void le_fdMonitor_SetDeferrable
    le_fdMonitor_Ref_t monitorRef,  ///< [in] Reference to the File Descriptor Monitor object.
    bool               isDeferrable ///< [in] true (deferrable) or false (urgent).
    // Look up the File Descriptor Monitor object using the safe reference provided.
    // Note that the safe reference map is shared by all threads in the process, so it
    // must be protected using the mutex.  The File Descriptor Monitor objects, on the other
    // hand, are only allowed to be accessed by the one thread that created them, so it is
    // safe to unlock the mutex after doing the safe reference lookup.
    FdMonitor_t* monitorPtr = le_ref_Lookup(FdMonitorRefMap, monitorRef);

    LE_FATAL_IF(monitorPtr == NULL, "File Descriptor Monitor %p doesn't exist!", monitorRef);
    LE_FATAL_IF(thread_GetEventRecPtr() != monitorPtr->threadRecPtr,
                "FD Monitor '%s' (fd %d) is owned by another thread.",

    // Set/clear the EPOLLWAKEUP flag in the FD Monitor's epoll(7) flags set.
    if (isDeferrable)
        monitorPtr->epollEvents &= ~EPOLLWAKEUP;
        monitorPtr->epollEvents |= EPOLLWAKEUP;

void le_fdMonitor_Enable
    le_fdMonitor_Ref_t  monitorRef, ///< [in] Reference to the File Descriptor Monitor object.
    short               events      ///< [in] Bit map of events.
    // Look up the File Descriptor Monitor object using the safe reference provided.
    // Note that the safe reference map is shared by all threads in the process, so it
    // must be protected using the mutex.  The File Descriptor Monitor objects, on the other
    // hand, are only allowed to be accessed by the one thread that created them, so it is
    // safe to unlock the mutex after doing the safe reference lookup.
    FdMonitor_t* monitorPtr = le_ref_Lookup(FdMonitorRefMap, monitorRef);

    LE_FATAL_IF(monitorPtr == NULL, "File Descriptor Monitor %p doesn't exist!", monitorRef);
    LE_FATAL_IF(thread_GetEventRecPtr() != monitorPtr->threadRecPtr,
                "FD Monitor '%s' (fd %d) is owned by another thread.",

    short filteredEvents = events & (POLLIN | POLLOUT | POLLPRI);

    if (filteredEvents != events)
        char textBuff[64];

        LE_WARN("Attempt to enable events that can't be disabled (%s).",
                GetPollEventsText(textBuff, sizeof(textBuff), events & ~filteredEvents));

    uint32_t epollEvents = PollToEPoll(filteredEvents);

    // If the fd doesn't support epoll, we assume it is always ready for read and write.
    // As long as EPOLLIN or EPOLLOUT (or both) is enabled for one of these fds, DispatchToHandler()
    // keeps re-queueing itself to the thread's event queue.  But it will stop doing that if
    // EPOLLIN and EPOLLOUT are both disabled.  So, here is where we get things going again when
    // EPOLLIN or EPOLLOUT is enabled outside DispatchToHandler() for that fd.
    if ( (monitorPtr->isAlwaysReady)
        && (epollEvents & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT))
        && ((monitorPtr->epollEvents & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT)) == 0) )
        // Fetch the pointer to the FD Monitor from thread-specific data.
        // This will be NULL if we are not inside an FD Monitor handler.
        FdMonitor_t* handlerMonitorPtr = pthread_getspecific(FDMonitorPtrKey);

        // If no handler is running or some other fd's handler is running,
        if ((handlerMonitorPtr == NULL) || (handlerMonitorPtr->safeRef == monitorRef))
            // Queue up DispatchToHandler() for this fd.
            fdMon_Report(monitorRef, epollEvents & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT));

    // Bit-wise OR the newly enabled event flags into the FD Monitor's epoll(7) flags set.
    monitorPtr->epollEvents |= epollEvents;

static void DisableFdMonitoring
    FdMonitor_t*            monitorPtr,
    le_event_FdEventType_t  eventType
    // Remove the epoll event flag from the flag set being monitored for this fd.
    // (Not possible for EPOLLERR or EPOLLHUP.  They are always monitored, no matter what.)
    uint32_t epollEventFlag = ConvertToEPollFlag(eventType, monitorPtr->wakeUp); // Note: checks eventType.
    if ((epollEventFlag != EPOLLERR) && (epollEventFlag != EPOLLHUP))
        monitorPtr->epollEvents &= (~epollEventFlag);

static void EnableFdMonitoring
    FdMonitor_t*            monitorPtr,
    le_event_FdEventType_t  eventType
    // Add the epoll event flag to the flag set being monitored for this fd.
    // (Not necessary for EPOLLERR or EPOLLHUP.  They are always monitored, no matter what.)
    uint32_t epollEventFlag = ConvertToEPollFlag(eventType, monitorPtr->wakeUp); // Note: checks eventType.
    if ((epollEventFlag != EPOLLERR) && (epollEventFlag != EPOLLHUP))
        monitorPtr->epollEvents |= epollEventFlag;

void le_fdMonitor_Disable
    le_fdMonitor_Ref_t  monitorRef, ///< [in] Reference to the File Descriptor Monitor object.
    short               events      ///< [in] Bit map of events.
    // Look up the File Descriptor Monitor object using the safe reference provided.
    // Note that the safe reference map is shared by all threads in the process, so it
    // must be protected using the mutex.  The File Descriptor Monitor objects, on the other
    // hand, are only allowed to be accessed by the one thread that created them, so it is
    // safe to unlock the mutex after doing the safe reference lookup.
    FdMonitor_t* monitorPtr = le_ref_Lookup(FdMonitorRefMap, monitorRef);

    LE_FATAL_IF(monitorPtr == NULL, "File Descriptor Monitor %p doesn't exist!", monitorRef);
    LE_FATAL_IF(thread_GetEventRecPtr() != monitorPtr->threadRecPtr,
                "FD Monitor '%s' (fd %d) is owned by another thread.",

    short filteredEvents = events & (POLLIN | POLLOUT | POLLPRI);

    LE_WARN_IF(filteredEvents != events,
               "Only POLLIN, POLLOUT, and POLLPRI events can be disabled. (fd monitor '%s')",

    // Convert the events from POLLxx events to EPOLLxx events.
    uint32_t epollEvents = PollToEPoll(filteredEvents);

    // Remove them from the FD Monitor's epoll(7) flags set.
    monitorPtr->epollEvents &= (~epollEvents);
