ERetVal CFile::Read ( void* _pBuffer, int _iBytes ) { ERetVal eRetVal = RET_OK; if (!m_pFile && !m_pPackFile) { LOG(("ERR: tried to read a file that is not open. File: '%s'", m_pszFileName)); eRetVal = RET_ERR; } //....not in FILEPACK if (m_pFile) { int bytesRead = fread( _pBuffer, 1, _iBytes, (FILE*)m_pFile ); if (bytesRead<_iBytes) { if (m_bLog) LOG(("ERR: read less bytes(%d) than expected(%d). File: '%s'", bytesRead, _iBytes, m_pszFileName)); eRetVal = RET_ERR; } } // FILEPACK... if (m_pPackFile) { eRetVal = g_pFilePack->ReadFile( _pBuffer, _iBytes, m_pPackFile ); } UpdateError( eRetVal ); return eRetVal; }
bool TcpConnectionListenerClass::Listen() { if (listen(Socket, SOMAXCONN) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return UpdateError(); } return true; }
bool TcpConnectionListenerClass::Bind() { if (bind(Socket, (sockaddr*)&Address, sizeof(Address)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return UpdateError(); } return true; }
ERetVal CFile::Open( const char* _pszFileName ) { ERetVal eRetVal = RET_OK; ASSERT( _pszFileName ); if (_pszFileName==NULL ) { eRetVal = RET_ERR; LOG(("ERR: NULL filename\n")); } if (eRetVal==RET_OK) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_pszFileName ); if (m_bLanguageVersions) m_pszFileName = BuildLanguageFileName( _pszFileName ); else m_pszFileName = ALLOC_COPY_STRING( _pszFileName ); eRetVal = Open_LowLvl( m_pszFileName ); if (eRetVal!=RET_OK) { if (m_bLog) LOG(("ERR: cant open the file. Maybe it does not exist.: '%s'", m_pszFileName)); } } UpdateError( eRetVal ); return eRetVal; }
bool TcpConnectionClass::UpdateBlocking() { u_long Argument = !IsBlocking; if (ioctlsocket(Socket, FIONBIO, &Argument) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return UpdateError(); } return true; }
bool TcpConnectionClass::Close() { if (Socket) { if (closesocket(Socket) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return UpdateError(); } Socket = NULL; } return true; }
ERetVal CFile::Write( const char* _pszBuffer ) { ERetVal eRetVal = RET_ERR; if (_pszBuffer) eRetVal = Write( (void*)_pszBuffer, strlen(_pszBuffer )); UpdateError( eRetVal ); return eRetVal; }
bool TcpConnectionClass::SetAddress(const char* HostName, int Port) { hostent* HostData; HostData = gethostbyname(HostName); if (!HostData) { return UpdateError(); } Address.sin_port = htons(Port); Address.sin_addr = *(in_addr*)HostData->h_addr; return true; }
bool TcpConnectionClass::Open() { // Close socket if still opened and clear the error. Close(); ClearError(); Socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (Socket == SOCKET_ERROR) { return UpdateError(); } return UpdateBlocking(); }
ERetVal CFile::OpenWrite( const char* _pszFileName ) { ERetVal eRetVal = RET_OK; ASSERT( _pszFileName ); if (_pszFileName==NULL ) { eRetVal = RET_ERR; LOG(("ERR: Nombre de fichero NULL en OpenWrite")); } if (eRetVal==RET_OK) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_pszFileName ); m_pszFileName = ALLOC_COPY_STRING( _pszFileName ); FILE* fp = fopen( m_pszFileName, "wb" ); if (!fp) // if there is an error, assumes it is because the directory is not created, and so it tries to create all the directory chain { char szDir[ MAX_FILENAME_SIZE ]; COPY_STRING( szDir, m_pszFileName ); char* psz = szDir; char* pszSlash = NULL; do { char* pszSlash = strchr( psz, '/' ); if (pszSlash) { *pszSlash = 0; _mkdir( szDir ); *pszSlash = '/'; psz = pszSlash + 1; } } while (pszSlash!=0); fp = fopen( m_pszFileName, "wb" ); // then tries to create the file again } if (!fp) // if still cant, then error { eRetVal = RET_ERR; if (m_bLog) LOG(("ERR: when trying to open the file (does not exist or cant be read): '%s'", m_pszFileName)); } m_pFile = fp; } UpdateError( eRetVal ); return eRetVal; }
int TcpConnectionClass::Receive(char* Data, int DataLen, int Flags) { int ReceiveResult = recv(Socket,Data,DataLen,Flags); if (ReceiveResult == 0) { return -1; } if (ReceiveResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { return 0; } else { UpdateError(); return -1; } } return ReceiveResult; }
int TcpConnectionListenerClass::Accept(TcpConnectionClass*& AcceptedConnection) { SOCKET RemoteSocket = accept(Socket, NULL, 0); if (RemoteSocket == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { return 0; } else { UpdateError(); return -1; } } AcceptedConnection = new TcpConnectionClass(); AcceptedConnection->Socket = RemoteSocket; return 1; }
void AdaptiveSparseGrid::BuildFirstLevel() { AdaptiveARRAY<int>* px1 = AdaptiveCoordAllocator.NewItem(dim); AdaptiveARRAY<int>* px2 = AdaptiveCoordAllocator.NewItem(dim); px1 -> fill(1); px2 -> fill(0); //! The first level is always a single point. AdaptiveARRAY<double> x; x.redim(dim); x.fill(0.5); L = 0; //! For the fisrt point, we always assign it to rank 0 if (rank == 0) { EvaluateFunctionAtThisPoint(&x); AdaptiveData* pData = AdaptiveDataAllocator.NewItem(); AdaptiveNodeData* pNodeData = AdaptiveNodeDataAllocator.NewItem(); pData->index = px1; pNodeData->index = px2; pNodeData->surplus = new double[TotalDof]; for ( int i = 0; i < TotalDof; i++) { pNodeData->surplus[i] = surplus[i]; } pData->NodeData.insert(pNodeData); SparseGrid.push_front(pData); } MPI_Barrier(mpiCOMM); //Generate New sons for each dimension Refine(px1, px2); // Compute the integration value if ( type == 1) { UpdateError(); } if ( rank != 0) { AdaptiveCoordAllocator.DeleteItem(px1); AdaptiveCoordAllocator.DeleteItem(px2); } }
ERetVal CFile::Write ( void* _pBuffer, int _iBytes ) { ERetVal eRetVal = RET_OK; if (!m_pFile) { LOG(("ERR: tried to write into a file that is not open. File: '%s'", m_pszFileName)); eRetVal = RET_ERR; } if (m_pFile) { int bytesWriten = fwrite( _pBuffer, 1, _iBytes, (FILE*)m_pFile ); if (bytesWriten<_iBytes) { LOG(("ERR: writen less bytes(%d) than expected(%d). File: '%s'", bytesWriten, _iBytes, m_pszFileName)); eRetVal = RET_ERR; } } UpdateError( eRetVal ); return eRetVal; }
int TcpConnectionClass::Connect() { if (connect(Socket,(sockaddr*)&Address,sizeof(sockaddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { int Err = WSAGetLastError(); if (Err == WSAEALREADY) { return 400; } else if (Err == WSAEINVAL) { return 401; } else if (Err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { return 402; } else if (Err == WSAEISCONN) { return 1; } else { UpdateError(); return -1; } } return 1; }
void AdaptiveSparseGrid::Restart(char* filename) { Cleanup(); int i, j; ifstream infile; if (rank == 0) {; } if (rank == 0) { if (!infile.is_open()) { printf("Error opening file: %s\n", filename); return; } } if (rank == 0) { printf("\nNow Loading the %s \n\n", filename); } int number; AdaptiveARRAY<int>* px1, *px2; AdaptiveData* pData; AdaptiveNodeData* pNodeData; AdaptiveGrid IndexSet; pair<set<AdaptiveData*, AdaptiveDataCompare>::iterator, bool> plt; if ( type == 1) { if (rank == 0) { infile >> dim; infile >> number; infile >> TotalDof; infile >> L; } MPI_Bcast(&dim, 1, MPI_INT, 0 , mpiCOMM); MPI_Bcast(&number, 1, MPI_INT, 0 , mpiCOMM); MPI_Bcast(&TotalDof, 1, MPI_INT, 0 , mpiCOMM); MPI_Bcast(&L, 1, MPI_INT, 0 , mpiCOMM); for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++) { //!First load the i index; px1 = AdaptiveCoordAllocator.NewItem(dim); int sum = 0; if ( rank == 0) { for ( j = 1 ; j <= dim; j++) { infile >> (*px1)(j); sum += (*px1)(j); } } MPI_Bcast(px1->pData, dim, MPI_INT, 0 , mpiCOMM); MPI_Bcast(&sum, 1, MPI_INT, 0 , mpiCOMM); //!Then load the j index; px2 = AdaptiveCoordAllocator.NewItem(dim); if ( rank == 0) { for ( int j = 1 ; j <= dim; j++) { infile >> (*px2)(j); } } MPI_Bcast(px2->pData, dim, MPI_INT, 0 , mpiCOMM); //!Load the surplus double* surplus = new double[TotalDof]; if ( rank == 0) { for ( int j = 0; j < TotalDof; j++) { infile >> surplus[j]; } } MPI_Bcast(surplus, TotalDof, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 , mpiCOMM); if ( sum != (L + dim) ) { if ( (i % size) == rank) { pData = AdaptiveDataAllocator.NewItem(); pData-> index = px1; pNodeData = AdaptiveNodeDataAllocator.NewItem(); pNodeData->surplus = new double[TotalDof]; pNodeData->index = px2; for ( int k = 0; k < TotalDof; k++) { pNodeData->surplus[k] = surplus[k]; } //! If the multi-index i has already existed, plt.second = false plt = IndexSet.insert(pData); if ( plt.second == false ) { AdaptiveDataAllocator.DeleteItem(pData); AdaptiveCoordAllocator.DeleteItem(px1); (*(plt.first))->NodeData.insert(pNodeData); } //! If the multi-index i has not existed, insert the multi-index j directly else if (plt.second == true) { pData->NodeData.insert(pNodeData); } } else { AdaptiveCoordAllocator.DeleteItem(px1); AdaptiveCoordAllocator.DeleteItem(px2); } delete[] surplus; } } if (rank == 0) { infile.close(); } //! Insert all of the points to the sparse grid. SparseGrid.insert(SparseGrid.begin(), IndexSet.begin(), IndexSet.end()); IndexSet.clear(); UpdateError(); ifstream infile1; if (rank == 0) {; } if (rank == 0) { infile1 >> dim; infile1 >> number; infile1 >> TotalDof; infile1 >> L; }
void AdaptiveSparseGrid::ConstructAdaptiveSparseGrid() { //! Define a buffer deque to store all of the intermediate information deque<AdaptiveData*> buffer; //! iterator for transverse the active index set<AdaptiveData*, AdaptiveDataCompare>::iterator it1; set<AdaptiveNodeData*, AdaptiveNodeDataCompare>::iterator it2; AdaptiveGrid OldIndex; AdaptiveData* pData ; AdaptiveNodeData* pNodeData; //! Here we still keep a copy of active index for each processor for the purpose //! of the easy implementation of the adaptivity while ( !ActiveIndex.empty() && L <= Lmax ) { int gnumber = NumberOfActivePoints(); if (rank == 0 && print) { cout << "Now, it is in Level: " << L << endl; cout << "The active number of points are: " << gnumber << endl; } //Copy the ActiveIndex to an oldIndex OldIndex = ActiveIndex; ActiveIndex.clear(); //! Define a temporary matrix to store all of the active point for parallel computation Matrix1<double> gpoint; gpoint.redim(gnumber, dim); double time1, time; time1 = MPI_Wtime(); int row = 1; //! Extract the coordiante information for (it1 = OldIndex.begin(); it1 != OldIndex.end(); ++it1) { for (it2 = (*it1)->NodeData.begin(); it2 != (*it1)->NodeData.end(); ++it2) { for ( int i = 1; i <= dim ; i++) { gpoint(row, i) = IndextoCoordinate((*(*it1)->index)(i), (*(*it2)->index)(i)); } row++; } } // Parallel Implementation int node; AdaptiveARRAY<double> px; px.redim(dim); //! Distribute the points among the processors int numNodesPerProcessor = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gnumber; i++) if ( (i % size) == rank) { numNodesPerProcessor++; } int colnumber = TotalDof * numNodesPerProcessor; //!Local value to store function value double* local_value = new double[colnumber]; //! An array to store the nodes which belong to this processor int* mynodes = new int[numNodesPerProcessor]; for ( int no = 1 ; no <= numNodesPerProcessor; no++) { node = rank + size * (no - 1) + 1; mynodes[no - 1] = node; for ( int i = 1 ; i <= dim ; i++) { px(i) = gpoint(node, i); } EvaluateFunctionAtThisPoint(&px); for ( int i = 0; i < TotalDof ; i++) { local_value[(no - 1)*TotalDof + i] = surplus[i] ; } } /** * EDIT BY ARYAN */ MPI_Barrier(mpiCOMM); time = MPI_Wtime(); if (rank == 0 && print ) { cout << "Parallel Calculation using " << time - time1 << endl; } gpoint.cleanup(); //! Set the action before storing the surplus BeforeStoreSurplus(); int index = 1; int cnt = 0, mynode; //! Extract the coordiante information for (it1 = OldIndex.begin(); it1 != OldIndex.end(); ++it1) { int number = (*it1)->NodeData.size(); //! Define a temporary matrix to store all of the active point for parallel computation Matrix1<double> point; point.redim(number, dim); int row = 1; for (it2 = (*it1)->NodeData.begin(); it2 != (*it1)->NodeData.end(); ++it2) { for ( int i = 1; i <= dim ; i++) { point(row, i) = IndextoCoordinate((*(*it1)->index)(i), (*(*it2)->index)(i)); } row++; } //! If there are points in this processor, generate a new data to store information if ( numNodesPerProcessor != 0) { pData = AdaptiveDataAllocator.NewItem(); pData->index = (*it1)->index; buffer.push_front(pData); } double* temp = new double[TotalDof * number]; //! Calculate the hierarchical surplus SpInterpolateLevel(point, temp); //! Calculate the hierarchial surplus and generate the adaptivity information Array<int> local_refine; local_refine.redim(number); local_refine.fill(0); Array<int> global_refine; global_refine.redim(number); int temp_index = index; int temp_cnt = cnt; it2 = (*it1)->NodeData.begin(); for ( int n = 1; n <= number; n++) { if ( (temp_cnt != numNodesPerProcessor) && (temp_index == mynodes[temp_cnt]) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < TotalDof; i++) { local_value[temp_cnt * TotalDof + i] = surplus[i] = local_value[temp_cnt * TotalDof + i] - temp[(n - 1) * TotalDof + i]; } //! Check the adaptivity criteria local_refine(n) = IsRefine(surplus, (*it1)->index, (*it2)->index); temp_cnt ++; } temp_index++; ++it2; } //! Free space delete[] temp; int error = MPI_Allreduce(local_refine.pData, global_refine.pData, number, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpiCOMM); //if (error) { cout << "ERORR 221 : " << error << "|" << rank << endl; } //! Free space local_refine.cleanup(); it2 = (*it1)->NodeData.begin(); // calculate herarchial surplus for each coordinate for ( int n = 1 ; n <= number; n++) { //! If this point belongs to this processor if ( (cnt != numNodesPerProcessor) && (index == mynodes[cnt]) ) { //Copy data to sparse grid pNodeData = (*it2); pNodeData->surplus = new double[TotalDof]; for ( int i = 0; i < TotalDof; i++) { pNodeData->surplus[i] = local_value[cnt * TotalDof + i]; } //! Refinement if ( global_refine(n)) { Refine((*it1)->index, (*it2)->index); } cnt ++; //! Insert the this nodadata to the buffer pData->NodeData.insert(pNodeData); } //! the point doesn't belong to this processor else { if ( global_refine(n)) { Refine((*it1)->index, (*it2)->index); } //! If this point doesn't belong to this processor, delete the point. AdaptiveCoordAllocator.DeleteItem((*it2)->index); AdaptiveNodeDataAllocator.DeleteItem(*it2); } ++it2; index++; } //free space global_refine.cleanup(); //! If there are no point for this processor, delete the data. if ( numNodesPerProcessor == 0) { AdaptiveCoordAllocator.DeleteItem((*it1)->index); AdaptiveDataAllocator.DeleteItem(*it1); } }// End for //free space delete[] local_value; delete[] mynodes; /** * EDIT BY ARYAN */ MPI_Barrier(mpiCOMM); time1 = MPI_Wtime(); if (rank == 0 && print) { cout << "Surplus Calculation using " << time1 - time << endl; } //! Insert all of the active points to the adaptive spare grid. SparseGrid.insert(SparseGrid.begin(), buffer.begin(), buffer.end()); if ( type == 1) { UpdateError(); } //free space buffer.clear(); OldIndex.clear(); L += 1; //! Set the action before storing the surplus { AfterStoreSurplus(); } }//End for }
bool TcpConnectionClass::Send(const char* Data, int DataLen) { if (send(Socket,Data,DataLen, 0) != DataLen) return UpdateError(); return true; }
void ctrlUpdate::eventThreadMessage( wxCommandEvent &event ) { int write_pointer,checksum16; unsigned long intflash_blocksize,max_intflash_blocknumber,extflash_blocksize,max_extflash_blocknumber; int block_number; int i = event.GetInt(); int id = i & 0xFFFF; int type = (i >> 16) & 0xFFFF; CDeviceNode* pNode = m_plistNode->GetNodeByNickName(id); wxString strData = event.GetString(); vscpEvent* pVscp = new vscpEvent; getVscpDataFromString( pVscp, strData ); if(pNode != NULL) { if(event.GetExtraLong()==0) { switch(type) { case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_ACK_BOOT_LOADER: // pVscp->pdata[ 0 ] = 2; MSB internal flash block size // pVscp->pdata[ 1 ] = 2; MSB spi flash block size // pVscp->pdata[ 2 ] = 0; LSB spi flash block size // pVscp->pdata[ 3 ] = 0; LSB internal flash block size // pVscp->pdata[ 4 ] = 1; MSB internal flash number of block avalaible // pVscp->pdata[ 5 ] = 4; MSB spi flash number of block avalaible // pVscp->pdata[ 6 ] = 0; LSB spi flash number of block avalaible // pVscp->pdata[ 7 ] = 0; LSB internal flash number of block avalaible intflash_blocksize = (pVscp->pdata[0] << 8) | pVscp->pdata[3]; extflash_blocksize = (pVscp->pdata[1] << 8) | pVscp->pdata[2]; max_intflash_blocknumber = (pVscp->pdata[4] << 8) | pVscp->pdata[7]; max_extflash_blocknumber = (pVscp->pdata[5] << 8) | pVscp->pdata[6]; if((intflash_blocksize == BLOCKDATA_SIZE) && (extflash_blocksize == BLOCKDATA_SIZE) && (max_intflash_blocknumber >= (m_IntFlashBinaryLength/BLOCKDATA_SIZE))&& (max_extflash_blocknumber >= (m_ExtFlashBinaryLength/BLOCKDATA_SIZE)) ) { crcInit(); m_nTotalChecksum = 0; m_nCurrentBlockNumber = 0; m_nCurrentFlashType = INT_FLASH; // internal flash // attenzione: questo messaggio (VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_ACK_BOOT_LOADER) è l'ultimo arrivato dal // programma user, ora ha preso il controllo il bootloader; è probabile che sia necessario // un delay prima di trasmettere il messaggio di "start block transfer" wxMilliSleep( 2000 );//wxMilliSleep( 500 );//wxMilliSleep( 200 ); StartBlockTransferMsg( pNode->GetNickName(), m_nCurrentBlockNumber, m_nCurrentFlashType ); } else { UpdateError(pNode); } //::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event ack bootloader"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); break; case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_START_BLOCK_ACK: // pVscp->pdata[0] MSB block number // pVscp->pdata[1] INTERNAL_FLASH/SPI_FLASH // pVscp->pdata[2] // pVscp->pdata[3] LSB block number if(m_nCurrentFlashType == pVscp->pdata[1]) { switch(m_nCurrentFlashType) { case INT_FLASH: DataBlockTransferMsg(); m_nChecksum = crcFast( &m_pIntFlashBinaryContent[USER_PROGRAM_ADDRESS + m_nCurrentBlockNumber*BLOCKDATA_SIZE], BLOCKDATA_SIZE );//crcFast( &m_pIntFlashBinaryContent[30208], BLOCKDATA_SIZE );//crcFast( &m_pIntFlashBinaryContent[USER_PROGRAM_ADDRESS + m_nCurrentBlockNumber*BLOCKDATA_SIZE], BLOCKDATA_SIZE ); //m_nTotalChecksum += m_nChecksum; break; case EXT_FLASH: DataBlockTransferMsg(); m_nChecksum = crcFast( &m_pExtFlashBinaryContent[m_nCurrentBlockNumber*BLOCKDATA_SIZE], BLOCKDATA_SIZE ); break; } } else { UpdateError(pNode); } //::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event ack data block"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); break; case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_BLOCK_DATA_ACK: // pVscp->pdata[0] = (checksum16 >> 8) & 0xFF; MSB 16 bit CRC for block // pVscp->pdata[1] = checksum16 & 0xFF; LSB 16 bit CRC for block // pVscp->pdata[2] = (write_pointer >> 8) & 0xFF; MSB of block number // pVscp->pdata[3] = 0; // pVscp->pdata[4] = 0; // pVscp->pdata[5] = write_pointer & 0xFF; LSB of block number checksum16 = (pVscp->pdata[0] << 8) | pVscp->pdata[1]; write_pointer = (pVscp->pdata[2] << 8) | pVscp->pdata[5]; if((checksum16 == m_nChecksum) && (write_pointer == m_nCurrentBlockNumber)) BlockProgramMsg( m_nCurrentBlockNumber, m_nCurrentFlashType ); else { // in questo caso di errore si ritrasmette il blocco StartBlockTransferMsg( pNode->GetNickName(), m_nCurrentBlockNumber, m_nCurrentFlashType ); //UpdateError(pNode); } //::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event ack data block"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); break; case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_PROGRAM_BLOCK_DATA_ACK: // pVscp->pdata[0] MSB block number // pVscp->pdata[1] INTERNAL_FLASH/SPI_FLASH // pVscp->pdata[2] // pVscp->pdata[3] LSB block number block_number = (pVscp->pdata[0] << 8) | pVscp->pdata[3]; if((block_number == m_nCurrentBlockNumber) && (pVscp->pdata[1] == m_nCurrentFlashType)) { switch(m_nCurrentFlashType) { case INT_FLASH: m_nCurrentBlockNumber++; //::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event PROGRAM ACK"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); m_nTotalChecksum += m_nChecksum; if(m_nCurrentBlockNumber == (int)((m_IntFlashBinaryLength - USER_PROGRAM_ADDRESS)/BLOCKDATA_SIZE)) { m_nCurrentBlockNumber = 0; m_nCurrentFlashType = EXT_FLASH; //ActivateNewImageMsg(); // DEBUG!! } //else // DEBUG!! //{// DEBUG!! // avanzamento progress control della dialog pNode->FirmwareProgressStep(); wxGetApp().Yield(); StartBlockTransferMsg( pNode->GetNickName(), m_nCurrentBlockNumber, m_nCurrentFlashType ); //}// DEBUG!! break; case EXT_FLASH: m_nCurrentBlockNumber++; if(m_nCurrentBlockNumber == (int)(m_ExtFlashBinaryLength/BLOCKDATA_SIZE)) { ActivateNewImageMsg(); } else { // avanzamento progress control della dialog pNode->FirmwareProgressStep(); wxGetApp().Yield(); StartBlockTransferMsg( pNode->GetNickName(), m_nCurrentBlockNumber, m_nCurrentFlashType ); } break; } } else { UpdateError(pNode); } //::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event ack program block"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); break; case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_ACTIVATENEWIMAGE_ACK: // delay per attendere che il nodo remoto abbia finito la fase di // inizializzazione altrimenti quando l'utente chiude la dialog di update // c'e' il rischio che il gestore dell' heartbeat non rilevi il nuovo stato (stato user) // del nodo wxMilliSleep( 8000 ); m_tDoneUpgrade = wxDateTime::Now(); ::wxGetApp().logMsg ( wxT("Upgrade Finished... taking: ") + (m_tDoneUpgrade - m_tStartUpgrade).Format(), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); // avvisa la dialog che è finito il processo di update pNode->EndFirmwareProgress(FIRMWAREUPDATEOK); break; case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_NACK_BOOT_LOADER: UpdateError(pNode); ::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event NACK bootloader"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); break; case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_START_BLOCK_NACK: UpdateError(pNode); ::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event NACK start block"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); break; case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_BLOCK_DATA_NACK: UpdateError(pNode); ::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event NACK data block"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); break; case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_PROGRAM_BLOCK_DATA_NACK: UpdateError(pNode); ::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event NACK program block"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); break; case VSCP_TYPE_PROTOCOL_ACTIVATENEWIMAGE_NACK: UpdateError(pNode); ::wxGetApp().logMsg ( _("event NACK activate new image"), DAEMON_LOGMSG_CRITICAL ); break; } } else { UpdateError(pNode); } } deleteVSCPevent( pVscp ); }