static void test_expand_list_nested(void **state) { EvalContext *ctx = *state; { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse("default:bundle.i"); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, "one", CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL); VarRefDestroy(lval); } { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse("default:bundle.inner[one]"); Rlist *list = NULL; RlistAppendScalar(&list, "foo"); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, list, CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING_LIST, NULL); RlistDestroy(list); VarRefDestroy(lval); } Rlist *outer = NULL; RlistAppendScalar(&outer, "@{inner[$(i)]}"); Rlist *expanded = ExpandList(ctx, "default", "bundle", outer, true); assert_int_equal(1, RlistLen(expanded)); assert_string_equal("foo", RlistScalarValue(expanded)); RlistDestroy(outer); RlistDestroy(expanded); }
static void test_expand_promise_array_with_scalar_arg(void **state) { EvalContext *ctx = *state; { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse("[one]"); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, "first", CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL); VarRefDestroy(lval); } { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse(""); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, "one", CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL); VarRefDestroy(lval); } Policy *policy = PolicyNew(); Bundle *bundle = PolicyAppendBundle(policy, NamespaceDefault(), "bundle", "agent", NULL, NULL); PromiseType *promise_type = BundleAppendPromiseType(bundle, "dummy"); Promise *promise = PromiseTypeAppendPromise(promise_type, "$(foo[$(bar)])", (Rval) { NULL, RVAL_TYPE_NOPROMISEE }, "any", NULL); EvalContextStackPushBundleFrame(ctx, bundle, NULL, false); EvalContextStackPushPromiseTypeFrame(ctx, promise_type); ExpandPromise(ctx, promise, actuator_expand_promise_array_with_scalar_arg, NULL); EvalContextStackPopFrame(ctx); EvalContextStackPopFrame(ctx); PolicyDestroy(policy); }
static void test_remove(void) { VariableTable *t = ReferenceTable(); { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("scope1.array[one]"); assert_true(VariableTableRemove(t, ref)); assert_true(VariableTableGet(t, ref) == NULL); assert_false(VariableTableRemove(t, ref)); assert_int_equal(11, VariableTableCount(t, NULL, NULL, NULL)); VarRefDestroy(ref); } { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("ns1:scope1.lval1"); assert_true(VariableTableRemove(t, ref)); assert_true(VariableTableGet(t, ref) == NULL); assert_false(VariableTableRemove(t, ref)); assert_int_equal(10, VariableTableCount(t, NULL, NULL, NULL)); VarRefDestroy(ref); } VariableTableDestroy(t); }
static void test_iterate_indices(void) { VariableTable *t = ReferenceTable(); { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("default:scope1.array"); VariableTableIterator *iter = VariableTableIteratorNewFromVarRef(t, ref); unsigned short number_of_entries = 0; while (VariableTableIteratorNext(iter)) { number_of_entries++; } assert_int_equal(4, number_of_entries); VariableTableIteratorDestroy(iter); VarRefDestroy(ref); } { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("default:scope1.array[two]"); VariableTableIterator *iter = VariableTableIteratorNewFromVarRef(t, ref); unsigned short number_of_entries = 0; while (VariableTableIteratorNext(iter)) { number_of_entries++; } assert_int_equal(3, number_of_entries); VariableTableIteratorDestroy(iter); VarRefDestroy(ref); } }
static void test_expand_promise_slist(void **state) { actuator_state = 0; EvalContext *ctx = *state; { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse(""); Rlist *list = NULL; RlistAppendScalar(&list, "a"); RlistAppendScalar(&list, "b"); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, list, CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING_LIST, NULL); RlistDestroy(list); VarRefDestroy(lval); } Policy *policy = PolicyNew(); Bundle *bundle = PolicyAppendBundle(policy, NamespaceDefault(), "bundle", "agent", NULL, NULL); PromiseType *promise_type = BundleAppendPromiseType(bundle, "dummy"); Promise *promise = PromiseTypeAppendPromise(promise_type, "$(foo)", (Rval) { NULL, RVAL_TYPE_NOPROMISEE }, "any", NULL); EvalContextStackPushBundleFrame(ctx, bundle, NULL, false); EvalContextStackPushPromiseTypeFrame(ctx, promise_type); ExpandPromise(ctx, promise, actuator_expand_promise_slist, NULL); EvalContextStackPopFrame(ctx); EvalContextStackPopFrame(ctx); assert_int_equal(2, actuator_state); PolicyDestroy(policy); }
static bool PutVar(VariableTable *table, char *var_str) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse(var_str); Rval rval = (Rval) { var_str, RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }; bool ret = VariableTablePut(table, ref, &rval, CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL, NULL); VarRefDestroy(ref); return ret; }
static void CheckToString(const char *str) { VarRef ref = VarRefParse(str); char *out = VarRefToString(ref); assert_string_equal(str, out); free(out); VarRefDestroy(ref); }
static VariableTable *ReferenceTable(void) { VariableTable *t = VariableTableNew(); assert_false(PutVar(t, "scope1.lval1")); assert_false(PutVar(t, "scope1.lval2")); assert_false(PutVar(t, "scope2.lval1")); { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("scope1.array[one]"); Rval rval = (Rval) { "scope1.array[one]", RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }; assert_false(VariableTablePut(t, ref, &rval, DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL, NULL)); VarRefDestroy(ref); } { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("scope1.array[two]"); Rval rval = (Rval) { "scope1.array[two]", RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }; assert_false(VariableTablePut(t, ref, &rval, DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL, NULL)); VarRefDestroy(ref); } { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("scope1.array[two][three]"); Rval rval = (Rval) { "scope1.array[two][three]", RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }; assert_false(VariableTablePut(t, ref, &rval, DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL, NULL)); VarRefDestroy(ref); } { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("scope1.array[two][four]"); Rval rval = (Rval) { "scope1.array[two][four]", RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }; assert_false(VariableTablePut(t, ref, &rval, DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL, NULL)); VarRefDestroy(ref); } assert_false(PutVar(t, "ns1:scope1.lval1")); assert_false(PutVar(t, "ns1:scope1.lval2")); assert_false(PutVar(t, "ns1:scope2.lval1")); return t; }
static void TestGet(VariableTable *t, const char *ref_str) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse(ref_str); Variable *v = VariableTableGet(t, ref); assert_true(v != NULL); assert_int_equal(0, VarRefCompare(ref, v->ref)); assert_string_equal(ref_str, RvalScalarValue(v->rval)); VarRefDestroy(ref); }
static void test_full(void **state) { VarRef ref = VarRefParse("ns:scope.lval"); assert_string_equal("ns", ref.ns); assert_string_equal("scope", ref.scope); assert_string_equal("lval", ref.lval); assert_int_equal(0, ref.num_indices); assert_false(ref.indices); VarRefDestroy(ref); }
static void test_qualified_array(void **state) { VarRef ref = VarRefParse("scope.lval[x]"); assert_false(ref.ns); assert_string_equal("scope", ref.scope); assert_string_equal("lval", ref.lval); assert_int_equal(1, ref.num_indices); assert_string_equal("x", ref.indices[0]); VarRefDestroy(ref); }
static void test_dotted_array(void **state) { VarRef ref = VarRefParse("ns:scope.lval[]"); assert_string_equal("ns", ref.ns); assert_string_equal("scope", ref.scope); assert_string_equal("lval", ref.lval); assert_int_equal(1, ref.num_indices); assert_string_equal("", ref.indices[0]); VarRefDestroy(ref); }
static void test_plain_variable_with_no_stuff_in_it(void **state) { VarRef ref = VarRefParse("foo"); assert_false(ref.ns); assert_false(ref.scope); assert_string_equal("foo", ref.lval); assert_int_equal(0, ref.num_indices); assert_false(ref.indices); VarRefDestroy(ref); }
static void test_expand_scalar_array_with_scalar_arg(void **state) { EvalContext *ctx = *state; { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse("[one]"); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, "first", CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL); VarRefDestroy(lval); } { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse(""); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, "one", CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL); VarRefDestroy(lval); } Buffer *res = BufferNew(); ExpandScalar(ctx, "default", "bundle", "a$(foo[$(bar)])b", res); assert_string_equal("afirstb", BufferData(res)); BufferDestroy(res); }
static void test_expand_scalar_two_scalars_nested(void **state) { EvalContext *ctx = *state; { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse(""); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, "first", CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL); VarRefDestroy(lval); } { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse("default:bundle.two"); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, "one", CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL); VarRefDestroy(lval); } Buffer *res = BufferNew(); ExpandScalar(ctx, "default", "bundle", "a $($(two))b", res); assert_string_equal("a firstb", BufferData(res)); BufferDestroy(res); }
VarRef *VarRefParseFromBundle(const char *var_ref_string, const Bundle *bundle) { if (bundle) { return VarRefParseFromNamespaceAndScope(var_ref_string, bundle->ns, bundle->name, CF_NS, '.'); } else { return VarRefParse(var_ref_string); } }
static void test_levels(void **state) { VarRef ref = VarRefParse("ns:scope.lval[x][y][z]"); assert_string_equal("ns", ref.ns); assert_string_equal("scope", ref.scope); assert_string_equal("lval", ref.lval); assert_int_equal(3, ref.num_indices); assert_string_equal("x", ref.indices[0]); assert_string_equal("y", ref.indices[1]); assert_string_equal("z", ref.indices[2]); VarRefDestroy(ref); }
void RlistFlatten(EvalContext *ctx, Rlist **list) { for (Rlist *rp = *list; rp != NULL;) { if (rp->val.type != RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR) { rp = rp->next; continue; } char naked[CF_BUFSIZE] = ""; if (IsNakedVar(RlistScalarValue(rp), '@')) { GetNaked(naked, RlistScalarValue(rp)); if (!IsExpandable(naked)) { Rval rv; VarRef *ref = VarRefParse(naked); bool var_found = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &rv, NULL); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (var_found) { switch (rv.type) { case RVAL_TYPE_LIST: for (const Rlist *srp = rv.item; srp != NULL; srp = srp->next) { RlistAppendRval(list, RvalCopy(srp->val)); } Rlist *next = rp->next; RlistDestroyEntry(list, rp); rp = next; continue; default: ProgrammingError("List variable does not resolve to a list"); RlistAppendRval(list, RvalCopy(rp->val)); break; } } } } rp = rp->next; } }
static void test_replace(void) { VariableTable *t = ReferenceTable(); VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("scope1.lval1"); TestGet(t, "scope1.lval1"); Rval rval = (Rval) { "foo", RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }; assert_true(VariableTablePut(t, ref, &rval, CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL, NULL)); Variable *v = VariableTableGet(t, ref); assert_true(v != NULL); assert_string_equal("foo", RvalScalarValue(v->rval)); VarRefDestroy(ref); VariableTableDestroy(t); }
DataType StringDataType(EvalContext *ctx, const char *string) { int islist = false; DataType dtype = CF_DATA_TYPE_NONE; /*------------------------------------------------------- What happens if we embed vars in a literal string "$(list)withending" - a list? "$(list1)$(list2)" - not a simple list Disallow these manual concatenations as ambiguous. Demand this syntax to work around vars: "listvar" slist => EmbellishList("prefix$(list)suffix"); ---------------------------------------------------------*/ size_t len = strlen(string); if (*string == '$') { Buffer *inner_value = BufferNew(); if (ExtractScalarReference(inner_value, string, len, true)) { if (!IsExpandable(BufferData(inner_value))) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse(BufferData(inner_value)); if (EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &dtype)) { if (DataTypeToRvalType(dtype) == RVAL_TYPE_LIST) { if (!islist) { islist = true; } else { islist = false; } } } VarRefDestroy(ref); } if (BufferSize(inner_value) == strlen(string)) { BufferDestroy(inner_value); return dtype; } else { BufferDestroy(inner_value); return CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING; } } BufferDestroy(inner_value); } return CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING; }
/** * @brief Flattens an Rlist by expanding naked scalar list-variable * members. Flattening is only one-level deep. */ void RlistFlatten(EvalContext *ctx, Rlist **list) { Rlist *next; for (Rlist *rp = *list; rp != NULL; rp = next) { next = rp->next; if (rp->val.type == RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR && IsNakedVar(RlistScalarValue(rp), '@')) { char naked[CF_MAXVARSIZE]; GetNaked(naked, RlistScalarValue(rp)); /* Make sure there are no inner expansions to take place, like if * rp was "@{blah_$(blue)}". */ if (!IsExpandable(naked)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Flattening slist: %s", RlistScalarValue(rp)); VarRef *ref = VarRefParse(naked); DataType value_type; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &value_type); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (value_type == CF_DATA_TYPE_NONE) { assert(value == NULL); continue; /* undefined variable */ } if (DataTypeToRvalType(value_type) != RVAL_TYPE_LIST) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "'%s' failed - variable is not list but %s", RlistScalarValue(rp), DataTypeToString(value_type)); continue; } /* NOTE: Remember that value can be NULL as an empty Rlist. */ /* at_node: just a mnemonic name for the list node with @{blah}. */ Rlist *at_node = rp; Rlist *insert_after = at_node; for (const Rlist *rp2 = value; rp2 != NULL; rp2 = rp2->next) { assert(insert_after != NULL); RlistInsertAfter(insert_after, RvalCopy(rp2->val)); insert_after = insert_after->next; } /* Make sure we won't miss any element. */ assert(insert_after->next == next); RlistDestroyEntry(list, at_node); /* Delete @{blah} entry */ char *list_s = RlistToString(*list); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Flattened slist: %s", list_s); free(list_s); } } } }
// Below test relies on the ordering items in RB tree which is strongly // related to the hash function used. static void test_iterate_indices_ordering_related(void) { VariableTable *t = ReferenceTable(); { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("default:scope1.array"); VariableTableIterator *iter = VariableTableIteratorNewFromVarRef(t, ref); Variable *v = VariableTableIteratorNext(iter); assert_true(v != NULL); assert_int_equal(1, v->ref->num_indices); assert_string_equal("two", v->ref->indices[0]); v = VariableTableIteratorNext(iter); assert_true(v != NULL); assert_int_equal(2, v->ref->num_indices); assert_string_equal("two", v->ref->indices[0]); assert_string_equal("three", v->ref->indices[1]); v = VariableTableIteratorNext(iter); assert_true(v != NULL); assert_int_equal(2, v->ref->num_indices); assert_string_equal("two", v->ref->indices[0]); assert_string_equal("four", v->ref->indices[1]); v = VariableTableIteratorNext(iter); assert_true(v != NULL); assert_int_equal(1, v->ref->num_indices); assert_string_equal("one", v->ref->indices[0]); assert_false(VariableTableIteratorNext(iter) != NULL); VariableTableIteratorDestroy(iter); VarRefDestroy(ref); } { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse("default:scope1.array[two]"); VariableTableIterator *iter = VariableTableIteratorNewFromVarRef(t, ref); Variable *v = VariableTableIteratorNext(iter); assert_true(v != NULL); assert_int_equal(1, v->ref->num_indices); assert_string_equal("two", v->ref->indices[0]); v = VariableTableIteratorNext(iter); assert_true(v != NULL); assert_int_equal(2, v->ref->num_indices); assert_string_equal("two", v->ref->indices[0]); assert_string_equal("three", v->ref->indices[1]); v = VariableTableIteratorNext(iter); assert_true(v != NULL); assert_int_equal(2, v->ref->num_indices); assert_string_equal("two", v->ref->indices[0]); assert_string_equal("four", v->ref->indices[1]); assert_false(VariableTableIteratorNext(iter) != NULL); VariableTableIteratorDestroy(iter); VarRefDestroy(ref); } VariableTableDestroy(t); }
static void test_map_iterators_from_rval_naked_list_var_namespace(void **state) { EvalContext *ctx = *state; Policy *p = PolicyNew(); Bundle *bp = PolicyAppendBundle(p, "ns", "scope", "agent", NULL, NULL); { Rlist *list = NULL; RlistAppend(&list, "jersey", RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR); VarRef *lval = VarRefParse("ns:scope.jwow"); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, list, CF_DATA_TYPE_STRING_LIST, NULL); VarRefDestroy(lval); RlistDestroy(list); } EvalContextStackPushBundleFrame(ctx, bp, NULL, false); { Rlist *lists = NULL; Rlist *scalars = NULL; Rlist *containers = NULL; MapIteratorsFromRval(ctx, bp, (Rval) { "${jwow}", RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }, &scalars, &lists, &containers); assert_int_equal(1, RlistLen(lists)); assert_string_equal("jwow", RlistScalarValue(lists)); assert_int_equal(0, RlistLen(scalars)); assert_int_equal(0, RlistLen(containers)); RlistDestroy(lists); } { Rlist *lists = NULL; Rlist *scalars = NULL; Rlist *containers = NULL; char *str = xstrdup("${scope.jwow}"); MapIteratorsFromRval(ctx, bp, (Rval) { str, RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }, &scalars, &lists, &containers); assert_string_equal("${scope#jwow}", str); free(str); assert_int_equal(1, RlistLen(lists)); assert_string_equal("scope#jwow", RlistScalarValue(lists)); assert_int_equal(0, RlistLen(scalars)); assert_int_equal(0, RlistLen(containers)); RlistDestroy(lists); } { Rlist *lists = NULL; Rlist *scalars = NULL; Rlist *containers = NULL; char *str = xstrdup("${ns:scope.jwow}"); MapIteratorsFromRval(ctx, bp, (Rval) { str, RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR }, &scalars, &lists, &containers); assert_string_equal("${ns*scope#jwow}", str); free(str); assert_int_equal(1, RlistLen(lists)); assert_string_equal("ns*scope#jwow", RlistScalarValue(lists)); assert_int_equal(0, RlistLen(scalars)); assert_int_equal(0, RlistLen(containers)); RlistDestroy(lists); } EvalContextStackPopFrame(ctx); PolicyDestroy(p); }
DataType StringDataType(EvalContext *ctx, const char *string) { DataType dtype; Rval rval; int islist = false; char var[CF_BUFSIZE]; /*------------------------------------------------------- What happens if we embed vars in a literal string "$(list)withending" - a list? "$(list1)$(list2)" - not a simple list Disallow these manual concatenations as ambiguous. Demand this syntax to work around vars: "listvar" slist => EmbellishList("prefix$(list)suffix"); ---------------------------------------------------------*/ var[0] = '\0'; if (*string == '$') { if (ExtractInnerCf3VarString(string, var)) { if (!IsExpandable(var)) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse(var); if (EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &rval, &dtype)) { if (rval.type == RVAL_TYPE_LIST) { if (!islist) { islist = true; } else { islist = false; } } } VarRefDestroy(ref); } if (strlen(var) == strlen(string)) { /* Can trust variables own datatype */ return dtype; } else { /* Must force non-pure substitution to be generic type CF_SCALAR.cf_str */ return DATA_TYPE_STRING; } } } return DATA_TYPE_STRING; }
static void ExpandAndMapIteratorsFromScalar(EvalContext *ctx, const Bundle *bundle, char *string, size_t length, int level, Rlist **scalars, Rlist **lists, Rlist **containers, Rlist **full_expansion) { assert(string); if (!string) { return; } Buffer *value = BufferNew(); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { const char *sp = string + i; Rlist *tmp_list = NULL; BufferZero(value); if (ExtractScalarPrefix(value, sp, length - i)) { if (full_expansion) { RlistConcatInto(&tmp_list, *full_expansion, BufferData(value)); RlistDestroy(*full_expansion); *full_expansion = tmp_list; tmp_list = NULL; } sp += BufferSize(value); i += BufferSize(value); BufferZero(value); if (i >= length) { break; } } if (*sp == '$') { BufferZero(value); ExtractScalarReference(value, sp, length - i, true); if (BufferSize(value) > 0) { Rlist *inner_expansion = NULL; Rlist *exp = NULL; int success = 0; VarRef *ref = VarRefParse(BufferData(value)); int increment = BufferSize(value) - 1 + 3; // Handle any embedded variables char *substring = string + i + 2; ExpandAndMapIteratorsFromScalar(ctx, bundle, substring, BufferSize(value), level+1, scalars, lists, containers, &inner_expansion); for (exp = inner_expansion; exp != NULL; exp = exp->next) { // If a list is non-local, i.e. $(bundle.var), map it to local $(bundle#var) // NB without modifying variables as we map them, it's not // possible to handle remote lists referenced by a variable // scope. For example: // scope => "test."; var => "somelist"; $($(scope)$(var)) fails // varname => "test.somelist"; $($(varname)) also fails // TODO Unless the consumer handles it? const char *inner_ref_str = RlistScalarValue(exp); VarRef *inner_ref = VarRefParseFromBundle(inner_ref_str, bundle); // var is the expanded name of the variable in its native context // finalname will be the mapped name in the local context "this." DataType value_type = DATA_TYPE_NONE; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, inner_ref, &value_type); if (value) { char *mangled_inner_ref = xstrdup(inner_ref_str); MangleVarRefString(mangled_inner_ref, strlen(mangled_inner_ref)); success++; switch (DataTypeToRvalType(value_type)) { case RVAL_TYPE_LIST: if (level > 0) { RlistPrependScalarIdemp(lists, mangled_inner_ref); } else { RlistAppendScalarIdemp(lists, mangled_inner_ref); } if (full_expansion) { for (const Rlist *rp = value; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) { // append each slist item to each of full_expansion RlistConcatInto(&tmp_list, *full_expansion, RlistScalarValue(rp)); } } break; case RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR: RlistAppendScalarIdemp(scalars, mangled_inner_ref); if (full_expansion) { // append the scalar value to each of full_expansion RlistConcatInto(&tmp_list, *full_expansion, value); } break; case RVAL_TYPE_CONTAINER: if (level > 0) { RlistPrependScalarIdemp(containers, mangled_inner_ref); } else { RlistAppendScalarIdemp(containers, mangled_inner_ref); } break; case RVAL_TYPE_FNCALL: case RVAL_TYPE_NOPROMISEE: break; } free(mangled_inner_ref); } VarRefDestroy(inner_ref); } RlistDestroy(inner_expansion); if (full_expansion) { RlistDestroy(*full_expansion); *full_expansion = tmp_list; tmp_list = NULL; } // No need to map this.* even though it's technically qualified if (success && IsQualifiedVariable(BufferData(value)) && strcmp(ref->scope, "this") != 0) { char *dotpos = strchr(substring, '.'); if (dotpos) { *dotpos = CF_MAPPEDLIST; // replace '.' with '#' } if (strchr(BufferData(value), ':')) { char *colonpos = strchr(substring, ':'); if (colonpos) { *colonpos = '*'; } } } VarRefDestroy(ref); sp += increment; i += increment; } } } BufferDestroy(value); }
static Policy *LoadPolicyFile(EvalContext *ctx, GenericAgentConfig *config, const char *policy_file, StringSet *parsed_files_and_checksums, StringSet *failed_files) { unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE + 1] = { 0 }; char hashbuffer[CF_HOSTKEY_STRING_SIZE] = { 0 }; char hashprintbuffer[CF_BUFSIZE] = { 0 }; HashFile(policy_file, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); snprintf(hashprintbuffer, CF_BUFSIZE - 1, "{checksum}%s", HashPrintSafe(hashbuffer, sizeof(hashbuffer), digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, true)); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Hashed policy file %s to %s", policy_file, hashprintbuffer); if (StringSetContains(parsed_files_and_checksums, policy_file)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Skipping loading of duplicate policy file %s", policy_file); return NULL; } else if (StringSetContains(parsed_files_and_checksums, hashprintbuffer)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Skipping loading of duplicate (detected by hash) policy file %s", policy_file); return NULL; } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Loading policy file %s", policy_file); } Policy *policy = Cf3ParseFile(config, policy_file); // we keep the checksum and the policy file name to help debugging StringSetAdd(parsed_files_and_checksums, xstrdup(policy_file)); StringSetAdd(parsed_files_and_checksums, xstrdup(hashprintbuffer)); if (policy) { Seq *errors = SeqNew(10, free); if (!PolicyCheckPartial(policy, errors)) { Writer *writer = FileWriter(stderr); for (size_t i = 0; i < errors->length; i++) { PolicyErrorWrite(writer, errors->data[i]); } WriterClose(writer); SeqDestroy(errors); StringSetAdd(failed_files, xstrdup(policy_file)); PolicyDestroy(policy); return NULL; } SeqDestroy(errors); } else { StringSetAdd(failed_files, xstrdup(policy_file)); return NULL; } PolicyResolve(ctx, policy, config); DataType def_inputs_type = CF_DATA_TYPE_NONE; VarRef *inputs_ref = VarRefParse("def.augment_inputs"); const void *def_inputs = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, inputs_ref, &def_inputs_type); VarRefDestroy(inputs_ref); if (RVAL_TYPE_CONTAINER == DataTypeToRvalType(def_inputs_type) && NULL != def_inputs) { const JsonElement *el; JsonIterator iter = JsonIteratorInit((JsonElement*) def_inputs); while ((el = JsonIteratorNextValueByType(&iter, JSON_ELEMENT_TYPE_PRIMITIVE, true))) { char *input = JsonPrimitiveToString(el); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Loading augments from def.augment_inputs: %s", input); Rlist* inputs_rlist = NULL; RlistAppendScalar(&inputs_rlist, input); Policy *aux_policy = LoadPolicyInputFiles(ctx, config, inputs_rlist, parsed_files_and_checksums, failed_files); if (aux_policy) { policy = PolicyMerge(policy, aux_policy); } RlistDestroy(inputs_rlist); free(input); } } Body *body_common_control = PolicyGetBody(policy, NULL, "common", "control"); Body *body_file_control = PolicyGetBody(policy, NULL, "file", "control"); if (body_common_control) { Seq *potential_inputs = BodyGetConstraint(body_common_control, "inputs"); Constraint *cp = EffectiveConstraint(ctx, potential_inputs); SeqDestroy(potential_inputs); if (cp) { Policy *aux_policy = LoadPolicyInputFiles(ctx, config, RvalRlistValue(cp->rval), parsed_files_and_checksums, failed_files); if (aux_policy) { policy = PolicyMerge(policy, aux_policy); } } } if (body_file_control) { Seq *potential_inputs = BodyGetConstraint(body_file_control, "inputs"); Constraint *cp = EffectiveConstraint(ctx, potential_inputs); SeqDestroy(potential_inputs); if (cp) { Policy *aux_policy = LoadPolicyInputFiles(ctx, config, RvalRlistValue(cp->rval), parsed_files_and_checksums, failed_files); if (aux_policy) { policy = PolicyMerge(policy, aux_policy); } } } return policy; }
void RlistFlatten(EvalContext *ctx, Rlist **list) { Rlist *prev = NULL, *next; for (Rlist *rp = *list; rp != NULL; rp = next) { next = rp->next; if (rp->val.type != RVAL_TYPE_SCALAR) { prev = rp; continue; } char naked[CF_BUFSIZE] = ""; if (IsNakedVar(RlistScalarValue(rp), '@')) { GetNaked(naked, RlistScalarValue(rp)); if (!IsExpandable(naked)) { VarRef *ref = VarRefParse(naked); DataType value_type = CF_DATA_TYPE_NONE; const void *value = EvalContextVariableGet(ctx, ref, &value_type); VarRefDestroy(ref); if (value) { switch (DataTypeToRvalType(value_type)) { case RVAL_TYPE_LIST: { RlistDestroyEntry(list, rp); for (const Rlist *srp = value; srp != NULL; srp = srp->next) { Rlist *nrp = xmalloc(sizeof(Rlist)); nrp->val = RvalCopy(srp->val); nrp->next = next; if (prev) { prev->next = nrp; } else { *list = nrp; } prev = nrp; } } continue; default: Log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Attempted to dereference variable '%s' using @ but variable did not resolve to a list", RlistScalarValue(rp)); break; } } } } prev = rp; } }
static void test_load(void) { GenericAgentConfig *agent_config = GenericAgentConfigNewDefault(AGENT_TYPE_EXECUTOR); ExecConfig *c = ExecConfigNewDefault(true, "host", "ip"); assert_true(c->scheduled_run); assert_string_equal("host", c->fq_name); assert_string_equal("ip", c->ip_address); TestCheckConfigIsDefault(c); EvalContext *ctx = EvalContextNew(); { VarRef *lval = VarRefParse(""); EvalContextVariablePut(ctx, lval, "snookie", DATA_TYPE_STRING, NULL); VarRefDestroy(lval); } // provide a full body executor control and check that all options are collected { Policy *p = LoadPolicy(""); PolicyResolve(ctx, p, agent_config); ExecConfigUpdate(ctx, p, c); assert_true(c->scheduled_run); assert_string_equal("host", c->fq_name); assert_string_equal("ip", c->ip_address); assert_int_equal(120, c->agent_expireafter); assert_string_equal("/bin/echo", c->exec_command); assert_string_equal("LOG_LOCAL6",c->log_facility); assert_string_equal("*****@*****.**",c->mail_from_address); assert_int_equal(50, c->mail_max_lines); assert_string_equal("localhost", c->mail_server); assert_string_equal("*****@*****.**",c->mail_to_address); assert_string_equal("Test [localhost/]",c->mail_subject); // splay time hard to test (pseudo random) assert_int_equal(2, StringSetSize(c->schedule)); assert_true(StringSetContains(c->schedule, "Min00_05")); assert_true(StringSetContains(c->schedule, "Min05_10")); PolicyDestroy(p); } // provide a small policy and check that missing settings are being reverted to default { { Policy *p = LoadPolicy(""); PolicyResolve(ctx, p, agent_config); ExecConfigUpdate(ctx, p, c); assert_true(c->scheduled_run); assert_string_equal("host", c->fq_name); assert_string_equal("ip", c->ip_address); assert_int_equal(121, c->agent_expireafter); // rest should be default assert_string_equal("", c->exec_command); assert_string_equal("LOG_USER",c->log_facility); assert_string_equal("",c->mail_from_address); assert_int_equal(30, c->mail_max_lines); assert_string_equal("", c->mail_server); assert_string_equal("",c->mail_to_address); assert_string_equal("",c->mail_subject); assert_int_equal(0, c->splay_time); assert_int_equal(12, StringSetSize(c->schedule)); PolicyDestroy(p); } } EvalContextDestroy(ctx); GenericAgentConfigDestroy(agent_config); }