/* * "secret-define" command */ static const vshCmdInfo info_secret_define[] = { {.name = "help", .data = N_("define or modify a secret from an XML file") }, {.name = "desc", .data = N_("Define or modify a secret.") }, {.name = NULL} }; static const vshCmdOptDef opts_secret_define[] = { VIRSH_COMMON_OPT_FILE(N_("file containing secret attributes in XML")), {.name = NULL} }; static bool cmdSecretDefine(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd) { const char *from = NULL; char *buffer; virSecretPtr res; char uuid[VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN]; bool ret = false; virshControlPtr priv = ctl->privData; if (vshCommandOptStringReq(ctl, cmd, "file", &from) < 0) return false;
/* * "net-create" command */ static const vshCmdInfo info_network_create[] = { {.name = "help", .data = N_("create a network from an XML file") }, {.name = "desc", .data = N_("Create a network.") }, {.name = NULL} }; static const vshCmdOptDef opts_network_create[] = { VIRSH_COMMON_OPT_FILE(N_("file containing an XML network description")), {.name = NULL} }; static bool cmdNetworkCreate(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd) { virNetworkPtr network; const char *from = NULL; bool ret = true; char *buffer; virshControlPtr priv = ctl->privData; if (vshCommandOptStringReq(ctl, cmd, "file", &from) < 0) return false;
*/ static const vshCmdInfo info_node_device_create[] = { {.name = "help", .data = N_("create a device defined " "by an XML file on the node") }, {.name = "desc", .data = N_("Create a device on the node. Note that this " "command creates devices on the physical host " "that can then be assigned to a virtual machine.") }, {.name = NULL} }; static const vshCmdOptDef opts_node_device_create[] = { VIRSH_COMMON_OPT_FILE(N_("file containing an XML description " "of the device")), {.name = NULL} }; static bool cmdNodeDeviceCreate(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd) { virNodeDevicePtr dev = NULL; const char *from = NULL; bool ret = true; char *buffer; virshControlPtr priv = ctl->privData; if (vshCommandOptStringReq(ctl, cmd, "file", &from) < 0) return false;