/*static*/ void Conversions::utm2llh(double utm_north,double utm_east,double utm_alt, int utm_zone, double *lat,double *lon,double *h)
	char zone[4] = "31U";

	int RefEllipsoid = 23;//WGS-84. See list with file "llh_utm.cpp" for id numbers

	UTMtoLL(RefEllipsoid, utm_north, utm_east, zone, *lat, *lon);
	*h = utm_alt;
/*static*/ void Conversions::utm2ecef(double utm_north,double utm_east,double utm_alt, int utm_zone, double *ecef_x,double *ecef_y,double *ecef_z)
	double lat, lon, h;
	char zone[4] = "31U";


	int RefEllipsoid = 23;//WGS-84. See list with file "llh_utm.cpp" for id numbers

	UTMtoLL(RefEllipsoid, utm_north, utm_east, zone, lat, lon);
	h = utm_alt;

	wgs2ecef(lat, lon,h, ecef_x,ecef_y,ecef_z);
 void EN2LL(int ReferenceEllipsoid, double UTMNorthing, double UTMEasting, char* pszUTMZone, double *pLat, double *pLong)
   UTMtoLL(ReferenceEllipsoid, UTMNorthing, UTMEasting, pszUTMZone, pLat, pLong); 