 UserClass operator() () /* non-const */ {
     // return a default-constructed UserClass intialized
     // to the next sequential value
     return UserClass ();
// exercise vector<>::capacity() and vector<>::reserve()
// focus on the complexity of the function
void test_capacity (Vector::size_type nelems)
    // create a vector with nelems elements
    Vector v (nelems);

    const Vector::size_type     cap   = v.capacity ();
    const Vector::size_type     size  = v.size ();
          Vector::const_pointer begin = size ? &v [0] : 0;

    UserClass::reset_totals ();

    // call reserve capacity that is less than or equal to the current value
    v.reserve (cap / 2);

    // verify that the call had no effect
    rw_assert (v.capacity () == cap, 0, __LINE__,
               "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(%zu); capacity() == %zu, "
               "got %zu", nelems, cap / 2, cap, v.capacity ());

    if (size) {
        // verify that no reallocation took place
        rw_assert (begin == &v [0], 0, __LINE__,
                   "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(%zu) unexpectedly "
                   "reallocated", nelems, cap / 2);

    // call reserve the same capacity as the current value
    v.reserve (cap);

    // verify that the call had no effect
    rw_assert (v.capacity () == cap, 0, __LINE__,
               "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(%zu); capacity() == %zu, "
               "got %zu", nelems, cap / 2, cap, v.capacity ());

    if (size) {
        // verify that no reallocation took place
        rw_assert (begin == &v [0], 0, __LINE__,
                   "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(%zu) unexpectedly "
                   "reallocated", nelems, cap / 2);

    // call reserve with a larger capacity then is available
    v.reserve (cap + 1);

    //, p2: After reserve (), capacity () is greater or equal
    //               to the reserve value if reallocation happens
    rw_assert (v.capacity () >= cap + 1, 0, __LINE__,
               "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(%zu); capacity() > %zu, got %zu",
               nelems, cap + 1, cap, v.capacity ());

    //, p3: reserve shall not change the size of the sequence
    rw_assert (v.size () == size, 0, __LINE__,
               "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(); size() == %zu, got %zu",
               nelems, size, v.size ());

    //, p3: takes at most linear time in the size of the sequence
    rw_assert (UserClass::n_total_copy_ctor_ == v.size (), 0, __LINE__,
               "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(%zu) complexity: "
               "copy ctor called %zu times when size() = %zu",
               nelems, cap + 1, UserClass::n_total_copy_ctor_, v.size ());

    if (size) {
        begin = &v [0];
        // verify, p5: no reallocation takes place until
        // the size of the container would exceed its capacity
        for (Vector::size_type i = 0; i != v.capacity () - size; ++i) {
            v.push_back (UserClass ());

            rw_assert (begin == &v [0], 0, __LINE__,
                       "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(%zu); insertion of "
                       "element %zu unexpectedly reallocated; size() = %zu",
                       nelems, cap + 1, v.size ());

    if (rw_opt_no_exceptions)


    // exercise reserve exception
    const char *caught = 0;

    Vector::size_type too_much = v.max_size () + 1;

    if (!too_much)
        too_much = v.max_size ();

    try {
        v.reserve (too_much);
    catch (std::length_error) {
        caught = "";
    catch (...) {
        caught = "unknown exception";

    rw_assert (0 != caught, 0, __LINE__,
               "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(%zu) "
               "expected exception not thrown",
               nelems, too_much);

    if (caught)
        rw_assert ('\0' == *caught, 0, __LINE__,
                   "vector<UserClass>(%zu).reserve(%zu) "
                   "expected length_error, got %s",
                   nelems, too_much, caught);

