task usercontrol() { while (true) { UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); } }
task usercontrol() { // User control code here, inside the loop while (true) { motor[port1] = vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2]; motor[port2] = vexRT[Ch3Xmtr2]; motor[port3] = vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2]; motor[port4] = vexRT[Ch3Xmtr2]; motor[port5] = vexRT[Ch2]; // controller 2 control for ports 5 6 7 and 8 motor[port6] = vexRT[Ch2]; motor[port7] = vexRT[Ch3]; motor[port8] = vexRT[Ch3]; // This is the main execution loop for the user control program. Each time through the loop // your program should update motor + servo values based on feedback from the joysticks. // ..................................................................................... // Insert user code here. This is where you use the joystick values to update your motors, etc. // ..................................................................................... UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. } }
task usercontrol() { // User control code here, inside the loop //targetValue = 10000; //startTask(driveBase); //startTask(arm); //startTask(drive); while (true) { // This is the main execution loop for the user control program. Each time through the loop // your program should update motor + servo values based on feedback from the joysticks. // ..................................................................................... // Insert user code here. This is where you use the joystick values to update your motors, etc. // ..................................................................................... // motor[port1]=motor[port2]=vexRT[Ch1]; // motor[port3]=motor[port4]=vexRT[Ch3]; //targetValue=4000; //startTask(driveBase); //rightArmTarget = SensorValue[rightPot]; //leftArmTarget = SensorValue[leftPot]; //rightArmTarget = 25; //leftArmTarget = 25; //startTask(armPID); drive(); UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. } }
task usercontrol() { //No user control code needed except the lines of code below this comment while (true) { UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); } }
task usercontrol() { // User control code here, inside the loop while (true) { //iWantPizza UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. } }
task usercontrol() { if (false) UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); initialize(); while (true) { processController(); } }
task usercontrol() { // User control code here, inside the loop while (true) { // This is the main execution loop for the user control program. Each time through the loop // your program should update motor + servo values based on feedback from the joysticks. // ..................................................................................... // Insert user code here. This is where you use the joystick values to update your motors, etc. // ..................................................................................... UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); // Remove this function call once you have "real" code. } }
void pre_auton() { bStopTasksBetweenModes = true; // Tasks stop when we need them to. Not doing this can be dangerous. bLCDBacklight = true; // Turn our LCD backlight on //Reset the motor encoders clearDriveEncoders(); //Setup song processSong(); // Never passing if statement. Lets us get rid of compile warnings so we can focus on the ones we need to see. if (false) { UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); sensorsErrorEscape(); // Get rid of unused methods for the sensor lib // Feel free to add currently un-used methods/tasks here if you're sure they are meant to not be used. } }
task usercontrol() { { int beltSpeed = 0; while (true) { int x = vexRT[Ch1]; // Right Joystick X value int y = vexRT[Ch3]; // Left Joystick Y value if (abs(x) < 10) { x = 0; } if (abs(y) < 10) { y = 0; } int speed = y; int differential = -x; writeDebugStreamLine("Speed: ", speed); writeDebugStreamLine("Diff: ", differential); int right = speed + differential; int left = speed - differential; writeDebugStreamLine("R: ", right, "; L: ", left); if (right > 127) { right = 127; } if (right < -128) { right = -128; } if (left > 127) { left = 127; } if (left < -128) { left = -128; } int frontLeft = left; int frontRight = right; int backLeft = left; int backRight = right; int mech = vexRT[Ch4]; // Left Joystick X value if (abs(mech) < 10) { mech = 0; } frontLeft += mech; frontRight += mech; backLeft -= mech; backRight -= mech; if (frontLeft < -128) { frontLeft = -128; } if (frontRight < -128) { frontRight = -128; } if (backLeft < -128) { backLeft = -128; } if (backRight < -128) { backRight = -128; } if (frontLeft > 127) { frontLeft = 127; } if (frontRight > 127) { frontRight = 127; } if (backLeft > 127) { backLeft = 127; } if (backRight > 127) { backRight = 127; } motor[frontLeftMotor] = frontLeft; motor[backLeftMotor] = backLeft; motor[frontRightMotor] = frontRight; motor[backRightMotor] = backRight; if (vexRT[Btn5U] == 1) { beltSpeed = 64; } else if (vexRT[Btn5D] == 1) { beltSpeed = 0; } motor[beltMotor1] = beltSpeed; motor[beltMotor2] = beltSpeed; if (vexRT[Btn8U] == 1) { shootingMotorSpeed = 127; startTask(setShooting); } else { shootingMotorSpeed = 0; startTask(setShooting); } } UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Pre-Autonomous Functions // // You may want to perform some actions before the competition starts. Do them in the // following function. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void warningKiller() { UserControlCodePlaceholderForTesting(); AutonomousCodePlaceholderForTesting(); }