 * @brief Get the weapon firing TUs of the item in the right hand of the edict.
 * @return -1 if no firedef was found for the item or the reaction fire mode is not activated for the right hand.
 * @todo why only right hand?
 * @param[in] ent The reaction firing actor
 * @param[in] target The target to check reaction fire for (e.g. check whether the weapon that was marked for
 * using in reaction fire situations can handle the distance between the shooter and the target)
 * @param[in] invList The items that are checked for reaction fire
 * @note This does 'not' return the weapon (lowest TU costs, highest damage, highest accuracy) but the first weapon that
 * would fit for reaction fire.
static int G_ReactionFireGetTUsForItem (const edict_t *ent, const edict_t *target, const invList_t *invList)
	if (invList && invList->item.m && invList->item.t->weapon
	 && (!invList->item.t->reload || invList->item.a > 0)) {
		const fireDef_t *fdArray = FIRESH_FiredefForWeapon(&invList->item);
		const chrFiremodeSettings_t *fmSetting;
		if (fdArray == NULL)
			return -1;

		fmSetting = &ent->chr.RFmode;
		if (fmSetting->hand == ACTOR_HAND_RIGHT && fmSetting->fmIdx >= 0
		 && fmSetting->fmIdx < MAX_FIREDEFS_PER_WEAPON) { /* If a RIGHT-hand firemode is selected and sane. */
			const fireDefIndex_t fmIdx = fmSetting->fmIdx;
			const int reactionFire = G_PLAYER_FROM_ENT(ent)->reactionLeftover;
			const fireDef_t *fd = &fdArray[fmIdx];
			const int tus = fd->time + reactionFire;

			if (tus <= ent->TU && fd->range > VectorDist(ent->origin, target->origin)) {
				return tus;

	return -1;
 * @brief Spawns a smoke field that is available for some rounds
 * @param[in] vec The position in the world that is the center of the smoke field
 * @param[in] particle The id of the particle (see ptl_*.ufo script files in base/ufos)
 * @param[in] rounds The number of rounds the particle will last
 * @todo Does '2 rounds' mean: created in player's turn, last through the aliens turn, vanish before the 2nd player's turn ??
 * @param[in] radius The max distance of a cell from the center to get a particle
void G_SpawnSmokeField (const vec3_t vec, const char *particle, int rounds, vec_t radius)
	vec_t x, y;

	G_SpawnSmoke(vec, particle, rounds);

	/* for all cells in a square of +/- radius */
	for (x = vec[0] - radius; x <= vec[0] + radius; x += UNIT_SIZE) {
		for (y = vec[1] - radius; y <= vec[1] + radius; y += UNIT_SIZE) {
			vec3_t end;
			trace_t tr;

			VectorSet(end, x, y, vec[2]);

			/* cut off the edges of the square to resemble a circle */
			if (VectorDist(end, vec) > radius)
			tr = G_Trace(vec, end, NULL, MASK_SMOKE_AND_FIRE);
			/* trace didn't reach the target - something was hit before */
			if (tr.fraction < 1.0 || (tr.contentFlags & CONTENTS_WATER)) {
			G_SpawnSmoke(end, particle, rounds);
void G_SpawnStunSmokeField (const vec3_t vec, const char *particle, int rounds, int damage, vec_t radius)
	vec_t x, y;

	G_SpawnStunSmoke(vec, particle, rounds, damage);

	for (x = vec[0] - radius; x <= vec[0] + radius; x += UNIT_SIZE) {
		for (y = vec[1] - radius; y <= vec[1] + radius; y += UNIT_SIZE) {
			vec3_t end;
			trace_t tr;

			VectorSet(end, x, y, vec[2]);

			if (VectorDist(end, vec) > radius)
			tr = G_Trace(vec, end, NULL, MASK_SMOKE_AND_FIRE);
			/* trace didn't reach the target - something was hit before */
			if (tr.fraction < 1.0 || (tr.contentFlags & CONTENTS_WATER)) {

			G_SpawnStunSmoke(end, particle, rounds, damage);
 * @brief Calculates transformation matrix for the model and its tags
 * @note The transformation matrix is only calculated once
static float* R_CalcTransform (entity_t* e)
	transform_t* t;
	float* mp;
	float mt[16], mc[16];

	/* check if this entity is already transformed */
	t = &e->transform;

	if (t->processing)
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Ring in entity transformations!");

	if (t->done)
		return t->matrix;

	/* process this matrix */
	t->processing = true;
	mp = nullptr;

	/* do parent object transformations first */
	if (e->tagent) {
		/* tag transformation */
		const model_t* model = e->tagent->model;
		const mAliasTagOrientation_t* current = nullptr;
		const mAliasTagOrientation_t* old = nullptr;
		const animState_t* as = &e->tagent->as;

		R_GetTags(model, e->tagname, as->frame, as->oldframe, &current, &old);
		if (current != nullptr && old != nullptr) {
			float interpolated[16];

			/* parent transformation */
			mp = R_CalcTransform(e->tagent);

			/* do interpolation */
			R_InterpolateTransform(as->backlerp, model->alias.num_frames, current, old, interpolated);

			/* transform */
			GLMatrixMultiply(mp, interpolated, mt);
			mp = mt;

	GLMatrixAssemble(e->origin, e->angles, mc);

	/* combine transformations */
	if (mp)
		GLMatrixMultiply(mp, mc, t->matrix);
		memcpy(t->matrix, mc, sizeof(float) * 16);

	/* matrix elements 12..14 contain (forward) translation vector, which is also the origin of model after transform */
	e->distanceFromViewOrigin = VectorDist(&t->matrix[12], refdef.viewOrigin);

	/* we're done */
	t->done = true;
	t->processing = false;

	return t->matrix;
 * @brief Test if point is "visible" from team.
 * @param[in] team A team to test.
 * @param[in] point A point to check.
 * @return true if point is "visible"
static bool G_TeamPointVis (int team, const vec3_t point)
	Edict *from = nullptr;
	vec3_t eye;

	/* test if point is visible from team */
	while ((from = G_EdictsGetNextLivingActorOfTeam(from, team))) {
		if (G_FrustumVis(from, point)) {
			/* get viewers eye height */
			G_ActorGetEyeVector(from, eye);

			/* line of sight */
			if (!G_TestLine(eye, point)) {
				const float distance = VectorDist(from->origin, point);
				bool blocked = false;
				/* check visibility in the smoke */
				if (distance >= UNIT_SIZE) {
					Edict *e = nullptr;
					while ((e = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(e))) {
						if (G_IsSmoke(e) && RayIntersectAABB(eye, point, e->absmin, e->absmax)) {
								blocked = true;
				if (!blocked)
					return true;

	/* not visible */
	return false;
 * @brief Get the weapon firing TUs of the item in the right hand of the edict.
 * @return -1 if no firedef was found for the item or the reaction fire mode is not activated for the right hand.
 * @todo why only right hand?
 * @param[in] shooter The reaction firing actor
 * @param[in] target The target to check reaction fire for (e.g. check whether the weapon that was marked for
 * using in reaction fire situations can handle the distance between the shooter and the target)
 * @note This does 'not' return the weapon (lowest TU costs, highest damage, highest accuracy) but the first weapon that
 * would fit for reaction fire.
static int G_ReactionFireGetTUsForItem (const Edict *shooter, const Edict *target)
	const FiremodeSettings *fmSetting = &shooter->chr.RFmode;
	const Item *weapon = shooter->getHandItem(fmSetting->getHand());

	if (weapon && weapon->ammoDef() && weapon->isWeapon() && !weapon->mustReload()) {
		const fireDef_t *fdArray = weapon->getFiredefs();
		if (fdArray == nullptr)
			return -1;

		if (fmSetting->getFmIdx() >= 0 && fmSetting->getFmIdx() < MAX_FIREDEFS_PER_WEAPON) { /* If firemode is sane. */
			const fireDefIndex_t fmIdx = fmSetting->getFmIdx();
			const int reactionFire = shooter->getPlayer().reactionLeftover;
			assert(reactionFire == 0);	/* check if this is still in use */
			const fireDef_t *fd = &fdArray[fmIdx];
			const int tus = G_ActorGetModifiedTimeForFiredef(shooter, fd, true) + reactionFire;

			if (tus <= shooter->TU && fd->range > VectorDist(shooter->origin, target->origin)) {
				return tus;

	return -1;
 * @brief Decides if following events should be delayed. If the projectile has a speed value assigned, the
 * delay is relative to the distance the projectile flies. There are other fire definition related options
 * that might delay the execution of further events.
int CL_ActorDoShootTime (const eventRegister_t* self, dbuffer* msg, eventTiming_t* eventTiming)
	int flags, dummy;
	int objIdx, surfaceFlags;
	int weap_fds_idx, fd_idx;
	shoot_types_t shootType;
	vec3_t muzzle, impact;
	int eventTime = eventTiming->shootTime;

	/* read data */
	NET_ReadFormat(msg, self->formatString, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &objIdx, &weap_fds_idx, &fd_idx, &shootType, &flags,
			&surfaceFlags, &muzzle, &impact, &dummy);

	const objDef_t* obj = INVSH_GetItemByIDX(objIdx);
	const fireDef_t* fd = FIRESH_GetFiredef(obj, weap_fds_idx, fd_idx);

	if (!(flags & SF_BOUNCED)) {
		/* shooting */
		if (fd->speed > 0.0 && !CL_OutsideMap(impact, UNIT_SIZE * 10)) {
			eventTiming->impactTime = eventTiming->shootTime + 1000 * VectorDist(muzzle, impact) / fd->speed;
		} else {
			eventTiming->impactTime = eventTiming->shootTime;
		if (!cls.isOurRound())
			eventTiming->nextTime = CL_GetNextTime(self, eventTiming, eventTiming->impactTime + 1400);
			eventTiming->nextTime = CL_GetNextTime(self, eventTiming, eventTiming->impactTime + 400);
		if (fd->delayBetweenShots > 0.0)
			eventTiming->shootTime += 1000 / fd->delayBetweenShots;
	} else {
		/* only a bounced shot */
		eventTime = eventTiming->impactTime;
		if (fd->speed > 0.0) {
			eventTiming->impactTime += 1000 * VectorDist(muzzle, impact) / fd->speed;
			eventTiming->nextTime = CL_GetNextTime(self, eventTiming, eventTiming->impactTime);
	eventTiming->parsedDeath = false;

	return eventTime;
 * @brief Returns distance between AI and target
 * @note @c target (passed trough the lua stack) The target to which the distance is calculated
static int AIL_distance (lua_State *L)
	vec_t dist;
	aiActor_t* target;

	/* check parameter */
	assert(lua_gettop(L) && lua_isactor(L, 1));

	/* calculate distance */
	target = lua_toactor(L, 1);
	dist = VectorDist(AIL_ent->origin, target->ent->origin);
	lua_pushnumber(L, dist);
	return 1;
文件: g_vis.cpp 项目: yason/ufoai
 * @brief tests for smoke interference
 * @param[in] from The point to check visibility from
 * @param[in] check The edict to check visibility to
 * @return true if @c check is invisible from @c from (smoke is in the way), false otherwise.
bool G_SmokeVis (const vec3_t from, const Edict* check)
	const float distance = VectorDist(check->origin, from);
	/* units that are very close are visible in the smoke */
	if (distance > UNIT_SIZE * 1.5f) {
		Edict* e = nullptr;

		while ((e = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(e))) {
			if (G_IsSmoke(e)) {
				if (RayIntersectAABB(from, check->absBox.mins, e->absBox)
				 || RayIntersectAABB(from, check->absBox.maxs, e->absBox)) {
					return true;
	return false;
bool ReactionFire::isInWeaponRange (const Actor* shooter, const Edict* target, const fireDef_t* fd) const
	return fd->range >= VectorDist(shooter->origin, target->origin);
 * @brief Applies morale changes to actors around a wounded or killed actor.
 * @note only called when mor_panic is not zero
 * @param[in] type Type of morale modifier (@sa morale_modifiers)
 * @param[in] victim An actor being a victim of the attack.
 * @param[in] attacker An actor being attacker in this attack.
 * @param[in] param Used to modify morale changes, for G_Damage() it is value of damage.
 * @sa G_Damage
static void G_Morale (int type, const edict_t * victim, const edict_t * attacker, int param)
	edict_t *ent = NULL;
	int newMorale;
	float mod;

	while ((ent = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(ent))) {
		/* this only applies to ET_ACTOR but not ET_ACTOR2x2 */
		if (ent->type == ET_ACTOR && !G_IsDead(ent) && ent->team != TEAM_CIVILIAN) {
			switch (type) {
			case ML_WOUND:
			case ML_DEATH:
				/* morale damage depends on the damage */
				mod = mob_wound->value * param;
				/* death hurts morale even more than just damage */
				if (type == ML_DEATH)
					mod += mob_death->value;
				/* seeing how someone gets shot increases the morale change */
				if (ent == victim || (G_FrustumVis(ent, victim->origin) && G_ActorVis(ent->origin, ent, victim, false)))
					mod *= mof_watching->value;
				if (attacker != NULL && ent->team == attacker->team) {
					/* teamkills are considered to be bad form, but won't cause an increased morale boost for the enemy */
					/* morale boost isn't equal to morale loss (it's lower, but morale gets regenerated) */
					if (victim->team == attacker->team)
						mod *= mof_teamkill->value;
						mod *= mof_enemy->value;
				/* seeing a civilian die is more "acceptable" */
				if (G_IsCivilian(victim))
					mod *= mof_civilian->value;
				/* if an ally (or in singleplayermode, as human, a civilian) got shot, lower the morale, don't heighten it. */
				if (victim->team == ent->team || (G_IsCivilian(victim) && ent->team != TEAM_ALIEN && sv_maxclients->integer == 1))
					mod *= -1;
				if (attacker != NULL) {
					/* if you stand near to the attacker or the victim, the morale change is higher. */
					mod *= mor_default->value + pow(0.5, VectorDist(ent->origin, victim->origin) / mor_distance->value)
						* mor_victim->value + pow(0.5, VectorDist(ent->origin, attacker->origin) / mor_distance->value)
						* mor_attacker->value;
				} else {
					mod *= mor_default->value + pow(0.5, VectorDist(ent->origin, victim->origin) / mor_distance->value)
						* mor_victim->value;
				/* morale damage depends on the number of living allies */
				mod *= (1 - mon_teamfactor->value)
					+ mon_teamfactor->value * (level.num_spawned[victim->team] + 1)
					/ (level.num_alive[victim->team] + 1);
				/* being hit isn't fun */
				if (ent == victim)
					mod *= mor_pain->value;
				gi.DPrintf("Undefined morale modifier type %i\n", type);
				mod = 0;
			/* clamp new morale */
			/*+0.9 to allow weapons like flamethrowers to inflict panic (typecast rounding) */
			newMorale = ent->morale + (int) (MORALE_RANDOM(mod) + 0.9);
			if (newMorale > GET_MORALE(ent->chr.score.skills[ABILITY_MIND]))
				ent->morale = GET_MORALE(ent->chr.score.skills[ABILITY_MIND]);
			else if (newMorale < 0)
				ent->morale = 0;
				ent->morale = newMorale;

			/* send phys data */
 * @brief Deals splash damage to a target and its surroundings.
 * @param[in] ent The shooting actor
 * @param[in] fd The fire definition that defines what type of damage is dealt and how big the splash radius is.
 * @param[in] impact The impact vector where the grenade is exploding
 * @param[in,out] mock pseudo shooting - only for calculating mock values - NULL for real shots
 * @param[in] tr The trace where the grenade hits something (or not)
static void G_SplashDamage (edict_t *ent, const fireDef_t *fd, vec3_t impact, shot_mock_t *mock, const trace_t* tr)
	edict_t *check = NULL;
	vec3_t center;
	float dist;
	int damage;

	const bool shock = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damShock);

	assert(fd->splrad > 0.0);

	while ((check = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(check))) {
		/* If we use a blinding weapon we skip the target if it's looking
		 * away from the impact location. */
		if (shock && !G_FrustumVis(check, impact))

		if (G_IsBrushModel(check) && G_IsBreakable(check))
			VectorCenterFromMinsMaxs(check->absmin, check->absmax, center);
		else if (G_IsLivingActor(check) || G_IsBreakable(check))
			VectorCopy(check->origin, center);

		/* check for distance */
		dist = VectorDist(impact, center);
		dist = dist > UNIT_SIZE / 2 ? dist - UNIT_SIZE / 2 : 0;
		if (dist > fd->splrad)

		if (fd->irgoggles) {
			if (G_IsActor(check)) {
				/* check whether this actor (check) is in the field of view of the 'shooter' (ent) */
				if (G_FrustumVis(ent, check->origin)) {
					if (!mock) {
						const unsigned int playerMask = G_TeamToPM(ent->team) ^ G_VisToPM(check->visflags);
						G_AppearPerishEvent(playerMask, true, check, ent);
						G_VisFlagsAdd(check, G_PMToVis(playerMask));

		/* check for walls */
		if (G_IsLivingActor(check) && !G_ActorVis(impact, ent, check, false))

		/* do damage */
		if (shock)
			damage = 0;
			damage = fd->spldmg[0] * (1.0 - dist / fd->splrad);

		if (mock)
			mock->allow_self = true;
		G_Damage(check, fd, damage, ent, mock, NULL);
		if (mock)
			mock->allow_self = false;

	/** @todo splash might also hit other surfaces and the trace doesn't handle that */
	if (tr && G_FireAffectedSurface(tr->surface, fd)) {
		/* move a little away from the impact vector */
		VectorMA(impact, 1, tr->plane.normal, impact);
		G_SpawnParticle(impact, tr->contentFlags >> 8, "burning");
文件: g_combat.cpp 项目: ufoai/ufoai
 * @brief Applies morale changes to actors around a wounded or killed actor.
 * @note only called when mor_panic is not zero
 * @param[in] type Type of morale modifier (@sa morale_modifiers)
 * @param[in] victim An actor being a victim of the attack.
 * @param[in] attacker An actor being attacker in this attack.
 * @param[in] param Used to modify morale changes, for G_Damage() it is value of damage.
 * @sa G_Damage
static void G_Morale (morale_modifiers type, const Edict* victim, const Edict* attacker, int param)
	Actor* actor = nullptr;
	while ((actor = G_EdictsGetNextLivingActor(actor))) {
		/* this only applies to ET_ACTOR but not ET_ACTOR2x2 */
		if (actor->type != ET_ACTOR)
		if (G_IsCivilian(actor))

		/* morale damage depends on the damage */
		float mod = mob_wound->value * param;
		if (type == ML_SHOOT)
			mod *= mob_shoot->value;
		/* death hurts morale even more than just damage */
		if (type == ML_DEATH)
			mod += mob_death->value;
		/* seeing how someone gets shot increases the morale change */
		if (actor == victim || (G_FrustumVis(actor, victim->origin) && G_ActorVis(actor, victim, false)))
			mod *= mof_watching->value;
		if (attacker != nullptr && actor->isSameTeamAs(attacker)) {
			/* teamkills are considered to be bad form, but won't cause an increased morale boost for the enemy */
			/* morale boost isn't equal to morale loss (it's lower, but morale gets regenerated) */
			if (victim->isSameTeamAs(attacker))
				mod *= mof_teamkill->value;
				mod *= mof_enemy->value;
		/* seeing a civilian die is more "acceptable" */
		if (G_IsCivilian(victim))
			mod *= mof_civilian->value;
		/* if an ally (or in singleplayermode, as human, a civilian) got shot, lower the morale, don't heighten it. */
		if (victim->isSameTeamAs(actor) || (G_IsCivilian(victim) && !G_IsAlien(actor) && G_IsSinglePlayer()))
			mod *= -1;
		if (attacker != nullptr) {
			/* if you stand near to the attacker or the victim, the morale change is higher. */
			mod *= mor_default->value + pow(0.5f, VectorDist(actor->origin, victim->origin) / mor_distance->value)
				* mor_victim->value + pow(0.5f, VectorDist(actor->origin, attacker->origin) / mor_distance->value)
				* mor_attacker->value;
		} else {
			mod *= mor_default->value + pow(0.5f, VectorDist(actor->origin, victim->origin) / mor_distance->value)
				* mor_victim->value;
		/* morale damage depends on the number of living allies */
		mod *= (1 - mon_teamfactor->value)
			+ mon_teamfactor->value * (level.num_spawned[victim->getTeam()] + 1)
			/ (level.num_alive[victim->getTeam()] + 1);
		/* being hit isn't fun */
		if (actor == victim)
			mod *= mor_pain->value;
		/* clamp new morale */
		/*+0.9 to allow weapons like flamethrowers to inflict panic (typecast rounding) */
		const int newMorale = actor->morale + (int) (MORALE_RANDOM(mod) + 0.9);
		if (newMorale > GET_MORALE(actor->chr.score.skills[ABILITY_MIND]))
		else if (newMorale < 0)

		/* send phys data */
 * @brief Update the camera position. This can be done in two different reasons. The first is the user input, the second
 * is an active camera route. The camera route overrides the user input and is lerping the movement until the final position
 * is reached.
void CL_CameraMove (void)
	float frac;
	vec3_t delta;
	int i;

	/* get relevant variables */
	const float rotspeed =
		(cl_camrotspeed->value > MIN_CAMROT_SPEED) ? ((cl_camrotspeed->value < MAX_CAMROT_SPEED) ? cl_camrotspeed->value : MAX_CAMROT_SPEED) : MIN_CAMROT_SPEED;
	const float movespeed =
		(cl_cammovespeed->value > MIN_CAMMOVE_SPEED) ?
		((cl_cammovespeed->value < MAX_CAMMOVE_SPEED) ? cl_cammovespeed->value / cl.cam.zoom : MAX_CAMMOVE_SPEED / cl.cam.zoom) : MIN_CAMMOVE_SPEED / cl.cam.zoom;
	const float moveaccel =
		(cl_cammoveaccel->value > MIN_CAMMOVE_ACCEL) ?
		((cl_cammoveaccel->value < MAX_CAMMOVE_ACCEL) ? cl_cammoveaccel->value / cl.cam.zoom : MAX_CAMMOVE_ACCEL / cl.cam.zoom) : MIN_CAMMOVE_ACCEL / cl.cam.zoom;

	if (cls.state != ca_active)

	if (!viddef.viewWidth || !viddef.viewHeight)

	/* calculate camera omega */
	/* stop acceleration */
	frac = cls.frametime * moveaccel * 2.5;

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		if (fabs(cl.cam.omega[i]) > frac) {
			if (cl.cam.omega[i] > 0)
				cl.cam.omega[i] -= frac;
				cl.cam.omega[i] += frac;
		} else
			cl.cam.omega[i] = 0;

		/* rotational acceleration */
		if (i == YAW)
			cl.cam.omega[i] += CL_GetKeyMouseState(STATE_ROT) * frac * 2;
			cl.cam.omega[i] += CL_GetKeyMouseState(STATE_TILT) * frac * 2;

		if (cl.cam.omega[i] > rotspeed)
			cl.cam.omega[i] = rotspeed;
		if (-cl.cam.omega[i] > rotspeed)
			cl.cam.omega[i] = -rotspeed;

	cl.cam.omega[ROLL] = 0;
	/* calculate new camera angles for this frame */
	VectorMA(cl.cam.angles, cls.frametime, cl.cam.omega, cl.cam.angles);

	if (cl.cam.angles[PITCH] > cl_campitchmax->value)
		cl.cam.angles[PITCH] = cl_campitchmax->value;
	if (cl.cam.angles[PITCH] < cl_campitchmin->value)
		cl.cam.angles[PITCH] = cl_campitchmin->value;

	AngleVectors(cl.cam.angles, cl.cam.axis[0], cl.cam.axis[1], cl.cam.axis[2]);

	/* camera route overrides user input */
	if (cameraRoute) {
		/* camera route */
		frac = cls.frametime * moveaccel * 2;
		if (VectorDist(cl.cam.origin, routeFrom) > routeDist - 200) {
			VectorMA(cl.cam.speed, -frac, routeDelta, cl.cam.speed);
			VectorNormalize2(cl.cam.speed, delta);
			if (DotProduct(delta, routeDelta) < 0.05) {
				cameraRoute = false;

		} else
			VectorMA(cl.cam.speed, frac, routeDelta, cl.cam.speed);
	} else {
		/* normal camera movement */
		/* calculate ground-based movement vectors */
		const float angle = cl.cam.angles[YAW] * torad;
		const float sy = sin(angle);
		const float cy = cos(angle);
		vec3_t g_forward, g_right;

		VectorSet(g_forward, cy, sy, 0.0);
		VectorSet(g_right, sy, -cy, 0.0);

		/* calculate camera speed */
		/* stop acceleration */
		frac = cls.frametime * moveaccel;
		if (VectorLength(cl.cam.speed) > frac) {
			VectorNormalize2(cl.cam.speed, delta);
			VectorMA(cl.cam.speed, -frac, delta, cl.cam.speed);
		} else

		/* acceleration */
		frac = cls.frametime * moveaccel * 3.5;
		VectorScale(g_forward, CL_GetKeyMouseState(STATE_FORWARD), delta);
		VectorMA(delta, CL_GetKeyMouseState(STATE_RIGHT), g_right, delta);
		VectorMA(cl.cam.speed, frac, delta, cl.cam.speed);

		/* lerp the level change */
		if (cl.cam.lerplevel < cl_worldlevel->value) {
			cl.cam.lerplevel += LEVEL_SPEED * (cl_worldlevel->value - cl.cam.lerplevel + LEVEL_MIN) * cls.frametime;
			if (cl.cam.lerplevel > cl_worldlevel->value)
				cl.cam.lerplevel = cl_worldlevel->value;
		} else if (cl.cam.lerplevel > cl_worldlevel->value) {
			cl.cam.lerplevel -= LEVEL_SPEED * (cl.cam.lerplevel - cl_worldlevel->value + LEVEL_MIN) * cls.frametime;
			if (cl.cam.lerplevel < cl_worldlevel->value)
				cl.cam.lerplevel = cl_worldlevel->value;

	/* clamp speed */
	frac = VectorLength(cl.cam.speed) / movespeed;
	if (frac > 1.0)
		VectorScale(cl.cam.speed, 1.0 / frac, cl.cam.speed);

	/* zoom change */
	frac = CL_GetKeyMouseState(STATE_ZOOM);
	if (frac > 0.1) {
		cl.cam.zoom *= 1.0 + cls.frametime * cl_camzoomspeed->value * frac;
		/* ensure zoom isn't greater than either MAX_ZOOM or cl_camzoommax */
		cl.cam.zoom = std::min(std::min(MAX_ZOOM, cl_camzoommax->value), cl.cam.zoom);
	} else if (frac < -0.1) {
		cl.cam.zoom /= 1.0 - cls.frametime * cl_camzoomspeed->value * frac;
		/* ensure zoom isn't less than either MIN_ZOOM or cl_camzoommin */
		cl.cam.zoom = std::max(std::max(MIN_ZOOM, cl_camzoommin->value), cl.cam.zoom);

	/* calc new camera reference and new camera real origin */
	VectorMA(cl.cam.origin, cls.frametime, cl.cam.speed, cl.cam.origin);
	cl.cam.origin[2] = 0.;
	if (cl_isometric->integer) {
		VectorMA(cl.cam.origin, -CAMERA_START_DIST + cl.cam.lerplevel * CAMERA_LEVEL_HEIGHT, cl.cam.axis[0], cl.cam.camorg);
		cl.cam.camorg[2] += CAMERA_START_HEIGHT + cl.cam.lerplevel * CAMERA_LEVEL_HEIGHT;
	} else {
		const double border = 144.0 * (cl.cam.zoom - cl_camzoommin->value - 0.4) / cl_camzoommax->value;
		CL_ClampCamToMap(std::min(border, 86.0));
		VectorMA(cl.cam.origin, -CAMERA_START_DIST / cl.cam.zoom , cl.cam.axis[0], cl.cam.camorg);
		cl.cam.camorg[2] += CAMERA_START_HEIGHT / cl.cam.zoom + cl.cam.lerplevel * CAMERA_LEVEL_HEIGHT;
/** @todo bad implementation -- copying light pointers every frame is a very wrong idea
 * @brief Recalculate active lights list for the given entity; R_CalcTransform(ent) should be called before this
 * @note to accelerate math, the diagonal of aabb is used to approximate max distance from entity's origin to its most distant point
 * while this is a gross exaggeration for many models, the sole purpose of it is to be used for filtering out distant lights,
 * so nothing is broken by it.
 * @param[in] ent Entity to recalculate lights for
 * @sa R_AddLightToEntity
void R_UpdateLightList (entity_t *ent)
	int i;
	vec_t *pos; /**< Worldspace position for which lighting is calculated */
	entity_t *rootEnt; /**< The root entitity of tagent tree, which holds the lighting data (af any) */
	lighting_t *ltng; /**< Lighting data for the entity being processed */
	vec3_t diametralVec; /** < conservative estimate of entity's bounding sphere diameter, in vector form */
	float diameter; /** < value of this entity's diameter (approx) */
	vec3_t fakeSunPos; /**< as if sun wasn't at infinite distance */
	bool cached = false;

	/* Find the root of tagent tree which actually owns the lighting data; it is assumed that there is no loops,
	 * since R_CalcTransform calls Com_Error on those */
	 for (rootEnt = ent; rootEnt->tagent; rootEnt = ent->tagent)

	ltng = ent->lighting = rootEnt->lighting;

	if (!ltng) {
		/* Entity got no lighting data, so substitute defaults (no dynamic lights, but exposed to sunlight) */
		/** @todo Replace this hack with something more legit (hack can cause bizarre stencil shadows if enabled) */
		ent->lighting = &fakeLightingData;

	if (ltng->lastLitFrame == r_locals.frame)
		return; /* nothing to do, already calculated lighting for this frame */

	ltng->lastLitFrame = r_locals.frame;

	/* we have to use the offset from (accumulated) transform matrix, because entity origin is not necessarily the point where model is acually rendered */
	pos = ent->transform.matrix + 12; /* type system hack, sorry */

	VectorSubtract(ent->maxs, ent->mins, diametralVec); /** @todo what if origin is NOT inside aabb? then this estimate will not be conservative enough */
	diameter = VectorLength(diametralVec);

	/** @todo clear caches when r_dynamic_lights cvar is changed OR always keep maximal # of static lights in the cache */
	if (VectorDist(pos, ltng->lastCachePos) < CACHE_CLEAR_TRESHOLD) {
		cached = true;
	} else {
		ltng->numLights = 0; /* clear the list of lights */
		ltng->numCachedLights = 0;
		VectorCopy(pos, ltng->lastCachePos);

	/* Check if origin of this entity is hit by sunlight (not the best test, but at least fast) */
	if (!cached) {
		if (ent->flags & RF_ACTOR) { /** @todo Hack to avoid dropships being shadowed by lightclips placed at them. Should be removed once correct global illumination model is done */
			VectorMA(pos, 8192.0, refdef.sunVector, fakeSunPos);
			R_Trace(pos, fakeSunPos, 0, MASK_SOLID);
			ltng->inShadow = refdef.trace.fraction != 1.0;
		} else {
			ltng->inShadow = false;

	if (!r_dynamic_lights->integer)

	if (!cached) {
		/* Rebuild list of static lights */
		for (i = 0; i < refdef.numStaticLights; i++) {
			light_t *light = &refdef.staticLights[i];
			const float distSqr = VectorDistSqr(pos, light->origin);

			if (distSqr > (diameter + light->radius) * (diameter + light->radius))

			R_Trace(pos, light->origin, 0, MASK_SOLID);

			if (refdef.trace.fraction == 1.0)
				R_AddLightToEntity(pos, ltng, light, distSqr);
		/* Save static lights to cache */
		for (i = 0; i < ltng->numLights; i++)
			ltng->cachedLights[i] = ltng->lights[i];
		ltng->numCachedLights = ltng->numLights;
	} else {
		/* Copy static lights from cache */
		for (i = 0; i < ltng->numCachedLights; i++)
			ltng->lights[i] = ltng->cachedLights[i];
		ltng->numLights = ltng->numCachedLights;

	/* add dynamic lights, too */
	for (i = 0; i < refdef.numDynamicLights; i++) {
		light_t *light = &refdef.dynamicLights[i];
		const float distSqr = VectorDistSqr(pos, light->origin);

		if (distSqr > (diameter + light->radius) * (diameter + light->radius))

		R_Trace(pos, light->origin, 0, MASK_SOLID);

		if (refdef.trace.fraction == 1.0)
			R_AddLightToEntity(pos, ltng, light, distSqr);
文件: e_time.c 项目: chrisglass/ufoai
 * @brief Calculates the time the event should get executed. If two events return the same time,
 * they are going to be executed in the order the were parsed.
 * @param[in] eType The event type
 * @param[in,out] msg The message buffer that can be modified to get the event time
 * @param[in] dt Delta time in msec since the last event was parsed
int CL_GetEventTime (const event_t eType, struct dbuffer *msg, const int dt)
	const eventRegister_t *eventData = CL_GetEvent(eType);

	/* the time the event should be executed. This value is used to sort the
	 * event chain to determine which event must be executed at first. This
	 * value also ensures, that the events are executed in the correct
	 * order. E.g. @c impactTime is used to delay some events in case the
	 * projectile needs some time to reach its target. */
	int eventTime;

	if (eType == EV_RESET) {
		parsedDeath = qfalse;
		nextTime = 0;
		shootTime = 0;
		impactTime = 0;
	} else if (eType == EV_ACTOR_DIE)
		parsedDeath = qtrue;

	/* get event time */
	if (nextTime < cl.time)
		nextTime = cl.time;
	if (impactTime < cl.time)
		impactTime = cl.time;

	if (eType == EV_ACTOR_DIE || eType == EV_MODEL_EXPLODE)
		eventTime = impactTime;
	else if (eType == EV_ACTOR_SHOOT || eType == EV_ACTOR_SHOOT_HIDDEN)
		eventTime = shootTime;
	else if (eType == EV_RESULTS)
		eventTime = nextTime + 1400;
		eventTime = nextTime;

	if (eType == EV_ENT_APPEAR || eType == EV_INV_ADD || eType == EV_PARTICLE_APPEAR || eType == EV_PARTICLE_SPAWN) {
		if (parsedDeath) { /* drop items after death (caused by impact) */
			eventTime = impactTime + 400;
			/* EV_INV_ADD messages are the last events sent after a death */
			if (eType == EV_INV_ADD)
				parsedDeath = qfalse;
		} else if (impactTime > cl.time) { /* item thrown on the ground */
			eventTime = impactTime + 75;

	/* calculate time interval before the next event */
	switch (eType) {
		if (cl.actTeam != cls.team)
			nextTime += 600;
		/* let the reload sound play */
		nextTime += 600;
		nextTime += 300;
		shootTime = nextTime;
			int first;
			int objIdx;
			const objDef_t *obj;
			weaponFireDefIndex_t weapFdsIdx;
			fireDefIndex_t fireDefIndex;

			NET_ReadFormat(msg, eventData->formatString, &first, &objIdx, &weapFdsIdx, &fireDefIndex);

			obj = INVSH_GetItemByIDX(objIdx);
			if (first) {
				nextTime += 500;
				impactTime = shootTime = nextTime;
			} else {
				const fireDef_t *fd = FIRESH_GetFiredef(obj, weapFdsIdx, fireDefIndex);
				/* impact right away - we don't see it at all
				 * bouncing is not needed here, too (we still don't see it) */
				impactTime = shootTime;
				nextTime = shootTime + 1400;
				if (fd->delayBetweenShots > 0.0)
					shootTime += 1000 / fd->delayBetweenShots;
			parsedDeath = qfalse;
			le_t *le;
			int number, i;
			int time = 0;
			int pathLength;
			byte crouchingState;
			pos3_t pos, oldPos;

			number = NET_ReadShort(msg);
			/* get le */
			le = LE_Get(number);
			if (!le)

			pathLength = NET_ReadByte(msg);

			/* Also skip the final position */

			VectorCopy(le->pos, pos);
			crouchingState = LE_IsCrouched(le) ? 1 : 0;

			for (i = 0; i < pathLength; i++) {
				const dvec_t dvec = NET_ReadShort(msg);
				const byte dir = getDVdir(dvec);
				VectorCopy(pos, oldPos);
				PosAddDV(pos, crouchingState, dvec);
				time += LE_ActorGetStepTime(le, pos, oldPos, dir, NET_ReadShort(msg));
			nextTime += time + 400;
			const fireDef_t	*fd;
			int flags, dummy;
			int objIdx, surfaceFlags;
			objDef_t *obj;
			int weap_fds_idx, fd_idx;
			shoot_types_t shootType;
			vec3_t muzzle, impact;

			/* read data */
			NET_ReadFormat(msg, eventData->formatString, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &objIdx, &weap_fds_idx, &fd_idx, &shootType, &flags, &surfaceFlags, &muzzle, &impact, &dummy);

			obj = INVSH_GetItemByIDX(objIdx);
			fd = FIRESH_GetFiredef(obj, weap_fds_idx, fd_idx);

			if (!(flags & SF_BOUNCED)) {
				/* shooting */
				if (fd->speed > 0.0 && !CL_OutsideMap(impact, UNIT_SIZE * 10)) {
					impactTime = shootTime + 1000 * VectorDist(muzzle, impact) / fd->speed;
				} else {
					impactTime = shootTime;
				if (cl.actTeam != cls.team)
					nextTime = impactTime + 1400;
					nextTime = impactTime + 400;
				if (fd->delayBetweenShots > 0.0)
					shootTime += 1000 / fd->delayBetweenShots;
			} else {
				/* only a bounced shot */
				eventTime = impactTime;
				if (fd->speed > 0.0) {
					impactTime += 1000 * VectorDist(muzzle, impact) / fd->speed;
					nextTime = impactTime;
			parsedDeath = qfalse;
		nextTime += NET_ReadShort(msg);
		impactTime = shootTime = nextTime;
		parsedDeath = qfalse;

	Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_EVENTSYS, "%s => eventTime: %i, nextTime: %i, impactTime: %i, shootTime: %i\n",
			eventData->name, eventTime, nextTime, impactTime, shootTime);

	return eventTime;
	if (!eventData->timeCallback)
		return cl.time;

	return eventData->timeCallback(eventData, msg, dt);
 * @brief Tries to find a path from the given actor(-position) to a given target position
 * Unlike Grid_CalcPathing, this function does not neccessarily calculate the TU values for
 * all positions reachable from 'from'. Instead it tries to find the shortest/fastest path to
 * the target position. There is no limit to maxTUs.
 * @param[in] routing Reference to client or server side routing table (clMap, svMap)
 * @param[in] actorSize The size of thing to calc the move for (e.g. size=2 means 2x2).
 * The plan is to have the 'origin' in 2x2 units in the bottom-left (towards the lower coordinates) corner of the 2x2 square.
 * @param[in,out] path Pointer to client or server side pathing table (clMap, svMap)
 * @param[in] from The position to start the calculation from.
 * @param[in] targetPos The position where we want to end up.
 * @param[in] maxTUs The maximum TUs away from 'from' to calculate move-information for
 * @param[in] crouchingState Whether the actor is currently crouching, 1 is yes, 0 is no.
 * @param[in] fb_list Forbidden list (entities are standing at those points)
 * @param[in] fb_length Length of forbidden list
 * @sa G_MoveCalc
 * @sa CL_ConditionalMoveCalc
bool Grid_FindPath (const Routing &routing, const actorSizeEnum_t actorSize, pathing_t *path, const pos3_t from, const pos3_t targetPos, byte crouchingState, int maxTUs, byte ** fb_list, int fb_length)
	bool found = false;
	int count;
	priorityQueue_t pqueue;
	pos4_t epos; /**< Extended position; includes crouching state */
	pos3_t pos;
	/* this is the position of the current actor- so the actor can stand in the cell it is in when pathfinding */
	pos3_t excludeFromForbiddenList;

	/* Confirm bounds */
	assert((from[2]) < PATHFINDING_HEIGHT);
	assert(crouchingState == 0 || crouchingState == 1);	/* s.a. ACTOR_MAX_STATES */

	/* reset move data */
	path->fblist = fb_list;
	path->fblength = fb_length;

	/* Prepare exclusion of starting-location (i.e. this should be ent-pos or le-pos) in Grid_CheckForbidden */
	VectorCopy(from, excludeFromForbiddenList);
	/* set starting position to 0 TUs.*/
	RT_AREA_POS(path, from, crouchingState) = 0;

	PQueueInitialise(&pqueue, 1024);
	Vector4Set(epos, from[0], from[1], from[2], crouchingState);
	PQueuePush(&pqueue, epos, 0);

	count = 0;
	while (!PQueueIsEmpty(&pqueue)) {
		PQueuePop(&pqueue, epos);
		VectorCopy(epos, pos);

		/* if reaching that square already took too many TUs,
		 * don't bother to reach new squares *from* there. */
		const byte usedTUs = RT_AREA_POS(path, pos, crouchingState);
		if (usedTUs >= maxTUs)

		for (int dir = 0; dir < PATHFINDING_DIRECTIONS; dir++) {
			Step step(routing, pos, actorSize, crouchingState, dir);
			/* Directions 12, 14, and 15 are currently undefined. */
			if (dir == 12 || dir == 14 || dir == 15)
			/* If this is a crouching or crouching move, forget it. */

			if (!step.init())
				continue;		/* either dir is irrelevant or something worse happened */

			if (!step.isPossible(path))

			/* Is this a better move into this cell? */
			RT_AREA_TEST_POS(path, step.toPos, step.crouchingState);
			if (RT_AREA_POS(path, step.toPos, step.crouchingState) <= step.TUsAfter) {
				continue;	/* This move is not optimum. */

			/* Test for forbidden (by other entities) areas. */
			/* Do NOT check the forbiddenList. We might find a multi-turn path. */
#if 0
			if (Grid_CheckForbidden(excludeFromForbiddenList, step.actorSize, path, step.toPos[0], step.toPos[1], step.toPos[2])) {
				continue;		/* That spot is occupied. */

			/* Store move in pathing table. */
			Grid_SetMoveData(path, step.toPos, step.crouchingState, step.TUsAfter, step.dir, step.fromPos[2]);

			pos4_t dummy;
			const int dist = step.TUsAfter + (int) (2 * VectorDist(step.toPos, targetPos));
			Vector4Set(dummy, step.toPos[0], step.toPos[1], step.toPos[2], step.crouchingState);
			PQueuePush(&pqueue, dummy, dist);

			if (VectorEqual(step.toPos, targetPos)) {
				found = true;
		if (found)
	/* Com_Printf("Loop: %i", count); */
	return found;
 * @brief calculate how much check is "visible" from @c from
 * @param[in] from The world coordinate to check from
 * @param[in] ent The source edict of the check
 * @param[in] check The edict to check how good (or if at all) it is visible
 * @param[in] full Perform a full check in different directions. If this is
 * @c false the actor is fully visible if one vis check returned @c true. With
 * @c true this function can also return a value != 0.0 and != 1.0. Try to only
 * use @c true if you really need the full check. Full checks are of course
 * more expensive.
 * @return a value between 0.0 and 1.0 which reflects the visibility from 0
 * to 100 percent
 * @note This call isn't cheap - try to do this only if you really need the
 * visibility check or the statement whether one particular actor see another
 * particular actor.
 * @sa CL_ActorVis
float G_ActorVis (const vec3_t from, const edict_t *ent, const edict_t *check, bool full)
	vec3_t test, dir;
	float delta;
	int i, n;
	const float distance = VectorDist(check->origin, ent->origin);

	/* units that are very close are visible in the smoke */
	if (distance > UNIT_SIZE * 1.5f) {
		vec3_t eyeEnt;
		edict_t *e = NULL;

		G_ActorGetEyeVector(ent, eyeEnt);

		while ((e = G_EdictsGetNext(e))) {
			if (G_IsSmoke(e)) {
				if (RayIntersectAABB(eyeEnt, check->absmin, e->absmin, e->absmax)
				 || RayIntersectAABB(eyeEnt, check->absmax, e->absmin, e->absmax)) {
					return ACTOR_VIS_0;

	/* start on eye height */
	VectorCopy(check->origin, test);
	if (G_IsDead(check)) {
		test[2] += PLAYER_DEAD;
		delta = 0;
	} else if (G_IsCrouched(check)) {
		test[2] += PLAYER_CROUCH - 2;
		delta = (PLAYER_CROUCH - PLAYER_MIN) / 2 - 2;
	} else {
		test[2] += PLAYER_STAND;
		delta = (PLAYER_STAND - PLAYER_MIN) / 2 - 2;

	/* side shifting -> better checks */
	dir[0] = from[1] - check->origin[1];
	dir[1] = check->origin[0] - from[0];
	dir[2] = 0;
	VectorMA(test, -7, dir, test);

	/* do 3 tests */
	n = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		if (!G_LineVis(from, test)) {
			if (full)
				return ACTOR_VIS_100;

		/* look further down or stop */
		if (!delta) {
			if (n > 0)
				return ACTOR_VIS_100;
				return ACTOR_VIS_0;
		VectorMA(test, 7, dir, test);
		test[2] -= delta;

	/* return factor */
	switch (n) {
	case 0:
		return ACTOR_VIS_0;
	case 1:
		return ACTOR_VIS_10;
	case 2:
		return ACTOR_VIS_50;
		return ACTOR_VIS_100;
文件: g_combat.cpp 项目: ufoai/ufoai
 * @brief Deals splash damage to a target and its surroundings.
 * @param[in] ent The shooting actor
 * @param[in] fd The fire definition that defines what type of damage is dealt and how big the splash radius is.
 * @param[in] impact The impact vector where the grenade is exploding
 * @param[in,out] mock pseudo shooting - only for calculating mock values - nullptr for real shots
 * @param[in] tr The trace where the grenade hits something (or not)
static void G_SplashDamage (Actor* ent, const fireDef_t* fd, vec3_t impact, shot_mock_t* mock, const trace_t* tr)
	assert(fd->splrad > 0.0f);

	const bool shock = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damShock);

	Edict* check = nullptr;
	while ((check = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(check))) {
		/* If we use a blinding weapon we skip the target if it's looking
		 * away from the impact location. */
		if (shock && !G_FrustumVis(check, impact))

		const bool isActor = G_IsLivingActor(check);
		vec3_t center;
		if (G_IsBrushModel(check) && G_IsBreakable(check))
		else if (isActor || G_IsBreakable(check))
			VectorCopy(check->origin, center);

		/* check for distance */
		float dist = VectorDist(impact, center);
		dist = dist > UNIT_SIZE / 2 ? dist - UNIT_SIZE / 2 : 0.0f;
		if (dist > fd->splrad)

		if (fd->irgoggles) {
			if (isActor) {
				/* check whether this actor (check) is in the field of view of the 'shooter' (ent) */
				if (G_FrustumVis(ent, check->origin)) {
					if (!mock) {
						vec3_t eyeEnt;
						G_ActorGetEyeVector(ent, eyeEnt);
						if (!G_SmokeVis(eyeEnt, check)) {
							const unsigned int playerMask = G_TeamToPM(ent->getTeam()) ^ G_VisToPM(check->visflags);
							G_AppearPerishEvent(playerMask, true, *check, ent);
							G_VisFlagsAdd(*check, G_PMToVis(playerMask));

		/* check for walls */
		if (isActor && G_TestLine(impact, check->origin))

		/* do damage */
		const int damage = shock ? 0 : fd->spldmg[0] * (1.0f - dist / fd->splrad);

		if (mock)
			mock->allow_self = true;
		/* Send hurt sounds for actors, but only if they'll recieve damage from this attack */
		if (G_Damage(check, fd, damage, ent, mock, nullptr) && isActor
				&& (G_ApplyProtection(check, fd->dmgweight,  damage) > 0) && !shock) {
			const teamDef_t* teamDef = check->chr.teamDef;
			const int gender = check->chr.gender;
			const char* sound = teamDef->getActorSound(gender, SND_HURT);
			G_EventSpawnSound(G_VisToPM(check->visflags), *check, nullptr, sound);
		if (mock)
			mock->allow_self = false;

	/** @todo splash might also hit other surfaces and the trace doesn't handle that */
	if (tr && G_FireAffectedSurface(tr->surface, fd)) {
		/* move a little away from the impact vector */
		VectorMA(impact, 1, tr->plane.normal, impact);
		G_SpawnParticle(impact, tr->contentFlags >> 8, "burning");