** Draw a rectangular frame from iSX,iSY to iDX,iDY. The type specifies 
** whether to draw the lines as single or double line characters from the
** extended character set. The style is applied to all characters.
VOID FAR PASCAL __export PlotFrame(int iSX, int iSY, int iDX, int iDY, char cType, char cStyle)
     LPSTR     lpExtChars;
#ifdef PROTECT
     if (lpMonoMem == NULL)

#ifdef CLIP
     if ((iSX < 0) || (iSX > 79)
     || (iDX < 0) || (iDX > 79)
     || (iSY < 0) || (iSY > 24)
     || (iDY < 0) || (iDY > 24))

     if (cType == DUAL)
          lpExtChars = szDual;
          lpExtChars = szSingle;

     HorizLine(iSX, iDX, iSY, lpExtChars[HORBAR], cStyle);
     HorizLine(iSX, iDX, iDY, lpExtChars[HORBAR], cStyle);
     VertLine(iSX, iSY, iDY, lpExtChars[VERBAR], cStyle);
     VertLine(iDX, iSY, iDY, lpExtChars[VERBAR], cStyle);
     PlotChar(iSX, iSY, lpExtChars[TOPLEFT], cStyle);
     PlotChar(iDX, iSY, lpExtChars[TOPRIGHT], cStyle);
     PlotChar(iDX, iDY, lpExtChars[BOTRIGHT], cStyle);
     PlotChar(iSX, iDY, lpExtChars[BOTLEFT], cStyle);
void DrawHilite(HDC hdc, Rect& rect, Shader* pShader )
int w,h,npts,xcen,ybot,ytop,ylast,i,iy;

   HPEN linePen = (HPEN)GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN);
   HPEN fgPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,GetCustSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
   HPEN bgPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,GetCustSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW));

   w = rect.w();
   h = rect.h()-3;
   npts = (w-2)/2;
   xcen = rect.left+npts;
   ybot = rect.top+h;
   ytop = rect.top+2;
   ylast = -1;
   for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
      float v = pShader->EvalHiliteCurve( (float)i/((float)npts*2.0f) );
      if (v>2.0f) v = 2.0f; // keep iy from wrapping
      iy = ybot-(int)(v*((float)h-2.0f));

      if (iy<ytop) iy = ytop;

      SelectPen(hdc, fgPen);

      if (iy-1>ytop) {
         // Fill in above curve
         VertLine(hdc,xcen+i, ytop, iy-1);
         VertLine(hdc,xcen-i, ytop, iy-1);
      if (ylast>=0) {

      ylast = iy;

   SelectObject( hdc, linePen );
   WhiteRect3D(hdc, rect, 1);
// iso projection of 2 orthogonal highlight curves
void DrawHilite2(HDC hdc, Rect& rect, Shader* pShader, int layer )
int w,h,npts,xcen,ybot,ytop,ylast,i,iy, off, vals[200];
float ybr, ybl;

   HPEN linePen = (HPEN)GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN);
   HPEN fgPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,GetCustSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
   HPEN fg2Pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,GetCustSysColor(COLOR_BTNHILIGHT));
   HPEN bgPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,0,GetCustSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW));

   w = rect.w();
   assert( w/2 < 200 ); // 200 vals saved for visibility
   h = rect.h()-3;
   npts = (w-2)/2;
   off = h / 6;
   float slope = float(h-off-off)/w;
   ybot = rect.top+h;
   ytop = rect.top+2;

   // first the X curve
   ybr = ybl = float(rect.top+h - 2.5* off);
   xcen = rect.left+npts;
   ylast = -1;
   for (i=0; i<npts; i++) {
      float v = pShader->EvalHiliteCurve2( (float)i/((float)npts*2.0f), 0.0f, layer );
      if (v>2.0f) v = 2.0f; // keep iy from wrapping
      iy = (int)(v* 0.6f * ((float)h-2.0f));

      int r = int( ybr + 0.5f );
      if ( r > ybot ) r = ybot;
      int l = int( ybl + 0.5f  );
      if ( l > ybot ) l = ybot;

      int ry = r - iy;
      if (ry<ytop) ry = ytop;
      if (ry>ybot) ry = ybot;
      vals[i] = ry;  // save for visibility

      int ly = l - iy;
      if (ly<ytop) ly = ytop;
      if (ly>ybot) ly = ybot;

      SelectPen(hdc, fgPen);
      VertLine(hdc,xcen+i, r, ry); // start at center & spread out on both sides
      VertLine(hdc,xcen-i, l, ly);

      SelectPen(hdc,bgPen);            // Fill in below baseline
      VertLine(hdc,xcen+i, ybot, r+1);
      VertLine(hdc,xcen-i, ybot, l+1);

      VertLine(hdc,xcen+i, ytop, ry-1);
      VertLine(hdc,xcen-i, ytop, ly-1);   // fill in above curve

//    if (ylast>=0) {
//       SelectPen(hdc,linePen);
//       VertLine(hdc, xcen+i-1, iy-1, ylast); // white dot marks curve
//       VertLine(hdc, xcen-i+1, iy-1, ylast);
//    }

      ylast = iy;
      ybr += slope;
      ybl += -slope;

   // now do the Y curve
   ybr = ybl = float(rect.top+h - 2.5* off);
   xcen = rect.left+npts - 1;
   ylast = -1;
   for (i=0; i < npts; i++) {
      float v = pShader->EvalHiliteCurve2( 0.0f, (float)i/((float)npts*2.0f), layer );
      if (v>2.0f) v = 2.0f; // keep iy from wrapping
      iy = (int)(v* 0.6f * ((float)h-2.0f));

      int r = int( ybr + 0.5f );
      if ( r > ybot ) r = ybot;
      int l = int( ybl + 0.5f  );
      if ( l > ybot ) l = ybot;
      int ry = r - iy;
      if (ry<ytop) ry = ytop;
      if (ry>ybot) ry = ybot;

      int ly = l - iy;
      if (ly<ytop) ly = ytop;
      if (ly>ybot) ly = ybot;

      SelectPen(hdc, fg2Pen);
      VertLine(hdc,xcen-i, l, ly);  // left side always visible..in front

      if ( r <= vals[i] )
         VertLine(hdc,xcen+i, r, ry); // start at center & spread out on both sides
      else if ( ry <= vals[i] )
         VertLine(hdc,xcen+i, vals[i]-1, ry); // start at center & spread out on both sides

//    if (ylast>=0) {
//       SelectPen(hdc,linePen);
//       VertLine(hdc, xcen+i-1, iy-1, ylast); // white dot marks curve
//       VertLine(hdc, xcen-i+1, iy-1, ylast);
//    }

      ylast = iy;
      ybr += -slope;
      ybl += slope;

   SelectObject( hdc, linePen );
   WhiteRect3D(hdc, rect, 1);