VPUBLIC int Vgreen_coulomb_direct(Vgreen *thee, int npos, double *x, 
        double *y, double *z, double *val) {

    Vatom *atom;
    double *apos, charge, dist, dx, dy, dz, scale;
    double *q, qtemp, fx, fy, fz;
    int iatom, ipos;

    if (thee == VNULL) {
        Vnm_print(2, "Vgreen_coulomb:  Got NULL thee!\n");
        return 0;

    for (ipos=0; ipos<npos; ipos++) val[ipos] = 0.0;

    for (iatom=0; iatom<Valist_getNumberAtoms(thee->alist); iatom++) {
        atom = Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, iatom);
        apos = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
        charge = Vatom_getCharge(atom);
        for (ipos=0; ipos<npos; ipos++) {
            dx = apos[0] - x[ipos];
            dy = apos[1] - y[ipos];
            dz = apos[2] - z[ipos];
            dist = VSQRT(VSQR(dx) + VSQR(dy) + VSQR(dz));
            if (dist > VSMALL) val[ipos] += (charge/dist);

    scale = Vunit_ec/(4*Vunit_pi*Vunit_eps0*1.0e-10);
    for (ipos=0; ipos<npos; ipos++) val[ipos] = val[ipos]*scale;

    return 1;
文件: vclist.c 项目: mjhsieh/oldstuff
/* Get the dimensions of the molecule stored in thee->alist */
VPRIVATE void Vclist_getMolDims(
        Vclist *thee, 
        double lower_corner[VAPBS_DIM], /* Set to lower corner of molecule */
        double upper_corner[VAPBS_DIM], /* Set to lower corner of molecule */
        double *r_max /* Set to max atom radius */
        ) {

    int i, j;
    double pos;
    Valist *alist;
    Vatom *atom;

    alist = thee->alist;

    /* Initialize */
    for (i=0; i<VAPBS_DIM; i++) {
        lower_corner[i] = VLARGE;
        upper_corner[i] = -VLARGE;
    *r_max = -1.0;

    /* Check each atom */
    for (i=0; i<Valist_getNumberAtoms(alist); i++) {
        atom = Valist_getAtom(alist, i);
		for (j=0; j<VAPBS_DIM; j++) {
            pos = (Vatom_getPosition(atom))[j];
            if ( pos < lower_corner[j] ) lower_corner[j] = pos;
            if ( pos > upper_corner[j] ) upper_corner[j] = pos;
        if (Vatom_getRadius(atom) > *r_max) *r_max = Vatom_getRadius(atom);

文件: vcsm.c 项目: mjhsieh/oldstuff
VPUBLIC Vatom* Vcsm_getAtom(Vcsm *thee, int iatom, int isimp) {

   VASSERT(thee != VNULL);

   VASSERT(iatom < (thee->nsqm)[isimp]);
   return Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, (thee->sqm)[isimp][iatom]);

VPUBLIC int Vgreen_coulombD_direct(Vgreen *thee, int npos, 
        double *x, double *y, double *z, double *pot, double *gradx, 
        double *grady, double *gradz) {

    Vatom *atom;
    double *apos, charge, dist, dist2, idist3, dy, dz, dx, scale;
    double *q, qtemp;
    int iatom, ipos;

    if (thee == VNULL) {
        Vnm_print(2, "Vgreen_coulombD:  Got VNULL thee!\n");
        return 0;

    for (ipos=0; ipos<npos; ipos++) {
        pot[ipos] = 0.0;
        gradx[ipos] = 0.0;
        grady[ipos] = 0.0;
        gradz[ipos] = 0.0;

    for (iatom=0; iatom<Valist_getNumberAtoms(thee->alist); iatom++) {
        atom = Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, iatom);
        apos = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
        charge = Vatom_getCharge(atom);
        for (ipos=0; ipos<npos; ipos++) {
            dx = apos[0] - x[ipos];
            dy = apos[1] - y[ipos];
            dz = apos[2] - z[ipos];
            dist2 = VSQR(dx) + VSQR(dy) + VSQR(dz);
            dist = VSQRT(dist2);
            if (dist > VSMALL) {
                idist3 = 1.0/(dist*dist2);
                gradx[ipos] -= (charge*dx*idist3);
                grady[ipos] -= (charge*dy*idist3);
                gradz[ipos] -= (charge*dz*idist3);
                pot[ipos] += (charge/dist);

    scale = Vunit_ec/(4*VPI*Vunit_eps0*(1.0e-10));
    for (ipos=0; ipos<npos; ipos++) {
        gradx[ipos] = gradx[ipos]*scale;
        grady[ipos] = grady[ipos]*scale;
        gradz[ipos] = gradz[ipos]*scale;
        pot[ipos] = pot[ipos]*scale;

    return 1;
文件: vcsm.c 项目: mjhsieh/oldstuff
VPUBLIC int Vcsm_update(Vcsm *thee, SS **simps, int num) {

    /* Counters */
    int isimp, jsimp, iatom, jatom, atomID, simpID;
    int nsimps, gotMem;
    /* Object info */
    Vatom *atom;
    SS *simplex;
    double *position;
    /* Lists */
    int *qParent, nqParent;
    int **sqmNew, *nsqmNew;
    int *affAtoms, nAffAtoms;
    int *dnqsm, *nqsmNew, **qsmNew;

    VASSERT(thee != VNULL);

    /* If we don't have enough memory to accommodate the new entries, 
     * add more by doubling the existing amount */
    isimp = thee->nsimp + num - 1;
    gotMem = 0;
    while (!gotMem) {
        if (isimp > thee->msimp) {
            isimp = 2 * isimp;
            thee->nsqm = Vmem_realloc(thee->vmem, thee->msimp, sizeof(int), 
              (void **)&(thee->nsqm), isimp);
            VASSERT(thee->nsqm != VNULL);
            thee->sqm = Vmem_realloc(thee->vmem, thee->msimp, sizeof(int *), 
              (void **)&(thee->sqm), isimp);
            VASSERT(thee->sqm != VNULL);
            thee->msimp = isimp;
        } else gotMem = 1;
    /* Initialize the nsqm entires we just allocated */
    for (isimp = thee->nsimp; isimp<thee->nsimp+num-1 ; isimp++) {
       thee->nsqm[isimp] = 0;
    thee->nsimp = thee->nsimp + num - 1;

    /* There's a simple case to deal with:  if simps[0] didn't have a
     * charge in the first place */
    isimp = SS_id(simps[0]);
    if (thee->nsqm[isimp] == 0) {
        for (isimp=1; isimp<num; isimp++) {
            thee->nsqm[SS_id(simps[isimp])] = 0;
        return 1;

    /* The more complicated case has occured; the parent simplex had one or
     * more charges.  First, generate the list of affected charges. */
    isimp = SS_id(simps[0]);
    nqParent = thee->nsqm[isimp];
    qParent = thee->sqm[isimp];

    sqmNew = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, num, sizeof(int *));
    VASSERT(sqmNew != VNULL);
    nsqmNew = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, num, sizeof(int));
    VASSERT(nsqmNew != VNULL);
    for (isimp=0; isimp<num; isimp++) nsqmNew[isimp] = 0;

    /* Loop throught the affected atoms to determine how many atoms each
     * simplex will get. */
    for (iatom=0; iatom<nqParent; iatom++) {

        atomID = qParent[iatom];
        atom = Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, atomID);
        position = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
        nsimps = 0;

        jsimp = 0;

        for (isimp=0; isimp<num; isimp++) {
            simplex = simps[isimp];
            if (Gem_pointInSimplex(thee->gm, simplex, position)) {
                jsimp = 1;
        VASSERT(jsimp != 0);

    /* Sanity check that we didn't lose any atoms... */
    iatom = 0;
    for (isimp=0; isimp<num; isimp++) iatom += nsqmNew[isimp];
    if (iatom < nqParent) {
        Vnm_print(2,"Vcsm_update: Lost %d (of %d) atoms!\n", 
            nqParent - iatom, nqParent);

    /* Allocate the storage */
    for (isimp=0; isimp<num; isimp++) {
        if (nsqmNew[isimp] > 0) {
            sqmNew[isimp] = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, nsqmNew[isimp], 
            VASSERT(sqmNew[isimp] != VNULL);

    /* Assign charges to simplices */
    for (isimp=0; isimp<num; isimp++) {

        jsimp = 0;
        simplex = simps[isimp];

        /* Loop over the atoms associated with the parent simplex */
        for (iatom=0; iatom<nqParent; iatom++) {

            atomID = qParent[iatom];
            atom = Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, atomID);
            position = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
            if (Gem_pointInSimplex(thee->gm, simplex, position)) {
                sqmNew[isimp][jsimp] = atomID;

    /* Update the QSM map using the old and new SQM lists */
    /* The affected atoms are those contained in the parent simplex; i.e.
     * thee->sqm[SS_id(simps[0])] */
    affAtoms = thee->sqm[SS_id(simps[0])];
    nAffAtoms = thee->nsqm[SS_id(simps[0])];
    /* Each of these atoms will go somewhere else; i.e., the entries in
     * thee->qsm are never destroyed and thee->nqsm never decreases.
     * However, it is possible that a subdivision could cause an atom to be
     * shared by two child simplices.  Here we record the change, if any,
     * in the number of simplices associated with each atom. */
    dnqsm = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, nAffAtoms, sizeof(int));
    VASSERT(dnqsm != VNULL);
    nqsmNew = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, nAffAtoms, sizeof(int));
    VASSERT(nqsmNew != VNULL);
    qsmNew = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, nAffAtoms, sizeof(int*));
    VASSERT(qsmNew != VNULL);
    for (iatom=0; iatom<nAffAtoms; iatom++) {
        dnqsm[iatom] = -1;
        atomID = affAtoms[iatom];
        for (isimp=0; isimp<num; isimp++) {
            for (jatom=0; jatom<nsqmNew[isimp]; jatom++) {
                if (sqmNew[isimp][jatom] == atomID) dnqsm[iatom]++;
        VASSERT(dnqsm[iatom] > -1);
    /* Setup the new entries in the array */
    for (iatom=0;iatom<nAffAtoms; iatom++) {
        atomID = affAtoms[iatom];
        qsmNew[iatom] = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, 
                (dnqsm[iatom] + thee->nqsm[atomID]), 
        nqsmNew[iatom] = 0;
        VASSERT(qsmNew[iatom] != VNULL);
    /* Fill the new entries in the array */
    /* First, do the modified entries */
    for (isimp=0; isimp<num; isimp++) {
        simpID = SS_id(simps[isimp]);
        for (iatom=0; iatom<nsqmNew[isimp]; iatom++) {
            atomID = sqmNew[isimp][iatom];
            for (jatom=0; jatom<nAffAtoms; jatom++) {
                if (atomID == affAtoms[jatom]) break;
            if (jatom < nAffAtoms) {
                qsmNew[jatom][nqsmNew[jatom]] = simpID;
    /* Now do the unmodified entries */
    for (iatom=0; iatom<nAffAtoms; iatom++) {
        atomID = affAtoms[iatom];
        for (isimp=0; isimp<thee->nqsm[atomID]; isimp++) {
            for (jsimp=0; jsimp<num; jsimp++) {
                simpID = SS_id(simps[jsimp]);
                if (thee->qsm[atomID][isimp] == simpID) break;
            if (jsimp == num) {
                qsmNew[iatom][nqsmNew[iatom]] = thee->qsm[atomID][isimp];

    /* Replace the existing entries in the table.  Do the QSM entires
     * first, since they require affAtoms = thee->sqm[simps[0]] */
    for (iatom=0; iatom<nAffAtoms; iatom++) {
        atomID = affAtoms[iatom]; 
        Vmem_free(thee->vmem, thee->nqsm[atomID], sizeof(int), 
          (void **)&(thee->qsm[atomID]));
        thee->qsm[atomID] = qsmNew[iatom];
        thee->nqsm[atomID] = nqsmNew[iatom];
    for (isimp=0; isimp<num; isimp++) {
        simpID = SS_id(simps[isimp]);
        if (thee->nsqm[simpID] > 0) Vmem_free(thee->vmem, thee->nsqm[simpID], 
          sizeof(int), (void **)&(thee->sqm[simpID]));
        thee->sqm[simpID] = sqmNew[isimp];
        thee->nsqm[simpID] = nsqmNew[isimp];

    Vmem_free(thee->vmem, num, sizeof(int *), (void **)&sqmNew);
    Vmem_free(thee->vmem, num, sizeof(int), (void **)&nsqmNew);
    Vmem_free(thee->vmem, nAffAtoms, sizeof(int *), (void **)&qsmNew);
    Vmem_free(thee->vmem, nAffAtoms, sizeof(int), (void **)&nqsmNew);
    Vmem_free(thee->vmem, nAffAtoms, sizeof(int), (void **)&dnqsm);

    return 1;

文件: vcsm.c 项目: mjhsieh/oldstuff
VPUBLIC void Vcsm_init(Vcsm *thee) {
    /* Counters */
    int iatom, jatom, isimp, jsimp, gotSimp;
    /* Atomic information */
    Vatom *atom;
    double *position;
    /* Simplex/Vertex information */
    SS *simplex;
    /* Basis function values */

    if (thee == VNULL) {
        Vnm_print(2, "Vcsm_init:  Error!  Got NULL thee!\n");
    if (thee->gm == VNULL) {
    VASSERT(thee->gm != VNULL);
        Vnm_print(2, "Vcsm_init:  Error!  Got NULL thee->gm!\n");
    thee->nsimp = Gem_numSS(thee->gm);
    if (thee->nsimp <= 0) {
        Vnm_print(2, "Vcsm_init:  Error!  Got %d simplices!\n", thee->nsimp);
    thee->natom = Valist_getNumberAtoms(thee->alist);

    /* Allocate and initialize space for the first dimensions of the 
     * simplex-charge map, the simplex array, and the counters */
    thee->sqm = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, thee->nsimp, sizeof(int *));
    VASSERT(thee->sqm != VNULL);
    thee->nsqm = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, thee->nsimp, sizeof(int));
    VASSERT(thee->nsqm != VNULL);
    for (isimp=0; isimp<thee->nsimp; isimp++) (thee->nsqm)[isimp] = 0;

    /* Count the number of charges per simplex. */
    for (iatom=0; iatom<thee->natom; iatom++) {
        atom = Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, iatom);
        position = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
        gotSimp = 0;
        for (isimp=0; isimp<thee->nsimp; isimp++) {
            simplex = Gem_SS(thee->gm, isimp);
            if (Gem_pointInSimplex(thee->gm, simplex, position)) {
                gotSimp = 1;

    /* Allocate the space for the simplex-charge map */
    for (isimp=0; isimp<thee->nsimp; isimp++) {
        if ((thee->nsqm)[isimp] > 0) {
            thee->sqm[isimp] = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, (thee->nsqm)[isimp], 
            VASSERT(thee->sqm[isimp] != VNULL);

    /* Finally, set up the map */
    for (isimp=0; isimp<thee->nsimp; isimp++) {
        jsimp = 0;
        simplex = Gem_SS(thee->gm, isimp);
        for (iatom=0; iatom<thee->natom; iatom++) {
            atom = Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, iatom);
            position = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
            /* Check to see if the atom's in this simplex */
            if (Gem_pointInSimplex(thee->gm, simplex, position)) {
                /* Assign the entries in the next vacant spot */
                (thee->sqm)[isimp][jsimp] = iatom;

    thee->msimp = thee->nsimp;

    /* Allocate space for the charge-simplex map */
    thee->qsm = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, thee->natom, sizeof(int *));
    VASSERT(thee->qsm != VNULL);
    thee->nqsm = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, thee->natom, sizeof(int));
    VASSERT(thee->nqsm != VNULL);
    for (iatom=0; iatom<thee->natom; iatom++) (thee->nqsm)[iatom] = 0;
    /* Loop through the list of simplices and count the number of times
     * each atom appears */
    for (isimp=0; isimp<thee->nsimp; isimp++) {
        for (iatom=0; iatom<thee->nsqm[isimp]; iatom++) {
            jatom = thee->sqm[isimp][iatom];
    /* Do a TIME-CONSUMING SANITY CHECK to make sure that each atom was
     * placed in at simplex */
    for (iatom=0; iatom<thee->natom; iatom++) {
        if (thee->nqsm[iatom] == 0) {
            Vnm_print(2, "Vcsm_init: Atom %d not placed in simplex!\n", iatom);
    /* Allocate the appropriate amount of space for each entry in the
     * charge-simplex map and clear the counter for re-use in assignment */
    for (iatom=0; iatom<thee->natom; iatom++) {
        thee->qsm[iatom] = Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, (thee->nqsm)[iatom],
        VASSERT(thee->qsm[iatom] != VNULL);
        thee->nqsm[iatom] = 0;
    /* Assign the simplices to atoms */
    for (isimp=0; isimp<thee->nsimp; isimp++) {
        for (iatom=0; iatom<thee->nsqm[isimp]; iatom++) {
            jatom = thee->sqm[isimp][iatom];
            thee->qsm[jatom][thee->nqsm[jatom]] = isimp;

    thee->initFlag = 1;
文件: vopot.c 项目: mjhsieh/oldstuff
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Routine:  Vopot_gradient
// Authors:  Nathan Baker
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
VPUBLIC int Vopot_gradient(Vopot *thee, double pt[3], double grad[3]) {

    Vatom *atom;
    int iatom;
    double T, charge, eps_w, xkappa, size, val, *position;
    double dx, dy, dz, dist;
    Valist *alist;

    VASSERT(thee != VNULL);

    eps_w = Vpbe_getSolventDiel(thee->pbe);
    xkappa = (1.0e10)*Vpbe_getXkappa(thee->pbe);
    T = Vpbe_getTemperature(thee->pbe);
    alist = Vpbe_getValist(thee->pbe);

    if (!Vmgrid_gradient(thee->mgrid, pt, grad)) {

        switch (thee->bcfl) {

            case BCFL_ZERO:
                grad[0] = 0.0;
                grad[1] = 0.0;
                grad[2] = 0.0;

            case BCFL_SDH:
                grad[0] = 0.0;
                grad[1] = 0.0;
                grad[2] = 0.0;
                size = (1.0e-10)*Vpbe_getSoluteRadius(thee->pbe);
                position = Vpbe_getSoluteCenter(thee->pbe);
                charge = Vunit_ec*Vpbe_getSoluteCharge(thee->pbe);
                dx = position[0] - pt[0];
                dy = position[1] - pt[1];
                dz = position[2] - pt[2];
                dist = VSQR(dx) + VSQR(dy) + VSQR(dz);
                dist = (1.0e-10)*VSQRT(dist);
                val = (charge)/(4*VPI*Vunit_eps0*eps_w);
                if (xkappa != 0.0) 
                  val = val*(exp(-xkappa*(dist-size))/(1+xkappa*size));
                val = val*Vunit_ec/(Vunit_kb*T);
                grad[0] = val*dx/dist*(-1.0/dist/dist + xkappa/dist);
                grad[1] = val*dy/dist*(-1.0/dist/dist + xkappa/dist);
                grad[2] = val*dz/dist*(-1.0/dist/dist + xkappa/dist);

            case BCFL_MDH:
                grad[0] = 0.0;
                grad[1] = 0.0;
                grad[2] = 0.0;
                for (iatom=0; iatom<Valist_getNumberAtoms(alist); iatom++) {
                    atom = Valist_getAtom(alist, iatom);
                    position = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
                    charge = Vunit_ec*Vatom_getCharge(atom);
                    size = (1e-10)*Vatom_getRadius(atom);
                    dx = position[0] - pt[0];
                    dy = position[1] - pt[1];
                    dz = position[2] - pt[2];
                    dist = VSQR(dx) + VSQR(dy) + VSQR(dz);
                    dist = (1.0e-10)*VSQRT(dist);
                    val = (charge)/(4*VPI*Vunit_eps0*eps_w);
                    if (xkappa != 0.0)
                      val = val*(exp(-xkappa*(dist-size))/(1+xkappa*size));
                    val = val*Vunit_ec/(Vunit_kb*T);
                    grad[0] += (val*dx/dist*(-1.0/dist/dist + xkappa/dist));
                    grad[1] += (val*dy/dist*(-1.0/dist/dist + xkappa/dist));
                    grad[2] += (val*dz/dist*(-1.0/dist/dist + xkappa/dist));

            case BCFL_UNUSED:
                Vnm_print(2, "Vopot:  Invalid bcfl (%d)!\n", thee->bcfl);
                return 0;

            case BCFL_FOCUS:
                Vnm_print(2, "Vopot:  Invalid bcfl (%d)!\n", thee->bcfl);
                return 0;

                Vnm_print(2, "Vopot_pot:  Bogus thee->bcfl flag (%d)!\n", 
                return 0;        

        return 1;

    return 1;

文件: vopot.c 项目: mjhsieh/oldstuff
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Routine:  Vopot_curvature
//   Notes:  cflag=0 ==> Reduced Maximal Curvature
//           cflag=1 ==> Mean Curvature (Laplace)
//           cflag=2 ==> Gauss Curvature
//           cflag=3 ==> True Maximal Curvature
//   If we are off the grid, we can still evaluate the Laplacian; assuming, we
//   are away from the molecular surface, it is simply equal to the DH factor.
// Authors:  Nathan Baker
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
VPUBLIC int Vopot_curvature(Vopot *thee, double pt[3], int cflag, 
  double *value) {

    Vatom *atom;
    int i, iatom;
    double u, T, charge, eps_w, xkappa, dist, size, val, *position, zkappa2;
    Valist *alist;

    VASSERT(thee != VNULL);

    eps_w = Vpbe_getSolventDiel(thee->pbe);
    xkappa = (1.0e10)*Vpbe_getXkappa(thee->pbe);
    zkappa2 = Vpbe_getZkappa2(thee->pbe);
    T = Vpbe_getTemperature(thee->pbe);
    alist = Vpbe_getValist(thee->pbe);

    u = 0;

    if (Vmgrid_curvature(thee->mgrid, pt, cflag, value)) return 1;
    else if (cflag != 1) {
        Vnm_print(2, "Vopot_curvature:  Off mesh!\n");
        return 1;
    } else {

        switch (thee->bcfl) {

            case BCFL_ZERO:
                u = 0;

            case BCFL_SDH:
                size = (1.0e-10)*Vpbe_getSoluteRadius(thee->pbe);
                position = Vpbe_getSoluteCenter(thee->pbe);
                charge = Vunit_ec*Vpbe_getSoluteCharge(thee->pbe);
                dist = 0;
                for (i=0; i<3; i++)
                  dist += VSQR(position[i] - pt[i]);
                dist = (1.0e-10)*VSQRT(dist);
                if (xkappa != 0.0) 
                  u = zkappa2*(exp(-xkappa*(dist-size))/(1+xkappa*size));

            case BCFL_MDH:
                u = 0;
                for (iatom=0; iatom<Valist_getNumberAtoms(alist); iatom++) {
                    atom = Valist_getAtom(alist, iatom);
                    position = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
                    charge = Vunit_ec*Vatom_getCharge(atom);
                    size = (1e-10)*Vatom_getRadius(atom);
                    dist = 0;
                    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
                      dist += VSQR(position[i] - pt[i]);
                    dist = (1.0e-10)*VSQRT(dist);
                    if (xkappa != 0.0)
                      val = zkappa2*(exp(-xkappa*(dist-size))/(1+xkappa*size));
                    u = u + val;

            case BCFL_UNUSED:
                Vnm_print(2, "Vopot_pot:  Invlid bcfl (%d)!\n", thee->bcfl);
                return 0;

            case BCFL_FOCUS:
                Vnm_print(2, "Vopot_pot:  Invlid bcfl (%d)!\n", thee->bcfl);
                return 0;

                Vnm_print(2, "Vopot_pot:  Bogus thee->bcfl flag (%d)!\n", 
                return 0;        

        *value = u;

    return 1;

文件: vopot.c 项目: mjhsieh/oldstuff
VPUBLIC int Vopot_pot(Vopot *thee, double pt[3], double *value) {

    Vatom *atom;
    int i, iatom;
    double u, T, charge, eps_w, xkappa, dist, size, val, *position;
    Valist *alist;

    VASSERT(thee != VNULL);

    eps_w = Vpbe_getSolventDiel(thee->pbe);
    xkappa = (1.0e10)*Vpbe_getXkappa(thee->pbe);
    T = Vpbe_getTemperature(thee->pbe);
    alist = Vpbe_getValist(thee->pbe);

    u = 0;

    /* See if we're on the mesh */
    if (Vmgrid_value(thee->mgrid, pt, &u)) {

        *value = u;

    } else {

        switch (thee->bcfl) {

            case BCFL_ZERO:
                u = 0;

            case BCFL_SDH:
                size = (1.0e-10)*Vpbe_getSoluteRadius(thee->pbe);
                position = Vpbe_getSoluteCenter(thee->pbe);
                charge = Vunit_ec*Vpbe_getSoluteCharge(thee->pbe);
                dist = 0;
                for (i=0; i<3; i++)
                  dist += VSQR(position[i] - pt[i]);
                dist = (1.0e-10)*VSQRT(dist);
                val = (charge)/(4*VPI*Vunit_eps0*eps_w*dist);
                if (xkappa != 0.0) 
                  val = val*(exp(-xkappa*(dist-size))/(1+xkappa*size));
                val = val*Vunit_ec/(Vunit_kb*T);
                u = val;

            case BCFL_MDH:
                u = 0;
                for (iatom=0; iatom<Valist_getNumberAtoms(alist); iatom++) {
                    atom = Valist_getAtom(alist, iatom);
                    position = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
                    charge = Vunit_ec*Vatom_getCharge(atom);
                    size = (1e-10)*Vatom_getRadius(atom);
                    dist = 0;
                    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
                      dist += VSQR(position[i] - pt[i]);
                    dist = (1.0e-10)*VSQRT(dist);
                    val = (charge)/(4*VPI*Vunit_eps0*eps_w*dist);
                    if (xkappa != 0.0)
                      val = val*(exp(-xkappa*(dist-size))/(1+xkappa*size));
                    val = val*Vunit_ec/(Vunit_kb*T);
                    u = u + val;

            case BCFL_UNUSED:
                Vnm_print(2, "Vopot_pot:  Invalid bcfl flag (%d)!\n", 
                return 0;

            case BCFL_FOCUS:
                Vnm_print(2, "Vopot_pot:  Invalid bcfl flag (%d)!\n", 
                return 0;

                Vnm_print(2, "Vopot_pot:  Bogus thee->bcfl flag (%d)!\n", 
                return 0;        

        *value = u;


    return 1;

VPRIVATE int treesetup(Vgreen *thee) {

#ifdef HAVE_TREE

    double dist_tol = FMM_DIST_TOL;
    int iflag = FMM_IFLAG;
    double order = FMM_ORDER;
    int theta = FMM_THETA;
    int shrink = FMM_SHRINK;
    int maxparnode = FMM_MAXPARNODE;
    int minlevel = FMM_MINLEVEL;
    int maxlevel = FMM_MAXLEVEL;
    int level = 0;
    int one = 1;
    Vatom *atom;
    double xyzminmax[6], *pos;
    int i;

    /* Set up particle arrays with atomic coordinates and charges */
    Vnm_print(0, "treesetup:  Initializing FMM particle arrays...\n");
    thee->np = Valist_getNumberAtoms(thee->alist);
    thee->xp = VNULL;
    thee->xp = (double *)Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, thee->np, sizeof(double));
    if (thee->xp == VNULL) {
        Vnm_print(2, "Vgreen_ctor2:  Failed to allocate %d*sizeof(double)!\n",
        return 0;
    thee->yp = VNULL;
    thee->yp = (double *)Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, thee->np, sizeof(double));
    if (thee->yp == VNULL) {
        Vnm_print(2, "Vgreen_ctor2:  Failed to allocate %d*sizeof(double)!\n",
        return 0;
    thee->zp = VNULL;
    thee->zp = (double *)Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, thee->np, sizeof(double));
    if (thee->zp == VNULL) {
        Vnm_print(2, "Vgreen_ctor2:  Failed to allocate %d*sizeof(double)!\n",
        return 0;
    thee->qp = VNULL;
    thee->qp = (double *)Vmem_malloc(thee->vmem, thee->np, sizeof(double));
    if (thee->qp == VNULL) {
        Vnm_print(2, "Vgreen_ctor2:  Failed to allocate %d*sizeof(double)!\n",
        return 0;
    for (i=0; i<thee->np; i++) {
        atom = Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, i);
        pos = Vatom_getPosition(atom);
        thee->xp[i] = pos[0];
        thee->yp[i] = pos[1];
        thee->zp[i] = pos[2];
        thee->qp[i] = Vatom_getCharge(atom);

    Vnm_print(0, "treesetup:  Setting things up...\n");
    F77SETUP(thee->xp, thee->yp, thee->zp, &(thee->np), &order, &theta, &iflag,
            &dist_tol, xyzminmax, &(thee->np));

    Vnm_print(0, "treesetup:  Initializing levels...\n");
    F77INITLEVELS(&minlevel, &maxlevel);

    Vnm_print(0, "treesetup:  Creating tree...\n");
    F77CREATE_TREE(&one, &(thee->np), thee->xp, thee->yp, thee->zp, thee->qp, 
      &shrink, &maxparnode, xyzminmax, &level, &(thee->np));

    return 1;

#else /* ifdef HAVE_TREE */

    Vnm_print(2, "treesetup:  Error!  APBS not linked with treecode!\n");
    return 0;

#endif /* ifdef HAVE_TREE */
文件: pmpb.c 项目: kratman/tinker
void pbdirectpolforce_(double uind[maxatm][3], double uinp[maxatm][3],
                       double rff[maxatm][3], double rft[maxatm][3]) {

    Vpmg  *pmg[NOSH_MAXCALC];
    Vpmgp *pmgp[NOSH_MAXCALC];
    Vpbe  *pbe[NOSH_MAXCALC];
    MGparm *mgparm = VNULL;
    PBEparm *pbeparm = VNULL;
    Vatom *atom = VNULL;
    double kT, force[3], torque[3];
    double sign, zkappa2, epsp, epsw;
    int i,j;

    for (i=0; i<NOSH_MAXCALC; i++) {
       pmg[i] = VNULL;
       pmgp[i] = VNULL;
       pbe[i] = VNULL;

    // Read the converged induced dipole data into APBS Vatom structures.
    for (i=0; i < alist[0]->number; i++){
       atom = Valist_getAtom(alist[0],i);
       Vatom_setInducedDipole(atom, uind[i]);
       Vatom_setNLInducedDipole(atom, uinp[i]);
       for (j=0;j<3;j++){
          rff[i][j] = 0.0;
          rft[i][j] = 0.0;

    for (i=0; i<2; i++) {

       VASSERT(permU[i] != VNULL);
       VASSERT(indU[i] != VNULL);
       VASSERT(nlIndU[i] != VNULL);

       pmg[i] = VNULL;
       pmgp[i] = VNULL;
       pbe[i] = VNULL;

       /* Useful local variables */
       mgparm = nosh->calc[i]->mgparm;
       pbeparm = nosh->calc[i]->pbeparm;

       /* Set up problem */
       if (!initMG(i, nosh, mgparm, pbeparm, realCenter, pbe,
                   alist, dielXMap, dielYMap, dielZMap,
                   kappaMap, chargeMap, pmgp, pmg, potMap)) {
           Vnm_tprint( 2, "Error setting up MG calculation!\n");

       if (i == 0) {
         sign = -1.0;
       } else {
         sign = 1.0;

       // Q-Phi Force & Torque
       if (!pmg[i]->pmgp->nonlin &&
          (pmg[i]->surfMeth == VSM_SPLINE ||
           pmg[i]->surfMeth == VSM_SPLINE3 ||
           pmg[i]->surfMeth == VSM_SPLINE4)) {
          for (j=0; j < alist[0]->number; j++){
             Vpmg_qfDirectPolForce(pmg[i], permU[i], indU[i], j, force, torque);
             rff[j][0] += sign * force[0];
             rff[j][1] += sign * force[1];
             rff[j][2] += sign * force[2];
             rft[j][0] += sign * torque[0];
             rft[j][1] += sign * torque[1];
             rft[j][2] += sign * torque[2];
             Vpmg_qfNLDirectPolForce(pmg[i], permU[i],
                                     nlIndU[i], j,force,torque);
             rff[j][0] += sign * force[0];
             rff[j][1] += sign * force[1];
             rff[j][2] += sign * force[2];
             rft[j][0] += sign * torque[0];
             rft[j][1] += sign * torque[1];
             rft[j][2] += sign * torque[2];
           // Dieletric Boundary Force
           epsp = Vpbe_getSoluteDiel(pmg[i]->pbe);
           epsw = Vpbe_getSolventDiel(pmg[i]->pbe);
           if (VABS(epsp-epsw) > VPMGSMALL) {
              for (j=0; j < alist[0]->number; j++){
                 Vpmg_dbDirectPolForce(pmg[i], permU[i], indU[i], j, force);
                 rff[j][0] += sign * force[0];
                 rff[j][1] += sign * force[1];
                 rff[j][2] += sign * force[2];
                 Vpmg_dbNLDirectPolForce(pmg[i], permU[i], nlIndU[i], j, force);
                 rff[j][0] += sign * force[0];
                 rff[j][1] += sign * force[1];
                 rff[j][2] += sign * force[2];
           // Ionic Boundary Force
           zkappa2 = Vpbe_getZkappa2(pmg[i]->pbe);
           if (zkappa2 > VPMGSMALL) {
               for (j=0; j < alist[0]->number; j++){
                  Vpmg_ibDirectPolForce(pmg[i], permU[i], indU[i], j, force);
                  rff[j][0] += sign * force[0];
                  rff[j][1] += sign * force[1];
                  rff[j][2] += sign * force[2];
                  Vpmg_ibNLDirectPolForce(pmg[i], permU[i],
                                          nlIndU[i], j, force);
                  rff[j][0] += sign * force[0];
                  rff[j][1] += sign * force[1];
                  rff[j][2] += sign * force[2];

    // kT in kcal/mol
    kT = Vunit_kb * (1e-3) * Vunit_Na * 298.15 / 4.184;
    for (i=0; i<alist[0]->number; i++){
       rff[i][0] *= kT;
       rff[i][1] *= kT;
       rff[i][2] *= kT;
       rft[i][0] *= kT;
       rft[i][1] *= kT;
       rft[i][2] *= kT;

    killMG(nosh, pbe, pmgp, pmg);
文件: pmpb.c 项目: kratman/tinker
void apbsnlinduce_(double uinp[maxatm][3], double fld[maxatm][3]){

    /* Misc. pointers to APBS data structures */
    Vpmg  *pmg[NOSH_MAXCALC];
    Vpmgp *pmgp[NOSH_MAXCALC];
    Vpbe  *pbe[NOSH_MAXCALC];
    MGparm *mgparm = VNULL;
    PBEparm *pbeparm = VNULL;
    Vatom *atom = VNULL;

    /* Observables and unit conversion */
    double field[3];
    double sign,kT,electric;
    /* Potential Vgrid construction */
    double nx,ny,nz,hx,hy,hzed,xmin,ymin,zmin;
    double *data;
    /* Loop variables */
    int i,j;

    VASSERT(nosh != VNULL);
    for (i=0; i<NOSH_MAXCALC; i++) {
       pmg[i] = VNULL;
       pmgp[i] = VNULL;
       pbe[i] = VNULL;

    /* Read TINKER induce input data into Vatom instances. */
    for (i=0; i < alist[0]->number; i++){
       atom = Valist_getAtom(alist[0],i);
       Vatom_setNLInducedDipole(atom, uinp[i]);
       for (j=0;j<3;j++){
           fld[i][j] = 0.0;

    /* Solve the LPBE for the homogeneous system, then solvated. */
    for (i=0; i<2; i++) {

       pmg[i] = VNULL;
       pmgp[i] = VNULL;
       pbe[i] = VNULL;

       /* Useful local variables */
       mgparm = nosh->calc[i]->mgparm;
       pbeparm = nosh->calc[i]->pbeparm;

       if (!MGparm_check(mgparm)){
          printf("MGparm Check failed\n");
       if (!PBEparm_check(pbeparm)){
          printf("PBEparm Check failed\n");

       /* Set up problem */
       mgparm->chgs = VCM_NLINDUCED;
       if (!initMG(i, nosh, mgparm, pbeparm, realCenter, pbe,
                   alist, dielXMap, dielYMap, dielZMap,
                   kappaMap, chargeMap, pmgp, pmg, potMap)) {
           Vnm_tprint( 2, "Error setting up MG calculation!\n");

       /* Solve the PDE */
       if (solveMG(nosh, pmg[i], mgparm->type) != 1) {
           Vnm_tprint(2, "Error solving PDE!\n");

       /* Set partition information for observables and I/O */
       if (setPartMG(nosh, mgparm, pmg[i]) != 1) {
           Vnm_tprint(2, "Error setting partition info!\n");

       /* Save the potential due to non-local induced dipoles */
       nx = pmg[i]->pmgp->nx;
       ny = pmg[i]->pmgp->ny;
       nz = pmg[i]->pmgp->nz;
       hx = pmg[i]->pmgp->hx;
       hy = pmg[i]->pmgp->hy;
       hzed = pmg[i]->pmgp->hzed;
       xmin = pmg[i]->pmgp->xmin;
       ymin = pmg[i]->pmgp->ymin;
       zmin = pmg[i]->pmgp->zmin;

       if (nlIndU[i] == VNULL) {
          data = Vmem_malloc(VNULL, nx*ny*nz, sizeof(double));
          Vpmg_fillArray(pmg[i], data, VDT_POT, 0.0, pbeparm->pbetype, pbeparm);
          nlIndU[i] = Vgrid_ctor(nx,ny,nz,hx,hy,hzed,xmin,ymin,zmin,data);
          nlIndU[i]->readdata = 1; // set readata flag to have dtor free data
       } else {
          data = nlIndU[i]->data;
          Vpmg_fillArray(pmg[i], data, VDT_POT, 0.0, pbeparm->pbetype, pbeparm);

       if (i == 0){
          sign = -1.0;
       } else {
          sign = 1.0;

       for (j=0; j < alist[0]->number; j++){
          Vpmg_fieldSpline4(pmg[i], j, field);
          fld[j][0] += sign * field[0];
          fld[j][1] += sign * field[1];
          fld[j][2] += sign * field[2];

    /* load results into the return arrays in electron**2/Angstrom
    /* kT in kcal/mol */
    kT = Vunit_kb * (1e-3) * Vunit_Na * 298.15 / 4.184;
    // electric: conversion from electron**2/Angstrom to Kcal/mol
    electric = 332.063709;
    for (i=0; i<alist[0]->number; i++){
       fld[i][0] *= kT / electric;
       fld[i][1] *= kT / electric;
       fld[i][2] *= kT / electric;

    killMG(nosh, pbe, pmgp, pmg);
文件: pmpb.c 项目: kratman/tinker
void apbsempole_(int *natom, double x[maxatm][3],
                 double rad[maxatm], double rpole[maxatm][13],
                 double *total,
                 double energy[maxatm], double fld[maxatm][3],
                 double rff[maxatm][3], double rft[maxatm][3]) {

    /* Misc. pointers to APBS data structures */
    Vpmg  *pmg[NOSH_MAXCALC];
    Vpmgp *pmgp[NOSH_MAXCALC];
    Vpbe  *pbe[NOSH_MAXCALC];
    MGparm *mgparm = VNULL;
    PBEparm *pbeparm = VNULL;
    Vatom *atom = VNULL;

    /* Vgrid configuration for the kappa and dielectric maps */
    double nx,ny,nz,hx,hy,hzed,xmin,ymin,zmin;
    double *data;
    double zkappa2, epsp, epsw;

    /* Loop indeces */
    int i,j;

    /* Observables and unit conversion */
    double sign, force[3], torque[3], field[3];
    double kT,electric,debye;
    double charge, dipole[3], quad[9];
    debye = 4.8033324;

    for (i=0; i<NOSH_MAXCALC; i++) {
       pmg[i] = VNULL;
       pmgp[i] = VNULL;
       pbe[i] = VNULL;

    /* Kill the saved potential Vgrids */
    for (i=0; i<2; i++){
        if (permU[i] != VNULL) Vgrid_dtor(&permU[i]);
        if (indU[i] != VNULL) Vgrid_dtor(&indU[i]);
        if (nlIndU[i] != VNULL) Vgrid_dtor(&nlIndU[i]);

    /* Kill the old atom list */
    if (alist[0] != VNULL) {

    /* Create a new atom list (mol == 1) */
    if (alist[0] == VNULL) {
       alist[0] = Valist_ctor();
       alist[0]->atoms = Vmem_malloc(alist[0]->vmem, *natom, (sizeof(Vatom)));
       alist[0]->number = *natom;

    /* Read TINKER input data into Vatom instances. */
    for (i=0; i < alist[0]->number; i++){
       atom = Valist_getAtom(alist[0],i);
       Vatom_setAtomID(atom, i);
       Vatom_setPosition(atom, x[i]);
       Vatom_setRadius(atom, rad[i]);
       charge = rpole[i][0];
       Vatom_setCharge(atom, charge);
       dipole[0] = rpole[i][1];
       dipole[1] = rpole[i][2];
       dipole[2] = rpole[i][3];
       Vatom_setDipole(atom, dipole);
       quad[0] = rpole[i][4];
       quad[1] = rpole[i][5];
       quad[2] = rpole[i][6];
       quad[3] = rpole[i][7];
       quad[4] = rpole[i][8];
       quad[5] = rpole[i][9];
       quad[6] = rpole[i][10];
       quad[7] = rpole[i][11];
       quad[8] = rpole[i][12];
       Vatom_setQuadrupole(atom, quad);
       /* Useful check
       printf(" %i %f (%f,%f,%f)\n",i,rad[i], x[i][0], x[i][1], x[i][2]);
       printf(" %f\n %f,%f,%f\n", charge, dipole[0], dipole[1], dipole[2]);
       printf(" %f\n", quad[0]);
       printf(" %f %f\n", quad[3], quad[4]);
       printf(" %f %f %f\n", quad[6], quad[7], quad[8]); */
       energy[i] = 0.0;
       for (j=0;j<3;j++){
          fld[i][j] = 0.0;
          rff[i][j] = 0.0;
          rft[i][j] = 0.0;

    nosh->nmol = 1;

    /* Only call the setupCalc routine once, so that we can
       reuse this nosh object */
    if (nosh->ncalc < 2) {
       if (NOsh_setupElecCalc(nosh, alist) != 1) {
          printf("Error setting up calculations\n");

    /* Solve the LPBE for the homogeneous and then solvated states */
    for (i=0; i<2; i++) {

       /* Useful local variables */
       mgparm = nosh->calc[i]->mgparm;
       pbeparm = nosh->calc[i]->pbeparm;

       /* Just to be robust */
       if (!MGparm_check(mgparm)){
          printf("MGparm Check failed\n");
          printMGPARM(mgparm, realCenter);
       if (!PBEparm_check(pbeparm)){
          printf("PBEparm Check failed\n");

       /* Set up the problem */
       mgparm->chgs = VCM_PERMANENT;
       if (!initMG(i, nosh, mgparm, pbeparm, realCenter, pbe,
                   alist, dielXMap, dielYMap, dielZMap,
                   kappaMap, chargeMap, pmgp, pmg, potMap)) {
              Vnm_tprint( 2, "Error setting up MG calculation!\n");

       /* Solve the PDE */
       if (solveMG(nosh, pmg[i], mgparm->type) != 1) {
           Vnm_tprint(2, "Error solving PDE!\n");

       /* Set partition information for observables and I/O */
       /* Note - parallel operation has NOT been tested. */
       if (setPartMG(nosh, mgparm, pmg[i]) != 1) {
           Vnm_tprint(2, "Error setting partition info!\n");

       nx = pmg[i]->pmgp->nx;
       ny = pmg[i]->pmgp->ny;
       nz = pmg[i]->pmgp->nz;
       hx = pmg[i]->pmgp->hx;
       hy = pmg[i]->pmgp->hy;
       hzed = pmg[i]->pmgp->hzed;
       xmin = pmg[i]->pmgp->xmin;
       ymin = pmg[i]->pmgp->ymin;
       zmin = pmg[i]->pmgp->zmin;

       /* Save dielectric/kappa maps into Vgrids, then change the nosh
        * data structure to think it read these maps in from a file.
        * The goal is to save setup time during convergence of the
        * induced dipoles. This is under consideration...
        * */
       // X (shifted)
       data = Vmem_malloc(mem, nx*ny*nz, sizeof(double));
       Vpmg_fillArray(pmg[i], data, VDT_DIELX, 0.0, pbeparm->pbetype);
       dielXMap[i] = Vgrid_ctor(nx,ny,nz,hx,hy,hzed,
                                xmin + 0.5*hx,ymin,zmin,data);
       dielXMap[i]->readdata = 1;
       // Y (shifted)
       data = Vmem_malloc(mem, nx*ny*nz, sizeof(double));
       Vpmg_fillArray(pmg[i], data, VDT_DIELY, 0.0, pbeparm->pbetype);
       dielYMap[i] = Vgrid_ctor(nx,ny,nz,hx,hy,hzed,
                                      xmin,ymin + 0.5*hy,zmin,data);
       dielYMap[i]->readdata = 1;
       // Z (shifted)
       data = Vmem_malloc(mem, nx*ny*nz, sizeof(double));
       Vpmg_fillArray(pmg[i], data, VDT_DIELZ, 0.0, pbeparm->pbetype);
       dielZMap[i] = Vgrid_ctor(nx,ny,nz,hx,hy,hzed,
                                      xmin,ymin,zmin + 0.5*hzed,data);
       dielZMap[i]->readdata = 1;
       // Kappa
       data = Vmem_malloc(mem, nx*ny*nz, sizeof(double));
       Vpmg_fillArray(pmg[i], data, VDT_KAPPA, 0.0, pbeparm->pbetype);
       kappaMap[i] = Vgrid_ctor(nx,ny,nz,hx,hy,hzed,xmin,ymin,zmin,data);
       kappaMap[i]->readdata = 1;

       // Update the pbeparam structure, since we now have
       // dielectric and kappap maps
       pbeparm->useDielMap = 1;
       pbeparm->dielMapID = i + 1;
       pbeparm->useKappaMap = 1;
       pbeparm->kappaMapID = i + 1;


       data = Vmem_malloc(mem, nx*ny*nz, sizeof(double));
       Vpmg_fillArray(pmg[i], data, VDT_POT, 0.0, pbeparm->pbetype, pbeparm);
       permU[i] = Vgrid_ctor(nx,ny,nz,hx,hy,hzed,xmin,ymin,zmin,data);
       permU[i]->readdata = 1;
       // set readdata flag to have the dtor to free data

       if (i == 0){
          sign = -1.0;
       } else {
          sign = 1.0;

       /* Calculate observables */
       for (j=0; j < alist[0]->number; j++){
         energy[j] += sign * Vpmg_qfPermanentMultipoleEnergy(pmg[i], j);
         Vpmg_fieldSpline4(pmg[i], j, field);
         fld[j][0] += sign * field[0];
         fld[j][1] += sign * field[1];
         fld[j][2] += sign * field[2];

       if (!pmg[i]->pmgp->nonlin &&
          (pmg[i]->surfMeth == VSM_SPLINE ||
           pmg[i]->surfMeth == VSM_SPLINE3 ||
           pmg[i]->surfMeth == VSM_SPLINE4)) {
          for (j=0; j < alist[0]->number; j++){
            Vpmg_qfPermanentMultipoleForce(pmg[i], j, force, torque);
            rff[j][0] += sign * force[0];
            rff[j][1] += sign * force[1];
            rff[j][2] += sign * force[2];
            rft[j][0] += sign * torque[0];
            rft[j][1] += sign * torque[1];
            rft[j][2] += sign * torque[2];
          kT = Vunit_kb * (1e-3) * Vunit_Na * 298.15 * 1.0/4.184;
          epsp = Vpbe_getSoluteDiel(pmg[i]->pbe);
          epsw = Vpbe_getSolventDiel(pmg[i]->pbe);
          if (VABS(epsp-epsw) > VPMGSMALL) {
             for (j=0; j < alist[0]->number; j++){
                Vpmg_dbPermanentMultipoleForce(pmg[i], j, force);
                rff[j][0] += sign * force[0];
                rff[j][1] += sign * force[1];
                rff[j][2] += sign * force[2];
          zkappa2 = Vpbe_getZkappa2(pmg[i]->pbe);
          if (zkappa2 > VPMGSMALL) {
             for (j=0; j < alist[0]->number; j++) {
                Vpmg_ibPermanentMultipoleForce(pmg[i], j, force);
                rff[j][0] += sign * force[0];
                rff[j][1] += sign * force[1];
                rff[j][2] += sign * force[2];

    //nosh->ndiel = 2;
    //nosh->nkappa = 2;
    printf("Energy (multipole) %f Kcal/mol\n", *energy);
    printf("Energy (volume)    %f Kcal/mol\n", evol * 0.5 * kT);

    // Convert results into kcal/mol units
    kT = Vunit_kb * (1e-3) * Vunit_Na * 298.15 * 1.0/4.184;
    // Electric converts from electron**2/Angstrom to kcal/mol
    electric = 332.063709;
    *total = 0.0;
    for (i=0; i<alist[0]->number; i++){
       /* starting with the field in KT/e/Ang^2 multiply by kcal/mol/KT
          the field is then divided by "electric" to convert to e/Ang^2 */
       energy[i] *= 0.5 * kT;
       *total += energy[i];
       fld[i][0] *= kT / electric;
       fld[i][1] *= kT / electric;
       fld[i][2] *= kT / electric;
       rff[i][0] *= kT;
       rff[i][1] *= kT;
       rff[i][2] *= kT;
       rft[i][0] *= kT;
       rft[i][1] *= kT;
       rft[i][2] *= kT;

    killMG(nosh, pbe, pmgp, pmg);
文件: vclist.c 项目: mjhsieh/oldstuff
/* Assign atoms to cells */
VPRIVATE Vrc_Codes Vclist_assignAtoms(Vclist *thee) {

    int iatom, i, j, k, ui, inext;
    int imax[VAPBS_DIM], imin[VAPBS_DIM];
    int totatoms;
    Vatom *atom;
    VclistCell *cell;

    /* Find out how many atoms are associated with each grid point */
    totatoms = 0;
    for (iatom=0; iatom<Valist_getNumberAtoms(thee->alist); iatom++) { 

        /* Get grid span for atom */
        atom = Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, iatom);
        Vclist_gridSpan(thee, atom, imin, imax);

        /* Now find and assign the grid points */
        VASSERT(VAPBS_DIM == 3);
        for ( i = imin[0]; i <= imax[0]; i++) {
            for ( j = imin[1]; j <= imax[1]; j++) {
                for ( k = imin[2]; k <= imax[2]; k++) {
                    /* Get index to array */
                    ui = Vclist_arrayIndex(thee, i, j, k);
                    /* Increment number of atoms for this grid point */
                    cell = &(thee->cells[ui]);
    Vnm_print(0, "Vclist_assignAtoms:  Have %d atom entries\n", totatoms);

    /* Allocate the space to store the pointers to the atoms */
    for (ui=0; ui<thee->n; ui++) {
        cell = &(thee->cells[ui]);
        if ( VclistCell_ctor2(cell, cell->natoms) == VRC_FAILURE ) {
            Vnm_print(2, "Vclist_assignAtoms:  cell error!\n");
            return VRC_FAILURE;
        /* Clear the counter for later use */
        cell->natoms = 0;
    /* Assign the atoms to grid points */
    for (iatom=0; iatom<Valist_getNumberAtoms(thee->alist); iatom++) {

        /* Get grid span for atom */
        atom = Valist_getAtom(thee->alist, iatom);
        Vclist_gridSpan(thee, atom, imin, imax);

        /* Now find and assign the grid points */
        for (i = imin[0]; i <= imax[0]; i++) {
            for (j = imin[1]; j <= imax[1]; j++) {
                for (k = imin[2]; k <= imax[2]; k++) {
                    /* Get index to array */
                    ui = Vclist_arrayIndex(thee, i, j, k);
                    cell = &(thee->cells[ui]);
                    /* Index of next available array location */
                    inext = cell->natoms;
                    cell->atoms[inext] = atom;
                    /* Increment number of atoms */

    return VRC_SUCCESS;