BOOL MsgMng::Recv(MsgBuf *msg)
	RecvBuf		buf;

	if (!UdpRecv(&buf) || buf.size == 0)
		return	FALSE;

	return	ResolveMsg(&buf, msg);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int Rc;
char szVer [128];
int  nTries=0;
unsigned short nPort;

  if (argc<2)  Usage();
  if (argc==3  &&  strcmp (argv[1], "-v")==0)  Tcp4uEnableLog (LOG4U_DUMP);

  Tcp4uVer (szVer, sizeof szVer);   printf ("Using %s\n", szVer);

  nPort = Udp4uServiceToPort ("echo");
  printf ("echo port is %u\n", nPort);

  Rc = UdpInit (& lpSock, argv[argc-1], nPort, 0);
  if (Rc>=TCP4U_SUCCESS) 
     Rc = UdpBind (lpSock, TRUE, UDP4U_CLIENT);
  if (Rc<TCP4U_SUCCESS) 
    printf ("Error %d/%d: <%s>\n", Rc, errno, Tcp4uErrorString (Rc));
    return 0;

  /* send 3 datagrams */
        Rc = UdpSend (lpSock, STRING, sizeof STRING, 0, HLOG);
        if (Rc>=TCP4U_SUCCESS) 
           Rc= UdpRecv (lpSock, buf, sizeof buf, 5, HLOG);
     while (nTries <= 3 && Rc==TCP4U_TIMEOUT);

  if (Rc>=TCP4U_SUCCESS) 
       printf ("Server sends %d bytes. String <%s>\n", Rc, buf);
  else printf ("Error %d/%d: <%s>\n", Rc, errno, Tcp4uErrorString (Rc));

  if (lpSock!=NULL)   UdpCleanup (lpSock);
return 0;
 * @ingroup SnmpStack
 * @brief SNMP 요청 메시지를 전송한 후, 이에 대한 응답 메시지를 수신한다.
 * @param pclsRequest		SNMP 요청 메시지
 * @param pclsResponse	SNMP 응답 메시지
 * @returns 성공하면 true 를 리턴하고 실패하면 false 를 리턴한다.
bool CSnmpSession::SendRecv( CSnmpMessage * pclsRequest, CSnmpMessage * pclsResponse )
	int iSendLen, iRecvLen = 0, n;
	bool	bRes = false;

	if( m_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
		if( Open() == false ) return false;

	if( m_bTcp )
		int iWantRecvLen = 0;

		iSendLen = pclsRequest->MakePacket( szSend, sizeof(szSend) );
		if( iSendLen == -1 )
			CLog::Print( LOG_ERROR, "%s MakePacket error", __FUNCTION__ );
			return false;

		if( TcpSend( m_hSocket, szSend, iSendLen ) == false )
			CLog::Print( LOG_ERROR, "%s TcpSend error", __FUNCTION__ );
			return false;

		while( 1 )
			n = TcpRecv( m_hSocket, szRecv + iRecvLen, sizeof(szRecv) - iRecvLen, m_iMiliTimeout / 1000 ); 
			if( n <= 0 )
				CLog::Print( LOG_ERROR, "%s recv error(%d)", __FUNCTION__, GetError() );
				return false;

			iRecvLen += n;
			if( iWantRecvLen <= 0 )
				iWantRecvLen = pclsResponse->GetPacketLen( szRecv, iRecvLen );

			if( iWantRecvLen > 0 )
				if( iRecvLen == iWantRecvLen ) break;

		if( pclsResponse->ParsePacket( szRecv, iRecvLen ) > 0 )
			if( m_bDebug )
				LogPacket( szRecv, iRecvLen );

			if( pclsRequest->m_iRequestId == pclsResponse->m_iRequestId ||
					( pclsRequest->m_iMsgId > 0 && pclsRequest->m_iMsgId == pclsResponse->m_iMsgId ) )
				bRes = true;
		struct pollfd arrPoll[1];
		uint32_t	iIp;
		uint16_t	sPort;

		iSendLen = pclsRequest->MakePacket( szSend, sizeof(szSend) );
		if( iSendLen == -1 )
			CLog::Print( LOG_ERROR, "%s MakePacket error", __FUNCTION__ );
			return false;

		for( int iSend = 0; iSend <= m_iReSendCount; ++iSend )
			if( UdpSend( m_hSocket, szSend, iSendLen, m_iIp, m_sPort ) == false )
				CLog::Print( LOG_ERROR, "%s UdpSend error", __FUNCTION__ );
				return false;

			TcpSetPollIn( arrPoll[0], m_hSocket );

			n = poll( arrPoll, 1, m_iMiliTimeout );
			if( n > 0 )
				iRecvLen = sizeof(szRecv);
				if( UdpRecv( m_hSocket, szRecv, &iRecvLen, &iIp, &sPort ) )
					if( pclsResponse->ParsePacket( szRecv, iRecvLen ) > 0 )
						if( m_bDebug )
							LogPacket( szRecv, iRecvLen );

						if( pclsRequest->m_iRequestId == pclsResponse->m_iRequestId ||
								( pclsRequest->m_iMsgId > 0 && pclsRequest->m_iMsgId == pclsResponse->m_iMsgId ) )
							bRes = true;

					// 원하는 응답이 수신되지 않으면 다시 수신 대기로 진입한다.
					goto POLL_START;

	return bRes;
// Fenetre Background gestion des appels TCP
LRESULT CALLBACK TftpClientProc (HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
DWORD          nbWrt;
struct tftphdr *tpr, *tps;
time_t            dNow;
int             Ark;
HWND            hCBWnd, hParentWnd;

  time (&dNow);
  switch (message)

    // Message Windows

    case WM_INITCLIENT :
      // only one client transfer available
      hTftpClientSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 1, TFTP_CLIENT_SEMAPHORE);

         hTftpClientWnd = hWnd;
        hParentWnd = GetParent (hWnd);
         EnableWindow (GetDlgItem (hParentWnd, IDC_CLIENT_BREAK_BUTTON), FALSE);
         SetDlgItemText (hParentWnd, IDC_CLIENT_BLOCK, "");

       // populate combo with proposed block sizes
        hCBWnd = GetDlgItem (hParentWnd, IDC_CB_DATASEG);
      for (Ark=0 ;  Ark<SizeOfTab (tBlkSize); Ark++)
                ComboBox_AddString (hCBWnd, tBlkSize[Ark].szBlkSize);
       ComboBox_SetCurSel (hCBWnd, 0);

       // uncheck "Send full path to server"
      SendDlgItemMessage (hParentWnd, IDC_CLIENT_FULL_PATH, BM_SETCHECK, BST_UNCHECKED, 0);   

      // edittext IDC_CLIENT_FILE will accept dropped file (works only because it is on the top in Z-Order
       DragAcceptFiles (GetDlgItem (hParentWnd, IDC_CLIENT_LOCALFILE), TRUE);
          // fEditBoxProc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLong (GetDlgItem (hParentWnd, IDC_CLIENT_LOCALFILE), GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG) TftpClientFileNameProc);
          fEditBoxProc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLongPtr (GetDlgItem (hParentWnd, IDC_CLIENT_LOCALFILE), GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) TftpClientFileNameProc);
//    SetWindowLong (GetDlgItem (hParentWnd, IDC_CLIENT_FILE), GWL_USERDATA, (LONG) TftpClientFileNameProc);
    SetWindowLongPtr (GetDlgItem (hParentWnd, IDC_CLIENT_LOCALFILE), GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) TftpClientFileNameProc);

    case WM_CLOSE :
LogToMonitor ("GUI: Closing Tftp Client");
         CloseHandle (hTftpClientSemaphore);
         CloseHandle (sTC.hFile);
         closesocket (sTC.s);

    case WM_COMMAND :
          Handle_VM_Command (hWnd, wParam, lParam);

    case WM_TIMER :
         KillTimer(hWnd, wParam);
         PostMessage (hWnd, wParam, 0, (LPARAM) -1);    // pour pas confondre

      // Download : fichier envoyé par le serveur
     case WM_CLIENT_DATA :
        // WSAAsyncSelect (sTC.s, hWnd, 0, 0);  A SUPPRIMER
        KillTimer(hWnd, wParam);
        if (sTC.bBreak) return FALSE;
        sTC.nRcvd = 0;
        // On est reveillé par un message reçu
        tpr = (struct tftphdr *) sTC.BufRcv;
        if (WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lParam) == FD_READ)
            if (! UdpRecv ())
                return BadEndOfTransfer ("Error in Recv.\nError code is %d (%s)", WSAGetLastError (), LastErrorText() );
          // parcours des codes retours
          switch (htons (tpr->th_opcode))
              case TFTP_ERROR :
                   return BadEndOfTransfer ("Server stops the transfer.\nError #%d: %s", htons (tpr->th_code), tpr->th_msg);
             case TFTP_OACK :
                    if (sTC.nCount==0) TftpProcessOACK ();
                case TFTP_DATA :
                   // a data packet has been received. Check #block
                   if ( htons (tpr->th_block) == (unsigned short) (sTC.nCount+1) )
                      if (     !WriteFile (sTC.hFile, tpr->th_data, sTC.nRcvd - TFTP_DATA_HEADERSIZE, & nbWrt, NULL)
                          ||  sTC.nRcvd-TFTP_DATA_HEADERSIZE!=nbWrt)
                            return BadEndOfTransfer ("Error in writing file.\nError code is %d (%s)", GetLastError(), LastErrorText());
                       sTC.nRetransmit = 0;
                       // prepare Ack block
                       tps = (struct tftphdr *) sTC.BufSnd;
                       tps->th_opcode = htons (TFTP_ACK),  tps->th_block = htons ((unsigned short) sTC.nCount);
                       sTC.nToSend = TFTP_DATA_HEADERSIZE;
                       // compute MD5
                       MD5Update (& sTC.m.ctx, tpr->th_data, nbWrt);
             default :
                 return BadEndOfTransfer ("Server sent illegal opcode %d", htons (tpr->th_opcode));
          } // switch opcode
        } // il y a un message à recevoir
        // La comparaison marche si le paquet est le bon ou une répétition du précédent message
        if ( htons (tpr->th_block) == (unsigned short) sTC.nCount)
           if (sTC.nRetransmit)  sTC.nTotRetrans ++;
           if (sTC.nRetransmit++ > TFTP_RETRANSMIT)
                return BadEndOfTransfer ("Timeout waiting block #%d", sTC.nCount+1);
            send (sTC.s, sTC.BufSnd, sTC.nToSend, 0);
            SetTimer (hWnd, WM_CLIENT_DATA, sTC.dwTimeout, NULL);
      // sTC.nRcvd ne peut être inférieur que si on a reçu un block
        if (  htons (tpr->th_opcode)==TFTP_DATA
          &&  sTC.nRcvd!=0
           && sTC.nRcvd < sTC.nPktSize + TFTP_DATA_HEADERSIZE)
                    return TransferOK (dNow);
      Statistics (dNow);

    // Upload : server sends ACK
     case WM_CLIENT_ACK :
        KillTimer(hWnd, wParam);
       if (sTC.bBreak  ||  sTC.s==INVALID_SOCKET) return FALSE;
       // socket not closed by StopTransfer
        tpr = (struct tftphdr *) sTC.BufRcv;
        if ( WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lParam) == FD_READ )
            if (! UdpRecv ())
                return BadEndOfTransfer ("Error in Recv.\nError code is %d (%s)", WSAGetLastError (), LastErrorText() );
            switch (htons (tpr->th_opcode))
              case TFTP_ERROR :
                   return BadEndOfTransfer ("Server stops the transfer.\nError #%d: %s", htons (tpr->th_code), tpr->th_msg);

                case TFTP_OACK :
                    if (sTC.nCount!=0)  break; // ignore message
                   TftpProcessOACK ();
                    tpr->th_block = htons(0);  // pour passer en dessous
                   // Fall through

              case TFTP_ACK :
                    if ( htons (tpr->th_block) == (unsigned short) sTC.nCount )
                      // prepare Data block
                       tps = (struct tftphdr *) sTC.BufSnd;
                       if ( !ReadFile (sTC.hFile, tps->th_data, sTC.nPktSize, & sTC.nRcvd, NULL) )
                          if (sTC.nToSend == TFTP_DATA_HEADERSIZE + sTC.nPktSize)  // file was exactly N * PkSize
                                  return TransferOK (dNow);
                            else  return BadEndOfTransfer ("Error in reading file.\nError code is %d (%s)", GetLastError(), LastErrorText());
                       if (sTC.nRcvd == 0) // EOF 
                          if (sTC.nToSend < TFTP_DATA_HEADERSIZE + sTC.nPktSize) 
                                return TransferOK (dNow);
                      sTC.nRetransmit = 0;
                      tps->th_opcode = htons (TFTP_DATA),  tps->th_block = htons ((unsigned short) sTC.nCount);
                      sTC.nToSend = TFTP_DATA_HEADERSIZE + sTC.nRcvd;
                      // compute MD5
                      MD5Update (& sTC.m.ctx, tps->th_data, sTC.nRcvd);
             default :
                   return BadEndOfTransfer ("Server sent illegal opcode %d", htons (tpr->th_opcode));
            } // switch opcode
        } // il y a un message à recevoir

        // Timeout or ack of previous block
        else if ( htons (tpr->th_block) == (unsigned short) (sTC.nCount-1) )
           if (sTC.nRetransmit)  sTC.nTotRetrans ++;
           if (sTC.nRetransmit++ > TFTP_RETRANSMIT)
                return BadEndOfTransfer ("Timeout while waiting ack block #%d", sTC.nCount);
            // une possibilité : on est au dernier message et le serveur TFTP n'a pas acquitté
            // --> on renvoie, mais sur Timeout, on signale un transfert OK
            if (sTC.nToSend < TFTP_DATA_HEADERSIZE + sTC.nPktSize  &&  sTC.nRetransmit<TFTP_RETRANSMIT)
                return TransferOK (dNow);

        send (sTC.s, sTC.BufSnd, sTC.nToSend, 0);
        SetTimer (hWnd, WM_CLIENT_ACK, sTC.dwTimeout, NULL);
      Statistics (dNow);
   } // switch message

return DefWindowProc (hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
} // TftpProc