文件: main.c 项目: CadeLaRen/BizHawk
/* Mupen64Plus plugin functions */
EXPORT m64p_error CALL PluginStartup(m64p_dynlib_handle CoreLibHandle, void *Context,
                                   void (*DebugCallback)(void *, int, const char *))
    ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions CoreAPIVersionFunc;
    int ConfigAPIVersion, DebugAPIVersion, VidextAPIVersion;
    if (l_PluginInit)
        return M64ERR_ALREADY_INIT;

    /* first thing is to set the callback function for debug info */
    l_DebugCallback = DebugCallback;
    l_DebugCallContext = Context;

    /* attach and call the CoreGetAPIVersions function, check Config API version for compatibility */
    CoreAPIVersionFunc = (ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "CoreGetAPIVersions");
    if (CoreAPIVersionFunc == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Core emulator broken; no CoreAPIVersionFunc() function found.");
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;
    (*CoreAPIVersionFunc)(&ConfigAPIVersion, &DebugAPIVersion, &VidextAPIVersion, NULL);
    if ((ConfigAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (CONFIG_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Emulator core Config API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    l_PluginInit = 1;
    return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
/* Mupen64Plus plugin functions */
EXPORT m64p_error CALL PluginStartup(m64p_dynlib_handle CoreLibHandle, void *Context,
                                   void (*DebugCallback)(void *, int, const char *))
	LOG("API WRAPPER:\t PluginStartup")

    ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions CoreAPIVersionFunc;
    int ConfigAPIVersion, DebugAPIVersion, VidextAPIVersion;
    if (l_PluginInit)
        return M64ERR_ALREADY_INIT;

    /* first thing is to set the callback function for debug info */
    l_DebugCallback = DebugCallback;
    l_DebugCallContext = Context;

    /* attach and call the CoreGetAPIVersions function, check Config API version for compatibility */
    CoreAPIVersionFunc = (ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "CoreGetAPIVersions");

    if (CoreAPIVersionFunc == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Core emulator broken; no CoreAPIVersionFunc() function found.");
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;
    (*CoreAPIVersionFunc)(&ConfigAPIVersion, &DebugAPIVersion, &VidextAPIVersion, NULL);
    if ((ConfigAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (CONFIG_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Emulator core Config API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

	ConfigOpenSection = (ptr_ConfigOpenSection) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigOpenSection");
    ConfigSetParameter = (ptr_ConfigSetParameter) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetParameter");
    ConfigGetParameter = (ptr_ConfigGetParameter) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParameter");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultInt) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultInt");
    ConfigSetDefaultFloat = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultFloat");
    ConfigSetDefaultBool = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultBool");
    ConfigSetDefaultString = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultString) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultString");
    ConfigGetParamInt = (ptr_ConfigGetParamInt) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamInt");
    ConfigGetParamFloat = (ptr_ConfigGetParamFloat) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamFloat");
    ConfigGetParamBool = (ptr_ConfigGetParamBool) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamBool");
    ConfigGetParamString = (ptr_ConfigGetParamString) GetProcAddress(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamString");

    l_PluginInit = 1;
    return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
/* functions exported outside of libmupen64plus to front-end application */
EXPORT m64p_error CALL CoreStartup(int APIVersion, const char *ConfigPath, const char *DataPath, void *Context,
                                   void (*DebugCallback)(void *, int, const char *), void *Context2,
                                   void (*StateCallback)(void *, m64p_core_param, int))
    if (l_CoreInit)
        return M64ERR_ALREADY_INIT;

    /* very first thing is to set the callback functions for debug info and state changing*/
    SetDebugCallback(DebugCallback, Context);
    SetStateCallback(StateCallback, Context2);

    /* check front-end's API version */
    if ((APIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (FRONTEND_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "CoreStartup(): Front-end (API version %i.%i.%i) is incompatible with this core (API %i.%i.%i)",
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    /* next, start up the configuration handling code by loading and parsing the config file */
    if (ConfigInit(ConfigPath, DataPath) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        return M64ERR_INTERNAL;

    /* set default configuration parameter values for Core */
    if (ConfigOpenSection("Core", &g_CoreConfig) != M64ERR_SUCCESS || g_CoreConfig == NULL)
        return M64ERR_INTERNAL;

    if (!main_set_core_defaults())
        return M64ERR_INTERNAL;

    /* The ROM database contains MD5 hashes, goodnames, and some game-specific parameters */

    l_CoreInit = 1;
    return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;

    printf(" __  __                         __   _  _   ____  _             \n");  
    printf("|  \\/  |_   _ _ __   ___ _ __  / /_ | || | |  _ \\| |_   _ ___ \n");
    printf("| |\\/| | | | | '_ \\ / _ \\ '_ \\| '_ \\| || |_| |_) | | | | / __|  \n");
    printf("| |  | | |_| | |_) |  __/ | | | (_) |__   _|  __/| | |_| \\__ \\  \n");
    printf("|_|  |_|\\__,_| .__/ \\___|_| |_|\\___/   |_| |_|   |_|\\__,_|___/  \n");
    printf("             |_|         http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/  \n");
    printf("%s Version %i.%i.%i\n\n", CONSOLE_UI_NAME, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(CONSOLE_UI_VERSION));

    /* bootstrap some special parameters from the command line */
    if (ParseCommandLineInitial(argc, (const char **) argv) != 0)
        return 1;

    /* load the Mupen64Plus core library */
    if (AttachCoreLib(l_CoreLibPath) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        return 2;

    /* start the Mupen64Plus core library, load the configuration file */
    m64p_error rval = (*CoreStartup)(CORE_API_VERSION, l_ConfigDirPath, l_DataDirPath, "Core", DebugCallback, NULL, CALLBACK_FUNC);
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't start Mupen64Plus core library.");
        return 3;

    /* Open configuration sections */
    rval = OpenConfigurationHandles();
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        return 4;

    /* parse command-line options */
    rval = ParseCommandLineFinal(argc, (const char **) argv);
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        return 5;

    /* Handle the core comparison feature */
    if (l_CoreCompareMode != 0 && !(g_CoreCapabilities & M64CAPS_CORE_COMPARE))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "can't use --core-compare feature with this Mupen64Plus core library.");
        return 6;

    /* save the given command-line options in configuration file if requested */
    if (l_SaveOptions)

    /* load ROM image */
    FILE *fPtr = fopen(l_ROMFilepath, "rb");
    if (fPtr == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't open ROM file '%s' for reading.", l_ROMFilepath);
        return 7;

    /* get the length of the ROM, allocate memory buffer, load it from disk */
    long romlength = 0;
    fseek(fPtr, 0L, SEEK_END);
    romlength = ftell(fPtr);
    fseek(fPtr, 0L, SEEK_SET);
    unsigned char *ROM_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(romlength);
    if (ROM_buffer == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't allocate %li-byte buffer for ROM image file '%s'.", romlength, l_ROMFilepath);
        return 8;
    else if (fread(ROM_buffer, 1, romlength, fPtr) != romlength)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't read %li bytes from ROM image file '%s'.", romlength, l_ROMFilepath);
        return 9;

    /* Try to load the ROM image into the core */
    if ((*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_OPEN, (int) romlength, ROM_buffer) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "core failed to open ROM image file '%s'.", l_ROMFilepath);
        return 10;
    free(ROM_buffer); /* the core copies the ROM image, so we can release this buffer immediately */

    /* handle the cheat codes */
    CheatStart(l_CheatMode, l_CheatNumList);
    if (l_CheatMode == CHEAT_SHOW_LIST)
        (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
        return 11;

    /* search for and load plugins */
    rval = PluginSearchLoad(l_ConfigUI);
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
        return 12;

    /* attach plugins to core */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if ((*CoreAttachPlugin)(g_PluginMap[i].type, g_PluginMap[i].handle) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "core error while attaching %s plugin.", g_PluginMap[i].name);
            (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
            return 13;

    /* set up Frame Callback if --testshots or --savestate is enabled */
    if (l_TestShotList != NULL || l_SaveStatePath != NULL)
        if ((*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_SET_FRAME_CALLBACK, 0, FrameCallback) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "couldn't set frame callback, --testshots and/or --savestate will not work.");

    /* run the game */
    (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_EXECUTE, 0, NULL);

    /* detach plugins from core and unload them */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)

    /* close the ROM image */
    (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, 0, NULL);

    /* save the configuration file again if --nosaveoptions was not specified, to keep any updated parameters from the core/plugins */
    if (l_SaveOptions)

    /* Shut down and release the Core library */

    /* free allocated memory */
    if (l_TestShotList != NULL)

    return 0;
EXPORT m64p_error CALL PluginStartup(m64p_dynlib_handle CoreLibHandle, void *Context,
                                     void (*DebugCallback)(void *, int, const char *))
    ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions CoreAPIVersionFunc;

    int ConfigAPIVersion, DebugAPIVersion, VidextAPIVersion, bSaveConfig;
    float fConfigParamsVersion = 0.0f;

    if (l_PluginInit)
        return M64ERR_ALREADY_INIT;

    /* first thing is to set the callback function for debug info */
    l_DebugCallback = DebugCallback;
    l_DebugCallContext = Context;

    /* attach and call the CoreGetAPIVersions function, check Config API version for compatibility */
    CoreAPIVersionFunc = (ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "CoreGetAPIVersions");
    if (CoreAPIVersionFunc == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Core emulator broken; no CoreAPIVersionFunc() function found.");
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    (*CoreAPIVersionFunc)(&ConfigAPIVersion, &DebugAPIVersion, &VidextAPIVersion, NULL);
    if ((ConfigAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (CONFIG_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Emulator core Config API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    /* Get the core config function pointers from the library handle */
    ConfigOpenSection = (ptr_ConfigOpenSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigOpenSection");
    ConfigDeleteSection = (ptr_ConfigDeleteSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigDeleteSection");
    ConfigSaveSection = (ptr_ConfigSaveSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSaveSection");
    ConfigSetParameter = (ptr_ConfigSetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetParameter");
    ConfigGetParameter = (ptr_ConfigGetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParameter");
    ConfigSetDefaultFloat = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultFloat");
    ConfigSetDefaultBool = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultBool");
    ConfigGetParamBool = (ptr_ConfigGetParamBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamBool");
    CoreDoCommand = (ptr_CoreDoCommand) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "CoreDoCommand");

    if (!ConfigOpenSection || !ConfigDeleteSection || !ConfigSetParameter || !ConfigGetParameter ||
        !ConfigSetDefaultBool || !ConfigGetParamBool || !ConfigSetDefaultFloat)
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    /* ConfigSaveSection was added in Config API v2.1.0 */
    if (ConfigAPIVersion >= 0x020100 && !ConfigSaveSection)
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    /* get a configuration section handle */
    if (ConfigOpenSection("rsp-cxd4", &l_ConfigRsp) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't open config section 'rsp-cxd4'");
        return M64ERR_INPUT_NOT_FOUND;

    /* check the section version number */
    bSaveConfig = 0;
    if (ConfigGetParameter(l_ConfigRsp, "Version", M64TYPE_FLOAT, &fConfigParamsVersion, sizeof(float)) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "No version number in 'rsp-cxd4' config section. Setting defaults.");
        ConfigOpenSection("rsp-cxd4", &l_ConfigRsp);
        bSaveConfig = 1;
    else if (((int) fConfigParamsVersion) != ((int) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Incompatible version %.2f in 'rsp-cxd4' config section: current is %.2f. Setting defaults.", fConfigParamsVersion, (float) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION);
        ConfigOpenSection("rsp-cxd4", &l_ConfigRsp);
        bSaveConfig = 1;
    else if ((CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION - fConfigParamsVersion) >= 0.0001f)
        /* handle upgrades */
        float fVersion = CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION;
        ConfigSetParameter(l_ConfigRsp, "Version", M64TYPE_FLOAT, &fVersion);
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Updating parameter set version in 'rsp-cxd4' config section to %.2f", fVersion);
        bSaveConfig = 1;

#ifndef HLEVIDEO
    int hlevideo = 0;
    int hlevideo = 1;
    /* set the default values for this plugin */
    ConfigSetDefaultFloat(l_ConfigRsp, "Version", CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION,  "Mupen64Plus cxd4 RSP Plugin config parameter version number");
    ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigRsp, "DisplayListToGraphicsPlugin", hlevideo, "Send display lists to the graphics plugin");
    ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigRsp, "AudioListToAudioPlugin", 0, "Send audio lists to the audio plugin");
    ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigRsp, "WaitForCPUHost", 0, "Force CPU-RSP signals synchronization");
    ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigRsp, "SupportCPUSemaphoreLock", 0, "Support CPU-RSP semaphore lock");

    if (bSaveConfig && ConfigAPIVersion >= 0x020100)

    l_PluginInit = 1;
    return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
/* functions */
m64p_error AttachCoreLib(const char *CoreLibFilepath)
    /* check if Core DLL is already attached */
    if (CoreHandle != NULL)
        return M64ERR_INVALID_STATE;

    /* load the DLL */
    m64p_error rval = M64ERR_INTERNAL;
    /* first, try a library path+name that was given on the command-line */
    if (CoreLibFilepath != NULL)
        rval = osal_dynlib_open(&CoreHandle, CoreLibFilepath);
    /* then try a library path that was given at compile time */
#if defined(COREDIR)
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS || CoreHandle == NULL)
        rval = osal_dynlib_open(&CoreHandle, COREDIR OSAL_DEFAULT_DYNLIB_FILENAME);
    /* for MacOS, look for the library in the Frameworks folder of the app bundle */
#if defined(__APPLE__)
    CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
    if (mainBundle != NULL)
        CFURLRef frameworksURL = CFBundleCopyPrivateFrameworksURL(mainBundle);
        if (frameworksURL != NULL)
            char libPath[1024 + 32];
            if (CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(frameworksURL, TRUE, (uint8_t *) libPath, 1024))
                strcat(libPath, "/" OSAL_DEFAULT_DYNLIB_FILENAME);
                rval = osal_dynlib_open(&CoreHandle, libPath);
    /* then try just the filename of the shared library, to let dlopen() look through the system lib dirs */
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS || CoreHandle == NULL)
        rval = osal_dynlib_open(&CoreHandle, OSAL_DEFAULT_DYNLIB_FILENAME);
    /* as a last-ditch effort, try loading library in current directory */
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS || CoreHandle == NULL)
        rval = osal_dynlib_open(&CoreHandle, OSAL_CURRENT_DIR OSAL_DEFAULT_DYNLIB_FILENAME);
    /* if we haven't found a good core library by now, then we're screwed */
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS || CoreHandle == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "AttachCoreLib() Error: failed to find Mupen64Plus Core library");
        CoreHandle = NULL;
        return M64ERR_INPUT_NOT_FOUND;

    /* attach and call the PluginGetVersion function, check the Core and API versions for compatibility with this front-end */
    ptr_PluginGetVersion CoreVersionFunc;
    CoreVersionFunc = (ptr_PluginGetVersion) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "PluginGetVersion");
    if (CoreVersionFunc == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Shared library '%s' invalid; no PluginGetVersion() function found.", CoreLibFilepath);
        CoreHandle = NULL;
        return M64ERR_INPUT_INVALID;
    m64p_plugin_type PluginType = (m64p_plugin_type) 0;
    int Compatible = 0;
    int CoreVersion = 0;
    const char *CoreName = NULL;
    (*CoreVersionFunc)(&PluginType, &CoreVersion, &g_CoreAPIVersion, &CoreName, &g_CoreCapabilities);
    if (PluginType != M64PLUGIN_CORE)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Shared library '%s' invalid; this is not the emulator core.", CoreLibFilepath);
    else if (CoreVersion < MINIMUM_CORE_VERSION)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Shared library '%s' incompatible; core version %i.%i.%i is below minimum supported %i.%i.%i",
    else if ((g_CoreAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (CORE_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Shared library '%s' incompatible; core API major version %i.%i.%i doesn't match with this application (%i.%i.%i)",
        Compatible = 1;
    /* exit if not compatible */
    if (Compatible == 0)
        CoreHandle = NULL;
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    /* attach and call the CoreGetAPIVersion function, check Config API version for compatibility */
    ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions CoreAPIVersionFunc;
    CoreAPIVersionFunc = (ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreGetAPIVersions");
    if (CoreAPIVersionFunc == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Library '%s' broken; no CoreAPIVersionFunc() function found.", CoreLibFilepath);
        CoreHandle = NULL;
        return M64ERR_INPUT_INVALID;
    int ConfigAPIVersion, DebugAPIVersion, VidextAPIVersion;
    (*CoreAPIVersionFunc)(&ConfigAPIVersion, &DebugAPIVersion, &VidextAPIVersion, NULL);
    if ((ConfigAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (CONFIG_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000) || ConfigAPIVersion < CONFIG_API_VERSION)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Emulator core '%s' incompatible; Config API version %i.%i.%i doesn't match application: %i.%i.%i",
        CoreHandle = NULL;
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    /* print some information about the core library */
    DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "attached to core library '%s' version %i.%i.%i", CoreName, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(CoreVersion));
    if (g_CoreCapabilities & M64CAPS_DYNAREC)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "            Includes support for Dynamic Recompiler.");
    if (g_CoreCapabilities & M64CAPS_DEBUGGER)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "            Includes support for MIPS r4300 Debugger.");
    if (g_CoreCapabilities & M64CAPS_CORE_COMPARE)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "            Includes support for r4300 Core Comparison.");

    /* get function pointers to the common and front-end functions */
    CoreErrorMessage = (ptr_CoreErrorMessage) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreErrorMessage");
    CoreStartup = (ptr_CoreStartup) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreStartup");
    CoreShutdown = (ptr_CoreShutdown) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreShutdown");
    CoreAttachPlugin = (ptr_CoreAttachPlugin) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreAttachPlugin");
    CoreDetachPlugin = (ptr_CoreDetachPlugin) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreDetachPlugin");
    CoreDoCommand = (ptr_CoreDoCommand) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreDoCommand");
    CoreOverrideVidExt = (ptr_CoreOverrideVidExt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreOverrideVidExt");
    CoreAddCheat = (ptr_CoreAddCheat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreAddCheat");
    CoreCheatEnabled = (ptr_CoreCheatEnabled) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreCheatEnabled");

    /* get function pointers to the configuration functions */
    ConfigListSections = (ptr_ConfigListSections) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigListSections");
    ConfigOpenSection = (ptr_ConfigOpenSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigOpenSection");
    ConfigDeleteSection = (ptr_ConfigDeleteSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigDeleteSection");
    ConfigSaveSection = (ptr_ConfigSaveSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSaveSection");
    ConfigListParameters = (ptr_ConfigListParameters) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigListParameters");
    ConfigSaveFile = (ptr_ConfigSaveFile) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSaveFile");
    ConfigSetParameter = (ptr_ConfigSetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetParameter");
    ConfigGetParameter = (ptr_ConfigGetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParameter");
    ConfigGetParameterType = (ptr_ConfigGetParameterType) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParameterType");
    ConfigGetParameterHelp = (ptr_ConfigGetParameterHelp) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParameterHelp");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultInt");
    ConfigSetDefaultFloat = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultFloat");
    ConfigSetDefaultBool = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultBool");
    ConfigSetDefaultString = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultString");
    ConfigGetParamInt = (ptr_ConfigGetParamInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParamInt");
    ConfigGetParamFloat = (ptr_ConfigGetParamFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParamFloat");
    ConfigGetParamBool = (ptr_ConfigGetParamBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParamBool");
    ConfigGetParamString = (ptr_ConfigGetParamString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParamString");

    ConfigExternalOpen = (ptr_ConfigExternalOpen) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigExternalOpen");
    ConfigExternalClose = (ptr_ConfigExternalClose) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigExternalClose");
    ConfigExternalGetParameter = (ptr_ConfigExternalGetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigExternalGetParameter");
    ConfigHasUnsavedChanges = (ptr_ConfigHasUnsavedChanges) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigHasUnsavedChanges");

    ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath = (ptr_ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath");
    ConfigGetUserConfigPath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserConfigPath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetUserConfigPath");
    ConfigGetUserDataPath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserDataPath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetUserDataPath");
    ConfigGetUserCachePath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserCachePath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetUserCachePath");

    /* get function pointers to the debugger functions */
    DebugSetCallbacks = (ptr_DebugSetCallbacks) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugSetCallbacks");
    DebugSetCoreCompare = (ptr_DebugSetCoreCompare) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugSetCoreCompare");
    DebugSetRunState = (ptr_DebugSetRunState) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugSetRunState");
    DebugGetState = (ptr_DebugGetState) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugGetState");
    DebugStep = (ptr_DebugStep) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugStep");
    DebugDecodeOp = (ptr_DebugDecodeOp) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugDecodeOp");
    DebugMemGetRecompInfo = (ptr_DebugMemGetRecompInfo) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemGetRecompInfo");
    DebugMemGetMemInfo = (ptr_DebugMemGetMemInfo) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemGetMemInfo");
    DebugMemGetPointer = (ptr_DebugMemGetPointer) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemGetPointer");

    DebugMemRead64 = (ptr_DebugMemRead64) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead64");
    DebugMemRead32 = (ptr_DebugMemRead32) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead32");
    DebugMemRead16 = (ptr_DebugMemRead16) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead16");
    DebugMemRead8 = (ptr_DebugMemRead8) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead8");

    DebugMemWrite64 = (ptr_DebugMemWrite64) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemWrite64");
    DebugMemWrite32 = (ptr_DebugMemWrite32) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemWrite32");
    DebugMemWrite16 = (ptr_DebugMemWrite16) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemWrite16");
    DebugMemWrite8 = (ptr_DebugMemWrite8) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemWrite8");

    DebugGetCPUDataPtr = (ptr_DebugGetCPUDataPtr) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugGetCPUDataPtr");
    DebugBreakpointLookup = (ptr_DebugBreakpointLookup) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugBreakpointLookup");
    DebugBreakpointCommand = (ptr_DebugBreakpointCommand) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugBreakpointCommand");

    DebugBreakpointTriggeredBy = (ptr_DebugBreakpointTriggeredBy) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugBreakpointTriggeredBy");
    DebugVirtualToPhysical = (ptr_DebugVirtualToPhysical) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugVirtualToPhysical");

    return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
EXPORT m64p_error CALL PluginStartup(m64p_dynlib_handle CoreLibHandle, void *Context,
                                   void (*DebugCallback)(void *, int, const char *))
    char logMsg[530];
    Logger::getSingleton().initialize(DebugCallback, Context);

    /* attach and call the CoreGetAPIVersions function, check Config and Video Extension API versions for compatibility */
    ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions CoreAPIVersionFunc;
    CoreAPIVersionFunc = (ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "CoreGetAPIVersions");
    if (CoreAPIVersionFunc == NULL)
        sprintf(logMsg, "Core emulator broken; no CoreAPIVersionFunc() function found.");
        Logger::getSingleton().printMsg(logMsg, M64MSG_ERROR);
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;
    int ConfigAPIVersion, DebugAPIVersion, VidextAPIVersion;
    (*CoreAPIVersionFunc)(&ConfigAPIVersion, &DebugAPIVersion, &VidextAPIVersion, NULL);
    if ((ConfigAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (CONFIG_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
        sprintf(logMsg, "Emulator core Config API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",
        Logger::getSingleton().printMsg(logMsg, M64MSG_ERROR);
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;
    if ((VidextAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (VIDEXT_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
        sprintf(logMsg, "Emulator core Video Extension API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",
        Logger::getSingleton().printMsg(logMsg, M64MSG_ERROR);
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    /* Get the core config function pointers from the library handle */
    ConfigOpenSection = (ptr_ConfigOpenSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigOpenSection");
    ConfigSetParameter = (ptr_ConfigSetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetParameter");
    ConfigGetParameter = (ptr_ConfigGetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParameter");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultInt");
    ConfigSetDefaultFloat = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultFloat");
    ConfigSetDefaultBool = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultBool");
    ConfigSetDefaultString = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultString");
    ConfigGetParamInt = (ptr_ConfigGetParamInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamInt");
    ConfigGetParamFloat = (ptr_ConfigGetParamFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamFloat");
    ConfigGetParamBool = (ptr_ConfigGetParamBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamBool");
    ConfigGetParamString = (ptr_ConfigGetParamString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamString");

    ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath = (ptr_ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath");
    ConfigGetUserConfigPath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserConfigPath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetUserConfigPath");
    ConfigGetUserDataPath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserDataPath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetUserDataPath");
    ConfigGetUserCachePath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserCachePath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetUserCachePath");

    if (!ConfigOpenSection   || !ConfigSetParameter    || !ConfigGetParameter ||
        !ConfigSetDefaultInt || !ConfigSetDefaultFloat || !ConfigSetDefaultBool || !ConfigSetDefaultString ||
        !ConfigGetParamInt   || !ConfigGetParamFloat   || !ConfigGetParamBool   || !ConfigGetParamString ||
        !ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath || !ConfigGetUserConfigPath || !ConfigGetUserDataPath || !ConfigGetUserCachePath)
        Logger::getSingleton().printMsg("Couldn't connect to Core configuration functions", M64MSG_ERROR);
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    /* Get the core Video Extension function pointers from the library handle */
    CoreVideo_Init = (ptr_VidExt_Init) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_Init");
    CoreVideo_Quit = (ptr_VidExt_Quit) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_Quit");
    CoreVideo_ListFullscreenModes = (ptr_VidExt_ListFullscreenModes) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_ListFullscreenModes");
    CoreVideo_SetVideoMode = (ptr_VidExt_SetVideoMode) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_SetVideoMode");
    CoreVideo_SetCaption = (ptr_VidExt_SetCaption) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_SetCaption");
    CoreVideo_ToggleFullScreen = (ptr_VidExt_ToggleFullScreen) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_ToggleFullScreen");
    CoreVideo_ResizeWindow = (ptr_VidExt_ResizeWindow) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_ResizeWindow");
    CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress = (ptr_VidExt_GL_GetProcAddress) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_GetProcAddress");
    CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute = (ptr_VidExt_GL_SetAttribute) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_SetAttribute");
    CoreVideo_GL_SwapBuffers = (ptr_VidExt_GL_SwapBuffers) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_SwapBuffers");

    if (!CoreVideo_Init || !CoreVideo_Quit || !CoreVideo_ListFullscreenModes || !CoreVideo_SetVideoMode ||
        !CoreVideo_SetCaption || !CoreVideo_ToggleFullScreen || !CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress ||
        !CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute || !CoreVideo_GL_SwapBuffers || !CoreVideo_ResizeWindow)
        Logger::getSingleton().printMsg("Couldn't connect to Core video functions", M64MSG_ERROR);
        return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

    //Read configuration
    if (g_config.initialize())

    return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
bool COGLGraphicsContext::Initialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed )
    DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Initializing OpenGL Device Context.");

    CGraphicsContext::Initialize(dwWidth, dwHeight, bWindowed );

    if( bWindowed )
        windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse = windowSetting.statusBarHeight;
        windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse = windowSetting.toolbarHeight;
        windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse = 0;
        windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse = 0;

    int  depthBufferDepth = options.OpenglDepthBufferSetting;
    int  colorBufferDepth = 32;
    int bVerticalSync = windowSetting.bVerticalSync;
    if( options.colorQuality == TEXTURE_FMT_A4R4G4B4 ) colorBufferDepth = 16;

    // init sdl & gl
    DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "Initializing video subsystem...");
    if (CoreVideo_Init() != M64ERR_SUCCESS)   
        return false;

    /* hard-coded attribute values */
    const int iDOUBLEBUFFER = 1;
// OpenEmu
#if 0
    /* set opengl attributes */
    CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_SWAP_CONTROL, bVerticalSync);
    CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_BUFFER_SIZE, colorBufferDepth);
    CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, depthBufferDepth);
    /* set multisampling */
    if (options.multiSampling > 0)
        CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, 1);
        if (options.multiSampling <= 2)
            CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 2);
        else if (options.multiSampling <= 4)
            CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 4);
        else if (options.multiSampling <= 8)
            CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 8);
            CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 16);

    /* Set the video mode */
    m64p_video_mode ScreenMode = bWindowed ? M64VIDEO_WINDOWED : M64VIDEO_FULLSCREEN;
    m64p_video_flags flags = M64VIDEOFLAG_SUPPORT_RESIZING;
    if (CoreVideo_SetVideoMode(windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight, colorBufferDepth, ScreenMode, flags) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Failed to set %i-bit video mode: %ix%i", colorBufferDepth, (int)windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, (int)windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
        return false;
// OpenEmu
#if 0
    /* check that our opengl attributes were properly set */
    int iActual;
    if (CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute(M64P_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, &iActual) == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        if (iActual != iDOUBLEBUFFER)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Failed to set GL_DOUBLEBUFFER to %i. (it's %i)", iDOUBLEBUFFER, iActual);
    if (CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute(M64P_GL_SWAP_CONTROL, &iActual) == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        if (iActual != bVerticalSync)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Failed to set GL_SWAP_CONTROL to %i. (it's %i)", bVerticalSync, iActual);
    if (CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute(M64P_GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &iActual) == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        if (iActual != colorBufferDepth)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Failed to set GL_BUFFER_SIZE to %i. (it's %i)", colorBufferDepth, iActual);
    if (CoreVideo_GL_GetAttribute(M64P_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, &iActual) == M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        if (iActual != depthBufferDepth)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Failed to set GL_DEPTH_SIZE to %i. (it's %i)", depthBufferDepth, iActual);
#ifndef USE_GLES
    /* Get function pointers to OpenGL extensions (blame Microsoft Windows for this) */

    char caption[500];
    sprintf(caption, "%s v%i.%i.%i", PLUGIN_NAME, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(PLUGIN_VERSION));

    sprintf(m_strDeviceStats, "%.60s - %.128s : %.60s", m_pVendorStr, m_pRenderStr, m_pVersionStr);
    DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Using OpenGL: %s", m_strDeviceStats);


    Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_BUFFER);    // Clear buffers
    m_bReady = true;

    return true;
/* functions */
m64p_error AttachCoreLib(const char *CoreLibFilepath)
    /* check if Core DLL is already attached */
    if (CoreHandle != NULL)
        return M64ERR_INVALID_STATE;

    /* load the DLL */
    m64p_error rval = M64ERR_INTERNAL;
    /* first, try a library path+name that was given on the command-line */
    if (CoreLibFilepath != NULL)
        rval = osal_dynlib_open(&CoreHandle, CoreLibFilepath);
    /* then try a library path that was given at compile time */
#if defined(COREDIR)
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS || CoreHandle == NULL)
        rval = osal_dynlib_open(&CoreHandle, COREDIR OSAL_DEFAULT_DYNLIB_FILENAME);
    /* then try just the filename of the shared library, to let dlopen() look through the system lib dirs */
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS || CoreHandle == NULL)
        rval = osal_dynlib_open(&CoreHandle, OSAL_DEFAULT_DYNLIB_FILENAME);
    /* as a last-ditch effort, try loading library in current directory */
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS || CoreHandle == NULL)
        rval = osal_dynlib_open(&CoreHandle, OSAL_CURRENT_DIR OSAL_DEFAULT_DYNLIB_FILENAME);
    /* if we haven't found a good core library by now, then we're screwed */
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS || CoreHandle == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "AttachCoreLib() Error: failed to find Mupen64Plus Core library\n");
        CoreHandle = NULL;
        return M64ERR_INPUT_NOT_FOUND;

    printf("Core found...\n");fflush(stdout);

    /* attach and call the PluginGetVersion function, check the Core and API versions for compatibility with this front-end */
    ptr_PluginGetVersion CoreVersionFunc;
    CoreVersionFunc = (ptr_PluginGetVersion) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "PluginGetVersion");
    if (CoreVersionFunc == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Shared library '%s' invalid; no PluginGetVersion() function found.\n", CoreLibFilepath);
        CoreHandle = NULL;
        return M64ERR_INPUT_INVALID;
    m64p_plugin_type PluginType = (m64p_plugin_type) 0;
    int Compatible = 0;
    int CoreVersion = 0, APIVersion = 0;
    const char *CoreName = NULL;
    (*CoreVersionFunc)(&PluginType, &CoreVersion, &APIVersion, &CoreName, &g_CoreCapabilities);
    if (PluginType != M64PLUGIN_CORE)
        fprintf(stderr, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Shared library '%s' invalid; wrong plugin type %i.\n", CoreLibFilepath, (int) PluginType);
    else if (CoreVersion < MINIMUM_CORE_VERSION)
        fprintf(stderr, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Shared library '%s' invalid; core version %i.%i.%i is below minimum supported %i.%i.%i\n",
    else if (APIVersion < MINIMUM_API_VERSION)
        fprintf(stderr, "AttachCoreLib() Error: Shared library '%s' invalid; core API version %i.%i.%i is below minimum supported %i.%i.%i\n",
        Compatible = 1;
    /* exit if not compatible */
    if (Compatible == 0)
        CoreHandle = NULL;
        return M64ERR_INPUT_INVALID;

    /* print some information about the core library */
    printf("UI-console: attached to core library '%s' version %i.%i.%i\n", CoreName, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(CoreVersion));
    if (g_CoreCapabilities & M64CAPS_DYNAREC)
        printf("            Includes support for Dynamic Recompiler.\n");
    if (g_CoreCapabilities & M64CAPS_DEBUGGER)
        printf("            Includes support for MIPS r4300 Debugger.\n");
    if (g_CoreCapabilities & M64CAPS_CORE_COMPARE)
        printf("            Includes support for r4300 Core Comparison.\n");

    /* get function pointers to the common and front-end functions */
    CoreErrorMessage = (ptr_CoreErrorMessage) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreErrorMessage");
    CoreStartup = (ptr_CoreStartup) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreStartup");
    CoreShutdown = (ptr_CoreShutdown) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreShutdown");
    CoreAttachPlugin = (ptr_CoreAttachPlugin) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreAttachPlugin");
    CoreDetachPlugin = (ptr_CoreDetachPlugin) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreDetachPlugin");
    CoreDoCommand = (ptr_CoreDoCommand) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreDoCommand");
    CoreOverrideVidExt = (ptr_CoreOverrideVidExt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreOverrideVidExt");
    CoreAddCheat = (ptr_CoreAddCheat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreAddCheat");
    CoreCheatEnabled = (ptr_CoreCheatEnabled) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "CoreCheatEnabled");

    /* get function pointers to the configuration functions */
    ConfigListSections = (ptr_ConfigListSections) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigListSections");
    ConfigOpenSection = (ptr_ConfigOpenSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigOpenSection");
    ConfigDeleteSection = (ptr_ConfigDeleteSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigDeleteSection");
    ConfigListParameters = (ptr_ConfigListParameters) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigListParameters");
    ConfigSaveFile = (ptr_ConfigSaveFile) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSaveFile");
    ConfigSetParameter = (ptr_ConfigSetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetParameter");
    ConfigGetParameter = (ptr_ConfigGetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParameter");
    ConfigGetParameterType = (ptr_ConfigGetParameterType) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParameterType");
    ConfigGetParameterHelp = (ptr_ConfigGetParameterHelp) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParameterHelp");
    ConfigSetDefaultInt = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultInt");
    ConfigSetDefaultFloat = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultFloat");
    ConfigSetDefaultBool = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultBool");
    ConfigSetDefaultString = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultString");
    ConfigGetParamInt = (ptr_ConfigGetParamInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParamInt");
    ConfigGetParamFloat = (ptr_ConfigGetParamFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParamFloat");
    ConfigGetParamBool = (ptr_ConfigGetParamBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParamBool");
    ConfigGetParamString = (ptr_ConfigGetParamString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetParamString");

    ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath = (ptr_ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetSharedDataFilepath");
    ConfigGetUserConfigPath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserConfigPath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetUserConfigPath");
    ConfigGetUserDataPath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserDataPath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetUserDataPath");
    ConfigGetUserCachePath = (ptr_ConfigGetUserCachePath) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "ConfigGetUserCachePath");

    /* get function pointers to the debugger functions */
    DebugSetCallbacks = (ptr_DebugSetCallbacks) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugSetCallbacks");
    DebugSetCoreCompare = (ptr_DebugSetCoreCompare) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugSetCoreCompare");
    DebugSetRunState = (ptr_DebugSetRunState) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugSetRunState");
    DebugGetState = (ptr_DebugGetState) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugGetState");
    DebugStep = (ptr_DebugStep) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugStep");
    DebugDecodeOp = (ptr_DebugDecodeOp) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugDecodeOp");
    DebugMemGetRecompInfo = (ptr_DebugMemGetRecompInfo) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemGetRecompInfo");
    DebugMemGetMemInfo = (ptr_DebugMemGetMemInfo) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemGetMemInfo");
    DebugMemGetPointer = (ptr_DebugMemGetPointer) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemGetPointer");

    DebugMemRead64 = (ptr_DebugMemRead64) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead64");
    DebugMemRead32 = (ptr_DebugMemRead32) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead32");
    DebugMemRead16 = (ptr_DebugMemRead16) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead16");
    DebugMemRead8 = (ptr_DebugMemRead8) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead8");

    DebugMemWrite64 = (ptr_DebugMemWrite64) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead64");
    DebugMemWrite32 = (ptr_DebugMemWrite32) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead32");
    DebugMemWrite16 = (ptr_DebugMemWrite16) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead16");
    DebugMemWrite8 = (ptr_DebugMemWrite8) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugMemRead8");

    DebugGetCPUDataPtr = (ptr_DebugGetCPUDataPtr) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugGetCPUDataPtr");
    DebugBreakpointLookup = (ptr_DebugBreakpointLookup) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugBreakpointLookup");
    DebugBreakpointCommand = (ptr_DebugBreakpointCommand) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreHandle, "DebugBreakpointCommand");

    return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
static m64p_error plugin_connect_gfx(m64p_dynlib_handle plugin_handle)
    /* attach the Video plugin function pointers */
    if (plugin_handle != NULL)
        m64p_plugin_type PluginType;
        int PluginVersion, APIVersion;

        if (l_GfxAttached)
            return M64ERR_INVALID_STATE;

        /* set function pointers for required functions */
        if (!GET_FUNC(ptr_PluginGetVersion, gfx.getVersion, "PluginGetVersion") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_ChangeWindow, gfx.changeWindow, "ChangeWindow") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_InitiateGFX, gfx.initiateGFX, "InitiateGFX") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_MoveScreen, gfx.moveScreen, "MoveScreen") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_ProcessDList, gfx.processDList, "ProcessDList") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_ProcessRDPList, gfx.processRDPList, "ProcessRDPList") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_RomClosed, gfx.romClosed, "RomClosed") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_RomOpen, gfx.romOpen, "RomOpen") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_ShowCFB, gfx.showCFB, "ShowCFB") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_UpdateScreen, gfx.updateScreen, "UpdateScreen") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_ViStatusChanged, gfx.viStatusChanged, "ViStatusChanged") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_ViWidthChanged, gfx.viWidthChanged, "ViWidthChanged") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_ReadScreen2, gfx.readScreen, "ReadScreen2") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_SetRenderingCallback, gfx.setRenderingCallback, "SetRenderingCallback") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_FBRead, gfx.fBRead, "FBRead") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_FBWrite, gfx.fBWrite, "FBWrite") ||
            !GET_FUNC(ptr_FBGetFrameBufferInfo, gfx.fBGetFrameBufferInfo, "FBGetFrameBufferInfo"))
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "broken Video plugin; function(s) not found.");
            return M64ERR_INPUT_INVALID;

        /* set function pointers for optional functions */
        gfx.resizeVideoOutput = (ptr_ResizeVideoOutput) osal_dynlib_getproc(plugin_handle, "ResizeVideoOutput");

        /* check the version info */
        (*gfx.getVersion)(&PluginType, &PluginVersion, &APIVersion, NULL, NULL);
        if (PluginType != M64PLUGIN_GFX || (APIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (GFX_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "incompatible Video plugin");
            return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

        /* handle backwards-compatibility */
        if (APIVersion < 0x020100)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Fallback for Video plugin API (%02i.%02i.%02i) < 2.1.0. Screenshots may contain On Screen Display text", VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(APIVersion));
            // tell the video plugin to make its rendering callback to me (it's old, and doesn't have the bScreenRedrawn flag)
            l_old1SetRenderingCallback = gfx.setRenderingCallback; // save this just for future use
            gfx.setRenderingCallback = (ptr_SetRenderingCallback) backcompat_setRenderCallbackIntercept;
        if (APIVersion < 0x20200 || gfx.resizeVideoOutput == NULL)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Fallback for Video plugin API (%02i.%02i.%02i) < 2.2.0. Resizable video will not work", VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(APIVersion));
            gfx.resizeVideoOutput = dummyvideo_ResizeVideoOutput;

        l_GfxAttached = 1;

    return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
    EXPORT m64p_error CALL PluginStartup(m64p_dynlib_handle CoreLibHandle, void *Context,
        void (*DebugCallback)(void *, int, const char *))
        ///* first thing is to set the callback function for debug info */
        l_DebugCallback = DebugCallback;
        l_DebugCallContext = Context;

        /* Get the core Video Extension function pointers from the library handle */
        CoreVideo_Init = (ptr_VidExt_Init) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_Init");
        CoreVideo_Quit = (ptr_VidExt_Quit) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_Quit");
        CoreVideo_ListFullscreenModes = (ptr_VidExt_ListFullscreenModes) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_ListFullscreenModes");
        CoreVideo_SetVideoMode = (ptr_VidExt_SetVideoMode) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_SetVideoMode");
        CoreVideo_SetCaption = (ptr_VidExt_SetCaption) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_SetCaption");
        CoreVideo_ToggleFullScreen = (ptr_VidExt_ToggleFullScreen) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_ToggleFullScreen");
	CoreVideo_ResizeWindow = (ptr_VidExt_ResizeWindow) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_ResizeWindow");
        CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress = (ptr_VidExt_GL_GetProcAddress) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_GetProcAddress");
        CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute = (ptr_VidExt_GL_SetAttribute) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_SetAttribute");
        CoreVideo_GL_SwapBuffers = (ptr_VidExt_GL_SwapBuffers) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "VidExt_GL_SwapBuffers");

        if (!CoreVideo_Init || !CoreVideo_Quit || !CoreVideo_ListFullscreenModes || !CoreVideo_SetVideoMode ||
            !CoreVideo_SetCaption || !CoreVideo_ToggleFullScreen || !CoreVideo_GL_GetProcAddress ||
            !CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute || !CoreVideo_GL_SwapBuffers || !CoreVideo_ResizeWindow)
            rdp_log(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't connect to Core video functions");
            return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

        /* attach and call the CoreGetAPIVersions function, check Config and Video Extension API versions for compatibility */
        ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions CoreAPIVersionFunc;
        CoreAPIVersionFunc = (ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "CoreGetAPIVersions");
        if (CoreAPIVersionFunc == NULL)
            rdp_log(M64MSG_ERROR, "Core emulator broken; no CoreAPIVersionFunc() function found.");
            return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;
        int ConfigAPIVersion, DebugAPIVersion, VidextAPIVersion;
        (*CoreAPIVersionFunc)(&ConfigAPIVersion, &DebugAPIVersion, &VidextAPIVersion, NULL);
        if ((ConfigAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (CONFIG_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
            rdp_log(M64MSG_ERROR, "Emulator core Config API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",
            return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;
        if ((VidextAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (VIDEXT_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
            rdp_log(M64MSG_ERROR, "Emulator core Video Extension API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",
            return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;

        /* Get the core config function pointers from the library handle */
        ConfigOpenSection = (ptr_ConfigOpenSection) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigOpenSection");
        ConfigSetParameter = (ptr_ConfigSetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetParameter");
        ConfigGetParameter = (ptr_ConfigGetParameter) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParameter");
        ConfigSetDefaultInt = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultInt");
        ConfigSetDefaultFloat = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultFloat");
        ConfigSetDefaultBool = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultBool");
        ConfigSetDefaultString = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultString");
        ConfigGetParamInt = (ptr_ConfigGetParamInt) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamInt");
        ConfigGetParamFloat = (ptr_ConfigGetParamFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamFloat");
        ConfigGetParamBool = (ptr_ConfigGetParamBool) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamBool");
        ConfigGetParamString = (ptr_ConfigGetParamString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamString");
        if (!ConfigOpenSection   || !ConfigSetParameter    || !ConfigGetParameter ||
            !ConfigSetDefaultInt || !ConfigSetDefaultFloat || !ConfigSetDefaultBool || !ConfigSetDefaultString ||
            !ConfigGetParamInt   || !ConfigGetParamFloat   || !ConfigGetParamBool   || !ConfigGetParamString)
            rdp_log(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't connect to Core configuration functions");
            return M64ERR_INCOMPATIBLE;


        return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
bool COGLGraphicsContext::Initialize(uint32 dwWidth, uint32 dwHeight, BOOL bWindowed )
    DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Initializing OpenGL Device Context.");

    CGraphicsContext::Get()->m_supportTextureMirror = false;
    CGraphicsContext::Initialize(dwWidth, dwHeight, bWindowed );

    if( bWindowed )
        windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse = windowSetting.statusBarHeight;
        windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse = windowSetting.toolbarHeight;
        windowSetting.statusBarHeightToUse = 0;
        windowSetting.toolbarHeightToUse = 0;

    int  depthBufferDepth = options.OpenglDepthBufferSetting;
    int  colorBufferDepth = 32;
    if( options.colorQuality == TEXTURE_FMT_A4R4G4B4 ) colorBufferDepth = 16;

    // init sdl & gl
    DebugMessage(M64MSG_VERBOSE, "Initializing video subsystem...");
    if (CoreVideo_Init() != M64ERR_SUCCESS)   
        return false;

    /* set opengl attributes */
    CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1);
    CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_BUFFER_SIZE, colorBufferDepth);
    CoreVideo_GL_SetAttribute(M64P_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, depthBufferDepth);
    /* Set the video mode */
    m64p_video_mode ScreenMode = bWindowed ? M64VIDEO_WINDOWED : M64VIDEO_FULLSCREEN;
    if (CoreVideo_SetVideoMode(windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight, colorBufferDepth, ScreenMode) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Failed to set %i-bit video mode: %ix%i", colorBufferDepth, (int)windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, (int)windowSetting.uDisplayHeight);
        return false;

    char caption[500];
    sprintf(caption, "%s v%i.%i.%i", PLUGIN_NAME, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(PLUGIN_VERSION));

    sprintf(m_strDeviceStats, "%s - %s : %s", m_pVendorStr, m_pRenderStr, m_pVersionStr);
    DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Using OpenGL: %s", m_strDeviceStats);


    Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_BUFFER);    // Clear buffers
    m_bReady = true;
    status.isVertexShaderEnabled = false;

    return true;
/* global functions */
m64p_error PluginSearchLoad()
    m64p_handle ConfigUI;

    if (ConfigGetSectionHandle(CONFIG_SECTION_UI, &ConfigUI) != M64ERR_SUCCESS) {
        return M64ERR_PLUGIN_FAIL;

    osal_lib_search *lib_filelist = NULL;
    int i;

    /* start by checking the directory given on the command line */
    if (g_PluginDir != NULL)
        lib_filelist = osal_library_search(g_PluginDir);
        if (lib_filelist == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: No plugins found in --plugindir path: %s\n", g_PluginDir);
            return M64ERR_INPUT_NOT_FOUND;

    /* if no plugins found, search the PluginDir in the UI-console section of the config file */
    if (lib_filelist == NULL)
        const char *plugindir = (*ConfigGetParamString)(ConfigUI, "PluginDir");
        lib_filelist = osal_library_search(plugindir);

    /* if still no plugins found, search some common system folders */
    if (lib_filelist == NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < osal_libsearchdirs; i++)
            lib_filelist = osal_library_search(osal_libsearchpath[i]);
            if (lib_filelist != NULL)

    /* try to load one of each type of plugin */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        m64p_plugin_type type = g_PluginMap[i].type;
        const char      *cmdline_path = NULL;
        const char      *config_var = NULL;
        int              use_dummy = 0;
        switch (type)
        case M64PLUGIN_RSP:
            cmdline_path = g_RspPlugin;
            config_var = "RspPlugin";
        case M64PLUGIN_GFX:
            cmdline_path = g_GfxPlugin;
            config_var = "VideoPlugin";
        case M64PLUGIN_AUDIO:
            cmdline_path = g_AudioPlugin;
            config_var = "AudioPlugin";
        case M64PLUGIN_INPUT:
            cmdline_path = g_InputPlugin;
            config_var = "InputPlugin";
            cmdline_path = NULL;
            config_var = "";
        /* first search for a plugin matching what was given on the command line */
        if (cmdline_path != NULL)
            /* if full path was given, try loading exactly this file */
            if (strchr(cmdline_path, OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR) != NULL)
                PluginLoadTry(cmdline_path, i);
            else if (strcmp(cmdline_path, "dummy") == 0)
                use_dummy = 1;
            else /* otherwise search through the plugin directory to find a match with this name */
                osal_lib_search *curr = lib_filelist;
                while (curr != NULL && g_PluginMap[i].handle == NULL)
                    if (strncmp(curr->filename, cmdline_path, strlen(cmdline_path)) == 0)
                        PluginLoadTry(curr->filepath, i);
                    curr = curr->next;
            /* exit with error if we couldn't find the specified plugin */
            if (!use_dummy && g_PluginMap[i].handle == NULL)
                fprintf(stderr, "Error: Specified %s plugin not found: %s\n", g_PluginMap[i].name, cmdline_path);
                return M64ERR_INPUT_NOT_FOUND;
        else /* otherwise search for a plugin specified in the config file */
            const char *config_path = (*ConfigGetParamString)(ConfigUI, config_var);
            if (config_path != NULL && strlen(config_path) > 0)
                /* if full path was given, try loading exactly this file */
                if (strchr(config_path, OSAL_DIR_SEPARATOR) != NULL)
                    PluginLoadTry(config_path, i);
                else if (strcmp(config_path, "dummy") == 0)
                    use_dummy = 1;
                else /* otherwise search through the plugin directory to find a match with this name */
                    osal_lib_search *curr = lib_filelist;
                    while (curr != NULL && g_PluginMap[i].handle == NULL)
                        if (strncmp(curr->filename, config_path, strlen(config_path)) == 0)
                            PluginLoadTry(curr->filepath, i);
                        curr = curr->next;
        /* As a last resort, search for any appropriate plugin in search directory */
        if (!use_dummy && g_PluginMap[i].handle == NULL)
            osal_lib_search *curr = lib_filelist;
            while (curr != NULL && g_PluginMap[i].handle == NULL)
                PluginLoadTry(curr->filepath, i);
                curr = curr->next;
        /* print out the particular plugin used */
        if (g_PluginMap[i].handle == NULL)
            printf("UI-console: using %s plugin: <dummy>\n", g_PluginMap[i].name);
            printf("UI-console: using %s plugin: '%s' v%i.%i.%i\n", g_PluginMap[i].name,
                   g_PluginMap[i].libname, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(g_PluginMap[i].libversion));
            if (g_Verbose)
                printf("UI-console: %s plugin library: %s\n", g_PluginMap[i].name, g_PluginMap[i].filename);

    /* free up the list of library files in the plugin search directory */
    return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
/* Mupen64Plus plugin functions */
EXPORT m64p_error CALL PluginStartup(m64p_dynlib_handle CoreLibHandle, void *Context,
		void (*DebugCallback)(void *, int, const char *))
	ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions CoreAPIVersionFunc;

	int ConfigAPIVersion, DebugAPIVersion, VidextAPIVersion, bSaveConfig;
	float fConfigParamsVersion = 0.0f;

	if (l_PluginInit)

	/* first thing is to set the callback function for debug info */
	l_DebugCallback = DebugCallback;
	l_DebugCallContext = Context;

	/* attach and call the CoreGetAPIVersions function, check Config API version for compatibility */
	CoreAPIVersionFunc = (ptr_CoreGetAPIVersions) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "CoreGetAPIVersions");
	if (CoreAPIVersionFunc == NULL)
		DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Core emulator broken; no CoreAPIVersionFunc() function found.");

	(*CoreAPIVersionFunc)(&ConfigAPIVersion, &DebugAPIVersion, &VidextAPIVersion, NULL);
	if ((ConfigAPIVersion & 0xffff0000) != (CONFIG_API_VERSION & 0xffff0000))
		DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Emulator core Config API (v%i.%i.%i) incompatible with plugin (v%i.%i.%i)",

	/* Get the core config function pointers from the library handle */
	ConfigOpenSection = 	(ptr_ConfigOpenSection) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigOpenSection");
	ConfigDeleteSection = 	(ptr_ConfigDeleteSection) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigDeleteSection");
	ConfigSaveSection = 	(ptr_ConfigSaveSection) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSaveSection");
	ConfigSetParameter = 	(ptr_ConfigSetParameter) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetParameter");
	ConfigGetParameter = 	(ptr_ConfigGetParameter) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParameter");
	ConfigSetDefaultInt = 	(ptr_ConfigSetDefaultInt) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultInt");
	ConfigSetDefaultFloat = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultFloat) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultFloat");
	ConfigSetDefaultBool = 	(ptr_ConfigSetDefaultBool) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultBool");
	ConfigSetDefaultString = (ptr_ConfigSetDefaultString) osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigSetDefaultString");
	ConfigGetParamInt = 	(ptr_ConfigGetParamInt) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamInt");
	ConfigGetParamFloat = 	(ptr_ConfigGetParamFloat) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamFloat");
	ConfigGetParamBool = 	(ptr_ConfigGetParamBool) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamBool");
	ConfigGetParamString = 	(ptr_ConfigGetParamString) 	osal_dynlib_getproc(CoreLibHandle, "ConfigGetParamString");

	if (!ConfigOpenSection || !ConfigDeleteSection || !ConfigSetParameter || !ConfigGetParameter ||
			!ConfigSetDefaultInt || !ConfigSetDefaultFloat || !ConfigSetDefaultBool || !ConfigSetDefaultString ||
			!ConfigGetParamInt   || !ConfigGetParamFloat   || !ConfigGetParamBool   || !ConfigGetParamString)

	/* ConfigSaveSection was added in Config API v2.1.0 */
	if (ConfigAPIVersion >= 0x020100 && !ConfigSaveSection)

	/* get a configuration section handle */
	if (ConfigOpenSection("Audio-OMX", &l_ConfigAudio) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
		DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "Couldn't open config section 'Audio-OMX'");

	/* check the section version number */
	bSaveConfig = 0;
	if (ConfigGetParameter(l_ConfigAudio, "Version", M64TYPE_FLOAT, &fConfigParamsVersion, sizeof(float)) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
		DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "No version number in 'Audio-OMX' config section. Setting defaults.");
		ConfigOpenSection("Audio-OMX", &l_ConfigAudio);
		bSaveConfig = 1;
	else if (((int) fConfigParamsVersion) != ((int) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION))
		DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Incompatible version %.2f in 'Audio-OMX' config section: current is %.2f. Setting defaults.", fConfigParamsVersion, (float) CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION);
		ConfigOpenSection("Audio-OMX", &l_ConfigAudio);
		bSaveConfig = 1;
	else if ((CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION - fConfigParamsVersion) >= 0.0001f)
		/* handle upgrades */
		float fVersion = CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION;
		ConfigSetParameter(l_ConfigAudio, "Version", M64TYPE_FLOAT, &fVersion);
		DebugMessage(M64MSG_INFO, "Updating parameter set version in 'Audio-OMX' config section to %.2f", fVersion);
		bSaveConfig = 1;

	/* set the default values for this plugin */
	ConfigSetDefaultFloat(l_ConfigAudio,"Version",             	CONFIG_PARAM_VERSION,  		"Mupen64Plus OMX Audio Plugin config parameter version number");
	ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigAudio, 	"DEFAULT_FREQUENCY",    DEFAULT_FREQUENCY,     		"Frequency which is used if rom doesn't want to change it");
	ConfigSetDefaultBool(l_ConfigAudio, "SWAP_CHANNELS",        0,                     		"Swaps left and right channels");
	ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigAudio, 	"SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE",SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE, 		"Number of output samples per Audio callback. This is for hardware buffers.");
	ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigAudio, 	"OUTPUT_PORT",   		OUTPUT_PORT,   				"Audio output to go to (0) Analogue jack, (1) HDMI");
	ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigAudio, "DEFAULT_MODE",     	    DEFAULT_MODE,          "Audio Output Frequncy mode: 0 = Rom Frequency, 1 ROM Frequency if supported (HDMI only), 2 = Standard frequency < Rom Frequency, 3 = Standard frequency > Rom Frequency, [N] Force output frequency");
	ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigAudio, 	"LATENCY",      		DEFAULT_LATENCY,           	"Desired Latency in ms");
	ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigAudio, 	"VOLUME_ADJUST",        5,                     		"Percentage change each time the volume is increased or decreased");
	ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigAudio, 	"VOLUME_DEFAULT",       80,                    		"Default volume when a game is started");
	//ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigAudio,	"DEFAULT_NUM_BUFFERS",	DEFAULT_NUM_BUFFERS,		"The number of Audio buffers to use");
	ConfigSetDefaultInt(l_ConfigAudio,	"UNDERRUN_MODE",		uiUnderrunMode,				"Underrun Mode, 0 = Nothing, 1 = scale frequency, 2 = repeat block" );

	if (bSaveConfig && ConfigAPIVersion >= 0x020100)

	l_PluginInit = 1;
	return M64ERR_SUCCESS;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;

    printf(" __  __                         __   _  _   ____  _             \n");  
    printf("|  \\/  |_   _ _ __   ___ _ __  / /_ | || | |  _ \\| |_   _ ___ \n");
    printf("| |\\/| | | | | '_ \\ / _ \\ '_ \\| '_ \\| || |_| |_) | | | | / __|  \n");
    printf("| |  | | |_| | |_) |  __/ | | | (_) |__   _|  __/| | |_| \\__ \\  \n");
    printf("|_|  |_|\\__,_| .__/ \\___|_| |_|\\___/   |_| |_|   |_|\\__,_|___/  \n");
    printf("             |_|         https://mupen64plus.org/               \n");
    printf("%s Version %i.%i.%i\n\n", CONSOLE_UI_NAME, VERSION_PRINTF_SPLIT(CONSOLE_UI_VERSION));

    /* bootstrap some special parameters from the command line */
    if (ParseCommandLineInitial(argc, (const char **) argv) != 0)
        return 1;

    /* load the Mupen64Plus core library */
    if (AttachCoreLib(l_CoreLibPath) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        return 2;

    /* start the Mupen64Plus core library, load the configuration file */
    m64p_error rval = (*CoreStartup)(CORE_API_VERSION, l_ConfigDirPath, l_DataDirPath, "Core", DebugCallback, NULL, CALLBACK_FUNC);
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't start Mupen64Plus core library.");
        return 3;

    rval = CoreOverrideVidExt(&vidExtFunctions);
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't start VidExt library.");
        return 14;

    /* Open configuration sections */
    rval = OpenConfigurationHandles();
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        return 4;

    /* parse command-line options */
    rval = ParseCommandLineFinal(argc, (const char **) argv);
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        return 5;

    /* Ensure that the core supports comparison feature if necessary */
    if (l_CoreCompareMode != 0 && !(g_CoreCapabilities & M64CAPS_CORE_COMPARE))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "can't use --core-compare feature with this Mupen64Plus core library.");
        return 6;
    /* Ensure that the core supports the debugger if necessary */
    if (l_LaunchDebugger && !(g_CoreCapabilities & M64CAPS_DEBUGGER))
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "can't use --debug feature with this Mupen64Plus core library.");
        return 6;

    /* save the given command-line options in configuration file if requested */
    if (l_SaveOptions)

    /* load ROM image */
    FILE *fPtr = fopen(l_ROMFilepath, "rb");
    if (fPtr == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't open ROM file '%s' for reading.", l_ROMFilepath);
        return 7;

    /* get the length of the ROM, allocate memory buffer, load it from disk */
    long romlength = 0;
    fseek(fPtr, 0L, SEEK_END);
    romlength = ftell(fPtr);
    fseek(fPtr, 0L, SEEK_SET);
    unsigned char *ROM_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(romlength);
    if (ROM_buffer == NULL)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't allocate %li-byte buffer for ROM image file '%s'.", romlength, l_ROMFilepath);
        return 8;
    else if (fread(ROM_buffer, 1, romlength, fPtr) != romlength)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't read %li bytes from ROM image file '%s'.", romlength, l_ROMFilepath);
        return 9;

    /* Try to load the ROM image into the core */
    if ((*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_OPEN, (int) romlength, ROM_buffer) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "core failed to open ROM image file '%s'.", l_ROMFilepath);
        return 10;
    free(ROM_buffer); /* the core copies the ROM image, so we can release this buffer immediately */

    /* handle the cheat codes */
    CheatStart(l_CheatMode, l_CheatNumList);
    if (l_CheatMode == CHEAT_SHOW_LIST)
        (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
        return 11;

    /* search for and load plugins */
    rval = PluginSearchLoad(l_ConfigUI);
    if (rval != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
        return 12;

    /* attach plugins to core */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if ((*CoreAttachPlugin)(g_PluginMap[i].type, g_PluginMap[i].handle) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "core error while attaching %s plugin.", g_PluginMap[i].name);
            (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
            return 13;

    /* set up Frame Callback if --testshots is enabled */
    if (l_TestShotList != NULL)
        if ((*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_SET_FRAME_CALLBACK, 0, FrameCallback) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "couldn't set frame callback, --testshots will not work.");

    /* set gb cart loader */
    if ((*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_SET_MEDIA_LOADER, sizeof(l_media_loader), &l_media_loader) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
        DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "Couldn't set media loader, transferpak and GB carts will not work.");

    /* load savestate at startup */
    if (l_SaveStatePath != NULL)
        if ((*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_STATE_LOAD, 0, (void *) l_SaveStatePath) != M64ERR_SUCCESS)
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_WARNING, "couldn't load state, rom will run normally.");

    /* Setup debugger */
    if (l_LaunchDebugger)
        if (debugger_setup_callbacks())
            DebugMessage(M64MSG_ERROR, "couldn't setup debugger callbacks.");
            (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, 0, NULL);
            return 14;
        /* Set Core config parameter to enable debugger */
        int bEnableDebugger = 1;
        (*ConfigSetParameter)(l_ConfigCore, "EnableDebugger", M64TYPE_BOOL, &bEnableDebugger);
        /* Fork the debugger input thread. */
        SDL_CreateThread(debugger_loop, "DebugLoop", NULL);
        SDL_CreateThread(debugger_loop, NULL);

    /* run the game */
    (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_EXECUTE, 0, NULL);

    /* detach plugins from core and unload them */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)

    /* close the ROM image */
    (*CoreDoCommand)(M64CMD_ROM_CLOSE, 0, NULL);

    /* save the configuration file again if --nosaveoptions was not specified, to keep any updated parameters from the core/plugins */
    if (l_SaveOptions)

    /* Shut down and release the Core library */

    /* free allocated memory */
    if (l_TestShotList != NULL)

    return 0;