string uuid() { string result; #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef _UNICODE UUID uid; auto status = UuidCreate(&uid); ASSERT(status == RPC_S_OK, "Failed to create UUID"); char* str; auto res = UuidToStringA(&uid, reinterpret_cast<RPC_CSTR*>(&str)); ASSERT(res == RPC_S_OK, "Failed to create string from UUID"); result = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str); RpcStringFreeA(reinterpret_cast<RPC_CSTR*>(&str)); #else UUID uid; auto status = UuidCreate(&uid); ASSERT(status == RPC_S_OK, "Failed to create UUID"); wchar_t* str; auto res = UuidToStringW(&uid, reinterpret_cast<RPC_WSTR*>(&str)); ASSERT(res == RPC_S_OK, "Failed to create string from UUID"); wstring wideRes = reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(str); result = engine::toUtf8String(wideRes); RpcStringFreeW(reinterpret_cast<RPC_WSTR*>(&str)); #endif #endif return result; }
static void initialize_display_settings( HWND desktop ) { static const WCHAR display_device_guid_propW[] = { '_','_','w','i','n','e','_','d','i','s','p','l','a','y','_', 'd','e','v','i','c','e','_','g','u','i','d',0 }; GUID guid; RPC_CSTR guid_str; ATOM guid_atom; DEVMODEW dmW; UuidCreate( &guid ); UuidToStringA( &guid, &guid_str ); WINE_TRACE( "display guid %s\n", guid_str ); guid_atom = GlobalAddAtomA( (LPCSTR)guid_str ); SetPropW( desktop, display_device_guid_propW, ULongToHandle(guid_atom) ); RpcStringFreeA( &guid_str ); /* Store current display mode in the registry */ if (EnumDisplaySettingsExW( NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dmW, 0 )) { WINE_TRACE( "Current display mode %ux%u %u bpp %u Hz\n", dmW.dmPelsWidth, dmW.dmPelsHeight, dmW.dmBitsPerPel, dmW.dmDisplayFrequency ); ChangeDisplaySettingsExW( NULL, &dmW, 0, CDS_GLOBAL | CDS_NORESET | CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY, NULL ); } }
int Utility::GenerateGUID(CString& sGUID) { int status = 1; sGUID.Empty(); strconv_t strconv; // Create GUID UCHAR *pszUuid = 0; GUID *pguid = NULL; pguid = new GUID; if(pguid!=NULL) { HRESULT hr = CoCreateGuid(pguid); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Convert the GUID to a string hr = UuidToStringA(pguid, &pszUuid); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pszUuid!=NULL) { status = 0; sGUID = strconv.a2t((char*)pszUuid); RpcStringFreeA(&pszUuid); } } delete pguid; } return status; }
void MSVC8_Filter::write_filter_name_vs100(OutputWriter &output, int indent, const std::string &parent) const { std::string new_filter; if (parent.length()) { new_filter = parent + "\\" + name; } else { new_filter = name; } output.write_line(indent, " <Filter Include=\"" + new_filter + "\">"); // Create a new GUID: unsigned char *projectGUID = 0; GUID guid; UuidCreate(&guid); UuidToStringA(&guid, &projectGUID); _strupr((char *) projectGUID); std::string returnGUID = std::string("{") + ((char *) projectGUID) + std::string("}"); RpcStringFreeA(&projectGUID); output.write_line(indent, " <UniqueIdentifier>" + returnGUID + "</UniqueIdentifier>"); output.write_line(indent, " </Filter>"); std::vector<MSVC8_FileItem *>::size_type index; for (index = 0; index < files.size(); index++) { files[index]->write_filter_name_vs100(output, indent, new_filter); } }
HRESULT TShellExt::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) { if (ppvObject == NULL) return E_POINTER; if (riid == IID_IContextMenu) { *ppvObject = (IContextMenu*)this; logA("TShellExt[%p] retrieved as IContextMenu: %d\n", this, RefCount); } else if (riid == IID_IContextMenu2) { *ppvObject = (IContextMenu2*)this; logA("TShellExt[%p] retrieved as IContextMenu2: %d\n", this, RefCount); } else if (riid == IID_IContextMenu3) { *ppvObject = (IContextMenu3*)this; logA("TShellExt[%p] retrieved as IContextMenu3: %d\n", this, RefCount); } else if (riid == IID_IShellExtInit || riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppvObject = (IShellExtInit*)this; logA("TShellExt[%p] retrieved as IID_IUnknown: %d\n", this, RefCount); } else { *ppvObject = NULL; #ifdef LOG_ENABLED RPC_CSTR szGuid; UuidToStringA(&riid, &szGuid); logA("TShellExt[%p] failed as {%s}\n", this, szGuid); RpcStringFreeA(&szGuid); #endif return E_NOINTERFACE; } AddRef(); return S_OK; }
zmq::uuid_t::uuid_t () { RPC_STATUS ret = UuidCreate (&uuid); zmq_assert (ret == RPC_S_OK); ret = UuidToStringA (&uuid, &string_buf); zmq_assert (ret == RPC_S_OK); create_blob (); }
std::string FMUCodeGen::generateGUID() { UUID uuid; UuidCreate ( &uuid ); unsigned char * str; UuidToStringA ( &uuid, &str ); std::string guid( ( char* ) str ); guid = "{"+guid+"}"; RpcStringFreeA ( &str ); return guid; }
/*********************************************************************** * NdrDllUnregisterProxy [RPCRT4.@] */ HRESULT WINAPI NdrDllUnregisterProxy(HMODULE hDll, const ProxyFileInfo **pProxyFileList, const CLSID *pclsid) { LPSTR clsid; char keyname[120], module[MAX_PATH]; DWORD len; TRACE("(%p,%p,%s)\n", hDll, pProxyFileList, debugstr_guid(pclsid)); UuidToStringA((UUID*)pclsid, (unsigned char**)&clsid); /* unregister interfaces */ while (*pProxyFileList) { unsigned u; for (u=0; u<(*pProxyFileList)->TableSize; u++) { CInterfaceStubVtbl *proxy = (*pProxyFileList)->pStubVtblList[u]; PCInterfaceName name = (*pProxyFileList)->pNamesArray[u]; LPSTR iid; TRACE("unregistering %s %s <= %s\n", name, debugstr_guid(proxy->header.piid), clsid); UuidToStringA((UUID*)proxy->header.piid, (unsigned char**)&iid); snprintf(keyname, sizeof(keyname), "Interface\\{%s}", iid); RpcStringFreeA((unsigned char**)&iid); RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyname); } pProxyFileList++; } /* unregister clsid */ snprintf(keyname, sizeof(keyname), "CLSID\\{%s}", clsid); len = GetModuleFileNameA(hDll, module, sizeof(module)); if (len && len < sizeof(module)) { TRACE("unregistering CLSID %s <= %s\n", clsid, module); RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyname); } /* done */ RpcStringFreeA((unsigned char**)&clsid); return S_OK; }
std::string WorkspaceGenerator_MSVC8::get_project_guid(const std::string &project) { std::string returnGUID; // Check if we already made a GUID earlier. Reuse it if we did. LONG result; HKEY key = 0; result = RegCreateKeyA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "SOFTWARE\\\\ClanLib\\ProjectGUIDs", &key); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) key = 0; if (key) { DWORD type = 0, needed = 0; result = RegQueryValueExA(key, project.c_str(), 0, &type, 0, &needed); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_SZ) { char *buffer = new char[needed]; result = RegQueryValueExA(key, project.c_str(), 0, &type, (LPBYTE) buffer, &needed); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { returnGUID = buffer; delete[] buffer; RegCloseKey(key); return returnGUID; } delete[] buffer; } } // Create a new GUID: unsigned char *projectGUID = 0; GUID guid; UuidCreate(&guid); UuidToStringA(&guid, &projectGUID); _strupr((char *) projectGUID); returnGUID = std::string("{") + ((char *) projectGUID) + std::string("}"); RpcStringFreeA(&projectGUID); // Save it to registry: if (key) { result = RegSetValueExA( key, project.c_str(), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) returnGUID.c_str(), (DWORD) returnGUID.length()+1); RegCloseKey(key); } return returnGUID; }
char* directconnection::mNonceToText(void) { char* p; UuidToStringA(mNonce, (BYTE**)&p); size_t len = strlen(p) + 3; char* result = (char*)mir_alloc(len); mir_snprintf(result, len, "{%s}", p); _strupr(result); RpcStringFreeA((BYTE**)&p); return result; }
int ut_get_uuid_str(char *uuid_str) { UUID uuid; char *buff; if (UuidCreate(&uuid) == 0) if (UuidToStringA(&uuid, &buff) == RPC_S_OK) { strcpy_s(uuid_str, UT_POOL_HDR_UUID_STR_LEN, buff); return 0; } return -1; }
char* getNewUuid(void) { BYTE* p; UUID id; UuidCreate(&id); UuidToStringA(&id, &p); size_t len = strlen((char*)p) + 3; char* result = (char*)mir_alloc(len); mir_snprintf(result, len, "{%s}", p); _strupr(result); RpcStringFreeA(&p); return result; }
void parseGetUUID(char *id, size_t id_size) { size_t i = 0; UUID uuid; char *uuid_string; UuidCreate(&uuid); UuidToStringA(&uuid, &uuid_string); strncpy_s(id, id_size, uuid_string, _TRUNCATE); i = 0; for ( ; i < strlen(id) ; i++) { id[i] = tolower(id[i]); } RpcStringFreeA(&uuid_string); }
string InstanceManager::CreateId() { // Create binary UUID UUID uuid; UuidCreate(&uuid); // Convert binary UUID to RPC string RPC_CSTR tmpstr; UuidToStringA(&uuid, &tmpstr); // Copy string UUID to string and free RPC version string uuidstr((char*)tmpstr); RpcStringFreeA(&tmpstr); return uuidstr; }
RTDECL(int) RTUuidToStr(PCRTUUID pUuid, char *pszString, size_t cchString) { /* check params */ AssertPtrReturn(pUuid, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszString, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cchString >= RTUUID_STR_LENGTH, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Try convert it. * * The API allocates a new string buffer for us, so we can do our own * buffer overflow handling. */ RPC_STATUS Status; unsigned char *pszTmpStr = NULL; #ifdef RPC_UNICODE_SUPPORTED /* always use ASCII version! */ Status = UuidToStringA((UUID *)pUuid, &pszTmpStr); #else Status = UuidToString((UUID *)pUuid, &pszTmpStr); #endif if (Status != RPC_S_OK) return RTErrConvertFromWin32(Status); /* copy it. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; size_t cchTmpStr = strlen((char *)pszTmpStr); if (cchTmpStr < cchString) memcpy(pszString, pszTmpStr, cchTmpStr + 1); else { AssertFailed(); rc = ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } /* free buffer */ #ifdef RPC_UNICODE_SUPPORTED /* always use ASCII version! */ RpcStringFreeA(&pszTmpStr); #else RpcStringFree(&pszTmpStr); #endif /* all done */ return rc; }
int ustring_Uuid(lua_State* L) { UUID uuid; if(lua_gettop(L) == 0 || !lua_toboolean(L, 1)) { // generate new UUID if(UuidCreate(&uuid) == RPC_S_OK) { lua_pushlstring(L, (const char*)&uuid, sizeof(UUID)); return 1; } } else { size_t len; const char* arg1 = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len); if(len == sizeof(UUID)) { // convert given UUID to string unsigned char* p; if(UuidToStringA((UUID*)arg1, &p) == RPC_S_OK) { lua_pushstring(L, (char*)p); RpcStringFreeA(&p); return 1; } } else { // convert string UUID representation to UUID if(UuidFromStringA((unsigned char*)arg1, &uuid) == RPC_S_OK) { lua_pushlstring(L, (const char*)&uuid, sizeof(UUID)); return 1; } } } lua_pushnil(L); return 1; }
void MOInit(const char* appname) { strcpy(g_AppName, appname); DWORD dwVersion = GetVersion(); DWORD dwMajorVersion = (DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); DWORD dwMinorVersion = (DWORD)(HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))); DWORD dwBuild = 0; if(dwVersion<0x80000000) dwBuild = (DWORD)(HIWORD(dwVersion)); sprintf(g_OSName, "windows0%d0%d0%d", dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion, dwBuild); GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, g_ResourcePath, sizeof(g_ResourcePath)); *(strrchr(g_ResourcePath, '\\')) = '\0'; *(strrchr(g_ResourcePath, '\\')) = '\0'; *(strrchr(g_ResourcePath, '\\')) = '\0'; LPITEMIDLIST pidl=NULL; char szDocument[MAX_PATH]; SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, &pidl); SHGetPathFromIDListA(pidl, szDocument); strcat(szDocument, "\\MO_DEVICE_ID.txt"); FILE* fp; fp = fopen(szDocument, "rt"); if(fp) { if(fgets(g_UDID, sizeof(g_UDID), fp)==NULL) g_UDID[0] = '\0'; fclose(fp); } if(g_UDID[0]=='\0') { UUID uuid; UuidCreate(&uuid); RPC_CSTR val; UuidToStringA((UUID*)&uuid, &val); strcpy(g_UDID, (const char*)val); RpcStringFreeA(&val); fp = fopen(szDocument, "wt"); if(fp) { fputs(g_UDID, fp); fclose(fp); } } }
char* directconnection::calcHashedNonce(UUID* nonce) { mir_sha1_ctx sha1ctx; BYTE sha[MIR_SHA1_HASH_SIZE]; mir_sha1_init(&sha1ctx); mir_sha1_append(&sha1ctx, (BYTE*)nonce, sizeof(UUID)); mir_sha1_finish(&sha1ctx, sha); char* p; UuidToStringA((UUID*)&sha, (BYTE**)&p); size_t len = strlen(p) + 3; char* result = (char*)mir_alloc(len); mir_snprintf(result, len, "{%s}", p); _strupr(result); RpcStringFreeA((BYTE**)&p); return result; }
ctci::string snewUUID() { #ifdef WIN32 UUID uuid; UuidCreate ( &uuid ); unsigned char * str; UuidToStringA ( &uuid, &str ); std::string s( ( char* ) str ); RpcStringFreeA ( &str ); #else uuid_t uuid; uuid_generate_random ( uuid ); char s[37]; uuid_unparse ( uuid, s ); #endif return s; }
void __fastcall TForm1::Button5Click(TObject *Sender) { // unsigned char *p; // UUID uuid; // // ::UuidCreate(&uuid ); // UUID生成 // ::UuidToString(&uuid, &p ); // UUIDを文字列にする // // char str[38]; // strncpy(str, (char*)p, sizeof(str)); // 自分で用意したバッファにコピー // // ::RpcStringFree(&p ); // // Memo1->Lines->Add(str); UUID uuid; UuidCreate(&uuid); unsigned char *ch = (unsigned char *)&uuid; char *szUuid = NULL; UuidToStringA(&uuid, (RPC_CSTR *)&szUuid); Memo1->Lines->Add(szUuid); // printf("%s\n", szUuid); }
NS_IMETHODIMP LSPAnnotationGatherer::Run() { PR_SetCurrentThreadName("LSP Annotator"); mThread = NS_GetCurrentThread(); DWORD size = 0; int err; // Get the size of the buffer we need if (SOCKET_ERROR != WSCEnumProtocols(nullptr, nullptr, &size, &err) || err != WSAENOBUFS) { // Er, what? NS_NOTREACHED("WSCEnumProtocols suceeded when it should have failed ..."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } auto byteArray = MakeUnique<char[]>(size); WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW* providers = reinterpret_cast<WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW*>(byteArray.get()); int n = WSCEnumProtocols(nullptr, providers, &size, &err); if (n == SOCKET_ERROR) { // Lame. We provided the right size buffer; we'll just give up now. NS_WARNING("Could not get LSP list"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsCString str; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { AppendUTF16toUTF8(nsDependentString(providers[i].szProtocol), str); str.AppendLiteral(" : "); str.AppendInt(providers[i].iVersion); str.AppendLiteral(" : "); str.AppendInt(providers[i].iAddressFamily); str.AppendLiteral(" : "); str.AppendInt(providers[i].iSocketType); str.AppendLiteral(" : "); str.AppendInt(providers[i].iProtocol); str.AppendLiteral(" : "); str.AppendPrintf("0x%x", providers[i].dwServiceFlags1); str.AppendLiteral(" : "); str.AppendPrintf("0x%x", providers[i].dwProviderFlags); str.AppendLiteral(" : "); wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; int pathLen = MAX_PATH; if (!WSCGetProviderPath(&providers[i].ProviderId, path, &pathLen, &err)) { AppendUTF16toUTF8(nsDependentString(path), str); } str.AppendLiteral(" : "); // If WSCGetProviderInfo is available, we should call it to obtain the // category flags for this provider. When present, these flags inform // Windows as to which order to chain the providers. nsModuleHandle ws2_32(LoadLibraryW(L"ws2_32.dll")); if (ws2_32) { decltype(WSCGetProviderInfo)* pWSCGetProviderInfo = reinterpret_cast<decltype(WSCGetProviderInfo)*>( GetProcAddress(ws2_32, "WSCGetProviderInfo")); if (pWSCGetProviderInfo) { DWORD categoryInfo; size_t categoryInfoSize = sizeof(categoryInfo); if (!pWSCGetProviderInfo(&providers[i].ProviderId, ProviderInfoLspCategories, (PBYTE)&categoryInfo, &categoryInfoSize, 0, &err)) { str.AppendPrintf("0x%x", categoryInfo); } } } str.AppendLiteral(" : "); if (providers[i].ProtocolChain.ChainLen <= BASE_PROTOCOL) { // If we're dealing with a catalog entry that identifies an individual // base or layer provider, log its provider GUID. RPC_CSTR provIdStr = nullptr; if (UuidToStringA(&providers[i].ProviderId, &provIdStr) == RPC_S_OK) { str.Append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(provIdStr)); RpcStringFreeA(&provIdStr); } } if (i + 1 != n) { str.AppendLiteral(" \n "); } } mString = str; NS_DispatchToMainThread(NewRunnableMethod(this, &LSPAnnotationGatherer::Annotate)); return NS_OK; }
int TestWlanApi(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { // init_lib( &cs ); // return 0; HANDLE hClient = NULL; WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO sInfo[64]; RPC_CSTR strGuid = NULL; TCHAR szBuffer[256]; DWORD dwRead; if( OpenHandleAndCheckVersion( &hClient ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return -1; UINT nCount = EnumInterface( hClient, sInfo ); for( UINT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { if (UuidToStringA( &sInfo[i].InterfaceGuid, &strGuid) == RPC_S_OK) { printf( ("%d. %s\n\tDescription: %S\n\tState: %S\n"), i, strGuid, sInfo[i].strInterfaceDescription, GetInterfaceStateString(sInfo[i].isState) ); RpcStringFreeA(&strGuid); } } UINT nChoice = 0; printf( "for choice wireless card:" ); if( ReadConsole( GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), szBuffer, _countof(szBuffer), &dwRead, NULL ) == FALSE ) { puts( "error input" ); return -1; } szBuffer[dwRead] = 0; nChoice = _ttoi( szBuffer ); if( nChoice > nCount ) { puts( "error input." ); return -1; } ULONG ulOperatorCode = DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_NETWORK_MONITOR; if( ERROR_SUCCESS != WlanSetInterface( hClient, &sInfo[nChoice].InterfaceGuid, wlan_intf_opcode_current_operation_mode, sizeof(ULONG), &ulOperatorCode, NULL ) ) { puts( "enter monitor mode failed!" ); return -1; } BOOL bRet = ReadFile( hClient, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), &dwRead, NULL ); _getch(); ulOperatorCode = DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_EXTENSIBLE_STATION; if( ERROR_SUCCESS != WlanSetInterface( hClient, &sInfo[nChoice].InterfaceGuid, wlan_intf_opcode_current_operation_mode, sizeof(ULONG), &ulOperatorCode, NULL ) ) { puts( "enter monitor mode failed!" ); return -1; } WlanCloseHandle( hClient, NULL ); return 0; }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { WSADATA wsaData; int result; system("pause"); result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); if(0 != result) { _tprintf(_T("WSAStartup error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } SOCKET socketForProbe = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if(INVALID_SOCKET == socketForProbe) { _tprintf(_T("socket error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } sockaddr_in sockaddrClient; memset(&sockaddrClient, 0x0, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); sockaddrClient.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); sockaddrClient.sin_family = AF_INET; sockaddrClient.sin_port = htons(0); sockaddr_in sockaddrMulticastAddrForOnvif; memset(&sockaddrMulticastAddrForOnvif, 0x0, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); InetPton(AF_INET, _T(""), &sockaddrMulticastAddrForOnvif.sin_addr.s_addr); sockaddrMulticastAddrForOnvif.sin_family = AF_INET; sockaddrMulticastAddrForOnvif.sin_port = htons(3702); result = bind(socketForProbe, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddrClient, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); if(0 != result) { _tprintf(_T("bind error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } DWORD timeOut = 5000; result = setsockopt(socketForProbe, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&timeOut, sizeof(DWORD)); if(0 != result) { _tprintf(_T("setsockopt error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } char* pProbeMessage = (char*)malloc(2048); if(NULL == pProbeMessage) { _tprintf(_T("malloc error")); exit(0); } receiveThreadParameter parameter; BOOL loop = TRUE; DWORD threadID; parameter.socketForProbe = &socketForProbe; parameter.bLoop = &loop; UUID uuid; RPC_STATUS rpcStatus = UuidCreate(&uuid); if(RPC_S_OK != rpcStatus) { _tprintf(_T("UuidCreate error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } RPC_CSTR RpcCstr; rpcStatus = UuidToStringA(&uuid, &RpcCstr); if(RPC_S_OK != rpcStatus) { _tprintf(_T("UuidCreate error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } result = _snprintf_s(pProbeMessage, 2048, _TRUNCATE, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"\" xmlns:wsa=\"\" xmlns:wsdd=\"\"><SOAP-ENV:Header><wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:%s</wsa:MessageID><wsa:To SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand=\"true\">urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery</wsa:To><wsa:Action SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand=\"true\"></wsa:Action></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><wsdd:Probe></wsdd:Probe></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>", RpcCstr); if(-1 == result) { _tprintf(_T("_snprintf_s error")); exit(0); } rpcStatus = RpcStringFreeA(&RpcCstr); if(RPC_S_OK != rpcStatus) { _tprintf(_T("UuidCreate error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } //result = _snprintf_s(pProbeMessage, 2048, _TRUNCATE, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"\" xmlns:wsa=\"\" xmlns:wsdd=\"\"><SOAP-ENV:Header><wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:bc9fb550-1dd1-11b2-807c-c056e3fb5481</wsa:MessageID><wsa:To SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand=\"true\">urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery</wsa:To><wsa:Action SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand=\"true\"></wsa:Action></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><wsdd:Probe><wsdd:Types>Device</wsdd:Types><wsdd:Scopes></wsdd:Scopes></wsdd:Probe></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"); //if(-1 == result) //{ // _tprintf(_T("_snprintf_s error")); // exit(0); //} HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, receiveThread, ¶meter, 0, &threadID); if(NULL == hThread) { _tprintf(_T("CreateThread error, code: %d"), GetLastError()); exit(0); } result = sendto(socketForProbe, pProbeMessage, result, 0, (sockaddr*)&sockaddrMulticastAddrForOnvif, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); if(SOCKET_ERROR == result) { _tprintf(_T("sendto error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } Sleep(5000); loop = FALSE; WaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hThread, TRUE, INFINITE); CloseHandle(hThread); free(pProbeMessage); pProbeMessage = NULL; result = closesocket(socketForProbe); if(0 != result) { _tprintf(_T("closesocket error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } result = WSACleanup(); if(0 != result) { _tprintf(_T("WSACleanup error, code: %d"), WSAGetLastError()); exit(0); } system("pause"); return 0; }
static void UuidConversionAndComparison(void) { CHAR strx[100], x; LPSTR str = strx; WCHAR wstrx[100], wx; LPWSTR wstr = wstrx; UUID Uuid1, Uuid2, *PUuid1, *PUuid2; RPC_STATUS rslt; int i1,i2; /* Uuid Equality */ for (i1 = 0; i1 < 11; i1++) for (i2 = 0; i2 < 11; i2++) { if (i1 < 10) { Uuid1 = Uuid_Table[i1]; PUuid1 = &Uuid1; } else { PUuid1 = NULL; } if (i2 < 10) { Uuid2 = Uuid_Table[i2]; PUuid2 = &Uuid2; } else { PUuid2 = NULL; } ok( (UuidEqual(PUuid1, PUuid2, &rslt) == Uuid_Comparison_Grid[i1][i2]), "UUID Equality\n" ); } /* Uuid to String to Uuid (char) */ for (i1 = 0; i1 < 10; i1++) { Uuid1 = Uuid_Table[i1]; ok( (UuidToStringA(&Uuid1, (unsigned char**)&str) == RPC_S_OK), "Simple UUID->String copy\n" ); ok( (UuidFromStringA((unsigned char*)str, &Uuid2) == RPC_S_OK), "Simple String->UUID copy from generated UUID String\n" ); ok( UuidEqual(&Uuid1, &Uuid2, &rslt), "Uuid -> String -> Uuid transform\n" ); /* invalid uuid tests -- size of valid UUID string=36 */ for (i2 = 0; i2 < 36; i2++) { x = str[i2]; str[i2] = 'g'; /* whatever, but "g" is a good boundary condition */ ok( (UuidFromStringA((unsigned char*)str, &Uuid1) == RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID), "Invalid UUID String\n" ); str[i2] = x; /* change it back so remaining tests are interesting. */ } RpcStringFreeA((unsigned char **)&str); } /* Uuid to String to Uuid (wchar) */ for (i1 = 0; i1 < 10; i1++) { Uuid1 = Uuid_Table[i1]; rslt=UuidToStringW(&Uuid1, &wstr); ok( (rslt == RPC_S_OK), "Simple UUID->WString copy\n" ); ok( (UuidFromStringW(wstr, &Uuid2) == RPC_S_OK), "Simple WString->UUID copy from generated UUID String\n" ); ok( UuidEqual(&Uuid1, &Uuid2, &rslt), "Uuid -> WString -> Uuid transform\n" ); /* invalid uuid tests -- size of valid UUID string=36 */ for (i2 = 0; i2 < 36; i2++) { wx = wstr[i2]; wstr[i2] = 'g'; /* whatever, but "g" is a good boundary condition */ ok( (UuidFromStringW(wstr, &Uuid1) == RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID), "Invalid UUID WString\n" ); wstr[i2] = wx; /* change it back so remaining tests are interesting. */ } RpcStringFreeW(&wstr); } }
rdpRdg* rdg_new(rdpTransport* transport) { rdpRdg* rdg; RPC_CSTR stringUuid; char bracedUuid[40]; RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; assert(transport != NULL); rdg = (rdpRdg*) calloc(1, sizeof(rdpRdg)); if (rdg) { rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_INITIAL; rdg->context = transport->context; rdg->settings = rdg->context->settings; rdg->extAuth = HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE; if (rdg->settings->GatewayAccessToken) rdg->extAuth = HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA; UuidCreate(&rdg->guid); rpcStatus = UuidToStringA(&rdg->guid, &stringUuid); if (rpcStatus == RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY) goto rdg_alloc_error; sprintf_s(bracedUuid, sizeof(bracedUuid), "{%s}", stringUuid); RpcStringFreeA(&stringUuid); rdg->tlsOut = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsOut) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->tlsIn = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsIn) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->http = http_context_new(); if (!rdg->http) goto rdg_alloc_error; http_context_set_uri(rdg->http, "/remoteDesktopGateway/"); http_context_set_accept(rdg->http, "*/*"); http_context_set_cache_control(rdg->http, "no-cache"); http_context_set_pragma(rdg->http, "no-cache"); http_context_set_connection(rdg->http, "Keep-Alive"); http_context_set_user_agent(rdg->http, "MS-RDGateway/1.0"); http_context_set_host(rdg->http, rdg->settings->GatewayHostname); http_context_set_rdg_connection_id(rdg->http, bracedUuid); if (!rdg->http->URI || !rdg->http->Accept || !rdg->http->CacheControl || !rdg->http->Pragma || !rdg->http->Connection || !rdg->http->UserAgent || !rdg->http->Host || !rdg->http->RdgConnectionId) { goto rdg_alloc_error; } if (rdg->extAuth != HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_NONE) { switch (rdg->extAuth) { case HTTP_EXTENDED_AUTH_PAA: http_context_set_rdg_auth_scheme(rdg->http, "PAA"); if (!rdg->http->RdgAuthScheme) goto rdg_alloc_error; break; default: WLog_DBG(TAG, "RDG extended authentication method %d not supported", rdg->extAuth); } } rdg->frontBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_rdg()); if (!rdg->frontBio) goto rdg_alloc_error; BIO_set_data(rdg->frontBio, rdg); InitializeCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); } return rdg; rdg_alloc_error: rdg_free(rdg); return NULL; }
rdpRdg* rdg_new(rdpTransport* transport) { rdpRdg* rdg; RPC_CSTR stringUuid; char bracedUuid[40]; RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; assert(transport != NULL); rdg = (rdpRdg*) calloc(1, sizeof(rdpRdg)); if (rdg) { rdg->state = RDG_CLIENT_STATE_INITIAL; rdg->context = transport->context; rdg->settings = rdg->context->settings; UuidCreate(&rdg->guid); rpcStatus = UuidToStringA(&rdg->guid, &stringUuid); if (rpcStatus == RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY) goto rdg_alloc_error; sprintf_s(bracedUuid, sizeof(bracedUuid), "{%s}", stringUuid); RpcStringFreeA(&stringUuid); rdg->tlsOut = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsOut) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->tlsIn = tls_new(rdg->settings); if (!rdg->tlsIn) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->http = http_context_new(); if (!rdg->http) goto rdg_alloc_error; http_context_set_uri(rdg->http, "/remoteDesktopGateway/"); http_context_set_accept(rdg->http, "*/*"); http_context_set_cache_control(rdg->http, "no-cache"); http_context_set_pragma(rdg->http, "no-cache"); http_context_set_connection(rdg->http, "Keep-Alive"); http_context_set_user_agent(rdg->http, "MS-RDGateway/1.0"); http_context_set_host(rdg->http, rdg->settings->GatewayHostname); http_context_set_rdg_connection_id(rdg->http, bracedUuid); if (!rdg->http->URI || !rdg->http->Accept || !rdg->http->CacheControl || !rdg->http->Pragma || !rdg->http->Connection || !rdg->http->UserAgent || !rdg->http->Host || !rdg->http->RdgConnectionId) { goto rdg_alloc_error; } rdg->frontBio = BIO_new(BIO_s_rdg()); if (!rdg->frontBio) goto rdg_alloc_error; rdg->frontBio->ptr = rdg; rdg->readEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!rdg->readEvent) goto rdg_alloc_error; InitializeCriticalSection(&rdg->writeSection); } return rdg; rdg_alloc_error: rdg_free(rdg); return NULL; }
static void Publish_tests(void) { IWSDiscoveryPublisher *publisher = NULL; IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify *sink1 = NULL, *sink2 = NULL; IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotifyImpl *sink1Impl = NULL, *sink2Impl = NULL; char endpointReferenceString[MAX_PATH], app_sequence_string[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR publisherIdW = NULL, sequenceIdW = NULL; messageStorage *msgStorage; WSADATA wsaData; BOOL messageOK, hello_message_seen = FALSE, endpoint_reference_seen = FALSE, app_sequence_seen = FALSE; BOOL metadata_version_seen = FALSE, any_header_seen = FALSE, wine_ns_seen = FALSE, body_hello_seen = FALSE; BOOL any_body_seen = FALSE, types_seen = FALSE, xml_namespaces_seen = FALSE, scopes_seen = FALSE; BOOL xaddrs_seen = FALSE; int ret, i; HRESULT rc; ULONG ref; char *msg; WSDXML_ELEMENT *header_any_element, *body_any_element, *endpoint_any_element, *ref_param_any_element; WSDXML_NAME header_any_name, another_name; WSDXML_NAMESPACE ns, ns2; WCHAR header_any_name_text[] = {'B','e','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR header_any_text[] = {'P','u','b','l','i','s','h','T','e','s','t',0}; static const WCHAR body_any_text[] = {'B','o','d','y','T','e','s','t',0}; static const WCHAR endpoint_any_text[] = {'E','n','d','P','T','e','s','t',0}; static const WCHAR ref_param_any_text[] = {'R','e','f','P','T','e','s','t',0}; static const WCHAR uri[] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','w','i','n','e','.','t','e','s','t','/',0}; static const WCHAR prefix[] = {'w','i','n','e',0}; static const WCHAR uri3[] = {'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','t','h','i','r','d','.','u','r','l','/',0}; WSD_NAME_LIST types_list; WSD_URI_LIST scopes_list, xaddrs_list; unsigned char *probe_uuid_str; rc = WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher); ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher) failed: %08x\n", rc); ok(publisher != NULL, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher) failed: publisher == NULL\n"); /* Test SetAddressFamily */ rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(publisher, 12345); ok(rc == E_INVALIDARG, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(12345) returned unexpected result: %08x\n", rc); rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(publisher, WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV4); ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV4) failed: %08x\n", rc); /* Try to update the address family after already setting it */ rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(publisher, WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV6); ok(rc == STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_SetAddressFamily(WSDAPI_ADDRESSFAMILY_IPV6) returned unexpected result: %08x\n", rc); /* Create notification sinks */ ok(create_discovery_publisher_notify(&sink1) == TRUE, "create_discovery_publisher_notify failed\n"); ok(create_discovery_publisher_notify(&sink2) == TRUE, "create_discovery_publisher_notify failed\n"); /* Get underlying implementation so we can check the ref count */ sink1Impl = impl_from_IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify(sink1); sink2Impl = impl_from_IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify(sink2); /* Attempt to unregister sink before registering it */ rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_UnRegisterNotificationSink(publisher, sink1); ok(rc == E_FAIL, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_UnRegisterNotificationSink returned unexpected result: %08x\n", rc); /* Register notification sinks */ rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink(publisher, sink1); ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink failed: %08x\n", rc); ok(sink1Impl->ref == 2, "Ref count for sink 1 is not as expected: %d\n", sink1Impl->ref); rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink(publisher, sink2); ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_RegisterNotificationSink failed: %08x\n", rc); ok(sink2Impl->ref == 2, "Ref count for sink 2 is not as expected: %d\n", sink2Impl->ref); /* Unregister the first sink */ rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_UnRegisterNotificationSink(publisher, sink1); ok(rc == S_OK, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_UnRegisterNotificationSink failed: %08x\n", rc); ok(sink1Impl->ref == 1, "Ref count for sink 1 is not as expected: %d\n", sink1Impl->ref); /* Set up network listener */ publisherIdW = utf8_to_wide(publisherId); if (publisherIdW == NULL) goto after_publish_test; sequenceIdW = utf8_to_wide(sequenceId); if (sequenceIdW == NULL) goto after_publish_test; msgStorage = heap_alloc_zero(sizeof(messageStorage)); if (msgStorage == NULL) goto after_publish_test; msgStorage->running = TRUE; InitializeCriticalSection(&msgStorage->criticalSection); ret = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); ok(ret == 0, "WSAStartup failed (ret = %d)\n", ret); ret = start_listening_on_all_addresses(msgStorage, AF_INET); ok(ret == TRUE, "Unable to listen on IPv4 addresses (ret == %d)\n", ret); /* Create "any" elements for header */ ns.Uri = uri; ns.PreferredPrefix = prefix; header_any_name.LocalName = header_any_name_text; header_any_name.Space = &ns; rc = WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(&header_any_name, header_any_text, &header_any_element); ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement failed with %08x\n", rc); rc = WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(&header_any_name, body_any_text, &body_any_element); ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement failed with %08x\n", rc); rc = WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(&header_any_name, endpoint_any_text, &endpoint_any_element); ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement failed with %08x\n", rc); rc = WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement(&header_any_name, ref_param_any_text, &ref_param_any_element); ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement failed with %08x\n", rc); /* Create types list */ ns2.Uri = uri_more_tests; ns2.PreferredPrefix = prefix_grog; another_name.LocalName = (WCHAR *) name_cider; another_name.Space = &ns2; types_list.Next = malloc(sizeof(WSD_NAME_LIST)); types_list.Element = &another_name; types_list.Next->Next = NULL; types_list.Next->Element = &header_any_name; /* Create scopes and xaddrs lists */ scopes_list.Next = malloc(sizeof(WSD_URI_LIST)); scopes_list.Element = uri; scopes_list.Next->Next = NULL; scopes_list.Next->Element = uri_more_tests; xaddrs_list.Next = malloc(sizeof(WSD_URI_LIST)); xaddrs_list.Element = uri_more_tests; xaddrs_list.Next->Next = NULL; xaddrs_list.Next->Element = uri3; /* Publish the service */ rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_PublishEx(publisher, publisherIdW, 1, 1, 1, sequenceIdW, &types_list, &scopes_list, &xaddrs_list, header_any_element, ref_param_any_element, NULL, endpoint_any_element, body_any_element); WSDFreeLinkedMemory(header_any_element); WSDFreeLinkedMemory(body_any_element); WSDFreeLinkedMemory(endpoint_any_element); WSDFreeLinkedMemory(ref_param_any_element); free(types_list.Next); free(scopes_list.Next); free(xaddrs_list.Next); ok(rc == S_OK, "Publish failed: %08x\n", rc); /* Wait up to 2 seconds for messages to be received */ if (WaitForMultipleObjects(msgStorage->numThreadHandles, msgStorage->threadHandles, TRUE, 2000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { /* Wait up to 1 more second for threads to terminate */ msgStorage->running = FALSE; WaitForMultipleObjects(msgStorage->numThreadHandles, msgStorage->threadHandles, TRUE, 1000); } DeleteCriticalSection(&msgStorage->criticalSection); /* Verify we've received a message */ ok(msgStorage->messageCount >= 1, "No messages received\n"); sprintf(endpointReferenceString, "<wsa:EndpointReference><wsa:Address>%s</wsa:Address><wsa:ReferenceParameters>" "<wine:Beer>RefPTest</wine:Beer></wsa:ReferenceParameters><wine:Beer>EndPTest</wine:Beer>" "</wsa:EndpointReference>", publisherId); sprintf(app_sequence_string, "<wsd:AppSequence InstanceId=\"1\" SequenceId=\"%s\" MessageNumber=\"1\"></wsd:AppSequence>", sequenceId); messageOK = FALSE; /* Check we're received the correct message */ for (i = 0; i < msgStorage->messageCount; i++) { msg = msgStorage->messages[i]; messageOK = FALSE; hello_message_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsa:Action></wsa:Action>") != NULL); endpoint_reference_seen = (strstr(msg, endpointReferenceString) != NULL); app_sequence_seen = (strstr(msg, app_sequence_string) != NULL); metadata_version_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsd:MetadataVersion>1</wsd:MetadataVersion>") != NULL); any_header_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wine:Beer>PublishTest</wine:Beer>") != NULL); wine_ns_seen = (strstr(msg, "xmlns:wine=\"http://wine.test/\"") != NULL); body_hello_seen = (strstr(msg, "<soap:Body><wsd:Hello") != NULL); any_body_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wine:Beer>BodyTest</wine:Beer>") != NULL); types_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsd:Types>grog:Cider wine:Beer</wsd:Types>") != NULL); scopes_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsd:Scopes>http://wine.test/ http://more.tests/</wsd:Scopes>") != NULL); xaddrs_seen = (strstr(msg, "<wsd:XAddrs>http://more.tests/ http://third.url/</wsd:XAddrs>") != NULL); xml_namespaces_seen = (strstr(msg, "xmlns:wine=\"http://wine.test/\" xmlns:grog=\"http://more.tests/\"") != NULL); messageOK = hello_message_seen && endpoint_reference_seen && app_sequence_seen && metadata_version_seen && any_header_seen && wine_ns_seen && body_hello_seen && any_body_seen && types_seen && xml_namespaces_seen && scopes_seen && xaddrs_seen; if (messageOK) break; } for (i = 0; i < msgStorage->messageCount; i++) { heap_free(msgStorage->messages[i]); } heap_free(msgStorage); ok(hello_message_seen == TRUE, "Hello message not received\n"); ok(endpoint_reference_seen == TRUE, "EndpointReference not received\n"); ok(app_sequence_seen == TRUE, "AppSequence not received\n"); ok(metadata_version_seen == TRUE, "MetadataVersion not received\n"); ok(messageOK == TRUE, "Hello message metadata not received\n"); ok(any_header_seen == TRUE, "Custom header not received\n"); ok(wine_ns_seen == TRUE, "Wine namespace not received\n"); ok(body_hello_seen == TRUE, "Body and Hello elements not received\n"); ok(any_body_seen == TRUE, "Custom body element not received\n"); ok(types_seen == TRUE, "Types not received\n"); ok(xml_namespaces_seen == TRUE, "XML namespaces not received\n"); ok(scopes_seen == TRUE, "Scopes not received\n"); ok(xaddrs_seen == TRUE, "XAddrs not received\n"); after_publish_test: heap_free(publisherIdW); heap_free(sequenceIdW); /* Test the receiving of a probe message */ probe_event = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); UuidCreate(&probe_message_id); UuidToStringA(&probe_message_id, &probe_uuid_str); ok(probe_uuid_str != NULL, "Failed to create UUID for probe message\n"); if (probe_uuid_str != NULL) { char probe_message[sizeof(testProbeMessage) + 50]; sprintf(probe_message, testProbeMessage, probe_uuid_str); ok(send_udp_multicast_of_type(probe_message, strlen(probe_message), AF_INET) == TRUE, "Sending Probe message failed\n"); todo_wine ok(WaitForSingleObject(probe_event, 2000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "Probe message not received\n"); RpcStringFreeA(&probe_uuid_str); } CloseHandle(probe_event); ref = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release(publisher); ok(ref == 0, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release() has %d references, should have 0\n", ref); /* Check that the sinks have been released by the publisher */ ok(sink1Impl->ref == 1, "Ref count for sink 1 is not as expected: %d\n", sink1Impl->ref); ok(sink2Impl->ref == 1, "Ref count for sink 2 is not as expected: %d\n", sink2Impl->ref); /* Release the sinks */ IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify_Release(sink1); IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify_Release(sink2); WSACleanup(); }
/*********************************************************************** * NdrDllRegisterProxy [RPCRT4.@] */ HRESULT WINAPI NdrDllRegisterProxy(HMODULE hDll, const ProxyFileInfo **pProxyFileList, const CLSID *pclsid) { LPSTR clsid; char keyname[120], module[MAX_PATH]; HKEY key, subkey; DWORD len; TRACE("(%p,%p,%s)\n", hDll, pProxyFileList, debugstr_guid(pclsid)); UuidToStringA((UUID*)pclsid, (unsigned char**)&clsid); /* register interfaces to point to clsid */ while (*pProxyFileList) { unsigned u; for (u=0; u<(*pProxyFileList)->TableSize; u++) { CInterfaceStubVtbl *proxy = (*pProxyFileList)->pStubVtblList[u]; PCInterfaceName name = (*pProxyFileList)->pNamesArray[u]; LPSTR iid; TRACE("registering %s %s => %s\n", name, debugstr_guid(proxy->header.piid), clsid); UuidToStringA((UUID*)proxy->header.piid, (unsigned char**)&iid); snprintf(keyname, sizeof(keyname), "Interface\\{%s}", iid); RpcStringFreeA((unsigned char**)&iid); if (RegCreateKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyname, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &key, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (name) RegSetValueExA(key, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)name, strlen(name)); if (RegCreateKeyExA(key, "ProxyStubClsid32", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &subkey, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { snprintf(module, sizeof(module), "{%s}", clsid); RegSetValueExA(subkey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)module, strlen(module)); RegCloseKey(subkey); } RegCloseKey(key); } } pProxyFileList++; } /* register clsid to point to module */ snprintf(keyname, sizeof(keyname), "CLSID\\{%s}", clsid); len = GetModuleFileNameA(hDll, module, sizeof(module)); if (len && len < sizeof(module)) { TRACE("registering CLSID %s => %s\n", clsid, module); if (RegCreateKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyname, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &key, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegSetValueExA(subkey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)"PSFactoryBuffer", strlen("PSFactoryBuffer")); if (RegCreateKeyExA(key, "InProcServer32", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &subkey, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegSetValueExA(subkey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)module, strlen(module)); RegSetValueExA(subkey, "ThreadingModel", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)"Both", strlen("Both")); RegCloseKey(subkey); } RegCloseKey(key); } } /* done */ RpcStringFreeA((unsigned char**)&clsid); return S_OK; }