文件: quadmodel.cpp 项目: 9gix/cg
static float QuadArea( const float v[4][3] )
	float normal1[3], normal2[3];
	VecTriNormal( normal1, v[0], v[1], v[2] );
	VecTriNormal( normal2, v[0], v[2], v[3] );
	return 0.5f * ( VecLen( normal1 ) + VecLen( normal2 ) );
float CosAng ( float *v1, float *v2 )
    float ang, a,b ;

    a = VecLen ( v1 ) ;
    b = VecLen ( v2 ) ;

    ang = ((v1[0]*v2[0]) + (v1[1]*v2[1] ) + (v1[2]*v2[2])) / (a*b) ;

    return ( ang ) ;
cvector FFT::fconv(const cvector &a, const cvector &b)
	const int neededSize= VecLen(a) + VecLen(b) -1;
	int size = 1;
	while( size <= neededSize) size *= 2;
	cvector af = FFT::fft(a, size);
	cvector bf = FFT::fft(b, size);
	cvector cf(Lb(af), Ub(af));
	for(int i = Lb(cf); i<=Ub(cf); ++i)
		cf[i] = af[i] * bf[i];
	cvector result = FFT::ifft(cf);
	cxsc::Resize(result, Lb(result)+1, Lb(result) + neededSize-1);
	return result;
//Procedure		Engine
//Author		Andrew McRae
//Date			Mon 27 Jan 1997
//Description	Piston Engine Constructor
Engine::Engine (PMODEL pmodel, ENGINE_TYPE type)

	// Initialise

	NullThis ();

	pModel = pmodel;
	Type = type;

	FP ACspeed = VecLen(pModel->Vel);
	if(ACspeed < 10) ACspeed = 10;
	PropVel = ACspeed;				//Speed of airflow through prop			/CSB
	SlipVel = ACspeed;				//Speed of airflow in slipstream		/CSB
	SlipRot = 0;					//Rotation of airflow in slipstream		/CSB
	PropInc = 44;	//CSB 04/06/99	

	Magnetos     = 0;
	Temperature  = 0;
	FuelInPipes  = 0;
	StarterSpeed = 0;
	Priming		 = 0;
	Starting	 = false;

	List.Attach (&pModel->EngineList, this);

cvector FFT::ifft(const cvector &vector)
	const int N = VecLen(vector);
	fftw_complex *in, *out;
    fftw_plan p;
    in = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);
    out = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);
    for(int i = Lb(vector); i<=Ub(vector); ++i)
    	in[i-Lb(vector)][0] = _double(Re(vector[i]));
    	in[i-Lb(vector)][1] = _double(Im(vector[i]));
    p = fftw_plan_dft_1d(N, in, out, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
    fftw_execute(p); /* repeat as needed */
    cvector ret(0, N-1);
    const cxsc::complex n(1.0/N, 0.0);
    for(int i = 0; i<N; ++i)
    	ret[i] = cxsc::complex(out[i][0], out[i][1]) * n;
    fftw_free(in); fftw_free(out);
    return ret;
文件: U_CLOCK.C 项目: CGSG/SUM2016
/* Unit clock inter frame events handle function.
 *   - self-pointer to unit object:
 *       vg4UNIT_CLOCK *Uni;
 *   - animation context:
 *       vg4ANIM *Ani;
 * RETURNS: None.
static VOID VG4_UnitResponse( vg4UNIT_CLOCK *Uni, vg4ANIM *Ani )
  DBL r;

  if (Ani->Keys[VK_SPACE])
  if (Ani->Keys['C'])
  if (Ani->KeysClick[VK_RETURN] && Ani->Keys[VK_MENU])
  if (Ani->KeysClick[VK_ESCAPE])
  if (Ani->KeysClick['P'])
    Ani->IsPause = !Ani->IsPause;

  /* Uni->Pos.Y += Ani->JY * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime; */

  Uni->Pos = VecMulMatr43(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateX(59 * Ani->JY * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));
  Uni->Pos = VecMulMatr43(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateY(59 * Ani->JX * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));

  if (Ani->Keys[VK_LBUTTON])
    Uni->Pos = VecMulMatr43(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateY(59 * Ani->Mdx * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));
    Uni->Pos = VecMulMatr43(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateX(59 * Ani->Mdy * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));

  Uni->Pos = VecMulMatr43(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateY(59 * Ani->Keys[VK_RIGHT] * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));
  Uni->Pos = VecMulMatr43(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateY(-59 * Ani->Keys[VK_LEFT] * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));

  r = VecLen(Uni->Pos);
  Uni->Pos = VecMulNum(Uni->Pos, (r + Ani->Mdz * Ani->DeltaTime * 0.1) / r);

  VG4_RndMatrView = MatrView(Uni->Pos, VecSet(0, 0, 0), VecSet(0, 1, 0));
} /* End of 'VG4_UnitResponse' function */
文件: sph.C 项目: CoryXie/Graphite
VOID	SphTransform(OBJECT *po, MATRIX xtrans, MATRIX xinvT)
	INT	i;
	INT	numelems;		/* Number of object elements.	  */
	REAL	new_rad;
	SPHERE	*ps;			/* Ptr to sphere data.		     */
	ELEMENT *pe;			/* Ptr to sphere element.	     */
	POINT	surf_point;		/* Point on surface.		     */
	POINT	center_point;		/* Center_point.		     */
	POINT	rad_vector;		/* Radius vector.		     */

	pe	 = po->pelem;
	numelems = po->numelements;

	for (i = 0; i < numelems; i++)
		ps = (SPHERE *)pe->data;

		/* See if radius has changed with a scale. */

		surf_point[0]	= ps->center[0] + ps->rad;
		surf_point[1]	= ps->center[1];
		surf_point[2]	= ps->center[2];
		surf_point[3]	= 1.0;

		center_point[0] = ps->center[0];
		center_point[1] = ps->center[1];
		center_point[2] = ps->center[2];
		center_point[3] = 1.0;

		/* Transform center point. */

		VecMatMult(center_point, xtrans, center_point);
		VecMatMult(surf_point, xtrans, surf_point);

		/* Find radius. */

		VecSub(rad_vector, surf_point, center_point);
		VecCopy(ps->center, center_point);

		new_rad = VecLen(rad_vector);

		if (new_rad != ps->rad)
			ps->rad  = new_rad;
			ps->rad2 = ps->rad * ps->rad;

文件: sph.C 项目: CoryXie/Graphite
VOID	SphDataNormalize(OBJECT *po, MATRIX normMat)
	INT	i;
	SPHERE	*ps;			/* Ptr to sphere data.		     */
	ELEMENT *pe;			/* Ptr to sphere element.	     */
	POINT	surf_point;		/* Point on surface.		     */
	POINT	center_point;		/* Center point.		     */
	POINT	rad_vector;		/* Radius vector.		     */

	NormalizeBoundBox(&po->bv, normMat);

	pe = po->pelem;

	for (i = 0; i < po->numelements; i++)
		ps = (SPHERE *)pe->data;

		NormalizeBoundBox(&pe->bv, normMat);

		surf_point[0]	= ps->center[0] + ps->rad;
		surf_point[1]	= ps->center[1];
		surf_point[2]	= ps->center[2];
		surf_point[3]	= 1.0;

		center_point[0] = ps->center[0];
		center_point[1] = ps->center[1];
		center_point[2] = ps->center[2];
		center_point[3] = 1.0;

		/* Transform center point. */

		VecMatMult(center_point, normMat, center_point);
		VecMatMult(surf_point, normMat, surf_point);

		/* Find new radius. */

		VecSub(rad_vector, surf_point, center_point);
		VecCopy(ps->center, center_point);

		ps->rad  = VecLen(rad_vector);
		ps->rad2 = ps->rad * ps->rad;

static VOID MP2_UnitResponse( mp2CONTROL *Uni, mp2ANIM *Ani )
  DBL r;
  VEC Dir = VecNormalize(VecSubVec(View, Uni->Pos)),
      Right = VecNormalize(VecCrossVec(Dir, VecSet(0, 1, 0)));
  if (Ani->Keys['T'])
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
  if (Ani->Keys['Y'])
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);
  if (Ani->Keys['U'])
    glPolygonMode(GL_BACK, GL_LINE);
  /*if (Ani->Keys[VK_SPACE])
    MP2_AnimAddUnit(MP2_UnitCreateBall()); */
  if (Ani->KeysClick['C'])
    MP2_AnimAddUnit(MP2_UnitCreateCube(/*Rnd1() * 4, Rnd1() * 4, Rnd1() * 4*/0, 0, 0));
  if (Ani->KeysClick['V'])
    MP2_AnimAddUnit(MP2_UnitCreateSTATICMODEL(/*Rnd1() * 4, Rnd1() * 4, Rnd1() * 4*/0, 0, 0));
  if (Ani->KeysClick[VK_RETURN] && Ani->Keys[VK_MENU])
  /*if (Ani->KeysClick[VK_ESCAPE])
  if (Ani->KeysClick['P'])
    Ani->IsPause = !Ani->IsPause;

  /* Uni->Pos.Y += Ani->JY * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime; */
  Uni->Pos = PointTransform(Uni->Pos, MatrRotate((50 * Ani->JY * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime), Right));
  Uni->Pos = PointTransform(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateY(10 * Ani->JX * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));

  if (Ani->Keys[VK_LBUTTON])
    Uni->Pos = PointTransform(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateY(10 * Ani->Mdx * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));
    Uni->Pos = PointTransform(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateX(10 * Ani->Mdy * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));
  View.X += Ani->JZ / 10;
  View.Z += Ani->JR / 10;
  Uni->Pos = PointTransform(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateY(10 * Ani->Keys[VK_RIGHT] * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));
  Uni->Pos = PointTransform(Uni->Pos, MatrRotateY(-10 * Ani->Keys[VK_LEFT] * Ani->GlobalDeltaTime));

  r = VecLen(Uni->Pos);
  Uni->Pos = VecMulNum(Uni->Pos, (r + (-Ani->Mdz) * Ani->DeltaTime * 1.0) / r);
  MP2_RndMatrView = MatrView(VecAddVec(Uni->Pos, View), View, VecSet(0, 1, 0));
void VecNormalize(TDA A)
  float dist, invdist;

//    puts("Zero-Length Vectors cannot be Normalized");
//    exit(1);
VOID	PolyRead(OBJECT *po, FILE *pf)
	INT	i, j;			/* Indices.			     */
	INT	instat; 		/* Read status. 		     */
	INT	*vindex;
	INT	totalverts;		/* Total # of vertices in poly mesh. */
	CHAR	normstr[5];		/* Face/vertex normal flag string.   */
	BOOL	pnormals;		/* Face normals present?	     */
	VEC3	pnorm;			/* Polygon normal accumulator.	     */
	VEC3	*vlist, *vptr, *vp;	/* Ptr to vertex list.		     */
	VEC3	*vptmp, *vptmp2;	/* Ptr to vertex list.		     */
	VEC3	tmppnt, tmppnt2, cross;
	POLY	*pp;			/* Ptr to polygon data. 	     */
	ELEMENT *pe;			/* Ptr to polygon element.	     */

	pe = po->pelem;

	/* Allocate space for object data. */

	instat = fscanf(pf, "%ld", &totalverts);

	if (instat != 1)
		printf("Error in PolyRead: totalverts.\n");

	pp    = GlobalMalloc(sizeof(POLY)*po->numelements,  "poly.c");
	vlist = GlobalMalloc(sizeof(VEC3)*(totalverts + 1), "poly.c");
	vptr  = vlist;

	/* Are polygon face normals supplied? */

	instat = fscanf(pf, "%s\n", normstr);

	if (instat != 1)
		printf("Error in PolyRead: face normal indicator.\n");

	pnormals = (normstr[2] == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE);

	/* Read vertex list. */

	for (i = 0; i < totalverts; i++)
		instat = fscanf(pf, "%lf %lf %lf", &(*vptr)[0], &(*vptr)[1], &(*vptr)[2]);

		if (instat != 3)
			printf("Error in PolyRead: vertex %ld.\n", i);


	(*vptr)[0] = HUGE_REAL;
	(*vptr)[1] = HUGE_REAL;
	(*vptr)[2] = HUGE_REAL;

	/* Read polygon list. */

	for (i = 0; i < po->numelements; i++)
		instat = fscanf(pf, "%ld", &(pp->nverts));

		if (instat != 1)
			printf("Error in PolyRead: vertex count.\n");

		if (pp->nverts > MAX_VERTS)
			printf("Polygon vertex count, %ld, exceeds maximum.\n", pp->nverts);

		if (pnormals)
			instat = fscanf(pf, " %lf %lf %lf", &(pp->norm[0]), &(pp->norm[1]), &(pp->norm[2]));

			if (instat != 3)
				printf("Error in PolyRead: face normal %ld.\n", i);

		pp->vptr   = vlist;
		pp->vindex = GlobalMalloc(sizeof(INT)*pp->nverts, "poly.c");
		vindex	   = pp->vindex;

		for (j = 0; j < pp->nverts; j++)
			instat = fscanf(pf, "%ld", vindex++);

			if (instat != 1)
				printf("Error in PolyRead: vertex index %ld.\n", i);

		/* If not supplied, calculate plane normal. */

		vindex = pp->vindex;
		vptr   = vlist;

		if (!pnormals)
			vp = vptr + (*vindex);

			for (j = 0; j < pp->nverts - 2; j++)
				vptmp  = vptr + (*(vindex + 1));
				vptmp2 = vptr + (*(vindex + 2));

				VecSub(tmppnt,	(*vptmp),  (*vp));
				VecSub(tmppnt2, (*vptmp2), (*vptmp));

				VecCross(cross, tmppnt, tmppnt2);
				VecAdd(pnorm,	pnorm,	cross);

				vp = vptmp;
				vindex += 1;

			VecSub(tmppnt, (*vptmp2), (*vp));
			vindex	= pp->vindex;
			vp	= vptr + (*vindex);

			VecSub(tmppnt2, (*vp), (*vptmp2));
			VecCross(cross, tmppnt, tmppnt2);
			VecAdd(pnorm, pnorm, cross);

			vp	= vptr + (*vindex);
			VecSub(tmppnt, (*vp), (*vptmp2));
			vptmp	= vptr + (*(vindex + 1));

			VecSub(tmppnt2, (*vptmp), (*vp));
			VecCross(cross, tmppnt, tmppnt2);
			VecAdd(pnorm, pnorm, cross);
			VecScale(pp->norm, 1.0/VecLen(pnorm), pnorm);

		/* Calculate plane equation d. */

		vp = pp->vptr + *(pp->vindex);
		pp->d = -(pp->norm[0]*(*vp)[0] + pp->norm[1]*(*vp)[1] + pp->norm[2]*(*vp)[2]);

		pe->data   = (CHAR *)pp;
		pe->parent = po;

		PolyElementBoundBox(pe, pp);

activate_muscle (HEAD *face, float *vt, float *vh, float fstart,  float fin,  float ang,  float val)
    float newp[3], va[3], vb[3] ;
    int i,j,k,l ;
    float valen, vblen ;
    float cosa, cosv, dif, tot, percent, thet, newv, the, radf ;

    radf  = 180.0/ M_PI ;
    the   = ang / radf ; ;
    thet  = cos ( the ) ;

    cosa = 0.0 ;

    /* find the length of the muscle */
    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
        va[i] = vt[i] - vh[i] ;
    valen = VecLen ( va ) ;

    /* loop for all polygons */
    for (i=0; i<face->npolygons; i++) {

        /* loop for all vertices */
        for (j=0; j<3; j++) {

            /* find the length of the muscle head to the mesh node */
            for (k=0; k<3; k++)
                vb[k] = face->polygon[i]->vertex[j]->xyz[k] - vh[k] ;
            vblen = VecLen ( vb ) ;

            if ( valen > 0.0 && vblen > 0.0) {
                cosa = CosAng ( va, vb ) ;

                if ( cosa >= thet ) {
                    if ( vblen <= fin ) {
                        cosv = val * ( 1.0 - (cosa/thet) ) ;

                        if ( vblen >= fstart && vblen <= fin) {
                            dif       = vblen - fstart ;
                            tot       = fin - fstart ;
                            percent   = dif/tot ;
                            newv      = cos ( DTOR(percent*90.0) ) ;

                            for ( l=0; l<3; l++)
                                newp[l] = (vb[l] * cosv) * newv ;
                        else {
                            for ( l=0; l<3; l++)
                                newp[l] = vb[l] * cosv ;

                        }   /* endif vblen>fin */

                        for (l=0; l<3; l++)
                            face->polygon[i]->vertex[j]->xyz[l] += newp[l] ;

                    }  /* endif vblen>fin    */
                }   /* endif cosa>thet    */
            }    /* endif mlen&&tlen   */
        }     /* end for j vertices */
    }      /* end for i polygon  */
__SetupStack(uval stackBottomLocal, uval &__stackTopLocal,
	     uval &__stackTop, ProgExec::XferInfo *info,
	     ProgExec::ArgDesc* args)
    EXECTYPE exectype; // To make WORDTYPE work

    SysStatus rc;
    ProgExec::BinInfo &exec = info->exec.prog;
    uval stackTop = __stackTop;
    uval stackTopLocal = __stackTopLocal;
    char **envp;
    char **argv, **argvp;
    // Put argc, argv on top of stack (envp, aux vec to follow)
    envp = args->getEnvp();
    uval envcChild = VecLen(envp);
    WORDTYPE* envpChild = (WORDTYPE*)allocGlobal(sizeof(WORDTYPE)*envcChild);

    rc = PushStrings<EXECTYPE,WORDTYPE>(envp, envpChild, envcChild-1, stackTop,
					stackTopLocal, stackBottomLocal);

    envpChild[envcChild-1] = (WORDTYPE)NULL;

    argv = args->getArgv();
    argvp = args->getArgvPrefix();
    uval argcChild = VecLen(argv);
    uval argcpCount = 0;
    if(argvp) {
	argcpCount = VecLen(argvp)-1; // don't include null entry
	argcChild += argcpCount;
    WORDTYPE* argvChild = (WORDTYPE*)allocGlobal(sizeof(WORDTYPE)*argcChild);

    rc = PushStrings<EXECTYPE,WORDTYPE>(argv, argvChild + argcpCount,
					argcChild-argcpCount-1, stackTop,
					stackTopLocal, stackBottomLocal);

    argvChild[argcChild -1] = (WORDTYPE)NULL;

    if(argcpCount) {
	 * A prefix, containing the shell interpreter args, is present
	 * so push it on top of the original parameters
	rc = PushStrings<EXECTYPE,WORDTYPE>(argvp, argvChild,
					argcpCount, stackTop,
					stackTopLocal, stackBottomLocal);
    // Put in architecture specific aux vector
    uval origLocal = stackTopLocal;
    rc = ProgExec::PutAuxVector<EXECTYPE>(stackTopLocal, exec);

    stackTop -= (origLocal - stackTopLocal);
    info->auxv = (ElfW(auxv_t)*)stackTop;

    stackTopLocal -= envcChild * sizeof(WORDTYPE);
    stackTop -= envcChild * sizeof(WORDTYPE);
    memcpy((char*)stackTopLocal,envpChild, envcChild * sizeof(WORDTYPE));

    info->envp = (char**)stackTop;

    stackTopLocal -= argcChild * sizeof(WORDTYPE);
    stackTop -= argcChild * sizeof(WORDTYPE);
    memcpy((char*)stackTopLocal,argvChild, argcChild * sizeof(WORDTYPE));
    info->argv = (char**)stackTop;

    stackTopLocal -= sizeof(WORDTYPE);
    stackTop -= sizeof(WORDTYPE);
    *(WORDTYPE*)stackTopLocal = (WORDTYPE)(argcChild-1); //store argc on stack
    info->argc = argcChild-1;

    __stackTopLocal = stackTopLocal;
    __stackTop = stackTop;
    freeGlobal(envpChild, envcChild*sizeof(WORDTYPE));
    freeGlobal(argvChild, argcChild*sizeof(WORDTYPE));
    return 0;
文件: qedat.c 项目: sencer/cube
int main()
  // get list of dat/*.dat, and sort them
  char files[5000][11];
  int nfile = FilesList(files, "dat");
  qsort(&files[0], nfile, sizeof(files[0]), CompStrInt);
  if(nfile < 1) return -1;  // exit if no files

  // read following system information from cube.in
  // number of atoms -> nat
  // number of atomic types -> ntyp
  // number of each atom in system -> num[]
  // proton number of each atom in the same order with num[] -> z[]
  // 3x3 matrix of the cell dimensions -> celldm[3][3]
  int nat = 0, ntyp = 0, num[30], z[30];
  double celldm[3][3];
  ReadInput(&nat, &ntyp, num, z, celldm);

  // we will need
  // the inverse of celldm matrix -> inv[3][3]
  // and lengths of cell vectors -> norm[3]
  double inv[3][3];
  double norm[3] = {
  Inv3D(celldm, inv);

  // a string for
  // the name of the dat file to read -> fname[20]
  // the name of the cube file to write -> cname[20]
  // a FILE for the file i/o
  char fname[20], cname[20];
  FILE *f;

  // read the grid information from the files[0]
  int ngrid[3];
  sprintf(fname, "dat/%s", files[0]);
  f = fopen(fname, "r");
  ReadDatHeader(f, ngrid);

  // let's calculate ngrid[0] * ngrid[1] once and for all.
  int dim = ngrid[0] * ngrid[1];

  // calculate the voxel sizes
  double vsize[3][3];
  memcpy(vsize, celldm, sizeof(celldm));
  for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    VecScale(vsize[i], 1.0/ngrid[i]);

  int dummy[3];

#pragma omp parallel for private(f, fname, cname) shared(dummy)
  for(int file = 0; file < nfile; ++file)
    // set cube file name
    sprintf(cname, "cube/%d.cube", atoi(files[file]));
    // if the file exists, skip
    if (access(cname, F_OK) == -1)
      // create a Cube to read dat file into
      Cube *c = CubeInit(nat, ngrid);
      CubeSetVoxels(c, vsize);

      // Read the next dat file (header info is read to skip this part)
      sprintf(fname, "dat/%s", files[file]);
      f = fopen(fname, "r");
      ReadDatHeader(f, dummy);
      ReadDatData(f, ngrid, dim, c);

      // get ionic positions for the corresponding frame from cp.pos
      GetAtoms(atoi(files[file]), c, nat, z, num);

      int pos = 0;
      char com[255] = "";
      double rho;

      for (int i = 0; i < c->nat; i++)
        if(Surround(i, c, 0.4, 1) > THR && c->atoms[i].Z == 22)
          rho = Surround(i, c, 2.1, 0) ;
          printf("%d %lf %lf\n", atoi(files[file]), c->atoms[i].coor[2], rho);
          pos += sprintf(com + pos, "%d ", i);

      CubeBeautify(c, THR);
      CubeTrim(&c, THR);

      sprintf(c->comment[0], "%-10.6f %-10.6f %-10.6f %-10.6f %-10.6f %-10.6f",
          norm[0]*B2A, norm[1]*B2A, norm[2]*B2A,
          DEG*acos(VecDot(celldm[0], celldm[2])/(norm[2]*norm[0])),
          DEG*acos(VecDot(celldm[1], celldm[2])/(norm[1]*norm[2])),
          DEG*acos(VecDot(celldm[0], celldm[1])/(norm[0]*norm[1])));

      strcpy(c->comment[1], com);
      printf("%s %s", files[file], com);
      CubeWrite(c, cname);
  return 0;