )
		amount = 255;

	if (color == BLOOD_COLOR_MECH)
		if (random->RandomFloat(0, 2) >= 1)
			UTIL_Smoke(origin, random->RandomInt(10, 15), 10);
		// Normal blood impact
		UTIL_BloodImpact( origin, direction, color, amount );
void UTIL_BloodDrips( const Vector &origin, const Vector &direction, int color, int amount )
    //Thanks to the prediction, the blood of NPCs is suppressed. This is because in HL2DM the blood of players is done client-side. need to break it for bots
    IPredictionSystem::SuppressHostEvents( NULL );
	if ( !UTIL_ShouldShowBlood( color ) )

	if ( color == DONT_BLEED || amount == 0 )

	if ( g_Language.GetInt() == LANGUAGE_GERMAN && color == BLOOD_COLOR_RED )
		color = 0;
	if ( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() )
		// scale up blood effect in multiplayer for better visibility
		amount *= 5;
	if ( amount > 255 )
		amount = 255;

	if (color == BLOOD_COLOR_MECH)
		if (random->RandomFloat(0, 2) >= 1)
			UTIL_Smoke(origin, random->RandomInt(10, 15), 10);
		// Normal blood impact
		UTIL_BloodImpact( origin, direction, color, amount );
void C_ClientPartialRagdoll::ImpactTrace( trace_t *pTrace, int iDamageType, const char *pCustomImpactName )
	BaseClass::ImpactTrace( pTrace, iDamageType, pCustomImpactName );

	// client entities have the network index -1 so lots of effects don't work easily
	if ( BloodColor() != DONT_BLEED )
		const char *pszDecalName = NULL;

		switch ( BloodColor() )
			pszDecalName = "Blood";

		int index = decalsystem->GetDecalIndexForName( pszDecalName );
		Vector vecDir = pTrace->endpos - pTrace->startpos;
		if ( vecDir.LengthSqr() > FLT_EPSILON )

		if ( index >= 0 )
			SetShrinkingEnabled( false );
			SetupBones( NULL, -1, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING, gpGlobals->curtime );

			// add decal to model
			AddDecal( pTrace->startpos, pTrace->endpos, pTrace->endpos, pTrace->hitbox,
						index, false, *pTrace );

			SetShrinkingEnabled( true );

		// add decal to world
		trace_t tr;
		UTIL_TraceLine( pTrace->endpos, pTrace->endpos + vecDir * 35.0f, MASK_SOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

		UTIL_BloodDecalTrace( &tr, BloodColor() );
		if ( ShouldCreateBloodParticles() )
			UTIL_BloodImpact( pTrace->endpos, -vecDir, BloodColor(), 5 );

	if ( m_bReleaseRagdoll || m_bFadingOut )

	const float flGibbingChance = ( ( iDamageType & DMG_BLAST ) != 0 ) ?
		gstring_gibbing_explosion_chance.GetFloat() : gstring_gibbing_chance.GetFloat();
	const bool bSniperImpact = ( iDamageType & DMG_SNIPER ) != 0;

	if ( !bSniperImpact && RandomFloat() > flGibbingChance / 100.0f )

	CStudioHdr *pHdr = GetModelPtr();

	if ( pHdr == NULL )

	int iStudioBone = ConvertPhysBoneToStudioBone( this, pTrace->physicsbone );
	const bool bExplosionImpact = ( iDamageType & DMG_BLAST ) != 0;

	// if the hit bone is a valid studio bone and we know that this bone
	// is drawn as a normal bone (not shrunken)
	if ( iStudioBone >= 0
		&& m_normalBones.IsBitSet( iStudioBone )
		|| bExplosionImpact )
		CUtlVector< ragdollparams_partial_t > gibModels;

		// we've been analysed already so use the known hit group
		// and try recusive splitting
		GibbingParamsRecursive_t params;
		params.pHdr = pHdr;
		params.pszHitBone = ( iStudioBone >= 0 && !bExplosionImpact ) ? pHdr->pBone( iStudioBone )->pszName() : NULL;
		params.pszParentName = STRING( m_strRecursiveParent );
		params.pszRootBone = ( m_iBranchRootBone >= 0 && m_iBranchRootBone < pHdr->numbones() )
			? pHdr->pBone( m_iBranchRootBone )->pszName() : NULL;
		params.pJointBones = &m_jointBones;

		const char *pszParentSplitBone;

		// find a suitable joint to cut
		if ( C_GibConfig::GetInstance()->GetGibsForGroup( params, gibModels, &pszParentSplitBone )
			|| bExplosionImpact && C_GibConfig::GetInstance()->GetRandomGibsForGroup( params, gibModels, &pszParentSplitBone ) )
			int iSplitboneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pHdr, pszParentSplitBone );

			// don't do cutting if we cut this joint in the past
			// or if this joint is our current branch root
			if ( iSplitboneIndex < 0
				|| m_jointBones.IsBitSet( iSplitboneIndex )
				|| m_iBranchRootBone == iSplitboneIndex )

			matrix3x4_t boneDelta0[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
			matrix3x4_t boneDelta1[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
			matrix3x4_t currentBones[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
			const float boneDt = 0.1f;

			// setup bones without shrinking to position the new gibs
			SetShrinkingEnabled( false );
			GetRagdollInitBoneArrays( boneDelta0, boneDelta1, currentBones, boneDt );
			SetShrinkingEnabled( true );


			// create the new gibmodels
			FOR_EACH_VEC( gibModels, i )
				ragdollparams_partial_t &partial = gibModels[ i ];

				// add old trunk joints
				for ( int iBit = m_jointBones.FindNextSetBit( 0 );
					iBit >= 0; iBit = m_jointBones.FindNextSetBit( iBit + 1 ) )
					if ( m_iBranchRootBone == iBit )

					const char *pszName = pHdr->pBone( iBit )->pszName();

					partial.trunkBones.AddToTail( pszName );

				// if we create a trunk from an existing branch
				// we have to propagate the branch root bone
				if ( partial.rootBone.IsEmpty()
					&& m_iBranchRootBone >= 0 )
					partial.rootBone = pHdr->pBone( m_iBranchRootBone )->pszName();

				C_BaseAnimating *pGib = CreateRagdollCopy( false );
				C_ClientPartialRagdoll *pRecursiveRagdoll = dynamic_cast< C_ClientPartialRagdoll* >( pGib );
				Assert( pRecursiveRagdoll );

				// apply force and propagate cut information
				if ( pRecursiveRagdoll != NULL )
					pRecursiveRagdoll->SetRecursiveGibData( STRING( m_strRecursiveParent ), STRING( m_strRecursiveGoreName ),
						STRING( m_strRecursiveGoreMaterialName ) );
					pRecursiveRagdoll->SetShrinkingEnabled( true );

					Vector vecDelta = pTrace->endpos - pTrace->startpos;
					if ( vecDelta.LengthSqr() <= FLT_EPSILON )
						vecDelta = RandomVector( -1, 1 );

					pRecursiveRagdoll->m_vecForce = vecDelta * RandomFloat( 15000.0f, 35000.0f );
					pRecursiveRagdoll->m_nForceBone = pTrace->physicsbone;

					pRecursiveRagdoll->SetBloodColor( BloodColor() );
					pRecursiveRagdoll->m_jointBones.Or( m_jointBones, &pRecursiveRagdoll->m_jointBones );

					//FOR_EACH_VEC( m_Gore, i )
					//	const int iBone = m_Gore[ i ].m_iBone;

					//	if ( iBone >= 0 && iBone == m_iBranchRootBone )
					//	{

					//	}
					//	pRecursiveRagdoll->m_Gore.AddToTail( m_Gore[ i ] );
					//	m_Gore.Remove( i );
					//	i--;

				pGib->InitAsClientRagdoll( boneDelta0, boneDelta1, currentBones, boneDt, false, &partial );

				if ( bExplosionImpact
					&& RandomFloat() <= gstring_gibbing_explosion_recursive_chance.GetFloat() / 100.0f )
					pGib->ImpactTrace( pTrace, iDamageType, pCustomImpactName );

				if ( BloodColor() == BLOOD_COLOR_RED
					&& ( !pRecursiveRagdoll || !pRecursiveRagdoll->m_bReleaseRagdoll )
					&& ShouldCreateBloodParticles() )
					Assert( pszParentSplitBone != NULL );

					DispatchGibParticle( pGib, pszParentSplitBone, bExplosionImpact, BloodColor() );
static int luasrc_UTIL_BloodImpact (lua_State *L) {
  UTIL_BloodImpact(luaL_checkvector(L, 1), luaL_checkvector(L, 2), luaL_checkint(L, 3), luaL_checkint(L, 4));
  return 0;