VImage VImageManager::scaleImage( VImage src, VImage dest, double factor )
	int nPixel = VImageSize( src ) / VPixelSize( src );

	if ( dest == NULL ) {
		dest = VCreateImage(
				   VImageNBands( src ),
				   VImageNRows( src ),
				   VImageNColumns( src ),
				   VUByteRepn );

	VUByte *destPtr = ( VUByte * ) VImageData( dest );
	VShort *srcPtr = ( VShort * ) VImageData( src );

	srcPtr = ( VShort * ) VImageData( src );

	for ( int i = 0; i < nPixel; i++ ) {
		if ( *srcPtr <= m_xmin )
			*destPtr = 0;
		else if ( *srcPtr >= m_xmax )
			*destPtr = 255;
		else {
			int val = *srcPtr - m_xmin;
			*destPtr = ( VUByte ) ( val * factor );


	return dest;
static VPointer VImageDecodeMethod (VStringConst name, VBundle b)
  VImage image;
  VLong nbands, nrows, ncolumns, pixel_repn;
  VLong nframes, nviewpoints, ncolors, ncomponents;
  VAttrList list;
  size_t length;

#define Extract(name, dict, locn, required)	\
	VExtractAttr (b->list, name, dict, VLongRepn, & locn, required)

  /* Extract the number of bands, rows, columns, pixel repn, etc.: */
  nbands = nframes = nviewpoints = ncolors = ncomponents = 1;	/* defaults */
  if (! Extract (VNBandsAttr, NULL, nbands, FALSE) ||
      ! Extract (VNRowsAttr, NULL, nrows, TRUE) ||
      ! Extract (VNColumnsAttr, NULL, ncolumns, TRUE) ||
      ! Extract (VRepnAttr, VNumericRepnDict, pixel_repn, TRUE) ||
      ! Extract (VNFramesAttr, NULL, nframes, FALSE) ||
      ! Extract (VNViewpointsAttr, NULL, nviewpoints, FALSE) ||
      ! Extract (VNColorsAttr, NULL, ncolors, FALSE) ||
      ! Extract (VNComponentsAttr, NULL, ncomponents, FALSE))
    return NULL;

  /* Ensure that nbands == nframes * nviewpoints * ncolors * ncomponents.
     For backwards compatibility, set ncomponents to nbands if nbands != 1
     but nframes == nviewpoints == ncolors == ncomponents == 1. */
  if (nbands != nframes * nviewpoints * ncolors * ncomponents) {
    if (nbands != 1 && nframes == 1 && nviewpoints == 1 &&
	ncolors == 1 && ncomponents == 1)
      ncomponents = nbands;
    else {
      VWarning ("VImageDecodeMethod: %s image has inconsistent nbands",
      return NULL;

  /* Create an image with the specified properties: */
  if (! (image = VCreateImage ((int) nbands, (int) nrows, (int) ncolumns,
			       (VRepnKind) pixel_repn)))
    return NULL;
  VImageNFrames (image) = nframes;
  VImageNViewpoints (image) = nviewpoints;
  VImageNColors (image) = ncolors;
  VImageNComponents (image) = ncomponents;

  /* Give it whatever attributes remain: */
  list = VImageAttrList (image);
  VImageAttrList (image) = b->list;
  b->list = list;

  /* Check that the expected amount of binary data was read: */
  length = VImageNPixels (image);
  if (VPixelRepn (image) == VBitRepn)
    length = (length + 7) / 8;
  else length *= VPixelPrecision (image) / 8;
  if (length != b->length) {
    VWarning ("VImageDecodeMethod: %s image has wrong data length", name);
  Fail:   VDestroyImage (image);
    return NULL;

  /* Unpack the binary pixel data: */
  length = VImageSize (image);
  if (! VUnpackData (VPixelRepn (image), VImageNPixels (image),
		     b->data, VMsbFirst, & length, & VImageData (image),
    goto Fail;
  return image;

#undef Extract