////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CheckDataFiles // // Basic check for some essential files // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CheckDataFiles( void ) { const SString strMTASAPath = GetMTASAPath(); const SString strGTAPath = GetGTAPath(); const char* dataFilesFiles [] = { "MTA\\cgui\\images\\background_logo.png" ,"MTA\\cgui\\images\\radarset\\up.png" ,"MTA\\cgui\\images\\busy_spinner.png" ,"MTA\\cgui\\images\\rect_edge.png" ,"MTA\\D3DX9_42.dll" ,"MTA\\D3DCompiler_42.dll" ,"MTA\\bass.dll" ,"MTA\\bass_fx.dll" ,"MTA\\tags.dll" ,"MTA\\sa.dat" ,"MTA\\XInput9_1_0_mta.dll" ,"MTA\\vea.dll"}; for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( dataFilesFiles ) ; i++ ) { if ( !FileExists ( PathJoin( strMTASAPath, dataFilesFiles [ i ] ) ) ) { DisplayErrorMessageBox ( _("Load failed. Please ensure that the latest data files have been installed correctly."), _E("CL16"), "mta-datafiles-missing" ); return ExitProcess( EXIT_ERROR ); } } if ( FileSize ( PathJoin( strMTASAPath, "MTA", "bass.dll" ) ) != 0x0001A440 ) { DisplayErrorMessageBox ( _("Load failed. Please ensure that the latest data files have been installed correctly."), _E("CL17"), "mta-datafiles-missing" ); return ExitProcess( EXIT_ERROR ); } // Check for client file if ( !FileExists ( PathJoin( strMTASAPath, CHECK_DM_CLIENT_NAME ) ) ) { DisplayErrorMessageBox ( SString(_("Load failed. Please ensure that %s is installed correctly."),CHECK_DM_CLIENT_NAME), _E("CL18"), "client-missing" ); return ExitProcess( EXIT_ERROR ); } // Make sure the gta executable exists if ( !FileExists( PathJoin( strGTAPath, MTA_GTAEXE_NAME ) ) ) { DisplayErrorMessageBox ( SString ( _("Load failed. Could not find gta_sa.exe in %s."), strGTAPath.c_str () ), _E("CL20"), "gta_sa-missing" ); return ExitProcess( EXIT_ERROR ); } // Make sure important dll's do not exist in the wrong place const char* dllCheckList[] = { "xmll.dll", "cgui.dll", "netc.dll", "libcurl.dll", "pthread.dll" }; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS ( dllCheckList ); i++ ) { if ( FileExists( PathJoin( strGTAPath, dllCheckList[i] ) ) ) { DisplayErrorMessageBox ( SString ( _("Load failed. %s exists in the GTA directory. Please delete before continuing."), dllCheckList[i] ), _E("CL21"), "file-clash" ); return ExitProcess( EXIT_ERROR ); } } // Check main exe has the correct name if ( GetLaunchFilename().CompareI( MTA_EXE_NAME ) == false ) { SString strMessage( _("Main file has an incorrect name (%s)"), *GetLaunchFilename() ); int iResponse = MessageBoxUTF8 ( NULL, strMessage, _("Error")+_E("CL33"), MB_RETRYCANCEL | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TOPMOST ); ReleaseSingleInstanceMutex (); if ( iResponse == IDRETRY ) ShellExecuteNonBlocking( "open", PathJoin ( strMTASAPath, MTA_EXE_NAME ) ); return ExitProcess( EXIT_ERROR ); } // Check for possible virus file changing activities if ( !VerifyEmbeddedSignature( PathJoin( strMTASAPath, MTA_EXE_NAME ) ) ) { SString strMessage( _("Main file is unsigned. Possible virus activity.\n\nSee online help if MTA does not work correctly.") ); #if MTASA_VERSION_BUILD > 0 && defined(MTA_DM_CONNECT_TO_PUBLIC) && !defined(MTA_DEBUG) DisplayErrorMessageBox( strMessage, _E("CL29"), "maybe-virus1" ); #endif } struct { const char* szMd5; const char* szFilename; } integrityCheckList[] = { { "9586E7BE6AE8016932038932D1417241", "bass.dll", }, { "B2E49F0C22C8B7D92D615F942BA19353", "bass_aac.dll", }, { "569C60F8397C34034E685A303B7404C0", "bass_ac3.dll", }, { "0E44BCAC0E940DB2BFB13448E96E4B29", "bass_fx.dll", }, { "50AF8A7D49E83A723ED0F70FB682DCFB", "bassflac.dll", }, { "BEBA64522AA8265751187E38D1FC0653", "bassmidi.dll", }, { "99F4F38007D347CEED482B7C04FDD122", "bassmix.dll", }, { "7B52BE6D702AA590DB57A0E135F81C45", "basswma.dll", }, { "38D7679D3B8B6D7F16A0AA9BF2A60043", "tags.dll", }, { "309D860FC8137E5FE9E7056C33B4B8BE", "vea.dll", }, { "0602F672BA595716E64EC4040E6DE376", "vog.dll", }, { "B37D7DF4A1430DB65AD3EA84801F9EC3", "vvo.dll", }, { "47FF3EE45DE53528F1AFD9F5982DF8C7", "vvof.dll", }, { "ADFB6D7B61E301761C700652B6FE7CCD", "XInput9_1_0_mta.dll", }, }; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS ( integrityCheckList ); i++ ) { SString strMd5 = CMD5Hasher::CalculateHexString( PathJoin( strMTASAPath, "mta", integrityCheckList[i].szFilename ) ); if ( !strMd5.CompareI( integrityCheckList[i].szMd5 ) ) { DisplayErrorMessageBox( _("Data files modified. Possible virus activity.\n\nSee online help if MTA does not work correctly."), _E("CL30"), "maybe-virus2" ); break; } } // Check for asi files { bool bFoundInGTADir = !FindFiles( PathJoin( strGTAPath, "*.asi" ), true, false ).empty(); bool bFoundInMTADir = !FindFiles( PathJoin( strMTASAPath, "mta", "*.asi" ), true, false ).empty(); if ( bFoundInGTADir || bFoundInMTADir ) { DisplayErrorMessageBox (_( ".asi files are in the 'MTA:SA' or 'GTA: San Andreas' installation directory.\n\n" "Remove these .asi files if you experience problems with MTA:SA." ), _E("CL28"), "asi-files" ); } } // Warning if d3d9.dll exists in the GTA install directory if ( FileExists( PathJoin ( strGTAPath, "d3d9.dll" ) ) ) { ShowD3dDllDialog ( g_hInstance, PathJoin ( strGTAPath, "d3d9.dll" ) ); HideD3dDllDialog (); } // Remove old log files saved in the wrong place SString strMtaDir = PathJoin( strMTASAPath, "mta" ); if ( strGTAPath.CompareI( strMtaDir ) == false ) { FileDelete( PathJoin( strGTAPath, "CEGUI.log" ) ); FileDelete( PathJoin( strGTAPath, "logfile.txt" ) ); FileDelete( PathJoin( strGTAPath, "shutdown.log" ) ); } }
void ProcessVerify(HWND hWnd,CMyList *m_list,int Type) { CString PidNum; CString FilePath; DWORD dwReadByte; POSITION pos = m_list->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); //判断列表框中是否有选择项 int Item = m_list->GetNextSelectedItem(pos); //将列表中被选择的下一项索引值保存到数组中 FilePath.Format(L"%s",m_list->GetItemText(Item,3)); WCHAR lpwzNum[50]; WCHAR lpwzFilePath[260]; WCHAR lpwzTrue[260]; CHAR lpszFilePath[5024]; memset(lpwzNum,0,sizeof(lpwzNum)); memset(lpszFilePath,0,sizeof(lpszFilePath)); memset(lpwzFilePath,0,sizeof(lpwzFilePath)); wcscat(lpwzFilePath,FilePath); if (!wcslen(lpwzFilePath)) { return; } if (GetFileAttributes(lpwzFilePath) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { MessageBoxW(hWnd,L"文件无法访问!",L"A盾电脑防护",0); return; } //1为验证数字签名 if (Type == 1){ if (VerifyEmbeddedSignature(lpwzFilePath)){ AfxMessageBox(L"通过数字签名验证"); }else AfxMessageBox(L"没有通过数字签名验证"); return; } WideCharToMultiByte (CP_OEMCP,NULL,lpwzFilePath,-1,lpszFilePath,wcslen(lpwzFilePath)*2,NULL,FALSE); FILE * fp=fopen(lpszFilePath,"rb"); if(fp) { MD5VAL val; val = md5File(fp); wsprintfW(lpwzNum,L"%08x%08x%08x%08x",conv(val.a),conv(val.b),conv(val.c),conv(val.d)); fclose(fp); } FileVerify(lpszFilePath,lpwzNum,lpwzTrue); WCHAR lpwzMessageBox[256] = {0}; WCHAR lpszSuccess[256]; memset(lpszSuccess,0,sizeof(lpszSuccess)); memset(lpwzMessageBox,0,sizeof(lpwzMessageBox)); if (_wcsnicmp(lpwzTrue,L"不支持当前系统",wcslen(L"不支持当前系统")) == 0) { wsprintfW(lpwzMessageBox,L"%s\r\n\r\n是否允许\"A盾电脑防护\"收集您的计算机版本以便作为后续版本更新?",L"不支持当前系统"); if (MessageBoxW(hWnd,lpwzMessageBox,L"A盾电脑防护",MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING) == IDYES) { //开始收集系统信息 } } else if (_wcsnicmp(lpwzTrue,L"MD5(√)/签名(-)",wcslen(L"MD5(√)/签名(-)")) == 0) { wsprintfW(lpszSuccess,L"文件:%ws\r\nMD5值:%ws\r\n\r\n已经通过验证,属于系统原生文件!\r\n",lpwzFilePath,lpwzNum); AfxMessageBox(lpszSuccess); } else { wsprintfW(lpszSuccess,L"文件:%ws\r\nMD5值:%ws\r\n\r\n%ws!\r\n",lpwzFilePath,lpwzNum,lpwzTrue); AfxMessageBox(lpszSuccess); } }