bool CmdLnBatchRead(            // READ NEXT LINE IN COMMAND BUFFER
    VBUF *buf )                 // - virtual buffer
    VbufInit( buf );
    for(;;) {
        int c = nextChar();
        if( CompFlags.batch_file_eof ) break;
        if( c == '\n' ) break;
        VbufConcChr( buf, c );
    DbgVerify( VbufLen( buf ) > 0, "CmdLnReadBatch -- nothing" );
    ++ CompInfo.fc_file_line;
    return( VbufLen( buf ) );
static void fmtSymScope( SCOPE scope, VBUF *pvbuf, boolean include_function )
    TYPE    class_type;
    NAME    name;
    char    *sname;
    SYMBOL  sym;
    VBUF    prefix;

    while( scope != NULL ) {
        switch( scope->id ) {
        case SCOPE_FILE:
            sname = ScopeNameSpaceFormatName( scope );
            if( sname != NULL ) {
                VbufConcStrRev( pvbuf, scopeSep );
                VbufConcStrRev( pvbuf, sname );
        case SCOPE_CLASS:
            class_type = ScopeClass( scope );
            name = SimpleTypeName( class_type );
            if( name != NULL ) {
                VbufConcStrRev( pvbuf, scopeSep );
                if( class_type->flag & TF1_INSTANTIATION ) {
                    fmtTemplateParms( pvbuf, class_type );
                VbufConcStrRev( pvbuf, NameStr( name ) );
        case SCOPE_FUNCTION:
            if( include_function ) {
                VbufInit( &prefix );
                sym = ScopeFunction( scope );
                formatScopedSym( sym, &prefix, FF_NULL );
                if( VbufLen( &prefix ) > 0 ) {
                    VbufConcStrRev( &prefix, functionDelim );
                    VbufPrepVbuf( pvbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            return;             // function scope resolved on function name
        case SCOPE_BLOCK:
        case SCOPE_MAX:
            VbufConcStrRev( pvbuf, scopeSep );
            VbufConcStrRev( pvbuf, scopeError );
        scope = scope->enclosing;
void PrintFnovResolution( FNOV_RESULT result, arg_list *args,
    FNOV_LIST *match, FNOV_LIST *reject, SYMBOL sym )
// pseudo pretty display of overloaded ranking information
    int         length;
    VBUF        name;

    if( sym != NULL ) {
        FormatSym( sym, &name );
    } else if( match != NULL ) {
        FormatSym( match->sym, &name );
    } else if( reject != NULL ) {
        FormatSym( reject->sym, &name );
    } else {
        VbufInit( &name );
    printf( " Result: %s\n", resultNames[result] );
    if( VbufLen( &name ) > 0 ) {
        printf( "Symbol: '%s'", VbufString( &name ) );
        VbufFree( &name );
        length = RingCount( match ) + RingCount( reject );
        if( length > 0 ) {
            printf( " occurs %d time%s",
                    (length != 1 ? "s " : " " ) );
    printf( "\n" );

    if( sym == NULL && args != NULL ) {
        printf( "Ranked Arguments:\n" );
        printArgs( args );
    if( match != NULL ) {
        printf( "Matching Functions:\n" );
        PrintFnovList( match );
    if( reject != NULL ) {
        printf( "Rejected Functions:\n" );
        PrintFnovList( reject );
static int insertFixups( VBUF *src_code )
    struct asmfixup     *fix;
    struct asmfixup     *head;
    struct asmfixup     *chk;
    struct asmfixup     *next;
    struct asmfixup     **owner;
    unsigned char       *src;
    unsigned char       *src_start;
    unsigned char       *src_end;
    unsigned char       cg_fix;
    bool                perform_fixups;
    byte_seq            *seq;
    SYMBOL              sym;
    NAME                name;
    unsigned char       *dst;
    byte_seq_len        len;
    unsigned            skip;
    int                 mutate_to_segment;
    bool                uses_auto;
#if _CPU == 8086
    int                 fixup_padding;
    VBUF                out_code;

    uses_auto = FALSE;
    perform_fixups = FALSE;
    head = FixupHead;
    if( head == NULL ) {
        out_code = *src_code;
    } else {
        VbufInit( &out_code );
        FixupHead = NULL;
        /* sort the fixup list in increasing fixup_loc's */
        for( fix = head; fix != NULL; fix = next ) {
            owner = &FixupHead;
            for( ;; ) {
                chk = *owner;
                if( chk == NULL ) break;
                if( chk->fixup_loc > fix->fixup_loc ) break;
                owner = &chk->next;
            next = fix->next;
            fix->next = *owner;
            *owner = fix;
        len = 0;
        cg_fix = 0;
        sym = NULL;
        src_start = VbufBuffer( src_code );
        src_end = src_start + VbufLen( src_code );
        fix = FixupHead;
        owner = &FixupHead;
        /* insert fixup escape sequences */
        for( src = src_start; src < src_end; ) {
            /* reserve at least ASM_BLOCK bytes in the buffer */
            VbufReqd( &out_code, _RoundUp( len + ASM_BLOCK, ASM_BLOCK ) );
            dst = VbufBuffer( &out_code );
            if( fix != NULL && fix->fixup_loc == (src - src_start) ) {
                name = NULL;
                if( fix->name != NULL ) {
                    name = NameCreateNoLen( fix->name );
                    sym = ScopeASMUseSymbol( name, &uses_auto );
                    if( sym == NULL ) {
                        return( 0 );
                /* insert fixup information */
                skip = 0;
                dst[len++] = FLOATING_FIXUP_BYTE;
                mutate_to_segment = 0;
#if _CPU == 8086
                fixup_padding = 0;
                switch( fix->fixup_type ) {
                case FIX_FPPATCH:
                    dst[len++] = fix->offset;
                case FIX_SEG:
                    if( name == NULL ) {
                        // special case for floating point fixup
                        if( ( src[0] == 0x90 ) && ( src[1] == 0x9B ) ) {
                           // inline assembler FWAIT instruction 0x90, 0x9b
                            dst[len++] = FIX_FPP_WAIT;
                        } else if( src[0] == 0x9b && (src[1] & 0xd8) == 0xd8 ) {
                           // FWAIT as first byte and FPU instruction opcode as second byte
                            dst[len++] = FIX_FPP_NORMAL;
                        } else if( src[0] == 0x9b && (src[2] & 0xd8) == 0xd8 ) {
                           // FWAIT as first byte and FPU instruction opcode as third byte
                           // second byte should be segment override prefix
                            switch( src[1] ) {
                            case PREFIX_ES: dst[len++] = FIX_FPP_ES;    break;
                            case PREFIX_CS: dst[len++] = FIX_FPP_CS;    break;
                            case PREFIX_SS: dst[len++] = FIX_FPP_SS;    break;
                            case PREFIX_DS: dst[len++] = FIX_FPP_DS;    break;
                            case PREFIX_GS: dst[len++] = FIX_FPP_GS;    break;
                            case PREFIX_FS: dst[len++] = FIX_FPP_FS;    break;
                            default: --len; break;  // skip FP patch
                        } else {
                            // skip FP patch
                    } else {
                        skip = 2;
                        cg_fix = FIX_SYM_SEGMENT;
                case FIX_RELOFF16:
                    skip = 2;
                    cg_fix = FIX_SYM_RELOFF;
                case FIX_RELOFF32:
                    skip = 4;
                    cg_fix = FIX_SYM_RELOFF;
#if _CPU == 8086
                    fixup_padding = 1;
                case FIX_PTR16:
                    mutate_to_segment = 1;
                    /* fall through */
                case FIX_OFF16:
                    skip = 2;
                    cg_fix = FIX_SYM_OFFSET;
                case FIX_PTR32:
                    mutate_to_segment = 1;
                    /* fall through */
                case FIX_OFF32:
                    skip = 4;
                    cg_fix = FIX_SYM_OFFSET;
#if _CPU == 8086
                    fixup_padding = 1;
                    CErr2p( ERR_ASSEMBLER_ERROR, "cannot reach label" );
                if( skip != 0 ) {
                    dst[len++] = cg_fix;
                    *((BYTE_SEQ_SYM *)&dst[len]) = sym;
                    len += sizeof( BYTE_SEQ_SYM );
                    *((BYTE_SEQ_OFF *)&dst[len]) = fix->offset;
                    len += sizeof( BYTE_SEQ_OFF );
                    src += skip;
#if _CPU == 8086
                if( fixup_padding ) {
                    // add offset fixup padding to 32-bit
                    // cg create only 16-bit offset fixup
                    dst[len++] = 0;
                    dst[len++] = 0;
                if( mutate_to_segment ) {
                        Since the CG escape sequences don't allow for
                        FAR pointer fixups, we have to split them into two.
                        This is done by doing the offset fixup first, then
                        mutating the fixup structure to look like a segment
                        fixup one near pointer size later.
                    fix->fixup_type = FIX_SEG;
                    fix->fixup_loc += skip;
                    fix->offset = 0;
                } else {
                    head = fix;
                    fix = fix->next;
                    if( head->external ) {
                        *owner = fix;
                        CMemFree( head->name );
                        CMemFree( head );
                    } else {
                        owner = &head->next;
            } else {
                if( *src == FLOATING_FIXUP_BYTE ) {
                    dst[len++] = FLOATING_FIXUP_BYTE;
                dst[len++] = *src++;
            VbufSetLen( &out_code, len );
        perform_fixups = TRUE;
    len = VbufLen( &out_code );
    seq = CMemAlloc( offsetof( byte_seq, data ) + len );
    seq->relocs = perform_fixups;
    seq->length = len;
    memcpy( seq->data, VbufBuffer( &out_code ), len );
    CurrInfo->code = seq;
    if( VbufBuffer( &out_code ) != VbufBuffer( src_code ) )
        VbufFree( &out_code );
    return( uses_auto );