Vector2I GUIInputCaret::getCaretPosition(const Vector2I& offset) const { if(mNumChars > 0 && isDescValid()) { UINT32 curPos = 0; UINT32 numLines = getNumLines(); for(UINT32 i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { const GUIInputLineDesc& lineDesc = getLineDesc(i); if(mCaretPos == curPos) { // Caret is on line start return Vector2I(offset.x, lineDesc.getLineYStart() + getTextOffset().y); } curPos += lineDesc.getEndChar(false) - lineDesc.getStartChar() + 1; // + 1 for special line start position } UINT32 charIdx = getCharIdxAtCaretPos(); if(charIdx > 0) charIdx -= 1; charIdx = std::min((UINT32)(mNumChars - 1), charIdx); Rect2I charRect = getCharRect(charIdx); UINT32 lineIdx = getLineForChar(charIdx); UINT32 yOffset = getLineDesc(lineIdx).getLineYStart() + getTextOffset().y; return Vector2I(charRect.x + charRect.width, yOffset); } return offset; }
Vector2I Sprite::getAnchorOffset(SpriteAnchor anchor, UINT32 width, UINT32 height) { switch(anchor) { case SA_TopLeft: return -Vector2I(0, 0); case SA_TopCenter: return -Vector2I(width / 2, 0); case SA_TopRight: return -Vector2I(width, 0); case SA_MiddleLeft: return -Vector2I(0, height / 2); case SA_MiddleCenter: return -Vector2I(width / 2, height / 2); case SA_MiddleRight: return -Vector2I(width, height / 2); case SA_BottomLeft: return -Vector2I(0, height); case SA_BottomCenter: return -Vector2I(width / 2, height); case SA_BottomRight: return -Vector2I(width, height); } return Vector2I(); }
Vector2I get_opposite_edge(const Vector3I& f, size_t v) { if (f[0] == v) { return Vector2I(f[1], f[2]); } else if (f[1] == v) { return Vector2I(f[2], f[0]); } else if (f[2] == v) { return Vector2I(f[0], f[1]); } else { std::stringstream err_msg; err_msg << "Vertex " << v << " does not belong to triangle (" << f.transpose() << ")"; throw RuntimeError(err_msg.str()); } }
Vector2I ScriptSceneHandles::wrapCursorToWindow() const { if (mParentWidget == nullptr) return Vector2I(); SPtr<RenderWindow> parentWindow = mParentWidget->getParentWindow()->getRenderWindow(); Vector2I windowPos = parentWindow->screenToWindowPos(Cursor::instance().getScreenPosition()); const RenderWindowProperties& rwProps = parentWindow->getProperties(); INT32 maxWidth = std::max(0, (INT32)rwProps.width - 1); INT32 maxHeight = std::max(0, (INT32)rwProps.height - 1); Vector2I offset; if (windowPos.x <= 0) offset.x = maxWidth; else if (windowPos.x >= maxWidth) offset.x = -maxWidth; if (windowPos.y <= 0) offset.y = maxHeight; else if (windowPos.y >= maxHeight) offset.y = -maxHeight; windowPos += offset; Vector2I wrappedScreenPos = parentWindow->windowToScreenPos(windowPos); Cursor::instance().setScreenPosition(wrappedScreenPos); return offset; }
bool ScriptEditorWindow::internal_isPointerHovering(ScriptEditorWindow* thisPtr) { if (!thisPtr->isDestroyed()) { EditorWidgetBase* widget = thisPtr->getEditorWidget(); EditorWindowBase* window = widget->getParentWindow(); if (window == nullptr) return false; SPtr<RenderWindow> renderWindow = window->getRenderWindow(); Vector2I pointerPos = gInput().getPointerPosition(); if(Platform::isPointOverWindow(*renderWindow, pointerPos)) { Rect2I bounds = thisPtr->getEditorWidget()->getBounds(); Vector2I screenPos = widget->widgetToScreenPos(Vector2I(0, 0)); bounds.x = screenPos.x; bounds.y = screenPos.y; return bounds.contains(pointerPos); } } return false; }
Vector2I GUIHelper::calcOptimalContentsSize(const String& text, const GUIElementStyle& style, const GUIDimensions& dimensions) { UINT32 wordWrapWidth = 0; if(style.wordWrap) wordWrapWidth = dimensions.maxWidth; UINT32 contentWidth = style.margins.left + style.margins.right + style.contentOffset.left + style.contentOffset.right; UINT32 contentHeight = + style.margins.bottom + + style.contentOffset.bottom; if(style.font != nullptr && !text.empty()) { bs_frame_mark(); const U32String utf32text = UTF8::toUTF32(text); TextData<FrameAlloc> textData(utf32text, style.font, style.fontSize, wordWrapWidth, 0, style.wordWrap); contentWidth += textData.getWidth(); contentHeight += textData.getNumLines() * textData.getLineHeight(); bs_frame_clear(); } return Vector2I(contentWidth, contentHeight); }
std::vector<VectorI> enumerate(const VectorI& repetitions) { std::vector<VectorI> result; const size_t dim = repetitions.size(); if (dim == 2) { for (size_t i=0; i<repetitions[0]; i++) { for (size_t j=0; j<repetitions[1]; j++) { result.push_back(Vector2I(i,j)); } } } else if (dim == 3) { for (size_t i=0; i<repetitions[0]; i++) { for (size_t j=0; j<repetitions[1]; j++) { for (size_t k=0; k<repetitions[2]; k++) { result.push_back(Vector3I(i,j,k)); } } } } else { std::stringstream err_msg; err_msg << "Unsupported dim: " << dim; throw NotImplementedError(err_msg.str()); } return result; }
Vector2I ScriptSceneHandles::wrapCursorToWindow() const { if (mParentWidget == nullptr) return Vector2I(); SPtr<RenderWindow> parentWindow = mParentWidget->getParentWindow()->getRenderWindow(); Vector2I screenPos = Cursor::instance().getScreenPosition(); Vector2I windowPos = parentWindow->screenToWindowPos(screenPos); const RenderWindowProperties& rwProps = parentWindow->getProperties(); INT32 maxWidth = std::max(0, (INT32)rwProps.width - 1); INT32 maxHeight = std::max(0, (INT32)rwProps.height - 1); Vector2I offset; if (windowPos.x <= 0) offset.x = maxWidth; else if (windowPos.x >= maxWidth) offset.x = -maxWidth; if (windowPos.y <= 0) offset.y = maxHeight; else if (windowPos.y >= maxHeight) offset.y = -maxHeight; windowPos += offset; Vector2I wrappedScreenPos = parentWindow->windowToScreenPos(windowPos); // This check is important for macOS, where continuously setting the position will freeze the cursor in place if(wrappedScreenPos != screenPos) Cursor::instance().setScreenPosition(wrappedScreenPos); return offset; }
ElevationData* Tile::createElevationDataSubviewFromAncestor(Tile* ancestor) const{ ElevationData* ed = ancestor->getElevationData(); if (ed == NULL){ ILogger::instance()->logError("Ancestor can't have undefined Elevation Data."); return NULL; } if (ed->getExtentWidth() < 1 || ed->getExtentHeight() < 1){ ILogger::instance()->logWarning("Tile too small for ancestor elevation data."); return NULL; } if ((_lastElevationDataProvider != NULL) && (_lastTileMeshResolutionX > 0) && (_lastTileMeshResolutionY > 0)) { // ElevationData* subView = _lastElevationDataProvider->createSubviewOfElevationData(ed, // getSector(), // Vector2I(_lastTileMeshResolutionX, _lastTileMeshResolutionY)); // return subView; return new SubviewElevationData(ed, //bool ownsElevationData, getSector(), Vector2I(_lastTileMeshResolutionX, _lastTileMeshResolutionY)); } ILogger::instance()->logError("Can't create subview of elevation data from ancestor"); return NULL; }
void GUIResourceTreeView::dropTargetDragDropped(INT32 x, INT32 y) { const GUITreeView::InteractableElement* element = findElementUnderCoord(Vector2I(x, y)); TreeElement* treeElement = nullptr; if(element != nullptr) { if(element->isTreeElement()) treeElement = element->getTreeElement(); else treeElement = element->parent; } if(mDropTarget->getDropType() == OSDropType::FileList) { Vector<WString> fileList = mDropTarget->getFileList(); mDraggedResources = bs_new<InternalDraggedResources>((UINT32)fileList.size()); for(UINT32 i = 0; i < (UINT32)fileList.size(); i++) mDraggedResources->resourcePaths[i] = fileList[i]; dragAndDropEnded(treeElement); bs_delete(mDraggedResources); mDraggedResources = nullptr; unselectAll(); } mDragInProgress = false; mDropTargetDragActive = false; _markLayoutAsDirty(); }
void UpdateFromMouseInput( CameraState* camera, MouseState* current_mouse_state ) { ///////////////////////////// // MOUSE // current_mouse_state->m_Center = getTheRenderer().GetWindowCenterInScreenCoordinates(); POINT mouse_pos_point; GetCursorPos( &mouse_pos_point ); current_mouse_state->m_PreviousPosition = current_mouse_state->m_Position; current_mouse_state->m_Position = Vector2I( (int)mouse_pos_point.x, (int)mouse_pos_point.y ); current_mouse_state->m_Delta= current_mouse_state->m_Position - current_mouse_state->m_PreviousPosition; switch( camera->m_Type ) { case kFlyCam: FlyCam::UpdateFromMouseInput( camera, current_mouse_state ); break; case kMayaCam: MayaCam::UpdateFromMouseInput( (MayaCameraState*)camera, current_mouse_state ); break; } if( current_mouse_state->m_IsDragging ) { //at -1, mouse becomes hidden while( ShowCursor( false ) > -1 ) {} } else { //at 0, mouse becomes visible while( ShowCursor( true ) < 0 ) {} } }
bool OverlayGroup::load(TiXmlNode *xmlnode) { TiXmlNode *itemnode; TiXmlElement *itemelement; // Parse images itemnode = xmlnode->FirstChild("image"); while(itemnode) { itemnode = xmlnode->IterateChildren("image", itemnode); if(itemnode) { itemelement = itemnode->ToElement(); // Check for attributes if(!itemelement->Attribute("name")) { std::cerr << "No \"name\" found in <image>" << std::endl; return false; } if(!itemelement->Attribute("offset") || !itemelement->Attribute("size")) { std::cerr << "No \"offset\" and/or \"size\" found in <image>" << std::endl; return false; } if(!itemelement->Attribute("image-path") || !itemelement->Attribute("texture-size")) { std::cerr << "No \"image-path\" and/or \"texture-size\" found in <image>" << std::endl; return false; } // Instantiate new OverlayItem object std::string itemname = itemelement->Attribute("name"); OverlayImage *image = new OverlayImage(); image->setName(itemname); image->setSize( Vector2I(itemelement->Attribute("size")) ); image->setOffset( Vector2I(itemelement->Attribute("offset")) ); image->loadImage(itemelement->Attribute("image-path"), Vector2I(itemelement->Attribute("texture-size"))); items[itemname] = image; // Jump to the next <image> entry itemnode = xmlnode->IterateChildren("image", itemnode); } } return true; }
Vector2I GUIHelper::calcOptimalContentsSize(const Vector2I& contentSize, const GUIElementStyle& style, const GUIDimensions& dimensions) { UINT32 contentWidth = style.margins.left + style.margins.right + style.contentOffset.left + style.contentOffset.right; UINT32 contentHeight = + style.margins.bottom + + style.contentOffset.bottom; return Vector2I(std::max((UINT32)contentSize.x, contentWidth), std::max((UINT32)contentSize.y, contentHeight)); }
Vector2I Win32Window::windowToScreenPos(const Vector2I& windowPos) const { POINT pos; pos.x = windowPos.x; pos.y = windowPos.y; ClientToScreen(m->hWnd, &pos); return Vector2I(pos.x, pos.y); }
Vector2I Win32Window::screenToWindowPos(const Vector2I& screenPos) const { POINT pos; pos.x = screenPos.x; pos.y = screenPos.y; ScreenToClient(m->hWnd, &pos); return Vector2I(pos.x, pos.y); }
LayoutSizeRange GUIScrollArea::_calculateLayoutSizeRange() const { // I'm ignoring scroll bars here since if the content layout fits // then they're not needed and the range is valid. And if it doesn't // fit the area will get clipped anyway and including the scroll bars // won't change the size much, but it would complicate this method significantly. if (mContentLayout->_isActive()) return mDimensions.calculateSizeRange(_getOptimalSize()); return mDimensions.calculateSizeRange(Vector2I()); }
void TextSprite::getAlignmentOffsets(const TextDataBase& textData, UINT32 width, UINT32 height, TextHorzAlign horzAlign, TextVertAlign vertAlign, Vector2I* output) { UINT32 numLines = textData.getNumLines(); UINT32 curHeight = 0; for(UINT32 i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { const TextDataBase::TextLine& line = textData.getLine(i); curHeight += line.getYOffset(); } // Calc vertical alignment offset UINT32 vertDiff = std::max(0U, height - curHeight); UINT32 vertOffset = 0; switch(vertAlign) { case TVA_Top: vertOffset = 0; break; case TVA_Bottom: vertOffset = std::max(0, (INT32)vertDiff); break; case TVA_Center: vertOffset = std::max(0, (INT32)vertDiff) / 2; break; } // Calc horizontal alignment offset UINT32 curY = 0; for(UINT32 i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { const TextDataBase::TextLine& line = textData.getLine(i); UINT32 horzOffset = 0; switch(horzAlign) { case THA_Left: horzOffset = 0; break; case THA_Right: horzOffset = std::max(0, (INT32)(width - line.getWidth())); break; case THA_Center: horzOffset = std::max(0, (INT32)(width - line.getWidth())) / 2; break; } output[i] = Vector2I(horzOffset, vertOffset + curY); curY += line.getYOffset(); } }
void GuichanFont::drawString(gcn::Graphics *graphics, const std::string& text, int x, int y) { const gcn::ClipRectangle &top = graphics->getCurrentClipArea(); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); font->renderRaw(text, Vector2I(x + top.xOffset, y + top.yOffset)); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE); gcn::Color color = graphics->getColor(); if (color.a == 255) glDisable(GL_BLEND); }
void ScriptContextMenu::internal_Open(ScriptContextMenu* instance, Vector2I* position, ScriptGUILayout* layoutPtr) { GUIElementBase* layout = layoutPtr->getGUIElement(); GUIWidget* widget = layout->_getParentWidget(); if (widget == nullptr) return; Rect2I bounds = layout->getGlobalBounds(); Vector2I windowPosition = *position + Vector2I(bounds.x, bounds.y); SPtr<GUIContextMenu> contextMenu = instance->getInternal(); contextMenu->open(windowPosition, *widget); }
HRESULT __stdcall Win32DropTarget::DragLeave() { { Lock lock(mSync); mQueuedDropOps.push_back(DropTargetOp(DropOpType::Leave, Vector2I())); DropTargetOp& op = mQueuedDropOps.back(); op.dataType = DropOpDataType::FileList; op.mFileList = mFileLists.back(); } return S_OK; }
Rect2I GUIElement::getCachedContentClipRect() const { Rect2I contentBounds = getCachedContentBounds(); // Transform into element space so we can clip it using the element clip rectangle Vector2I offsetDiff = Vector2I(contentBounds.x - mLayoutData.area.x, contentBounds.y - mLayoutData.area.y); Rect2I contentClipRect(offsetDiff.x, offsetDiff.y, contentBounds.width, contentBounds.height); contentClipRect.clip(mLayoutData.getLocalClipRect()); // Transform into content sprite space contentClipRect.x -= offsetDiff.x; contentClipRect.y -= offsetDiff.y; return contentClipRect; }
Vector2I GUIButtonBase::_getOptimalSize() const { UINT32 imageWidth = 0; UINT32 imageHeight = 0; const HSpriteTexture& activeTex = getActiveTexture(); if(SpriteTexture::checkIsLoaded(activeTex)) { imageWidth = activeTex->getWidth(); imageHeight = activeTex->getHeight(); } Vector2I contentSize = GUIHelper::calcOptimalContentsSize(mContent, *_getStyle(), _getDimensions(), mActiveState); UINT32 contentWidth = std::max(imageWidth, (UINT32)contentSize.x); UINT32 contentHeight = std::max(imageHeight, (UINT32)contentSize.y); return Vector2I(contentWidth, contentHeight); }
void CEGUITextureTarget::declareRenderSize(const CEGUI::Sizef& sz) { // exit if current size is enough if ((m_Area.getWidth() >= sz.d_width) && (m_Area.getHeight() >= sz.d_height)) { return; } CA_TRACE("CEGUITextureTarget(%p) resize %f %f\n", this, sz.d_width, sz.d_height); setArea(CEGUI::Rectf(m_Area.getPosition(), sz)); CasaEngine::TextureTarget* pTexTarget = dynamic_cast<CasaEngine::TextureTarget *>(m_pRenderTarget); pTexTarget->Create( Vector2I(m_Area.getSize().d_width, m_Area.getSize().d_height), CasaEngine::PixelFormat::ARGB_8888); m_pTexture->SetTexture(pTexTarget->GetTexture()); }
void GUIResourceTreeView::dropTargetDragMove(INT32 x, INT32 y) { mDragPosition = Vector2I(x, y); mDragInProgress = true; mDropTargetDragActive = true; _markLayoutAsDirty(); if(mBottomScrollBounds.contains(mDragPosition)) { if(mScrollState != ScrollState::Down) mScrollState = ScrollState::TransitioningDown; } else if(mTopScrollBounds.contains(mDragPosition)) { if(mScrollState != ScrollState::Up) mScrollState = ScrollState::TransitioningUp; } else mScrollState = ScrollState::None; }
HRESULT __stdcall Win32DropTarget::DragOver(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD* pdwEffect) { *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_LINK; if(!mAcceptDrag) return S_OK; { Lock lock(mSync); ScreenToClient(mHWnd, (POINT *)&pt); mQueuedDropOps.push_back(DropTargetOp(DropOpType::DragOver, Vector2I((int)pt.x, (int)pt.y))); DropTargetOp& op = mQueuedDropOps.back(); op.dataType = DropOpDataType::FileList; op.mFileList = mFileLists.back(); } return S_OK; }
GoogleMapsLayer::GoogleMapsLayer(const std::string& key, const TimeInterval& timeToCache, bool readExpired, int initialLevel, LayerCondition* condition) : Layer(condition, "GoogleMaps", timeToCache, readExpired, new LayerTilesRenderParameters(Sector::fullSphere(), 1, 1, initialLevel, 20, Vector2I(256, 256), LayerTilesRenderParameters::defaultTileMeshResolution(), true) ), _key(key), _sector(Sector::fullSphere()) { }
Rect2I GUIInputCaret::getSpriteClipRect(const Rect2I& parentClipRect) const { Vector2I offset(mElement->_getLayoutData().area.x, mElement->_getLayoutData().area.y); Vector2I clipOffset = getSpriteOffset() - offset - Vector2I(mElement->_getTextInputRect().x, mElement->_getTextInputRect().y); Rect2I clipRect(-clipOffset.x, -clipOffset.y, mTextDesc.width, mTextDesc.height); Rect2I localParentCliprect = parentClipRect; // Move parent rect to our space localParentCliprect.x += mElement->_getTextInputOffset().x + clipRect.x; localParentCliprect.y += mElement->_getTextInputOffset().y + clipRect.y; // Clip our rectangle so its not larger then the parent clipRect.clip(localParentCliprect); // Increase clip size by 1, so we can fit the caret in case it is fully at the end of the text clipRect.width += 1; return clipRect; }
HRESULT __stdcall Win32DropTarget::Drop(IDataObject* pDataObj, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD* pdwEffect) { *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_LINK; mAcceptDrag = false; if(!isDataValid(pDataObj)) return S_OK; { Lock lock(mSync); mFileLists.push_back(getFileListFromData(pDataObj)); ScreenToClient(mHWnd, (POINT *)&pt); mQueuedDropOps.push_back(DropTargetOp(DropOpType::Drop, Vector2I((int)pt.x, (int)pt.y))); DropTargetOp& op = mQueuedDropOps.back(); op.dataType = DropOpDataType::FileList; op.mFileList = mFileLists.back(); } return S_OK; }
namespace engine { // Mathlib.hpp const float Math::Pi = 3.14159265f; const float Math::HalfPi = 1.570796325f; const float Math::Epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(); // Vector2.hpp template<> const Vector2I Vector2I::ZERO = Vector2I(0,0); template<> const Vector2F Vector2F::ZERO = Vector2F(0.f, 0.f); // Vector3.hpp template<> const Vector3I Vector3I::ZERO = Vector3I(0,0,0); template<> const Vector3F Vector3F::ZERO = Vector3F(0.f,0.f,0.f); template<> const Vector3F Vector3F::UNIT_Z = Vector3F(0.f,0.f,1.f); template<> const Vector3F Vector3F::UNIT_X = Vector3F(1.f,0.f,0.f); template<> const Vector3F Vector3F::UNIT_Y = Vector3F(0.f,1.f,0.f); template<> const Vector3F Vector3F::NEGUNIT_Z = Vector3F(0.f,0.f,-1.f); template<> const Vector3F Vector3F::NEGUNIT_X = Vector3F(-1.f,0.f,0.f); template<> const Vector3F Vector3F::NEGUNIT_Y = Vector3F(0.f,-1.f,0.f); // Matrix4.hpp const Matrix4 Matrix4::IDENTITY = Matrix4(); void Matrix4::SetOrientation(const Quaternion &pQuat){ Matrix4 tempMat = pQuat.ToMatrix(); tempMat.SetTranslation(this->GetTranslation()); *this = tempMat; } void Matrix4::Rotate(const Quaternion &pQuat){ Quaternion oldOrient, newOrient; oldOrient.FromMatrix(*this); newOrient = oldOrient * pQuat; this->SetOrientation(newOrient); } }
void ScriptSceneSelection::internal_PickObject(ScriptSceneSelection* thisPtr, Vector2I* inputPos, bool additive) { // TODO - Handle multi-selection (i.e. selection rectangle when dragging) HSceneObject pickedObject = ScenePicking::instance().pickClosestObject(thisPtr->mCamera, *inputPos, Vector2I(1, 1)); if (pickedObject) { if (additive) // Append to existing selection { Vector<HSceneObject> selectedSOs = Selection::instance().getSceneObjects(); auto iterFind = std::find_if(selectedSOs.begin(), selectedSOs.end(), [&](const HSceneObject& obj) { return obj == pickedObject; } ); if (iterFind == selectedSOs.end()) selectedSOs.push_back(pickedObject); Selection::instance().setSceneObjects(selectedSOs); } else { Vector<HSceneObject> selectedSOs = { pickedObject }; Selection::instance().setSceneObjects(selectedSOs); } } else Selection::instance().clearSceneSelection(); }