int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  int    my_ID;           /* Thread ID                                       */
  long   vector_length;   /* length of vectors to be aggregated              */
  long   total_length;    /* bytes needed to store reduction vectors         */
  double reduce_time,     /* timing parameters                               */
  double epsilon=1.e-8;   /* error tolerance                                 */
  int    group_size,      /* size of aggregating half of thread pool         */
         old_size,        /* group size in previous binary tree iteration    */
         i, id, iter, stage; /* dummies                                      */
  double element_value;   /* reference element value for final vector        */
  char   *algorithm;      /* reduction algorithm selector                    */
  int    intalgorithm;    /* integer encoding of algorithm selector          */
  int    iterations;      /* number of times the reduction is carried out    */
  int    flag[MAX_THREADS*LINEWORDS]; /* used for pairwise synchronizations  */
  int    start[MAX_THREADS],
         end[MAX_THREADS];/* segments of vectors for bucket algorithm        */
  long   segment_size;
  int    my_donor, my_segment;
  int    nthread_input,   /* thread parameters                               */
  double RESTRICT *vector;/* vector pair to be reduced                       */
  int    num_error=0;     /* flag that signals that requested and obtained
                             numbers of threads are the same                 */

** process and test input parameters    

  printf("Parallel Research Kernels version %s\n", PRKVERSION);
  printf("OpenMP Vector Reduction\n");

  if (argc != 4 && argc != 5){
    printf("Usage:     %s <# threads> <# iterations> <vector length> ", *argv);
    printf("Algorithm: linear, binary-barrier, binary-p2p, or long-optimal\n");

  /* Take number of threads to request from command line                     */
  nthread_input = atoi(*++argv); 

  if ((nthread_input < 1) || (nthread_input > MAX_THREADS)) {
    printf("ERROR: Invalid number of threads: %d\n", nthread_input);


  iterations = atoi(*++argv);
  if (iterations < 1){
    printf("ERROR: Iterations must be positive : %d \n", iterations);

  vector_length  = atol(*++argv);
  if (vector_length < 1){
    printf("ERROR: vector length must be >= 1 : %ld \n",vector_length);

  total_length = vector_length*2*nthread_input*sizeof(double);
  vector = (double *) prk_malloc(total_length);
  if (!vector) {
    printf("ERROR: Could not allocate space for vectors: %ld\n", total_length);

  algorithm = "binary-p2p";
  if (argc == 5) algorithm = *++argv;

  intalgorithm = NONE;
  if (!strcmp(algorithm,"linear"        )) intalgorithm = LINEAR;
  if (!strcmp(algorithm,"binary-barrier")) intalgorithm = BINARY_BARRIER;
  if (!strcmp(algorithm,"binary-p2p"    )) intalgorithm = BINARY_P2P;
  if (!strcmp(algorithm,"long-optimal"  )) intalgorithm = LONG_OPTIMAL;
  if (intalgorithm == NONE) {
    printf("Wrong algorithm: %s; choose linear, binary-barrier, ", algorithm);
    printf("binary-p2p, or long-optimal\n");
  else {
    if (nthread_input == 1) intalgorithm = LOCAL;

  #pragma omp parallel private(i, old_size, group_size, my_ID, iter, start, end, \
                               segment_size, stage, id, my_donor, my_segment) 

  my_ID = omp_get_thread_num();

  #pragma omp master 
  nthread = omp_get_num_threads();
  if (nthread != nthread_input) {
    num_error = 1;
    printf("ERROR: number of requested threads %d does not equal ",
    printf("number of spawned threads %d\n", nthread);
  else {
    printf("Number of threads              = %d\n",nthread_input);
    printf("Vector length                  = %ld\n", vector_length);
    printf("Reduction algorithm            = %s\n", algorithm);
    printf("Number of iterations           = %d\n", iterations);

  for (iter=0; iter<=iterations; iter++) {

    /* start timer after a warmup iteration                                        */
    if (iter == 1) { 
      #pragma omp barrier
      #pragma omp master
        reduce_time = wtime();

    /* in case of the long-optimal algorithm we need a barrier before the
       reinitialization to make sure that we don't overwrite parts of the
       vector before other threads are done with those parts                 */
    if (intalgorithm == LONG_OPTIMAL) {
      #pragma omp barrier

    /* initialize the arrays, assuming first-touch memory placement          */
    for (i=0; i<vector_length; i++) {
      VEC0(my_ID,i) = (double)(my_ID+1);
      VEC1(my_ID,i) = (double)(my_ID+1+nthread);
    if (intalgorithm == BINARY_P2P) {
      /* we need a barrier before setting all flags to zero, to avoid 
         zeroing some that are still in use in a previous iteration          */
      #pragma omp barrier
      flag(my_ID) = 0;

      /* we also need a barrier after setting the flags, to make each is
         visible to all threads, and to synchronize before the timer starts  */
      #pragma omp barrier

    /* do actual reduction                                                   */

    /* first do the "local" part, which is the same for all algorithms       */
    for (i=0; i<vector_length; i++) {
      VEC0(my_ID,i) += VEC1(my_ID,i);

    /* now do the "non-local" part                                           */

    switch (intalgorithm) {

    case LOCAL:  

    case LINEAR:
           #pragma omp barrier
           #pragma omp master
               for (id=1; id<nthread; id++) {
                 for (i=0; i<vector_length; i++) {
                   VEC0(0,i) += VEC0(id,i);


      group_size = nthread;

      while (group_size >1) {
        /* barrier to make sure threads have completed their updates before
            the results are being read                                       */
        #pragma omp barrier
        old_size = group_size;
        group_size = (group_size+1)/2;

        /* Threads in "first half" of group aggregate data from threads in 
           second half; must make sure the counterpart is within old group. 
           If group size is odd, the last thread in the group does not have 
            a counterpart.                                                   */
        if (my_ID < group_size && my_ID+group_size<old_size) {
          for (i=0; i<vector_length; i++) {
            VEC0(my_ID,i) += VEC0(my_ID+group_size,i);

    case BINARY_P2P:

      group_size = nthread;

      while (group_size >1) {

        old_size = group_size;
        group_size = (group_size+1)/2;

        /* synchronize between each pair of threads that collaborate to 
           aggregate a new subresult, to make sure the donor of the pair has 
           updated its vector in the previous round before it is being read  */
        if (my_ID < group_size && my_ID+group_size<old_size) {
          while (flag(my_ID+group_size) == 0) {
            #pragma omp flush
          /* make sure I read the latest version of vector from memory       */
          #pragma omp flush 
          for (i=0; i<vector_length; i++) {
            VEC0(my_ID,i) += VEC0(my_ID+group_size,i);
        else {
          if (my_ID < old_size) {
            /* I am a producer of data in this iteration; make sure my 
               updated version can be seen by all threads                    */
            flag(my_ID) = 1;
            #pragma omp flush

    case LONG_OPTIMAL:

      /* compute starts and ends of subvectors to be passed among threads    */
      segment_size = (vector_length+nthread-1)/nthread;
      for (id=0; id<nthread; id++) {
        start[id] = segment_size*id;
        end[id]   = MIN(vector_length,segment_size*(id+1));

      /* first do the Bucket Reduce Scatter in nthread-1 stages              */
      my_donor   = (my_ID-1+nthread)%nthread;
      for (stage=1; stage<nthread; stage++) {
        #pragma omp barrier
        my_segment = (my_ID-stage+nthread)%nthread;
        for (i=start[my_segment]; i<end[my_segment]; i++) {
          VEC0(my_ID,i) += VEC0(my_donor,i);
      /* next, each thread pushes its contribution into the master thread 
         vector; no need to synchronize, because of the push model           */
      my_segment = (my_ID+1)%nthread;
      if (my_ID != 0)
        for (i=start[my_segment]; i<end[my_segment]; i++) {
          VEC0(0,i) = VEC0(my_ID,i);

    } /* end of algorithm switch statement                                   */

  } /* end of iter loop                                                      */

  #pragma omp barrier
  #pragma omp master
    reduce_time = wtime() - reduce_time;

  } /* end of OpenMP parallel region                                         */

  /* verify correctness */
  element_value = (double)nthread*(2.0*(double)nthread+1.0);

  for (i=0; i<vector_length; i++) {
    if (ABS(VEC0(0,i) - element_value) >= epsilon) {
       printf("First error at i=%d; value: %lf; reference value: %lf\n",
              i, VEC0(0,i), element_value);

  printf("Solution validates\n");
#ifdef VERBOSE
  printf("Element verification value: %lf\n", element_value);
  avgtime = reduce_time/iterations;
  printf("Rate (MFlops/s): %lf  Avg time (s): %lf\n",
         1.0E-06 * (2.0*nthread-1.0)*vector_length/avgtime, avgtime);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  int    vector_length;   /* length of vectors to be aggregated            */
  int    total_length;    /* bytes needed to store reduction vectors       */
  double reduce_time,     /* timing parameters                             */
         avgtime = 0.0, 
         maxtime = 0.0, 
         mintime = 366.0*24.0*3600.0; /* set the minimum time to a large 
                             value; one leap year should be enough           */
  double epsilon=1.e-8;   /* error tolerance                                 */
  int    i, iter;         /* dummies                                         */
  double element_value;   /* reference element value for final vector        */
  int    iterations;      /* number of times the reduction is carried out    */
  static double           /* use static so it goes on the heap, not stack    */
  RESTRICT vector[MEMWORDS];/* we would like to allocate "vector" dynamically, 
                             but need to be able to flush the thing in some 
                             versions of the reduction algorithm -> static   */

** process and test input parameters    

  if (argc != 3){
    printf("Usage:     %s <# iterations> <vector length>\n", *argv);

  iterations = atoi(*++argv);
  if (iterations < 1){
    printf("ERROR: Iterations must be positive : %d \n", iterations);

  vector_length  = atoi(*++argv);
  if (vector_length < 1){
    printf("ERROR: vector length must be >= 1 : %d \n",vector_length);
  /*  make sure we stay within the memory allocated for vector               */
  total_length = 2*vector_length;
  if (total_length/2 != vector_length || total_length > MEMWORDS) {
    printf("Vector length of %d too large; ", vector_length);
    printf("increase MEMWORDS in Makefile or reduce vector length\n");

  printf("Serial Vector Reduction\n");
  printf("Vector length                  = %d\n", vector_length);
  printf("Number of iterations           = %d\n", iterations);

  for (iter=0; iter<iterations; iter++) {

    /* initialize the arrays, assuming first-touch memory placement          */
    for (i=0; i<vector_length; i++) {
      VEC0(i) = (double)(1);
      VEC1(i) = (double)(2);
    reduce_time = wtime();
    /* do actual reduction                                                   */

    /* first do the "local" part, which is the same for all algorithms       */
    for (i=0; i<vector_length; i++) {
      VEC0(i) += VEC1(i);

    reduce_time = wtime() - reduce_time;
#ifdef VERBOSE
    printf("\nFinished with reduction, using %lf seconds \n", reduce_time);
    if (iter>0 || iterations==1) { /* skip the first iteration               */
      avgtime = avgtime + reduce_time;
      mintime = MIN(mintime, reduce_time);
      maxtime = MAX(maxtime, reduce_time);

  } /* end of iter loop                                                      */

  /* verify correctness */
  element_value = (2.0+1.0);

  for (i=0; i<vector_length; i++) {
    if (ABS(VEC0(i) - element_value) >= epsilon) {
       printf("First error at i=%d; value: %lf; reference value: %lf\n",
              i, VEC0(i), element_value);

  printf("Solution validates\n");
#ifdef VERBOSE
  printf("Element verification value: %lf\n", element_value);
  avgtime = avgtime/(double)(MAX(iterations-1,1));
  printf("Rate (MFlops/s): %lf,  Avg time (s): %lf,  Min time (s): %lf",
         1.0E-06 * (2.0-1.0)*vector_length/mintime, avgtime, mintime);
  printf(", Max time (s): %lf\n", maxtime);
