 * Read and concatenate files
static ssize_t Read( access_t *p_access, uint8_t *p_buffer, size_t i_len )
    access_sys_t *p_sys = p_access->p_sys;

    if( p_sys->fd == -1 )
        /* no more data */
        p_access->info.b_eof = true;
        return 0;

    ssize_t i_ret = read( p_sys->fd, p_buffer, i_len );

    if( i_ret > 0 )
        /* success */
        p_sys->offset += i_ret;
        UpdateFileSize( p_access );
        FindSeekpoint( p_access );
        return i_ret;
    else if( i_ret == 0 )
        /* check for new files in case the recording is still active */
        if( p_sys->i_current_file >= FILE_COUNT - 1 )
            ImportNextFile( p_access );
        /* play next file */
        SwitchFile( p_access, p_sys->i_current_file + 1 );
        return -1;
    else if( errno == EINTR )
        /* try again later */
        return -1;
        /* abort on read error */
        msg_Err( p_access, "failed to read (%s)", vlc_strerror_c(errno) );
        dialog_Fatal( p_access, _("File reading failed"),
                      _("VLC could not read the file (%s)."),
                      vlc_strerror(errno) );
        SwitchFile( p_access, -1 );
        return 0;
//! read data from bitstream, this is the only function to read data from file
int32 bitstreamObject::refill()
    PVMF_AMRPARSER_LOGDEBUG((0, "Refill In ipos=%d, iBytesRead=%d, iBytesProcessed=%d, iActualSize=%d, iFileSize=%d", iPos, iBytesRead, iBytesProcessed, iActual_size, iFileSize));

    if (iBytesRead > 0 && iFileSize > 0 && iBytesRead >= iFileSize)
        // if number of bytes read so far exceed the file size,
        // then first update the file size (PDL case).
        if (!UpdateFileSize()) return bitstreamObject::MISC_ERROR;

        //At this point we're within 32 bytes of the end of data.
        //Quit reading data but don't return EOF until all data is processed.
        if (iBytesProcessed < iBytesRead)
            return bitstreamObject::EVERYTHING_OK;
            //there is no more data to read.
            if (iBytesRead >= iFileSize || iBytesProcessed >= iFileSize)
                return bitstreamObject::END_OF_FILE;

    if (!ipAMRFile)
        return bitstreamObject::MISC_ERROR;

    // Get file size at the very first time
    if (iFileSize == 0)
        if (ipAMRFile->Seek(0, Oscl_File::SEEKEND))
            return bitstreamObject::MISC_ERROR;

        iFileSize = ipAMRFile->Tell();

        if (iFileSize <= 0)
            return bitstreamObject::MISC_ERROR;

        if (ipAMRFile->Seek(0, Oscl_File::SEEKSET))
            return bitstreamObject::MISC_ERROR;

        // first-time read, set the initial value of iPos
        iPos = bitstreamObject::SECOND_BUFF_SIZE;
        iBytesProcessed = 0;
    // we are currently positioned at the end of the data buffer.
    else if (iPos == bitstreamObject::MAIN_BUFF_SIZE + bitstreamObject::SECOND_BUFF_SIZE)
        // reset iPos and refill from the beginning of the buffer.
        iPos = bitstreamObject::SECOND_BUFF_SIZE;

    else if (iPos >= iActual_size)
        int32 len = 0;
        // move the remaining stuff to the beginning of iBuffer
        if (iActual_size + bitstreamObject::SECOND_BUFF_SIZE > iPos)
            // we are currently positioned within SECOND_BUFF_SIZE bytes from the end of the buffer.
            len = iActual_size + bitstreamObject::SECOND_BUFF_SIZE - iPos;
            // no leftover data.
            len = 0;

        oscl_memcpy(&iBuffer[bitstreamObject::SECOND_BUFF_SIZE-len], &iBuffer[iPos], len);
        iPos = bitstreamObject::SECOND_BUFF_SIZE - len;

        // update the file size for the PDL scenario where more data has been downloaded
        // into the file but the file size has not been updated yet.
        if (iBytesRead + iMax_size > iFileSize)
            if (!UpdateFileSize()) return bitstreamObject::MISC_ERROR;

    // read data
    if ((iActual_size = ipAMRFile->Read(&iBuffer[bitstreamObject::SECOND_BUFF_SIZE], 1, iMax_size)) == 0)
        return bitstreamObject::READ_ERROR;

    iBytesRead += iActual_size;

    PVMF_AMRPARSER_LOGDEBUG((0, "Refill Out ipos=%d, iBytesRead=%d, iBytesProcessed=%d, iActualSize=%d, iFileSize=%d", iPos, iBytesRead, iBytesProcessed, iActual_size, iFileSize));

    return bitstreamObject::EVERYTHING_OK;