VEC *QRsolve(const MAT *QR, const VEC *diag, const VEC *b, VEC *x) #endif { int limit; STATIC VEC *tmp = VNULL; if ( ! QR || ! diag || ! b ) error(E_NULL,"QRsolve"); limit = min(QR->m,QR->n); if ( diag->dim < limit || b->dim != QR->m ) error(E_SIZES,"QRsolve"); tmp = v_resize(tmp,limit); MEM_STAT_REG(tmp,TYPE_VEC); x = v_resize(x,QR->n); _Qsolve(QR,diag,b,x,tmp); x = Usolve(QR,x,x,0.0); v_resize(x,QR->n); #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(tmp); #endif return x; }
int LUsolve(Matrix A, int *indexarray, Vector b, Vector x) { int i, dim = A->dim; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) x->ve[i] = b->ve[indexarray[i]]; if (Lsolve(A, x, x, 1.) == -1 || Usolve(A, x, x, 0.) == -1) return -1; return 0; }
VEC *LUsolve(const MAT *LU, PERM *pivot, const VEC *b, VEC *x) #endif { if ( ! LU || ! b || ! pivot ) error(E_NULL,"LUsolve"); if ( LU->m != LU->n || LU->n != b->dim ) error(E_SIZES,"LUsolve"); x = v_resize(x,b->dim); px_vec(pivot,b,x); /* x := P.b */ Lsolve(LU,x,x,1.0); /* implicit diagonal = 1 */ Usolve(LU,x,x,0.0); /* explicit diagonal */ return (x); }
/************************************ Given the factorization LB = U for some B, solve the problem Bx = vec for x Solve using LUMOD functions. ************************************/ void LU_Solve0(PT_Matrix pL, PT_Matrix pU, double *vec, double *x) { int mode; ptrdiff_t n; n = Matrix_Rows(pL); /* solve using lumod */ /* solve for Bx = vec */ mode = 1; /* due to 1-based indexing in Lprod, Usolve we need to shift vectors backwards */ /* Computes x = L*vec */ Lprod(mode, pL->rows_alloc, n, pL->A-1, vec-1, x-1); /* Computes x_new s.t. U x_new = x */ Usolve(mode, pU->rows_alloc, n, pU->A-1, x-1); /* Vector_Print_raw(x,n); */ }
VEC *iter_mgcr(ITER *ip) #endif { STATIC VEC *As=VNULL, *beta=VNULL, *alpha=VNULL, *z=VNULL; STATIC MAT *N=MNULL, *H=MNULL; VEC *rr, v, s; /* additional pointer and structures */ Real nres; /* norm of a residual */ Real dd; /* coefficient d_i */ int i,j; int done; /* if TRUE then stop the iterative process */ int dim; /* dimension of the problem */ /* ip cannot be NULL */ if (ip == INULL) error(E_NULL,"mgcr"); /* Ax, b and stopping criterion must be given */ if (! ip->Ax || ! ip->b || ! ip->stop_crit) error(E_NULL,"mgcr"); /* at least one direction vector must exist */ if ( ip->k <= 0) error(E_BOUNDS,"mgcr"); /* if the vector x is given then b and x must have the same dimension */ if ( ip->x && ip->x->dim != ip->b->dim) error(E_SIZES,"mgcr"); if (ip->eps <= 0.0) ip->eps = MACHEPS; dim = ip->b->dim; As = v_resize(As,dim); alpha = v_resize(alpha,ip->k); beta = v_resize(beta,ip->k); MEM_STAT_REG(As,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(alpha,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(beta,TYPE_VEC); H = m_resize(H,ip->k,ip->k); N = m_resize(N,ip->k,dim); MEM_STAT_REG(H,TYPE_MAT); MEM_STAT_REG(N,TYPE_MAT); /* if a preconditioner is defined */ if (ip->Bx) { z = v_resize(z,dim); MEM_STAT_REG(z,TYPE_VEC); } /* if x is NULL then it is assumed that x has entries with value zero */ if ( ! ip->x ) { ip->x = v_get(ip->b->dim); ip->shared_x = FALSE; } /* v and s are additional pointers to rows of N */ /* they must have the same dimension as rows of N */ v.dim = v.max_dim = s.dim = s.max_dim = dim; done = FALSE; for (ip->steps = 0; ip->steps < ip->limit; ) { (*ip->Ax)(ip->A_par,ip->x,As); /* As = A*x */ v_sub(ip->b,As,As); /* As = b - A*x */ rr = As; /* rr is an additional pointer */ /* if a preconditioner is defined */ if (ip->Bx) { (*ip->Bx)(ip->B_par,As,z); /* z = B*(b-A*x) */ rr = z; } /* norm of the residual */ nres = v_norm2(rr); dd = nres; /* dd = ||r_i|| */ /* check if the norm of the residual is zero */ if (ip->steps == 0) { /* information for a user */ if (ip->info) (*ip->info)(ip,nres,As,rr); ip->init_res = fabs(nres); } if (nres == 0.0) { /* iterative process is finished */ done = TRUE; break; } /* save this residual in the first row of N */ = N->me[0]; v_copy(rr,&v); for (i = 0; i < ip->k && ip->steps < ip->limit; i++) { ip->steps++; = N->me[i]; /* pointer to a row of N (=s_i) */ /* note that we must use here &v, not v */ (*ip->Ax)(ip->A_par,&v,As); rr = As; /* As = A*s_i */ if (ip->Bx) { (*ip->Bx)(ip->B_par,As,z); /* z = B*A*s_i */ rr = z; } if (i < ip->k - 1) { = N->me[i+1]; /* pointer to a row of N (=s_{i+1}) */ v_copy(rr,&s); /* s_{i+1} = B*A*s_i */ for (j = 0; j <= i-1; j++) { = N->me[j+1]; /* pointer to a row of N (=s_{j+1}) */ /* beta->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,rr); */ /* beta_{j,i} */ /* modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm */ beta->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,&s); /* beta_{j,i} */ /* s_{i+1} -= beta_{j,i}*s_{j+1} */ v_mltadd(&s,&v,- beta->ve[j],&s); } /* beta_{i,i} = ||s_{i+1}||_2 */ beta->ve[i] = nres = v_norm2(&s); if ( nres <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) { /* s_{i+1} == 0 */ i--; done = TRUE; break; } sv_mlt(1.0/nres,&s,&s); /* normalize s_{i+1} */ = N->me[0]; alpha->ve[i] = in_prod(&v,&s); /* alpha_i = (s_0 , s_{i+1}) */ } else { for (j = 0; j <= i-1; j++) { = N->me[j+1]; /* pointer to a row of N (=s_{j+1}) */ beta->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,rr); /* beta_{j,i} */ } nres = in_prod(rr,rr); /* rr = B*A*s_{k-1} */ for (j = 0; j <= i-1; j++) nres -= beta->ve[j]*beta->ve[j]; if (sqrt(fabs(nres)) <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) { /* s_k is zero */ i--; done = TRUE; break; } if (nres < 0.0) { /* do restart */ i--; ip->steps--; break; } beta->ve[i] = sqrt(nres); /* beta_{k-1,k-1} */ = N->me[0]; alpha->ve[i] = in_prod(&v,rr); for (j = 0; j <= i-1; j++) alpha->ve[i] -= beta->ve[j]*alpha->ve[j]; alpha->ve[i] /= beta->ve[i]; /* alpha_{k-1} */ } set_col(H,i,beta); /* other method of computing dd */ /* if (fabs((double)alpha->ve[i]) > dd) { nres = - dd*dd + alpha->ve[i]*alpha->ve[i]; nres = sqrt((double) nres); if (ip->info) (*ip->info)(ip,-nres,VNULL,VNULL); break; } */ /* to avoid overflow/underflow in computing dd */ /* dd *= cos(asin((double)(alpha->ve[i]/dd))); */ nres = alpha->ve[i]/dd; if (fabs(nres-1.0) <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) dd = 0.0; else { nres = 1.0 - nres*nres; if (nres < 0.0) { nres = sqrt((double) -nres); if (ip->info) (*ip->info)(ip,-dd*nres,VNULL,VNULL); break; } dd *= sqrt((double) nres); } if (ip->info) (*ip->info)(ip,dd,VNULL,VNULL); if ( ip->stop_crit(ip,dd,VNULL,VNULL) ) { /* stopping criterion is satisfied */ done = TRUE; break; } } /* end of for */ if (i >= ip->k) i = ip->k - 1; /* use (i+1) by (i+1) submatrix of H */ H = m_resize(H,i+1,i+1); alpha = v_resize(alpha,i+1); Usolve(H,alpha,alpha,0.0); /* c_i is saved in alpha */ for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { = N->me[j]; v_mltadd(ip->x,&v,alpha->ve[j],ip->x); } if (done) break; /* stop the iterative process */ alpha = v_resize(alpha,ip->k); H = m_resize(H,ip->k,ip->k); } /* end of while */ #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(As); V_FREE(beta); V_FREE(alpha); V_FREE(z); M_FREE(N); M_FREE(H); #endif return ip->x; /* return the solution */ }
VEC *iter_gmres(ITER *ip) #endif { STATIC VEC *u=VNULL, *r=VNULL, *rhs = VNULL; STATIC VEC *givs=VNULL, *givc=VNULL, *z = VNULL; STATIC MAT *Q = MNULL, *R = MNULL; VEC *rr, v, v1; /* additional pointers (not real vectors) */ int i,j, done; Real nres; /* Real last_h; */ if (ip == INULL) error(E_NULL,"iter_gmres"); if ( ! ip->Ax || ! ip->b ) error(E_NULL,"iter_gmres"); if ( ! ip->stop_crit ) error(E_NULL,"iter_gmres"); if ( ip->k <= 0 ) error(E_BOUNDS,"iter_gmres"); if (ip->x != VNULL && ip->x->dim != ip->b->dim) error(E_SIZES,"iter_gmres"); if (ip->eps <= 0.0) ip->eps = MACHEPS; r = v_resize(r,ip->k+1); u = v_resize(u,ip->b->dim); rhs = v_resize(rhs,ip->k+1); givs = v_resize(givs,ip->k); /* Givens rotations */ givc = v_resize(givc,ip->k); MEM_STAT_REG(r,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(u,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(rhs,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(givs,TYPE_VEC); MEM_STAT_REG(givc,TYPE_VEC); R = m_resize(R,ip->k+1,ip->k); Q = m_resize(Q,ip->k,ip->b->dim); MEM_STAT_REG(R,TYPE_MAT); MEM_STAT_REG(Q,TYPE_MAT); if (ip->x == VNULL) { /* ip->x == 0 */ ip->x = v_get(ip->b->dim); ip->shared_x = FALSE; } v.dim = v.max_dim = ip->b->dim; /* v and v1 are pointers to rows */ v1.dim = v1.max_dim = ip->b->dim; /* of matrix Q */ if (ip->Bx != (Fun_Ax)NULL) { /* if precondition is defined */ z = v_resize(z,ip->b->dim); MEM_STAT_REG(z,TYPE_VEC); } done = FALSE; for (ip->steps = 0; ip->steps < ip->limit; ) { /* restart */ ip->Ax(ip->A_par,ip->x,u); /* u = A*x */ v_sub(ip->b,u,u); /* u = b - A*x */ rr = u; /* rr is a pointer only */ if (ip->Bx) { (ip->Bx)(ip->B_par,u,z); /* tmp = B*(b-A*x) */ rr = z; } nres = v_norm2(rr); if (ip->steps == 0) { if (ip->info) ip->info(ip,nres,VNULL,VNULL); ip->init_res = nres; } if ( nres == 0.0 ) { done = TRUE; break; } = Q->me[0]; sv_mlt(1.0/nres,rr,&v); v_zero(r); v_zero(rhs); rhs->ve[0] = nres; for ( i = 0; i < ip->k && ip->steps < ip->limit; i++ ) { ip->steps++; = Q->me[i]; (ip->Ax)(ip->A_par,&v,u); rr = u; if (ip->Bx) { (ip->Bx)(ip->B_par,u,z); rr = z; } if (i < ip->k - 1) { = Q->me[i+1]; v_copy(rr,&v1); for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { = Q->me[j]; /* r->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,rr); */ /* modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm */ r->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,&v1); v_mltadd(&v1,&v,-r->ve[j],&v1); } r->ve[i+1] = nres = v_norm2(&v1); if (nres <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) rot_vec(r,j,j+1,givc->ve[j],givs->ve[j],r); set_col(R,i,r); done = TRUE; break; } sv_mlt(1.0/nres,&v1,&v1); } else { /* i == ip->k - 1 */ /* Q->me[ip->k] need not be computed */ for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { = Q->me[j]; r->ve[j] = in_prod(&v,rr); } nres = in_prod(rr,rr) - in_prod(r,r); if (sqrt(fabs(nres)) <= MACHEPS*ip->init_res) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) rot_vec(r,j,j+1,givc->ve[j],givs->ve[j],r); set_col(R,i,r); done = TRUE; break; } if (nres < 0.0) { /* do restart */ i--; ip->steps--; break; } r->ve[i+1] = sqrt(nres); } /* QR update */ /* last_h = r->ve[i+1]; */ /* for test only */ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) rot_vec(r,j,j+1,givc->ve[j],givs->ve[j],r); givens(r->ve[i],r->ve[i+1],&givc->ve[i],&givs->ve[i]); rot_vec(r,i,i+1,givc->ve[i],givs->ve[i],r); rot_vec(rhs,i,i+1,givc->ve[i],givs->ve[i],rhs); set_col(R,i,r); nres = fabs((double) rhs->ve[i+1]); if (ip->info) ip->info(ip,nres,VNULL,VNULL); if ( ip->stop_crit(ip,nres,VNULL,VNULL) ) { done = TRUE; break; } } /* use ixi submatrix of R */ if (i >= ip->k) i = ip->k - 1; R = m_resize(R,i+1,i+1); rhs = v_resize(rhs,i+1); /* test only */ /* test_gmres(ip,i,Q,R,givc,givs,last_h); */ Usolve(R,rhs,rhs,0.0); /* solve a system: R*x = rhs */ /* new approximation */ for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { = Q->me[j]; v_mltadd(ip->x,&v,rhs->ve[j],ip->x); } if (done) break; /* back to old dimensions */ rhs = v_resize(rhs,ip->k+1); R = m_resize(R,ip->k+1,ip->k); } #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(u); V_FREE(r); V_FREE(rhs); V_FREE(givs); V_FREE(givc); V_FREE(z); M_FREE(Q); M_FREE(R); #endif return ip->x; }
double QRcondest(const MAT *QR) #endif { STATIC VEC *y=VNULL; Real norm1, norm2, sum, tmp1, tmp2; int i, j, limit; if ( QR == MNULL ) error(E_NULL,"QRcondest"); limit = min(QR->m,QR->n); for ( i = 0; i < limit; i++ ) if ( QR->me[i][i] == 0.0 ) return HUGE_VAL; y = v_resize(y,limit); MEM_STAT_REG(y,TYPE_VEC); /* use the trick for getting a unit vector y with ||R.y||_inf small from the LU condition estimator */ for ( i = 0; i < limit; i++ ) { sum = 0.0; for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) sum -= QR->me[j][i]*y->ve[j]; sum -= (sum < 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; y->ve[i] = sum / QR->me[i][i]; } UTmlt(QR,y,y); /* now apply inverse power method to R^T.R */ for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { tmp1 = v_norm2(y); sv_mlt(1/tmp1,y,y); UTsolve(QR,y,y,0.0); tmp2 = v_norm2(y); sv_mlt(1/v_norm2(y),y,y); Usolve(QR,y,y,0.0); } /* now compute approximation for ||R^{-1}||_2 */ norm1 = sqrt(tmp1)*sqrt(tmp2); /* now use complementary approach to compute approximation to ||R||_2 */ for ( i = limit-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { sum = 0.0; for ( j = i+1; j < limit; j++ ) sum += QR->me[i][j]*y->ve[j]; y->ve[i] = (sum >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; y->ve[i] = (QR->me[i][i] >= 0.0) ? y->ve[i] : - y->ve[i]; } /* now apply power method to R^T.R */ for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { tmp1 = v_norm2(y); sv_mlt(1/tmp1,y,y); Umlt(QR,y,y); tmp2 = v_norm2(y); sv_mlt(1/tmp2,y,y); UTmlt(QR,y,y); } norm2 = sqrt(tmp1)*sqrt(tmp2); /* printf("QRcondest: norm1 = %g, norm2 = %g\n",norm1,norm2); */ #ifdef THREADSAFE V_FREE(y); #endif return norm1*norm2; }