void SceneValidator::ValidateTexture(Texture *texture, const FilePath &texturePathname, const String &validatedObjectName, Set<String> &errorsLog)
	if(!texture) return;
	String path = texturePathname.GetRelativePathname(pathForChecking);
	String textureInfo = path + " for object: " + validatedObjectName;

		errorsLog.insert("Can't load texture: " + textureInfo);

	bool pathIsCorrect = ValidatePathname(texturePathname, validatedObjectName);
		errorsLog.insert("Wrong path of: " + textureInfo);
	if(!IsPowerOf2(texture->GetWidth()) || !IsPowerOf2(texture->GetHeight()))
		errorsLog.insert("Wrong size of " + textureInfo);
    if(texture->GetWidth() > 2048 || texture->GetHeight() > 2048)
		errorsLog.insert("Texture is too big. " + textureInfo);
void SceneValidator::ValidateLandscape(Landscape *landscape, Set<String> &errorsLog)
    if(!landscape) return;
	if(dynamic_cast<EditorLandscape *>(landscape)) return;

	if(landscape->GetTiledShaderMode() == Landscape::TILED_MODE_TILE_DETAIL_MASK)
		for(int32 i = 0; i < Landscape::TEXTURE_COUNT; ++i)
			Landscape::eTextureLevel texLevel = (Landscape::eTextureLevel)i;
			if(texLevel == Landscape::TEXTURE_COLOR || texLevel == Landscape::TEXTURE_TILE_MASK || texLevel == Landscape::TEXTURE_TILE0)
				ValidateLandscapeTexture(landscape, texLevel, errorsLog);

			Color color = landscape->GetTileColor(texLevel);
			if (!ValidateColor(color))
				landscape->SetTileColor(texLevel, color);
		for(int32 i = 0; i < Landscape::TEXTURE_COUNT; ++i)
			Landscape::eTextureLevel texLevel = (Landscape::eTextureLevel)i;
			if(		(Landscape::TEXTURE_DETAIL == texLevel)
				||	(Landscape::TEXTURE_TILE_FULL == texLevel
				&&	(landscape->GetTiledShaderMode() == Landscape::TILED_MODE_TILEMASK
				|| landscape->GetTiledShaderMode() == Landscape::TILED_MODE_TILE_DETAIL_MASK)))

			ValidateLandscapeTexture(landscape, texLevel, errorsLog);

	//validate heightmap
    bool pathIsCorrect = ValidatePathname(landscape->GetHeightmapPathname(), String("Landscape. Heightmap."));
        String path = landscape->GetHeightmapPathname().GetRelativePathname(EditorSettings::Instance()->GetDataSourcePath());
        errorsLog.insert("Wrong path of Heightmap: " + path);
void CDirectoriesPropertyPage::OnDropFiles(HDROP dropInfo)
	// Get the number of pathnames (files or folders) dropped
	UINT nNumFilesDropped = DragQueryFile(dropInfo, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0);


	// Iterate through the pathnames and process each one
	TCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH + 1];
	CString csPathname;
	CString csExpandedFilename;

	for (UINT nFile = 0 ; nFile < nNumFilesDropped; nFile++)
		// Get the pathname
		DragQueryFile(dropInfo, nFile, szFilename, MAX_PATH + 1);

		// It might be shortcut, so try and expand it
		csPathname = szFilename;
		csExpandedFilename = ExpandShortcut(csPathname);
			csPathname = csExpandedFilename;

		// Now see if its something we allow to be dropped
		UINT iPathType = 0;
		if(ValidatePathname(csPathname, iPathType))
			// By default, we insert the filename into the list
			// ourselves, but if our parent wants to do something flashy
			// with it (maybe get the filesize and insert that as an extra
			// column), they will have installed a callback for each
			// droppped item
			if(m_dropMode & DL_USE_CALLBACK)
				// Let them know about this list control and the item
				// droppped onto it
				//	m_dropMode.pfnCallback(this, csPathname, iPathType);

	// Free the dropped-file info that was allocated by windows