bool CVXS_Bond::SetVoxels(const int V1SIndIn, const int V2SIndIn)
	if (Vox1SInd == Vox2SInd) return true; //Equale voxel indices is a flag to disable a bond
	if (!UpdateVox1Ptr()){Vox1SInd=-1; return false;}
	if (!UpdateVox2Ptr()){Vox2SInd=-1; return false;}

	OrigDist = pVox2->GetOrigPos() - pVox1->GetOrigPos(); //original distance (world coords)
	HomogenousBond = (pVox1->GetMaterial() == pVox2->GetMaterial());

	if (OrigDist.x == 0 && OrigDist.y == 0) ThisBondDir = BD_Z;
	else if (OrigDist.x == 0 && OrigDist.z == 0) ThisBondDir = BD_Y;
	else if (OrigDist.y == 0 && OrigDist.z == 0) ThisBondDir = BD_X;
	else ThisBondDir = BD_ARB;

	vfloat E1 = pVox1->GetEMod(), E2 = pVox2->GetEMod();
	vfloat u1 = pVox1->GetPoisson(), u2 = pVox2->GetPoisson();
	vfloat CTE1 = pVox1->GetCTE(), CTE2 = pVox2->GetCTE();

	if (E1 == 0 || E2 == 0) {return false;}
	if (u1 < 0 || u1 > 0.5 || u2 < 0 || u2 > 0.5 ) {return false;} //bad poissons ratio;

	E = (E1*E2/(E1+E2))*2; //x2 derived from case of equal stiffness: E1*E1/(E1+E1) = 0.5*E1 
	if (u1==0 && u2==0) u=0;
	else u = (u1*u2/(u1+u2))*2; //Poissons ratio
	CTE = (CTE1/2+CTE2/2); //thermal expansion

	//for now we are only using the nominal size of the voxel, although we could change this later if needed
	//rotate the box dimensions into the correct refference frame of x being direction of bond
	switch (ThisBondType){
		case B_LINEAR:
		L = (pVox1->GetOrigSize() + pVox2->GetOrigSize())*0.5;
		ToXDirBond(&L); //in X direction, so L.X is beam length, L.y, L.z are transverse dimensions
		L = L.Abs(); //distances strictly positive!
		case B_LINEAR_CONTACT: //X direction of L is in line with the contact...
			L.x = p_Sim->LocalVXC.GetLatticeDim();
			L.y = L.x;
			L.z = L.x;

	if (!UpdateConstants()) return false;

	return true;
CVXS_Bond& CVXS_Bond::operator=(const CVXS_Bond& Bond)
	//Bond definition
	p_Sim = Bond.p_Sim;
	ThisBondType = Bond.ThisBondType;
	Perm = Bond.Perm;

	//State variables
	Force1 = Bond.Force1;
	Force2 = Bond.Force2;
	Moment1 = Bond.Moment1;
	Moment2 = Bond.Moment2;
	StrainEnergy = Bond.StrainEnergy;
	SmallAngle = Bond.SmallAngle;
	CurStrain = Bond.CurStrain;
	CurStress = Bond.CurStress;
	MaxStrain = Bond.MaxStrain;
	Yielded = Bond.Yielded;
	Broken = Bond.Broken;
	RestDist = Bond.RestDist;

	Vox1SInd = Bond.Vox1SInd;
	Vox2SInd = Bond.Vox2SInd;
	if (!UpdateVox1Ptr()){Vox1SInd=-1;}
	if (!UpdateVox2Ptr()){Vox2SInd=-1;}
	OrigDist = Bond.OrigDist;
	HomogenousBond = Bond.HomogenousBond;
	ThisBondDir = Bond.ThisBondDir;
	L = Bond.L;
	E = Bond.E;
	u = Bond.u;
	CTE = Bond.CTE;


	return *this;