void DrawPolar(QPainter *p,pigalePaint *paint)
  {TopologicalGraph G(paint->GCP);
  Prop<Tpoint> Vcoord(G.Set(tvertex()),PROP_DRAW_COORD);
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint1(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_1);
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint2(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_2);
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint11(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_3);
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint12(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_4);
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint21(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_5);
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint22(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_6);
  Prop<double> Erho   (G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_DBLE_1);
  Prop<double> Etheta1(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_DBLE_2);
  Prop<double> Etheta2(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_DBLE_3);
  Prop1<double> nw(G.Set(),PROP_DRAW_DBLE_1);
  Prop<short> vcolor(G.Set(tvertex()),PROP_COLOR);
  int m = G.ne(); 
  int ox,oy,nx,ny,theta,dt;
  QPen pn = p->pen();pn.setWidth(1);

  for (tedge ee=1; ee<=m; ee++)
      {if (Erho[ee]==-1)
      if (Epoint11[ee]!=Tpoint(-1,-1))
      else if (Epoint12[ee]!=Tpoint(-1,-1))
      if (Epoint21[ee]!=Tpoint(-1,-1))
      else if (Epoint22[ee]!=Tpoint(-1,-1))
      ox = paint->to_x(-Erho[ee]);
      oy = paint->to_y(Erho[ee]);
      nx = (int)(2*Erho[ee]*paint->xscale + .5);
      ny = (int)(2*Erho[ee]*paint->yscale + .5);
      theta = (int)(Etheta1[ee]*16*180/PI+.5);
      dt = (int)((Etheta2[ee] - Etheta1[ee])*16*180/PI+.5); 
  // Draw the vertices
  double dx = .001;
  for(tvertex v = 1;v <= G.nv();v++)
      {double x = Vcoord[v].x()-dx*.5;
      double y = Vcoord[v].y()-dx*.5;
      Tpoint pt(x,y);
      paint->DrawText(p,pt, v,vcolor[v],1);
void DrawPolyline(QPainter *p,pigalePaint *paint)
  {GeometricGraph G(paint->GCP);
  Prop<Tpoint> Vcoord(G.Set(tvertex()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_1);
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint1(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_1);
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint2(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_2);
  Prop<Tpoint> Ebend(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_3);
  Prop<short> ecolor(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_COLOR);
  Prop<short> vcolor(G.Set(tvertex()),PROP_COLOR);

  QPen pn = p->pen();pn.setWidth(2);

  for (tedge ee=1; ee<= G.ne(); ee++)
      {if (Ebend[ee] != Tpoint(-1, -1)) 
          {paint->DrawSeg(p, Epoint1[ee], Ebend[ee],ecolor[ee]);
          paint->DrawSeg(p, Ebend[ee], Epoint2[ee],ecolor[ee]);
          paint->DrawSeg(p, Epoint1[ee], Epoint2[ee] , ecolor[ee]);
  // Draw the vertices
  p->setFont(QFont("sans",Min((int)(.45 * Min(paint->xscale,paint->yscale) + .5),13)));
  for(tvertex v = 1;v <= G.nv();v++)
// Action_Watershell::DoAction()
Action::RetType Action_Watershell::DoAction(int frameNum, ActionFrame& frm) {
  int nlower = 0;
  int nupper = 0;
# ifdef CUDA
  // Copy solvent atom coords to array
  unsigned int idx = 0; // Index into V_atom_coords_
  for (AtomMask::const_iterator atm = solventMask_.begin();
                                atm != solventMask_.end(); ++atm, idx += 3)
    const double* xyz = frm.Frm().XYZ( *atm );
    V_atom_coords_[idx  ] = xyz[0];
    V_atom_coords_[idx+1] = xyz[1];
    V_atom_coords_[idx+2] = xyz[2];
  Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
  if (image_.ImageType() == NONORTHO)
    frm.Frm().BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
  // Copy solute atom coords to array
  idx = 0;
  for (AtomMask::const_iterator atm = soluteMask_.begin();
                                atm != soluteMask_.end(); ++atm, idx += 3)
    const double* XYZ = frm.Frm().XYZ( *atm );
    soluteCoords_[idx  ] = XYZ[0];
    soluteCoords_[idx+1] = XYZ[1];
    soluteCoords_[idx+2] = XYZ[2];

  Action_Closest_NoCenter( &V_atom_coords_[0], &V_distances_[0], &soluteCoords_[0],
                           9999999999999.0, NsolventMolecules_, NAtoms_, soluteMask_.Nselected(),
                           frm.Frm().BoxCrd().boxPtr(), ucell.Dptr(), recip.Dptr() );

  // V_distances_ now has the closest distance of each solvent molecule to
  // solute. Determine shell status of each.
  for (Darray::const_iterator dist2 = V_distances_.begin(); dist2 != V_distances_.end(); ++dist2)
    if (*dist2 < upperCutoff_)
      // Less than lower, 1st shell
      if (*dist2 < lowerCutoff_)

# else
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  int NV = solventMask_.Nselected();
  int Vidx;
# ifdef _OPENMP
  int mythread;
# endif
  int* status = 0;

  if (image_.ImageType() == NONORTHO) {
    // ----- NON-ORTHORHOMBIC IMAGING ------------
    Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
    frm.Frm().BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
    // Wrap all solute atoms back into primary cell, save coords.
    Image::WrapToCell0( soluteCoords_, frm.Frm(), soluteMask_, ucell, recip );
    // Calculate every imaged distance of all solvent atoms to solute
#   ifdef _OPENMP
#   pragma omp parallel private(Vidx, mythread, status)
    mythread = omp_get_thread_num();
    status = &(shellStatus_thread_[mythread][0]);
#   pragma omp for
#   else
    status = &shellStatus_[0];
#   endif
    for (Vidx = 0; Vidx < NV; Vidx++)
      int Vat = solventMask_[Vidx];
      int currentRes = (*CurrentParm_)[ Vat ].ResNum();
      // Convert to frac coords
      Vec3 vFrac = recip * Vec3( frm.Frm().XYZ( Vat ) );
      // Wrap to primary unit cell
      vFrac[0] = vFrac[0] - floor(vFrac[0]);
      vFrac[1] = vFrac[1] - floor(vFrac[1]);
      vFrac[2] = vFrac[2] - floor(vFrac[2]);
      // Loop over all images of this solvent atom
      for (int ix = -1; ix != 2; ix++)
        for (int iy = -1; iy != 2; iy++)
          for (int iz = -1; iz != 2; iz++)
            // Convert image back to Cartesian
            Vec3 vCart = ucell.TransposeMult( vFrac + Vec3(ix, iy, iz) );
            // Loop over all solute atoms
            for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < soluteCoords_.size(); idx += 3)
              if (status[currentRes] < 2)
                // Residue is not yet marked as 1st shell, calc distance
                double x = vCart[0] - soluteCoords_[idx  ];
                double y = vCart[1] - soluteCoords_[idx+1];
                double z = vCart[2] - soluteCoords_[idx+2];
                double dist2 = x*x + y*y + z*z;
                // Less than upper, 2nd shell
                if (dist2 < upperCutoff_) 
                  status[currentRes] = 1;
                  // Less than lower, 1st shell
                  if (dist2 < lowerCutoff_)
                    status[currentRes] = 2;
              } else {
                // Residue already in first shell. No need for more distance calcs
                ix = iy = iz = 1;
            } // END loop over solute atoms 
          } // END loop over images (Z)
    } // END loop over solvent atoms
# ifdef _OPENMP
  } // END pragma omp parallel
# endif
  } else {
    // ----- ORTHORHOMBIC/NO IMAGING -------------
    // Store selected solute coordinates.
    int idx = 0;
    for (AtomMask::const_iterator atm = soluteMask_.begin();
                                  atm != soluteMask_.end(); ++atm, idx += 3)
      const double* XYZ = frm.Frm().XYZ( *atm );
      soluteCoords_[idx  ] = XYZ[0];
      soluteCoords_[idx+1] = XYZ[1];
      soluteCoords_[idx+2] = XYZ[2];
    // Calculate distance of all solvent atoms to solute
#   ifdef _OPENMP
#   pragma omp parallel private(Vidx, mythread, status)
    mythread = omp_get_thread_num();
    status = &(shellStatus_thread_[mythread][0]);
#   pragma omp for
#   else
    status = &shellStatus_[0];
#   endif
    for (Vidx = 0; Vidx < NV; Vidx++)
      int Vat = solventMask_[Vidx];
      int currentRes = (*CurrentParm_)[ Vat ].ResNum();
      Vec3 Vcoord( frm.Frm().XYZ( Vat ) );
      // Loop over all solute atoms
      for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < soluteCoords_.size(); idx += 3)
        if (status[currentRes] < 2)
          // Residue is not yet marked as 1st shell, calc distance
          Vec3 Ucoord( soluteCoords_[idx], soluteCoords_[idx+1], soluteCoords_[idx+2] );
          double dist2;
          if (image_.ImageType() == ORTHO)
            dist2 = DIST2_ImageOrtho( Vcoord, Ucoord, frm.Frm().BoxCrd() );
            dist2 = DIST2_NoImage( Vcoord, Ucoord );
          // Less than upper, 2nd shell
          if (dist2 < upperCutoff_)
            status[currentRes] = 1;
            // Less than lower, 1st shell
            if (dist2 < lowerCutoff_)
              status[currentRes] = 2;
        } else {
          // Residue already in first shell. No need for more distance calcs.
      } // END loop over solute atoms
    } // END loop over solvent atoms
#   ifdef _OPENMP
    } // END pragma omp parallel
#   endif
# ifdef _OPENMP
  // Combine results from each thread.
  for (unsigned int res = 0; res < shellStatus_thread_[0].size(); res++) {
    int shell = 0;
    for (unsigned int thread = 0; thread < shellStatus_thread_.size(); thread++) {
      shell = std::max( shellStatus_thread_[thread][res], shell );
      // Dont break here so we can reset counts. Could also do with a fill 
      shellStatus_thread_[thread][res] = 0;
    if (shell > 0) {
      if (shell > 1) ++nlower;
# else
  // Now each residue is marked 0 (no shell), 1 (second shell), 2 (first shell)
  for (Iarray::iterator shell = shellStatus_.begin(); shell != shellStatus_.end(); ++shell)
    if ( *shell > 0 ) {
      if ( *shell > 1 ) ++nlower;
    // Reset for next pass
    *shell = 0;
# endif
# endif /* CUDA */
  lower_->Add(frameNum, &nlower);
  upper_->Add(frameNum, &nupper);

  return Action::OK;
int EmbedPolyline(TopologicalGraph &G)
  {if(G.nv() < 3 || G.ne() < 2)return -1;
  int OldNumEdge = G.ne();
  PSet1  propSave(G.Set());
  if(!G.FindPlanarMap() )
      {Tprintf("Not Planar Graph");
      for(tedge e = G.ne(); e > OldNumEdge; e--) G.DeleteEdge(e);
      return -1;
 tbrin FirstBrin = 1;
  bool MaxPlanar = (G.ne() != 3 * G.nv() - 6) ? false : true;
  int len;
  if(!FirstBrin && !MaxPlanar)
  else if(FirstBrin == 0)
      {FirstBrin = G.extbrin();FirstBrin = -G.acir[FirstBrin];}

  if(!MaxPlanar && G.ZigZagTriangulate())return -2;
  svector<short> ecolor(1, G.ne());
  GeometricGraph G0(G);
  //Compute trees 
  tedge ee;
  Prop<Tpoint> Ebend(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_3);
  svector<tbrin> FatherB(1,G.nv(),(tbrin)0);           FatherB.SetName("FatherB");
  svector<tbrin> FatherG(1,G.nv(),(tbrin)0);           FatherG.SetName("FatherG");
  svector<tbrin> FatherR(1,G.nv(),(tbrin)0);           FatherR.SetName("FatherR");
  svector<int> x(1,G.nv(),0), y(1,G.nv(),0);
  x.clear(); y.clear();
  compute_parents(G0, Blue, -FirstBrin, FatherB, ecolor);
  compute_parents(G0, Red, FirstBrin, FatherR, ecolor);
  compute_parents(G0, Green, -G0.acir[FirstBrin], FatherG, ecolor);
  // Compute the number of leaves of each tree
  int nb_leavesB, nb_leavesR, nb_leavesG;
  nb_leavesB = nb_leaves(G0, Blue, -FirstBrin, ecolor);
  nb_leavesR = nb_leaves(G0, Red, FirstBrin, ecolor);
  nb_leavesG = nb_leaves(G0, Green, -G0.acir[FirstBrin], ecolor);

    // Compute the coordinates using the tree with the minimum number of leaves
  ForAllEdges(ee, G) Ebend[ee] = Tpoint(-1,-1);
  if (nb_leavesB <= nb_leavesR && nb_leavesB <= nb_leavesG) 
  else if (nb_leavesR <= nb_leavesG) 
  // computes extremities of vertices
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint1(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_1);
  Prop<Tpoint> Epoint2(G.Set(tedge()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_2);
  Prop<Tpoint> Vcoord(G.Set(tvertex()),PROP_DRAW_POINT_1);
  G.Set() =  propSave;
  Prop1<Tpoint> pmin(G.Set(),PROP_POINT_MIN);
  Prop1<Tpoint> pmax(G.Set(),PROP_POINT_MAX);  
  tvertex vv;
  pmin() = Tpoint(0,0);
  pmax() = Tpoint(0,0);
  ForAllVertices(vv, G0) 
   {Vcoord[vv] = Tpoint(x[vv], y[vv]);
   if (Vcoord[vv].x() > pmax().x())
       pmax().x() = Vcoord[vv].x();
   if (Vcoord[vv].y() > pmax().y())
       pmax().y() = Vcoord[vv].y();