bool C_PortalGhostRenderable::GetAttachmentVelocity( int number, Vector &originVel, Quaternion &angleVel )
	if( m_pGhostedRenderable == NULL )
		return false;

	Vector ghostVel;
	if( m_pGhostedRenderable->GetAttachmentVelocity( number, ghostVel, angleVel ) )
		Vector3DMultiply( m_matGhostTransform, ghostVel, originVel );
		Vector3DMultiply( m_matGhostTransform, *(Vector*)( &angleVel ), *(Vector*)( &angleVel ) );
		return true;
	return false;
void CSDKPlayer::SDKThrowWeaponDir( CWeaponSDKBase *pWeapon, const Vector &vecForward, Vector *pVecThrowDir )
	VMatrix zRot;
	MatrixBuildRotateZ( zRot, random->RandomFloat( -60.0f, 60.0f ) );

	Vector vecThrow;
	Vector3DMultiply( zRot, vecForward, *pVecThrowDir );

	pVecThrowDir->z = random->RandomFloat( -0.5f, 0.5f );
	VectorNormalize( *pVecThrowDir );
// Builds a rotation matrix that rotates one direction vector into another
void MatrixBuildRotation( VMatrix &dst, const Vector& initialDirection, const Vector& finalDirection )
	float angle = DotProduct( initialDirection, finalDirection );
	assert( IsFinite(angle) );
	Vector axis;

	// No rotation required
	if (angle - 1.0 > -1e-3)
		// parallel case
	else if (angle + 1.0 < 1e-3)
		// antiparallel case, pick any axis in the plane
		// perpendicular to the final direction. Choose the direction (x,y,z)
		// which has the minimum component of the final direction, use that
		// as an initial guess, then subtract out the component which is 
		// parallel to the final direction
		int idx = 0;
		if (FloatMakePositive(finalDirection[1]) < FloatMakePositive(finalDirection[idx]))
			idx = 1;
		if (FloatMakePositive(finalDirection[2]) < FloatMakePositive(finalDirection[idx]))
			idx = 2;

		axis.Init( 0, 0, 0 );
		axis[idx] = 1.0f;
		VectorMA( axis, -DotProduct( axis, finalDirection ), finalDirection, axis );
		angle = 180.0f;
		CrossProduct( initialDirection, finalDirection, axis );
		VectorNormalize( axis );
		angle = acos(angle) * 180 / M_PI;

	MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( dst, axis, angle );

#ifdef _DEBUG
	Vector test;
	Vector3DMultiply( dst, initialDirection, test );
	test -= finalDirection;
	assert( test.LengthSqr() < 1e-3 );
void CTrailParticles::RenderParticles(CParticleRenderIterator *pIterator)
    const TrailParticle *pParticle = (const TrailParticle*) pIterator->GetFirst();
    while (pParticle)
        //Get our remaining time
        float lifePerc = 1.0f - (pParticle->m_flLifetime / pParticle->m_flDieTime);
        float scale = (pParticle->m_flLength*lifePerc);

        if (scale < 0.01f)
            scale = 0.01f;

        Vector	start, delta;

        //NOTE: We need to do everything in screen space
        TransformParticle(ParticleMgr()->GetModelView(), pParticle->m_Pos, start);
        float sortKey = start.z;

        Vector3DMultiply(ParticleMgr()->GetModelView(), pParticle->m_vecVelocity, delta);

        float	color[4];
        float	ramp = 1.0;

        // Fade in for the first few frames
        if (pParticle->m_flLifetime <= 0.3 && m_fFlags & bitsPARTICLE_TRAIL_FADE_IN)
            ramp = pParticle->m_flLifetime;
        else if (m_fFlags & bitsPARTICLE_TRAIL_FADE)
            ramp = (1.0f - (pParticle->m_flLifetime / pParticle->m_flDieTime));

        color[0] = pParticle->m_color.r * ramp * (1.0f / 255.0f);
        color[1] = pParticle->m_color.g * ramp * (1.0f / 255.0f);
        color[2] = pParticle->m_color.b * ramp * (1.0f / 255.0f);
        color[3] = pParticle->m_color.a * ramp * (1.0f / 255.0f);

        float	flLength = (pParticle->m_vecVelocity * scale).Length();//( delta - pos ).Length();
        float	flWidth = (flLength < pParticle->m_flWidth) ? flLength : pParticle->m_flWidth;

        //See if we should fade
        Vector vecScaledDelta = (delta*scale);
        Tracer_Draw(pIterator->GetParticleDraw(), start, vecScaledDelta, flWidth, color);

        pParticle = (const TrailParticle*) pIterator->GetNext(sortKey);
// Does a fast inverse, assuming the matrix only contains translation and rotation.
void MatrixInverseTR( const VMatrix& src, VMatrix &dst )
	Vector vTrans, vNewTrans;

	// Transpose the upper 3x3.
	dst.m[0][0] = src.m[0][0];  dst.m[0][1] = src.m[1][0]; dst.m[0][2] = src.m[2][0];
	dst.m[1][0] = src.m[0][1];  dst.m[1][1] = src.m[1][1]; dst.m[1][2] = src.m[2][1];
	dst.m[2][0] = src.m[0][2];  dst.m[2][1] = src.m[1][2]; dst.m[2][2] = src.m[2][2];

	// Transform the translation.
	vTrans.Init( -src.m[0][3], -src.m[1][3], -src.m[2][3] );
	Vector3DMultiply( dst, vTrans, vNewTrans );
	MatrixSetColumn( dst, 3, vNewTrans );

	// Fill in the bottom row.
	dst.m[3][0] = dst.m[3][1] = dst.m[3][2] = 0.0f;
	dst.m[3][3] = 1.0f;
// Purpose :
// Input   :
// Output  :
bool CPlasmaSpray::SimulateAndRender(Particle *pParticle, ParticleDraw *pDraw, float &sortDist )
	SimpleParticle* pSimpleParticle = (SimpleParticle*)pParticle;

	//Should this particle die?
	pSimpleParticle->m_flLifetime += pDraw->GetTimeDelta();

	C_PlasmaBeamNode* pNode = (C_PlasmaBeamNode*)((C_BaseEntity*)m_pOwner);
	if ( pSimpleParticle->m_flLifetime >= pSimpleParticle->m_flDieTime )
		return false;
	// If owner is gone or spray off remove me
	else if (pNode == NULL || !pNode->m_bSprayOn)
		return false;

	float scale = random->RandomFloat( 0.02, 0.08 );

	// NOTE: We need to do everything in screen space
	Vector  delta;
	Vector	start;
	TransformParticle(g_ParticleMgr.GetModelView(), pSimpleParticle->m_Pos, start);

	Vector3DMultiply( CurrentWorldToViewMatrix(), pSimpleParticle->m_vecVelocity, delta );

	delta[0] *= scale;
	delta[1] *= scale;
	delta[2] *= scale;

	// See c_tracer.* for this method
	Tracer_Draw( pDraw, start, delta, random->RandomInt( 2, 8 ), 0 );

	//Simulate the movement with collision
	trace_t trace;
	float   timeDelta = pDraw->GetTimeDelta();
	m_ParticleCollision.MoveParticle( pSimpleParticle->m_Pos, pSimpleParticle->m_vecVelocity, NULL, timeDelta, &trace );

	return true;
// Transform a plane
void MatrixTransformPlane( const VMatrix &src, const cplane_t &inPlane, cplane_t &outPlane )
	// What we want to do is the following:
	// 1) transform the normal into the new space.
	// 2) Determine a point on the old plane given by plane dist * plane normal
	// 3) Transform that point into the new space
	// 4) Plane dist = DotProduct( new normal, new point )

	// An optimized version, which works if the plane is orthogonal.
	// 1) Transform the normal into the new space
	// 2) Realize that transforming the old plane point into the new space
	// is given by [ d * n'x + Tx, d * n'y + Ty, d * n'z + Tz ]
	// where d = old plane dist, n' = transformed normal, Tn = translational component of transform
	// 3) Compute the new plane dist using the dot product of the normal result of #2

	// For a correct result, this should be an inverse-transpose matrix
	// but that only matters if there are nonuniform scale or skew factors in this matrix.
	Vector3DMultiply( src, inPlane.normal, outPlane.normal );
	outPlane.dist = inPlane.dist * DotProduct( outPlane.normal, outPlane.normal );
	outPlane.dist += DotProduct( outPlane.normal, src.GetTranslation() );
// Updates the relative orientation of the camera, spring mode
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::ComputeMouseRay( const VMatrix &steadyCamToPlayer, Vector &vecForward )
	// Create a ray in steadycam space
	float flMaxD = 1.0f / tan( M_PI * m_flFOV / 360.0f );

	// Remap offsets into normalized space
	int w, h;
	GetViewportSize( w, h );

	float flViewX = ( w != 0 ) ? m_vecViewOffset.x / ( w / 2 ) : 0.0f;
	float flViewY = ( h != 0 ) ? m_vecViewOffset.y / ( h / 2 ) : 0.0f;

	flViewX *= flMaxD;
	flViewY *= flMaxD;
	Vector vecSelectionDir( 1.0f, -flViewX, -flViewY );
	VectorNormalize( vecSelectionDir );

	// Rotate the ray into player coordinates
	Vector3DMultiply( steadyCamToPlayer, vecSelectionDir, vecForward );
void CWeaponIFMSteadyCam::UpdateRelativeOrientation()
	if ( m_bIsLocked )

	if ( m_bInDirectMode )

	if ( ( m_vecViewOffset.x == 0.0f ) && ( m_vecViewOffset.y == 0.0f ) )

	// Compute a player to steadycam matrix
	VMatrix steadyCamToPlayer;
	MatrixFromAngles( m_angRelativeAngles, steadyCamToPlayer );
	MatrixSetColumn( steadyCamToPlayer, 3, m_vecRelativePosition );

	Vector vecCurrentForward;
	MatrixGetColumn( steadyCamToPlayer, 0, &vecCurrentForward );

	// Create a ray in steadycam space
	float flMaxD = 1.0f / tan( M_PI * m_flFOV / 360.0f );

	// Remap offsets into normalized space
	float flViewX = m_vecViewOffset.x / ( 384 / 2 );
	float flViewY = m_vecViewOffset.y / ( 288 / 2 );

	flViewX *= flMaxD * ifm_steadycam_mousefactor.GetFloat();
	flViewY *= flMaxD * ifm_steadycam_mousefactor.GetFloat();
	Vector vecSelectionDir( 1.0f, -flViewX, -flViewY );
	VectorNormalize( vecSelectionDir );

	// Rotate the ray into player coordinates
	Vector vecDesiredDirection;
	Vector3DMultiply( steadyCamToPlayer, vecSelectionDir, vecDesiredDirection );

	float flDot = DotProduct( vecDesiredDirection, vecCurrentForward );
	flDot = clamp( flDot, -1.0f, 1.0f );
	float flAngle = 180.0f * acos( flDot ) / M_PI;
	if ( flAngle < 1e-3 )
		matrix3x4_t mat;
		MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecDesiredDirection, mat );
		MatrixAngles( mat, m_angRelativeAngles );

	Vector vecAxis;
	CrossProduct( vecCurrentForward, vecDesiredDirection, vecAxis );
	VectorNormalize( vecAxis );
	float flRotateRate = ifm_steadycam_rotaterate.GetFloat();
	if ( flRotateRate < 1.0f )
		flRotateRate = 1.0f;

	float flRateFactor = flAngle / flRotateRate;
	flRateFactor *= flRateFactor * flRateFactor;
	float flRate = flRateFactor * 30.0f;
	float flMaxAngle = gpGlobals->frametime * flRate;
	flAngle = clamp( flAngle, 0.0f, flMaxAngle );

	Vector vecNewForard;
	VMatrix rotation;
	MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( rotation, vecAxis, flAngle ); 
	Vector3DMultiply( rotation, vecCurrentForward, vecNewForard );

	matrix3x4_t mat;
	MatrixFromForwardDirection( vecNewForard, mat );
	MatrixAngles( mat, m_angRelativeAngles );

	Assert( m_angRelativeAngles.IsValid() );
static int vmatrix_Vector3DMultiply (lua_State *L) {
  Vector3DMultiply(luaL_checkvmatrix(L, 1), luaL_checkvector(L, 2), luaL_checkvector(L, 3));
  return 0;