struct core_pak *copy_core(struct core_pak *core, struct model_pak *src, struct model_pak *dest) { gint items=0; gdouble vec[3]; struct core_pak *copyc; struct shel_pak *copys; /* checks */ g_assert(core != NULL); g_assert(src != NULL); g_assert(dest != NULL); /* duplicate data structure */ copyc = dup_core(core); items++; /* setup status */ copyc->status = copyc->status & (~SELECT & ~SELECT); copyc->orig = copyc->primary = TRUE; copyc->primary_core = NULL; VEC3SET(copyc->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); /* coords, account for transformation matrices */ ARR3SET(vec, core->rx); vecmat(dest->ilatmat, vec); ARR3ADD(vec, dest->centroid); ARR3SET(copyc->x, vec); dest->cores = g_slist_prepend(dest->cores, copyc); /* attached shell? */ if (copyc->shell) { copys = copyc->shell; items++; /* main info */ copys->status = copys->status & (~SELECT); copys->primary=copys->orig=TRUE; copys->primary_shell = NULL; VEC3SET(copys->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); /* coords, account for transformation matrices */ ARR3SET(vec, copys->rx); vecmat(dest->ilatmat, vec); ARR3ADD(vec, dest->centroid); ARR3SET(copys->x, vec); dest->shels = g_slist_prepend(dest->shels, copys); } return(copyc); }
gpointer core_new(gchar *elem, gchar *label, struct model_pak *model) { struct core_pak *core; g_assert(elem != NULL); g_assert(model != NULL); core = g_malloc(sizeof(struct core_pak)); /* element related initialization */ core_init(elem, core, model); /* general initialization */ if (label) core->atom_label = g_strdup(label); else core->atom_label = g_strdup(elem); VEC4SET(core->x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); VEC4SET(core->rx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); VEC3SET(core->v, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); VEC3SET(core->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); core->status = NORMAL; core->primary = TRUE; core->orig = TRUE; core->ghost = FALSE; core->breathe = FALSE; core->growth = FALSE; core->translate = FALSE; core->render_mode = BALL_STICK; core->render_wire = FALSE; core->region = REGION1A; core->radius = 0.0; core->has_sof = FALSE; core->sof = 1.0; core->charge = 0.0; core->lookup_charge = TRUE; core->flags = NULL; core->bonds = NULL; core->mol = NULL; core->shell = NULL; core->primary_core = NULL; core->vibx_list = NULL; core->viby_list = NULL; core->vibz_list = NULL; /* NEW: hydrogen bond capabilities */ if (g_strrstr(elem, "H") != NULL) core->hydrogen_bond = TRUE; else core->hydrogen_bond = FALSE; return(core); }
gpointer shell_new(gchar *elem, gchar *label, struct model_pak *model) { gint code; struct elem_pak elem_data; struct shel_pak *shell; g_assert(elem != NULL); g_assert(model != NULL); shell = g_malloc(sizeof(struct shel_pak)); /* attempt to match atom type with database */ code = elem_test(elem); if (!code) printf("Warning: element [%s] not found.\n", elem); /* init modifiable element data */ get_elem_data(code, &elem_data, model); ARR3SET(shell->colour, elem_data.colour); shell->atom_code = code; if (label) shell->shell_label = g_strdup(label); else shell->shell_label = g_strdup(elem); VEC4SET(shell->x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); VEC4SET(shell->rx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); VEC3SET(shell->v, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); VEC3SET(shell->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); shell->status = NORMAL; shell->primary = TRUE; shell->orig = TRUE; shell->breathe = FALSE; shell->translate = FALSE; shell->region = REGION1A; shell->core = NULL; shell->primary_shell = NULL; shell->radius = 0.0; shell->charge = 0.0; shell->has_sof = FALSE; shell->sof = 1.0; shell->lookup_charge = TRUE; shell->flags = NULL; return(shell); }
void camera_default(gdouble r, gpointer data) { struct camera_pak *camera = data; camera->mode = LOCKED; camera->perspective = FALSE; camera->fov = 70.0; /* FIXME - not sure why the < 1.0 case is needed ... */ if (r < 1.0) camera->zoom = r; else camera->zoom = 1.0; VEC4SET(camera->q, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); VEC3SET(camera->x, 0.0, -2.0*r, 0.0); VEC3SET(camera->o, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); VEC3SET(camera->v, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); VEC3SET(camera->e, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); }
void quat_concat_euler(gdouble *q, gint type, gdouble a) { gdouble v[3]; switch (type) { case PITCH: VEC3SET(v, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); break; case ROLL: VEC3SET(v, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); break; default: case YAW: VEC3SET(v, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); break; } /* general axis rotation */ quat_concat(q, v, a); }
void xml_parse_vertex(const gchar **names, const gchar **values) { gint i=0; gdouble x[3], n[3], c[3]; g_assert(xml_spatial != NULL); VEC3SET(x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); VEC3SET(n, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); VEC3SET(c, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); while (*(names+i)) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(names+i), "red", 3) == 0) c[0] = str_to_float(*(values+i)); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(names+i), "green", 5) == 0) c[1] = str_to_float(*(values+i)); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(names+i), "blue", 4) == 0) c[2] = str_to_float(*(values+i)); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(names+i), "x3", 2) == 0) x[0] = str_to_float(*(values+i)); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(names+i), "y3", 2) == 0) x[1] = str_to_float(*(values+i)); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(names+i), "z3", 2) == 0) x[2] = str_to_float(*(values+i)); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(names+i), "nx", 2) == 0) n[0] = str_to_float(*(values+i)); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(names+i), "ny", 2) == 0) n[1] = str_to_float(*(values+i)); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(names+i), "nz", 2) == 0) n[2] = str_to_float(*(values+i)); i++; } spatial_vnorm_add(x, n, c, xml_spatial); }
void siesta_phonon_cleanup(struct model_pak *model) { GSList *list; struct core_pak *core; g_assert(model != NULL); for (list=model->cores ; list; list=g_slist_next(list)) { core = list->data; VEC3SET(core->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } }
void gui_phonon_cleanup(struct model_pak *model) { GSList *list; struct core_pak *core; g_assert(model != NULL); /* reset offsets */ for (list=model->cores ; list; list=g_slist_next(list)) { core = list->data; VEC3SET(core->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } model->animating = FALSE; /* recalc coords and adjust bond orientations */ coords_compute(model); connect_midpoints(model); redraw_canvas(SINGLE); }
struct shel_pak *dup_shel(struct shel_pak *orig) { struct shel_pak *shel; /* checks */ g_assert(orig != NULL); shel = g_malloc(sizeof(struct shel_pak)); memcpy(shel, orig, sizeof(struct shel_pak)); /* clear pointers */ shel->core = NULL; shel->primary_shell = NULL; VEC3SET(shel->pic, 0, 0, 0); /* duplicate strings */ shel->flags = g_strdup(orig->flags); return(shel); }
gpointer zval_new(void) { struct zval_pak *zval; zval = g_malloc(sizeof(struct zval_pak)); zval->type = -1; zval->connect[0] = -1; zval->connect[1] = -1; zval->connect[2] = -1; zval->fitting[0] = -1; zval->fitting[1] = -1; zval->fitting[2] = -1; zval->name[0] = NULL; zval->name[1] = NULL; zval->name[2] = NULL; VEC3SET(zval->value, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return(zval); }
gint surf_sysabs(struct model_pak *data, gint h, gint k, gint l) { gint i, flag; gint f1[3] /*, f2[3]*/; gdouble dp, dummy, vec[3], df[3]; #if DEBUG_FACET_ABSENT printf("testing %d %d %d\n", h, k, l); #endif /* apply the symmetry matrices (skip identity) */ VEC3SET(f1, h, k, l); for (i=1 ; i<data->sginfo.order ; i++) { /* NEW - identity + translation alone is insufficent */ if (matrix_is_identity(*(data->sginfo.matrix+i))) continue; VEC3SET(vec, h, k, l); vecmat(*(data->sginfo.matrix+i), vec); flag = 0; /* not needed - we've expanded all symmetry operations (incl. inversion) */ /* test f1 . m = -f1 */ /* ARR3SET(df, f1); ARR3ADD(df, vec); if (VEC3MAGSQ(df) < FRACTION_TOLERANCE) if (data->sginfo.inversion) flag++; */ /* test f1 . m = f1 */ ARR3SET(df, f1); ARR3SUB(df, vec); if (VEC3MAGSQ(df) < POSITION_TOLERANCE) flag++; if (flag) { #if DEBUG_FACET_ABSENT printf("symop [%d] satisfies 1st absence condition.\n", i); P3MAT("matrix:", *(data->sginfo.matrix+i)); P3VEC("offset:", *(data->sginfo.offset+i)); #endif /* test if <f1,t> = non-integer */ ARR3SET(vec, *(data->sginfo.offset+i)); ARR3MUL(vec, f1); dp = fabs(vec[0] + vec[1] + vec[2]); if (modf(dp, &dummy) > POSITION_TOLERANCE) { #if DEBUG_FACET_ABSENT printf("symop [%d] [%f %f %f] satisfies 2nd absence condition.\n", i, *(*(data->sginfo.offset+i)+0), *(*(data->sginfo.offset+i)+1), *(*(data->sginfo.offset+i)+2)); printf("facet is extinct.\n"); #endif return(TRUE); } } } #if DEBUG_FACET_ABSENT printf(">>> Not absent\n"); #endif return(FALSE); }
gint load_planes(gchar *filename, struct model_pak *data) { gint h, k, l, num_tokens; gint cflag=FALSE, sflag=FALSE, gflag=FALSE; gdouble m[3]; gchar **buff; GSList *list, *new_planes; struct plane_pak *plane=NULL; struct shift_pak *shift=NULL; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename, "rt"); if (!fp) return(1); /* get next line */ new_planes = NULL; for (;;) { buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens); if (!buff) break; /* NB: only update space/cell etc. data if this call did */ /* not originate from an import planes call */ if (data->id == MORPH) { /* cell parameters */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*buff,"cell",4) == 0) { if (num_tokens >= 7) { cflag=TRUE; data->pbc[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+1)); data->pbc[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); data->pbc[2] = str_to_float(*(buff+3)); data->pbc[3] = PI*str_to_float(*(buff+4))/180.0; data->pbc[4] = PI*str_to_float(*(buff+5))/180.0; data->pbc[5] = PI*str_to_float(*(buff+6))/180.0; /* compute direct & reciprocal lattices */ /* NB: enables fn_make_plane() to correctly compute Dhkl */ matrix_lattice_init(data); } else printf("load_planes() error: bad cell line.\n"); } /* space group */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*buff,"space",5) == 0) { if (num_tokens > 1) { sflag=TRUE; data->sginfo.spacename = g_strjoinv(" ", buff+1); data->sginfo.spacenum = 0; } } /* default morphology type */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*buff, "morph", 5) == 0) { if (num_tokens >= 3) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(buff+1), "unrelaxed", 9) == 0) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(buff+2), "equil", 5) == 0) data->morph_type = EQUIL_UN; if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(buff+2), "growth", 6) == 0) data->morph_type = GROWTH_UN; } if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(buff+1), "relaxed", 7) == 0) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(buff+2), "equil", 5) == 0) data->morph_type = EQUIL_RE; if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*(buff+2), "growth", 6) == 0) data->morph_type = GROWTH_RE; } } else printf("load_planes() error: bad type line.\n"); } } /* process miller line */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*buff,"miller",6) == 0) { /* init space group (latmat? - if so, remove the make_latmat() in cell parse) */ if (cflag && sflag) { if (!gflag) { if (space_lookup(data)) printf("Error in space group lookup.\n"); gflag = TRUE; } } else { if (data->id == MORPH) { printf("load_planes() error: miller encountered before space or cell.\n"); return(2); } } if (num_tokens >= 4) { h = (gint) str_to_float(*(buff+1)); k = (gint) str_to_float(*(buff+2)); l = (gint) str_to_float(*(buff+3)); #if DEBUG_LOAD_PLANES printf("read plane: %d %d %d\n", h, k, l); #endif VEC3SET(m, h, k, l); /* FIXME - signature change */ /* plane = plane_find(m, data); */ if (!plane) { plane = plane_new(m, data); if (plane) new_planes = g_slist_prepend(new_planes, plane); } } } /* potential data */ if (num_tokens >= 8 && plane) { /* NB: use create_shift(), as it sets some important defaults */ shift = shift_new(0.0); if (shift) { shift->shift = str_to_float(*(buff+0)); shift->region[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+1)); shift->region[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); shift->esurf[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+3)); shift->eatt[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+4)); shift->esurf[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+5)); shift->eatt[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+6)); shift->gnorm = str_to_float(*(buff+7)); #if DEBUG_LOAD_PLANES printf("adding shift: %f\n", shift->shift); #endif /* append to preserve order (eg import on existing plane set) */ plane->shifts = g_slist_append(plane->shifts, shift); } } g_strfreev(buff); } data->planes = g_slist_concat(data->planes, g_slist_reverse(new_planes)); /* compute dhkl's for the plane's list */ for (list=data->planes ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { plane = list->data; /* create default shift if none found */ if (!plane->shifts) { shift = shift_new(0.0); if (shift) plane->shifts = g_slist_append(plane->shifts, shift); } /* get best energy for the plane */ /* FIXME - signature changed */ /* update_plane_energy(plane, data); */ } /* compute symmetry related faces */ /* FIXME - new surface rewrite */ /* surf_symmetry_generate(data); */ fclose(fp); return(0); }
void docking_project_create(GtkWidget *w, struct model_pak *model) { gint a, b, i, m, n, rx, ry, rz, size, rigid_save; gint a_max, b_max, rx_max, ry_max, rz_max; gchar *file, *dump, *dump_save, *rigid_move_save; gdouble dx, dy, dz, x[3], scale[3], mat[9], dock_centroid[3], q[4]; GString *name, *rigid; GSList *list, *core_list, *shell_list; struct dock_pak *dock; struct core_pak *core, *core2; struct shel_pak *shell, *shell2; FILE *fp; /* checks */ g_assert(model != NULL); size = g_slist_length(model->selection); if (!size) { gui_text_show(WARNING, "Please select the subset you wish to dock.\n"); return; } /* create new docking project */ dock = g_malloc(sizeof(struct dock_pak)); /* NEW - setup project path */ /* g_path_get_dirname(model->fullpath); g_get_current_dir(); */ /* seek a file name that doesn't exist (avoid background overwriting) */ name = g_string_new(NULL); i=0; do { g_string_sprintf(name, "project_%06d", i); i++; } while (g_file_test(name->str, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)); dock->path = g_build_path(sysenv.cwd, name->str, NULL); printf("creating new project: [%s]\n", dock->path); #if WIN32 if (mkdir(dock->path)) #else if (mkdir(dock->path, 0700)) #endif { gui_text_show(ERROR, "Failed to create project directory.\n"); g_free(dock->path); g_free(dock); return; } /* project control file */ g_string_sprintf(name, "%s%sproject.pcf", dock->path, DIR_SEP); fp = fopen(name->str, "wt"); /* save original variables */ dump_save = model->gulp.dump_file; model->gulp.dump_file = NULL; rigid_save = model->gulp.rigid; model->gulp.rigid = dock_rigid_on; rigid_move_save = model->gulp.rigid_move; model->gulp.rigid_move = NULL; if (model->gulp.rigid) { rigid = g_string_new(NULL); if (dock_rigid_x) g_string_sprintf(rigid, "x"); if (dock_rigid_y) g_string_sprintfa(rigid, "y"); if (dock_rigid_z) g_string_sprintfa(rigid, "z"); model->gulp.rigid_move = g_string_free(rigid, FALSE); } /* duplicate selection for docking */ core_list = NULL; shell_list = NULL; VEC3SET(dock_centroid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { core2 = dup_core(list->data); core_list = g_slist_prepend(core_list, core2); if (core2->shell) shell_list = g_slist_prepend(shell_list, core2->shell); /* compute centroid */ ARR3ADD(dock_centroid, core2->x); } /* NB: lists must have the same order as original selection */ core_list = g_slist_reverse(core_list); shell_list = g_slist_reverse(shell_list); VEC3MUL(dock_centroid, 1.0/(gdouble) size); /* fractional translation grid units */ scale[0] = dock_cell[0] / dock_grid[0]; scale[1] = dock_cell[1] / dock_grid[1]; /* rotational increments */ dx = PI/dock_rotate[0]; dy = PI/dock_rotate[1]; dz = PI/dock_rotate[2]; /* translational sampling */ if (dock_grid_on) { a_max = dock_grid[0]; b_max = dock_grid[1]; } else { a_max = 1; b_max = 1; } /* rotational sampling */ if (dock_rotate_on) { rx_max = dock_rotate[0]; ry_max = dock_rotate[1]; rz_max = dock_rotate[2]; } else { rx_max = 1; ry_max = 1; rz_max = 1; } /* project header */ fprintf(fp, "%%title solvent mapping project\n"); fprintf(fp, "%%set %d %d %f %f\n", a_max, b_max, dock_cell[0], dock_cell[1]); /* loop over all grid translations */ m = n = 0; for (a=0 ; a<a_max ; a++) { for (b=0 ; b<b_max ; b++) { VEC3SET(x, a, b, 0.0); x[0] *= scale[0]; x[1] *= scale[1]; /* loop over rotations */ VEC4SET(q, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (rx=0 ; rx<rx_max ; rx++) { if (rx) quat_concat_euler(q, PITCH, dx); for (ry=0 ; ry<ry_max ; ry++) { if (ry) quat_concat_euler(q, ROLL, dy); for (rz=0 ; rz<rz_max ; rz++) { if (rz) quat_concat_euler(q, YAW, dz); /* build total rotation matrix */ quat_matrix(mat, q); /* transform the cores and shells */ i = 0; for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { core = list->data; /* FIXME - should we restore this after? how? */ core->region = 2; /* get original selection core coordinates */ core2 = g_slist_nth_data(core_list, i); ARR3SET(core->x, core2->x); /* perform the rotation (NB: must be done about origin in cartesian space) */ ARR3SUB(core->x, dock_centroid); vecmat(model->latmat, core->x); vecmat(mat, core->x); vecmat(model->ilatmat, core->x); ARR3ADD(core->x, dock_centroid); /* add the current translation offset */ ARR3ADD(core->x, x); /* as above, for the associated shell */ if (core->shell) { shell = core->shell; shell->region = 2; shell2 = core2->shell; g_assert(shell2 != NULL); ARR3SET(shell->x, shell2->x); ARR3SUB(shell->x, dock_centroid); vecmat(model->latmat, shell->x); vecmat(mat, shell->x); vecmat(model->ilatmat, shell->x); ARR3ADD(shell->x, dock_centroid); ARR3ADD(shell->x, x); } i++; } /* write docking configuration */ /* file = g_strdup_printf("%s_%06d.gin", model->basename, n); */ /* m identifies grid points (for later minimum check) */ fprintf(fp, "%s_%06d.gin %f %f %d\n", model->basename, n, x[0], x[1], m); file = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s_%06d.gin", dock->path, DIR_SEP, model->basename, n); dump = g_strdup_printf("%s_%06d.res", model->basename, n); model->gulp.dump_file = dump; write_gulp(file, model); g_free(file); g_free(dump); n++; } } } m++; } } /* restore original variables */ model->gulp.dump_file = dump_save; model->gulp.rigid = rigid_save; g_free(model->gulp.rigid_move); model->gulp.rigid_move = rigid_move_save; /* restore original selection (delete, then concat saved list) */ i = 0; for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { core = list->data; core2 = g_slist_nth_data(core_list, i); ARR3SET(core->x, core2->x); if (core->shell) { shell = core->shell; shell2 = core2->shell; g_assert(shell2 != NULL); ARR3SET(shell->x, shell2->x); } i++; } /* free docking core/shell lists */ free_slist(core_list); free_slist(shell_list); g_string_free(name, TRUE); fclose(fp); /* run docking in background unless told to stop after setup */ /* if (!dock_no_execute) submit_task("Docking", &docking_execute, dock, &docking_cleanup, dock, model); */ }
gint read_diffax(gchar *filename, struct model_pak *model) { gint num_tokens, num_layer, tot_layer; gdouble offset; gchar **buff; GSList *list1, *list2; struct core_pak *core; struct layer_pak *layer; FILE *fp; /* checks */ g_return_val_if_fail(model != NULL, 1); g_return_val_if_fail(filename != NULL, 2); fp = fopen(filename, "rt"); if (!fp) return(3); /* setup */ model->id = DIFFAX_INP; model->fractional = TRUE; model->periodic = 3; model->colour_scheme = REGION; strcpy(model->filename, filename); g_free(model->basename); model->basename = parse_strip(filename); /* scan the file */ while ((buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens))) { diffax_keyword_search:; /* restricted unit cell */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp("structural", *buff, 10) == 0) { g_strfreev(buff); buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens); if (num_tokens > 3) { model->pbc[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+0)); model->pbc[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+1)); model->pbc[2] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); model->pbc[3] = PI/2.0; model->pbc[4] = PI/2.0; model->pbc[5] = D2R*str_to_float(*(buff+3)); } } /* layer testing */ if (g_ascii_strncasecmp("layer", *buff, 5) == 0) { layer = g_malloc(sizeof(struct model_pak)); layer->width = 1.0; VEC3SET(layer->centroid, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); layer->cores = NULL; model->layer_list = g_slist_prepend(model->layer_list, layer); g_strfreev(buff); buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens); if (buff) { /* TODO - if centrosymmetric : add a -1 operation */ } /* get layer data */ g_strfreev(buff); buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens); while (buff) { if (elem_symbol_test(*buff)) { if (num_tokens > 6) { /* printf("[%s] [%s %s %s]\n", *buff, *(buff+2), *(buff+3), *(buff+4)); */ core = new_core(*buff, model); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core); layer->cores = g_slist_prepend(layer->cores, core); core->x[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); core->x[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+3)); core->x[2] = str_to_float(*(buff+4)); core->sof = str_to_float(*(buff+5)); } } else goto diffax_keyword_search; /* get next line of tokens */ g_strfreev(buff); buff = get_tokenized_line(fp, &num_tokens); } } g_strfreev(buff); } /* TODO - enumerate layers and scale, so they are stacked 1..n in a single cell */ /* also label the layers as different region types */ model->layer_list = g_slist_reverse(model->layer_list); num_layer = 0; tot_layer = g_slist_length(model->layer_list); model->pbc[2] *= tot_layer; #if DEBUG_READ_DIFFAX printf("Read in %d layers.\n", tot_layer); #endif for (list1=model->layer_list ; list1 ; list1=g_slist_next(list1)) { layer = (struct layer_pak *) list1->data; layer->width = 1.0 / (gdouble) tot_layer; offset = (gdouble) num_layer * layer->width; VEC3SET(layer->centroid, 0.0, 0.0, offset); for (list2=layer->cores ; list2 ; list2=g_slist_next(list2)) { core = (struct core_pak *) list2->data; /* scale to within the big cell (encloses all DIFFAX layers) */ core->x[2] *= layer->width; /* offset each particular layer */ core->x[2] += offset; core->region = num_layer; } num_layer++; } /* end of read */ fclose(fp); /* post read setup */ model->cores = g_slist_reverse(model->cores); model_prep(model); return(0); }
void zmat_process(gpointer data, struct model_pak *model) { gint i, n; gdouble r, a, d; gdouble v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], m1[9], m2[9]; gpointer tmp; GSList *list; struct zmat_pak *zmat = data; struct zval_pak *zval; struct core_pak *core[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; /* checks */ if (!zmat) return; matrix_lattice_init(model); #if ZMAT_PROCESS_DEBUG printf("distance scale = %f\n", zmat->distance_scale); printf("angle scale = %f\n", zmat->angle_scale); #endif /* track the core # - 1st 3 items in zmatrix are exceptions */ n = 0; for (list=zmat->zlines ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { zval = list->data; /* check for variable names */ for (i=3 ; i-- ; ) { if (zval->name[i]) { /* hash table lookup for variable value */ zval->value[i] = zmat_table_lookup(zval->name[i], zmat); } } /* create the core */ #if ZMAT_PROCESS_DEBUG printf("[%d = %s] [%d %d %d]", zval->type, zval->elem, zval->connect[0], zval->connect[1], zval->connect[2]); P3VEC(" x: ", zval->value); #endif /* TODO - need to mark zmatrix generated cores as special */ /* probably have another list in the zmat struct that contains */ /* all the cores created below */ switch (n) { case 0: /* TODO - convert to cartesian if fractional and enforce cart model */ core[0] = new_core(zval->elem, model); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core[0]); zmat->zcores = g_slist_prepend(zmat->zcores, core[0]); ARR3SET(core[0]->x, zval->value); if (zmat->fractional) vecmat(model->latmat, core[0]->x); else { VEC3MUL(core[0]->x, zmat->distance_scale); } break; case 1: core[1] = new_core(zval->elem, model); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core[1]); zmat->zcores = g_slist_prepend(zmat->zcores, core[1]); r = zmat->distance_scale * zval->value[0]; /* a = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[1]; d = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[2]; */ /* SIESTA hack : z-axis angle is 2nd, and theta is 3rd (last) */ a = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[2]; d = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[1]; v1[0] = v1[1] = r * sin(d); v1[0] *= cos(a); v1[1] *= sin(a); v1[2] = r * cos(d); ARR3SET(core[1]->x, core[0]->x); ARR3ADD(core[1]->x, v1); break; case 2: /* check the connection order */ if (zval->connect[0] == 2) { tmp = core[0]; core[0] = core[1]; core[1] = tmp; } r = zmat->distance_scale * zval->value[0]; a = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[1]; d = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[2]; ARR3SET(v2, core[1]->x); ARR3SUB(v2, core[0]->x); /* get rotation axis for bond angle */ VEC3SET(v3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); crossprod(v1, v3, v2); /* rotate bondlength scaled vector into position */ matrix_v_rotation(m2, v1, a); ARR3SET(v3, v2); normalize(v3, 3); VEC3MUL(v3, r); vecmat(m2, v3); /* rotate to give required dihedral */ matrix_v_rotation(m1, v2, d); vecmat(m1, v3); /* generate the atom position */ core[2] = new_core(zval->elem, model); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core[2]); zmat->zcores = g_slist_prepend(zmat->zcores, core[2]); ARR3SET(core[2]->x, core[0]->x); ARR3ADD(core[2]->x, v3); break; default: /* get core connectivity (NB: prepending cores - hence n - number) */ core[0] = g_slist_nth_data(zmat->zcores, n-zval->connect[0]); core[1] = g_slist_nth_data(zmat->zcores, n-zval->connect[1]); core[2] = g_slist_nth_data(zmat->zcores, n-zval->connect[2]); g_assert(core[0] != NULL); g_assert(core[1] != NULL); g_assert(core[2] != NULL); r = zmat->distance_scale * zval->value[0]; a = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[1]; d = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[2]; /* setup vectors */ ARR3SET(v2, core[1]->x); ARR3SUB(v2, core[0]->x); ARR3SET(v3, core[2]->x); ARR3SUB(v3, core[1]->x); /* rotate v3 about v2 to give dihedral */ matrix_v_rotation(m1, v2, d); vecmat(m1, v3); /* get rotation axis and matrix for bond angle */ crossprod(v1, v3, v2); matrix_v_rotation(m2, v1, a); normalize(v2, 3); VEC3MUL(v2, r); vecmat(m2, v2); /* generate the atom position */ core[3] = new_core(zval->elem, model); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core[3]); zmat->zcores = g_slist_prepend(zmat->zcores, core[3]); ARR3SET(core[3]->x, core[0]->x); ARR3ADD(core[3]->x, v2); /* TODO (maybe) - some zmatrix constructions implicitly assume */ /* some checking for duplicate atoms & reversing the torsional */ /* angle sense to accomodate this. */ break; } n++; } /* zmatrix cores are created in cartesians - revert to fractional if required */ if (model->fractional) { for (list=zmat->zcores ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { core[0] = list->data; vecmat(model->ilatmat, core[0]->x); } } }
gint read_rietica(gchar *filename, struct model_pak *model) { gint i, phases=0, skip, num_tokens; gchar **buff, *line; float x, y, z; gpointer scan; GSList *list; struct core_pak *core; /* checks */ g_assert(model != NULL); scan = scan_new(filename); if (!scan) return(1); /* FIXME - stop the previous file routines setting this */ model->id = -1; while (!scan_complete(scan)) { buff = scan_get_tokens(scan, &num_tokens); /* search for structure start */ if (num_tokens) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(*buff, "***", 3) == 0) { if (phases) model = model_new(); phases++; /* structure name - omit the 1st and last tokens (ie "***") */ if (num_tokens > 1) { g_free(*(buff+num_tokens-1)); *(buff+num_tokens-1) = NULL; g_free(model->basename); model->basename = g_strjoinv(" ", buff+1); } /* parse spacegroup */ line = scan_get_line(scan); line = scan_get_line(scan); model->sginfo.spacename = g_strstrip(g_strdup(line)); model->sginfo.spacenum = -1; /* parse a structure */ skip = 0; while (!scan_complete(scan)) { g_strfreev(buff); buff = scan_get_tokens(scan, &num_tokens); if (num_tokens) { if (elem_symbol_test(*buff)) { /* new core */ /* if (num_tokens > 6) */ { core = new_core(*buff, model); model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core); /* formatted output can result in -ve signs "joining" tokens */ line = scan_cur_line(scan); /* no doubt some fortran programmer thought this was a clever format */ sscanf(line, "%*16c%8f%8f%8f", &x, &y, &z); VEC3SET(core->x, x, y, z); /* printf("> %s", line); P3VEC(" - ", core->x); core->x[0] = str_to_float(*(buff+2)); core->x[1] = str_to_float(*(buff+3)); core->x[2] = str_to_float(*(buff+4)); core->sof = str_to_float(*(buff+6)); */ skip = 0; } } else skip++; } /* 4 lines after the last core - parse cell info and terminate structure */ if (skip == 4) { if (num_tokens > 5) { for (i=6 ; i-- ; ) model->pbc[i] = str_to_float(*(buff+i)); model->pbc[3] *= D2R; model->pbc[4] *= D2R; model->pbc[5] *= D2R; } break; } } } } g_strfreev(buff); } /* setup all new structures */ for (list=sysenv.mal ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { model = list->data; if (model->id == -1) { model->id = RIETICA; model->periodic = 3; model->fractional = TRUE; strcpy(model->filename, filename); model->cores = g_slist_reverse(model->cores); model_prep(model); } } scan_free(scan); return(0); }