QSqlDatabase Database::Connect() { QMutexLocker l(&connect_mutex_); // Create the directory if it doesn't exist if (!QFile::exists(directory_)) { QDir dir; if (!dir.mkpath(directory_)) { } } const QString connection_id = QString("%1_thread_%2").arg(connection_id_).arg( reinterpret_cast<quint64>(QThread::currentThread())); // Try to find an existing connection for this thread QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(connection_id); if (db.isOpen()) { return db; } db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", connection_id); if (!injected_database_name_.isNull()) db.setDatabaseName(injected_database_name_); else db.setDatabaseName(directory_ + "/" + kDatabaseFilename); if (!db.open()) { app_->AddError("Database: " + db.lastError().text()); return db; } // Find Sqlite3 functions in the Qt plugin. StaticInit(); { QSqlQuery set_fts_tokenizer("SELECT fts3_tokenizer(:name, :pointer)", db); set_fts_tokenizer.bindValue(":name", "unicode"); set_fts_tokenizer.bindValue( ":pointer", QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&sFTSTokenizer), sizeof(&sFTSTokenizer))); if (!set_fts_tokenizer.exec()) { qLog(Warning) << "Couldn't register FTS3 tokenizer"; } // Implicit invocation of ~QSqlQuery() when leaving the scope // to release any remaining database locks! } if (db.tables().count() == 0) { // Set up initial schema qLog(Info) << "Creating initial database schema"; UpdateDatabaseSchema(0, db); } // Attach external databases for (const QString& key : attached_databases_.keys()) { QString filename = attached_databases_[key].filename_; if (!injected_database_name_.isNull()) filename = injected_database_name_; // Attach the db QSqlQuery q("ATTACH DATABASE :filename AS :alias", db); q.bindValue(":filename", filename); q.bindValue(":alias", key); if (!q.exec()) { qFatal("Couldn't attach external database '%s'", key.toAscii().constData()); } } if (startup_schema_version_ == -1) { UpdateMainSchema(&db); } // We might have to initialise the schema in some attached databases now, if // they were deleted and don't match up with the main schema version. for (const QString& key : attached_databases_.keys()) { if (attached_databases_[key].is_temporary_ && attached_databases_[key].schema_.isEmpty()) continue; // Find out if there are any tables in this database QSqlQuery q(QString( "SELECT ROWID FROM %1.sqlite_master" " WHERE type='table'").arg(key), db); if (!q.exec() || !q.next()) { q.finish(); ExecSchemaCommandsFromFile(db, attached_databases_[key].schema_, 0); } } return db; }
QSqlDatabase Database::Connect() { QMutexLocker l(&connect_mutex_); // Create the directory if it doesn't exist if (!QFile::exists(directory_)) { QDir dir; if (!dir.mkpath(directory_)) { } } const QString connection_id = QString("%1_thread_%2").arg(connection_id_).arg( reinterpret_cast<quint64>(QThread::currentThread())); // Try to find an existing connection for this thread QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(connection_id); if (db.isOpen()) { return db; } db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", connection_id); if (!injected_database_name_.isNull()) db.setDatabaseName(injected_database_name_); else db.setDatabaseName(directory_ + "/" + kDatabaseFilename); if (!db.open()) { app_->AddError("Database: " + db.lastError().text()); return db; } // Find Sqlite3 functions in the Qt plugin. StaticInit(); { #ifdef SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER // In case sqlite>=3.12 is compiled without -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER (generally a good idea // due to security reasons) the fts3 support should be enabled explicitly. // see https://github.com/clementine-player/Clementine/issues/5297 // // See https://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html#custom_application_defined_tokenizers QVariant v = db.driver()->handle(); if (v.isValid() && qstrcmp(v.typeName(), "sqlite3*") == 0) { sqlite3* handle = *static_cast<sqlite3**>(v.data()); if (!handle || sqlite3_db_config(handle, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER, 1, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) { qLog(Fatal) << "Failed to enable FTS3 tokenizer"; } } #endif QSqlQuery set_fts_tokenizer("SELECT fts3_tokenizer(:name, :pointer)", db); set_fts_tokenizer.bindValue(":name", "unicode"); set_fts_tokenizer.bindValue( ":pointer", QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&sFTSTokenizer), sizeof(&sFTSTokenizer))); if (!set_fts_tokenizer.exec()) { qLog(Warning) << "Couldn't register FTS3 tokenizer"; } // Implicit invocation of ~QSqlQuery() when leaving the scope // to release any remaining database locks! } if (db.tables().count() == 0) { // Set up initial schema qLog(Info) << "Creating initial database schema"; UpdateDatabaseSchema(0, db); } // Attach external databases for (const QString& key : attached_databases_.keys()) { QString filename = attached_databases_[key].filename_; if (!injected_database_name_.isNull()) filename = injected_database_name_; // Attach the db QSqlQuery q("ATTACH DATABASE :filename AS :alias", db); q.bindValue(":filename", filename); q.bindValue(":alias", key); if (!q.exec()) { qFatal("Couldn't attach external database '%s'", key.toAscii().constData()); } } if (startup_schema_version_ == -1) { UpdateMainSchema(&db); } // We might have to initialise the schema in some attached databases now, if // they were deleted and don't match up with the main schema version. for (const QString& key : attached_databases_.keys()) { if (attached_databases_[key].is_temporary_ && attached_databases_[key].schema_.isEmpty()) continue; // Find out if there are any tables in this database QSqlQuery q(QString( "SELECT ROWID FROM %1.sqlite_master" " WHERE type='table'").arg(key), db); if (!q.exec() || !q.next()) { q.finish(); ExecSchemaCommandsFromFile(db, attached_databases_[key].schema_, 0); } } return db; }