    VDIR_OPERATION *    op,
    char *              attrType,
    char *              attrMetaData,
    BOOLEAN *           inScope,
    PSTR*               ppszErrorMsg
    int                     retVal = LDAP_SUCCESS;
    char                    origInvocationId[VMDIR_GUID_STR_LEN];
    USN                     origUsn = VmDirStringToLA( VmDirStringRChrA( attrMetaData, ':' ) + 1, NULL, 10 );
    int                     rc = 0;
    PSTR                    pszLocalErrorMsg = NULL;

    *inScope = FALSE;

    // attrMetaData format is: <local USN>:<version no>:<originating server ID>:<originating time>:<originating USN>
    VmDirStringNCpyA( origInvocationId, VMDIR_GUID_STR_LEN,
                      VmDirStringChrA( VmDirStringChrA( attrMetaData, ':' ) + 1, ':') + 1, VMDIR_GUID_STR_LEN - 1);
    origInvocationId[VMDIR_GUID_STR_LEN - 1] = '\0';

    // Skip the attribute:
    //    - if the originating server for the current state is same as the requesting server or if it is one of those
    //      attributes that have "local" scope only. E.g. sending ATTR_LAST_LOCAL_USN_PROCESSED and
    //      ATTR_UP_TO_DATE_VECTOR, causes continuous back-forth replication of Replication Agreements and Server
    //      entries between various servers.

    assert( op->syncReqCtrl != NULL );

    if ((attrType != NULL && (VmDirStringCompareA( attrType, ATTR_LAST_LOCAL_USN_PROCESSED, FALSE) == 0 ||
                              VmDirStringCompareA( attrType, ATTR_UP_TO_DATE_VECTOR, FALSE) == 0 ||
                              VmDirStringCompareA( attrType, VDIR_ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_RID, FALSE) == 0)))

        // Reset metaData value so that we don't send local only attribute back.
        attrMetaData[0] = '\0';
        *inScope = FALSE;
        goto cleanup;
    else if ( attrType != NULL && (VmDirStringCompareA( attrType, ATTR_USN_CHANGED, FALSE) == 0))
        ; // always send uSNChanged. (PR 1573117)
    else if (VmDirStringCompareA( origInvocationId,
                  op->syncReqCtrl->value.syncReqCtrlVal.reqInvocationId.lberbv.bv_val,TRUE ) == 0)
        // Change is originated from the requesting server.
        // Reset metaData value so that we don't send metaData as well as this attribute back.
        attrMetaData[0] = '\0';
        *inScope = FALSE;
        goto cleanup;
        rc = LwRtlHashTableFindKey( op->syncDoneCtrl->value.syncDoneCtrlVal.htUtdVector, &pNode, origInvocationId );
        rc = LwNtStatusToWin32Error(rc);
        if (rc != 0 && rc != ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
            VMDIR_LOG_VERBOSE( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "IsAttrInReplScope: LwRtlHashTableFindKey failed for origInvocationId: %s",
                      origInvocationId );
            retVal = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR;
            BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                            "LwRtlHashTableFindKey failed.");

        if (pNode == NULL) // Attribute is to be sent in the result entry.
            UptoDateVectorEntry * utdVectorEntry = NULL;
            VDIR_BERVALUE         bvServerId = VDIR_BERVALUE_INIT;

            if (VmDirAllocateMemory( sizeof( UptoDateVectorEntry ), (PVOID *)&utdVectorEntry) != 0)
                retVal = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR;
                BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                                "IsAttrInReplScope: BervalContentDup failed.");
            bvServerId.lberbv.bv_val = origInvocationId;
            bvServerId.lberbv.bv_len = VmDirStringLenA( origInvocationId );
            if (VmDirBervalContentDup( &bvServerId, &utdVectorEntry->invocationId ) != 0)
                retVal = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR;
                BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                                "IsAttrInReplScope: BervalContentDup failed.");
            utdVectorEntry->currMaxOrigUsnProcessed = origUsn;
            LwRtlHashTableResizeAndInsert( op->syncDoneCtrl->value.syncDoneCtrlVal.htUtdVector,
                                           &utdVectorEntry->Node, &pNode);
            assert( pNode == NULL );    // assert the key of added node is unique
            UptoDateVectorEntry *   utdVectorEntry = NULL;
            utdVectorEntry = (UptoDateVectorEntry *)LW_STRUCT_FROM_FIELD(pNode, UptoDateVectorEntry, Node);

            if (origUsn > utdVectorEntry->reqLastOrigUsnProcessed )
            { // Attribute is to be sent in the result entry.
                // Update if origUsn of this attribute is > the current highest
                if (origUsn > utdVectorEntry->currMaxOrigUsnProcessed )
                    utdVectorEntry->currMaxOrigUsnProcessed = origUsn;
                          "IsAttrInReplScope: Attribute: %s, metaData: %s, replication scope = FALSE",
                          attrType, attrMetaData );

                // Reset metaData value so that we don't send metaData for this attribute back.
                attrMetaData[0] = '\0';
                *inScope = FALSE;
                goto cleanup;

    VMDIR_LOG_INFO( LDAP_DEBUG_REPL_ATTR, "IsAttrInReplScope: Attribute: %s, metaData: %s, replication scope = TRUE",
              attrType, attrMetaData );
    *inScope = TRUE;


    if (ppszErrorMsg)
        *ppszErrorMsg = pszLocalErrorMsg;

    return( retVal );


    goto cleanup;
   PVDIR_OPERATION     pOperation,
   PVDIR_ENTRY         pSrEntry
    int                         retVal = LDAP_SUCCESS;
    BerElementBuffer            berbuf;
    BerElement *                ber = (BerElement *) &berbuf;
    BOOLEAN                     bFreeBer = FALSE;
    ber_len_t                   iBlobSize = 0;
    BerValue                    lberBervEntryBlob = {0};
    int                         nAttrs = 0;
    int                         nVals = 0;
    BOOLEAN                     attrMetaDataReqd = FALSE;
    SearchReq *                 sr = &(pOperation->request.searchReq);
    int                         i = 0;
    BOOLEAN                     nonTrivialAttrsInReplScope = FALSE;
    uint32_t                    iSearchReqSpecialChars = 0;
    int                         numAttrMetaData = 0;
    PVDIR_ATTRIBUTE             pAttr = NULL;
    USN                         usnChanged = 0;
    PSTR                        pszLocalErrorMsg = NULL;

    if ( !pOperation || !pSrEntry )

    pSrEntry->bSearchEntrySent = FALSE;

    // see if client request has "*" and/or "+" ("-" for userpassword internal to vmdir)
    // WEI TODO: when we have attribute level ACL check, this information will be useful
    // return result will depend on ACL each on each attribute client is asking before
    // generating a final result to send back
    SetSpecialReturnChar(&pOperation->request.searchReq, &iSearchReqSpecialChars);

    if ( pSrEntry->eId == DSE_ROOT_ENTRY_ID
         pOperation->request.searchReq.attrs == NULL
        //  For ADSI, if no specific attributes requested of DSE ROOT search,
        //  return ALL (include operational) attributes.
        iSearchReqSpecialChars |= LDAP_SEARCH_REQUEST_CHAR_OP;

    // ACL check before processing/sending the current srEntry back
    retVal = VmDirSrvAccessCheck( pOperation, &pOperation->conn->AccessInfo, pSrEntry, VMDIR_RIGHT_DS_READ_PROP );
    BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR( retVal );

    if ( pOperation->opType == VDIR_OPERATION_TYPE_INTERNAL )
        ; // no op in INTERNAL case
        // If not replication, and showDeletedObjectsCtrl not present, => don't send back Deleted objects (tombstones).
        if (pOperation->syncReqCtrl == NULL && pOperation->showDeletedObjectsCtrl == NULL)
            pAttr = VmDirEntryFindAttribute(ATTR_IS_DELETED, pSrEntry);
            if (pAttr)
                if (VmDirStringCompareA((PSTR)pAttr->vals[0].lberbv.bv_val, VMDIR_IS_DELETED_TRUE_STR, FALSE) == 0)
                    goto cleanup; // Don't send this entry
        // In case of replication request, skip certain updates
        if (pOperation->syncReqCtrl != NULL)
            PVDIR_ATTRIBUTE                 pAttrUsnCreated = NULL;
            USN                             usnCreated = 0;
            USN                             limitUsn = 0;

            pAttr = VmDirEntryFindAttribute(ATTR_USN_CHANGED, pSrEntry);
            assert( pAttr != NULL );
            usnChanged = VmDirStringToLA( pAttr->vals[0].lberbv.bv_val, NULL, 10);

            // Check if usnChanged is beyond successful replication update state
            limitUsn = VmDirdGetLimitLocalUsnToBeSupplied();
            if (limitUsn != 0 && usnChanged >= limitUsn)
                VMDIR_LOG_INFO(VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "SendSearchEntry: bug# 863244 RACE CONDITION encountered., "
                          "usnChanged = %ld, limitLocalUsnToBeSupplied = %ld, skipping entry: %s", usnChanged,
                          limitUsn, pSrEntry->dn.lberbv.bv_val );
                goto cleanup; // Don't send this entry

            // Check if usnChanged is beyond lowestPendingUncommittedUsn recorded at the beginning of replication search

            if (pOperation->lowestPendingUncommittedUsn != 0 && usnChanged >= pOperation->lowestPendingUncommittedUsn)
                VMDIR_LOG_INFO( LDAP_DEBUG_REPL, "SendSearchEntry: usnChanged = %ld, lowestPendingUncommittedUsn = %ld, "
                          "skipping entry: %s", usnChanged, pOperation->lowestPendingUncommittedUsn,
                          pSrEntry->dn.lberbv.bv_val );
                goto cleanup; // Don't send this entry

            // Don't send (skip) modifications to my server object, and my RAs
            pAttrUsnCreated = VmDirEntryFindAttribute(ATTR_USN_CREATED, pSrEntry);
            assert( pAttrUsnCreated != NULL );
            usnCreated = VmDirStringToLA( pAttrUsnCreated->vals[0].lberbv.bv_val, NULL, 10);
            // Only send back creation of certain objects, and not their modifications.
            // Check if consumer has already seen the creation. If yes, we are dealing with mods, which should be skipped
            // for my server object, and my RAs
            // Note: Skipping mods for RAs and Server Objects will cause inconsistencies with replicas. But these
            // two types only have local scope regarding functional effects. But if we are looking up / processing
            // information for these two types of objects on a replica, we need to watch out for potential
            // inconsistencies against the original source.
            if (pOperation->syncReqCtrl->value.syncReqCtrlVal.intLastLocalUsnProcessed > usnCreated)
                if (strcmp(pSrEntry->dn.bvnorm_val, gVmdirServerGlobals.serverObjDN.bvnorm_val) == 0)
                    VMDIR_LOG_INFO( LDAP_DEBUG_REPL, "SendSearchEntry: Not sending modifications to my server object, DN: %s",
                              gVmdirServerGlobals.serverObjDN.lberbv.bv_val );
                    goto cleanup; // Don't send this entry
                for (replAgr = gVmdirReplAgrs; replAgr != NULL; replAgr = replAgr->next )
                    if (strcmp(pSrEntry->dn.bvnorm_val, replAgr->dn.bvnorm_val) == 0)
                        VMDIR_LOG_INFO( LDAP_DEBUG_REPL, "SendSearchEntry: Not sending modifications to my RA object, DN: %s",
                                  replAgr->dn.bvnorm_val );
                        goto cleanup; // Don't send this entry

            // do not replicate DSE Root entry, because it is a "local" entry.
            if (pSrEntry->eId == DSE_ROOT_ENTRY_ID)
                VMDIR_LOG_INFO( LDAP_DEBUG_REPL, "SendSearchEntry: Not sending modifications to DSE Root entry, DN: %s",
                          pSrEntry->dn.bvnorm_val );
                goto cleanup; // Don't send this entry


        // Approximate calculation for the required ber size, because apart from lengths and strings, ber also includes
        // tags.
        if ( VmDirComputeEncodedEntrySize(pSrEntry, &nAttrs, &nVals, &iBlobSize) != 0
             VmDirAllocateMemory(iBlobSize, (PVOID*)&lberBervEntryBlob.bv_val) != 0
            retVal = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR;
            BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg), "no memory");
        lberBervEntryBlob.bv_len = iBlobSize;

        ber_init2( ber, &lberBervEntryBlob, LBER_USE_DER );  // ber takes over lberBervEntryBlob.lberbv.bv_val ownership
        bFreeBer = TRUE;

        if ( ber_printf( ber, "{it{O{", pOperation->msgId, LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY, &pSrEntry->dn ) == -1)
            VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "SendSearchEntry: ber_printf (to print msgId ...) failed" );
            retVal = LDAP_OTHER;
            BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                            "Encoding msgId, RES_SEARCH_ENTRY, DN failed");
        // Determine if we need to send back the attribute metaData
        if ( pOperation->syncReqCtrl != NULL ) // Replication
            attrMetaDataReqd = TRUE;
        else // check if attrMetaData attribute has been requested explicitly.
            if (sr->attrs != NULL)
                for (i = 0; sr->attrs[i].lberbv.bv_val != NULL; i++)
                    if (VmDirStringCompareA( sr->attrs[i].lberbv.bv_val, ATTR_ATTR_META_DATA, FALSE) == 0)
                        attrMetaDataReqd = TRUE;

        if (attrMetaDataReqd)
            if ((pOperation->pBEIF->pfnBEGetAllAttrsMetaData( pOperation->pBECtx, pSrEntry->eId, &pAttrMetaData,
                                                              &numAttrMetaData )) != 0)
                VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "SendSearchEntry: pfnBEGetAllAttrsMetaData failed for entryId: %ld",
                retVal = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR;
                BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                                "pfnBEGetAllAttrsMetaData failed.");

            // SJ-TBD: Following double for loop to be optimized
            // Copy attrMetaData to corresponding attributes
            for (i=0; i<numAttrMetaData; i++)
                for ( pAttr = pSrEntry->attrs; pAttr != NULL; pAttr = pAttr->next)
                    if (pAttr->pATDesc->usAttrID == pAttrMetaData[i].attrID)
                        VmDirStringCpyA( pAttr->metaData, VMDIR_MAX_ATTR_META_DATA_LEN, pAttrMetaData[i].metaData );
                        pAttrMetaData[i].metaData[0] = '\0';

        retVal = WriteAttributes( pOperation, pSrEntry, iSearchReqSpecialChars , ber, &pszLocalErrorMsg );
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR( retVal );

        if (attrMetaDataReqd)
            retVal = WriteMetaDataAttribute( pOperation, pSrEntry->attrs, numAttrMetaData, pAttrMetaData, ber,
                                             &nonTrivialAttrsInReplScope, &pszLocalErrorMsg );
            BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR( retVal );

        if (ber_printf( ber, "N}N}" ) == -1)
                      "ber_printf (to terminate the entry and the complete search result entry message ...) failed" );
            retVal = LDAP_OTHER;
            BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                            "Encoding terminating the entry failed.");

        if ( pOperation->syncReqCtrl != NULL ) // Replication, => write Sync State Control
            retVal = WriteSyncStateControl( pOperation, pSrEntry->attrs, ber, &pszLocalErrorMsg );
            BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR( retVal );

        if (ber_printf( ber, "N}" ) == -1)
                      "ber_printf (to terminate the entry and the complete search result entry message ...) failed" );;
            retVal = LDAP_OTHER;
            BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                            "Encoding terminating the entry failed.");

        if ((pOperation->syncReqCtrl == NULL) || (pOperation->syncReqCtrl != NULL && nonTrivialAttrsInReplScope ))
            if (WriteBerOnSocket( pOperation->conn, ber ) != 0)
                VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "SendSearchEntry: WriteBerOnSocket failed." );
                retVal = LDAP_UNAVAILABLE;
                BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR( retVal );

            pSrEntry->bSearchEntrySent = TRUE;

            VMDIR_LOG_INFO( LDAP_DEBUG_REPL, "SendSearchEntry: Send entry: %s", pSrEntry->dn.lberbv.bv_val);
            VMDIR_LOG_INFO( LDAP_DEBUG_REPL, "SendSearchEntry: NOT Sending entry: %s %p %d",
                            pSrEntry->dn.lberbv.bv_val, pOperation->syncReqCtrl, nonTrivialAttrsInReplScope);

        // record max local usnChanged in syncControlDone
        if (pOperation->syncReqCtrl != NULL)
            if (usnChanged  > pOperation->syncDoneCtrl->value.syncDoneCtrlVal.intLastLocalUsnProcessed)
                pOperation->syncDoneCtrl->value.syncDoneCtrlVal.intLastLocalUsnProcessed = usnChanged;

        retVal = LDAP_SUCCESS;

    if (bFreeBer)
        ber_free_buf( ber );
    VMDIR_SAFE_FREE_MEMORY( pAttrMetaData );

    return( retVal );


                     "SendSearchEntry failed DN=(%s), (%u)(%s)",
                     (pSrEntry && pSrEntry->dn.lberbv.bv_val) ? pSrEntry->dn.lberbv.bv_val : "",
                     retVal, VDIR_SAFE_STRING( pszLocalErrorMsg));

    if ( !pOperation->ldapResult.pszErrMsg && pszLocalErrorMsg )
        pOperation->ldapResult.pszErrMsg = pszLocalErrorMsg;
        pszLocalErrorMsg = NULL;

    goto cleanup;
    VDIR_OPERATION *                        pOp,
    BerValue *                              pControlBer,    // Input: control value encoded as ber
    PVDIR_REQUEST_VOTE_CONTROL_VALUE        pCtrlVal,       // Output
    VDIR_LDAP_RESULT *                      pLdapResult     // Output
    int                 retVal = LDAP_SUCCESS;
    BerElementBuffer    berbuf = {0};
    BerElement *        ber = (BerElement *)&berbuf;
    PSTR                pszLocalErrorMsg = NULL;
    ber_int_t           term = 0;
    BerValue            candidateId = {0};
    BerValue            lastLogIndex = {0};
    ber_int_t           lastLogTerm = 0;

    if (!pOp || !pControlBer )
        retVal = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR( retVal );

    if (!pCtrlVal || !pLdapResult)
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR( retVal );

    ber_init2( ber, pControlBer, LBER_USE_DER );

     * The RequestVoteControl the BER-encoded version of the following SEQUENCE:
     * ControlValue ::= SEQUENCE {
     *        term                    Integer
     *        candidateId             OCTET STRING
     *        lastLogIndex            OCTET STRING
     *        lastLogTerm             Integer
     *  }

    if (ber_scanf(ber, "{immi}", &term, &candidateId, &lastLogIndex, &lastLogTerm) == LBER_ERROR)
        VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "%s: ber_scanf failed while parsing filter value", __FUNCTION__);
        pLdapResult->errCode = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                        "Error in reading cluster state control filter");

    pCtrlVal->term = term;

    retVal = VmDirAllocateStringA(candidateId.bv_val, &(pCtrlVal->candidateId));

    pCtrlVal->lastLogIndex = VmDirStringToLA(lastLogIndex.bv_val, NULL, 10);

    pCtrlVal->lastLogTerm = lastLogTerm;

    return retVal;

    if (pszLocalErrorMsg && pLdapResult->pszErrMsg)
       VMDIR_APPEND_ERROR_MSG(pLdapResult->pszErrMsg, pszLocalErrorMsg);
    VMDIR_LOG_ERROR(VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "%s Error: %d", __func__, retVal);
    goto cleanup;
static int
    VDIR_OPERATION *            op,
    BerValue *                  controlValue,       // Input: control value encoded as ber
    SyncRequestControlValue *   syncReqCtrlVal,     // Output
    VDIR_LDAP_RESULT *          lr                  // Output
    int                     retVal = LDAP_SUCCESS;
    ber_tag_t               tag = LBER_ERROR;
    ber_len_t               len = 0;
    UptoDateVectorEntry *   utdVectorEntry = NULL;
    BerElementBuffer        berbuf;
    BerElement *            ber = (BerElement *)&berbuf;
    PSTR                    pszLocalErrorMsg = NULL;
    VDIR_BACKEND_CTX        backendCtx = {0};
    USN                     maxPartnerVisibleUSN = 0;

    VMDIR_LOG_DEBUG( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: Begin." );

    ber_init2( ber, controlValue, LBER_USE_DER );

    /* http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4533.txt
     *  syncCookie ::= OCTET STRING
     *  syncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE {
     *          mode ENUMERATED {
     *              -- 0 unused
     *              refreshOnly       (1),
     *              -- 2 reserved
     *              refreshAndPersist (3)
     *          },
     *          cookie     syncCookie OPTIONAL,
     *          reloadHint BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
     *  }

    if (ber_scanf( ber, "{i", &(syncReqCtrlVal->mode) ) == LBER_ERROR)
        VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: ber_scanf failed while parsing the sync request "
                  "control mode" );
        lr->errCode = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                        "Error in reading sync request control mode from PDU.");

    syncReqCtrlVal->bvLastLocalUsnProcessed.lberbv.bv_val = "";
    syncReqCtrlVal->intLastLocalUsnProcessed = 0;

    if (VmDirAllocateMemory( sizeof( VDIR_LDAP_CONTROL ), (PVOID *)&op->syncDoneCtrl) != 0)
        VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: VmDirAllocateMemory failed " );
        lr->errCode = retVal = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR;
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                        "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: VmDirAllocateMemory failed.");
    op->syncDoneCtrl->type = LDAP_CONTROL_SYNC_DONE;
    if (LwRtlCreateHashTable( &op->syncDoneCtrl->value.syncDoneCtrlVal.htUtdVector, UtdVectorEntryGetKey,
                              LwRtlHashDigestPstr, LwRtlHashEqualPstr, NULL, VMDIR_UTD_VECTOR_HASH_TABLE_SIZE ) != 0)
        VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "UpdateSyncDoneUtdVectorEntry: LwRtlCreateHashTable failed" );
        lr->errCode = retVal = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR;
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                        "UpdateSyncDoneUtdVectorEntry: LwRtlCreateHashTable failed");


    tag = ber_peek_tag( ber, &len );

    if (tag == LBER_SEQUENCE)
    { // syncCookie

        /* syncCookie ::= SEQUENCE {
         *                      reqServerId             LDAPString,
         *                      lastLocalUsnProcessed   INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
         *                      utdVector               UptoDateVectorEntryList }
         *   UptoDateVectorEntryList ::= SEQUENCE OF uptoDateVectorEntry UptoDateVectorEntry
         *   UptoDateVectorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         *                            serverId              LDAPString,
         *                            lastOrigUsnProcessed  INTEGER (0 .. maxInt) }
        // {lastLocalUsnProcessed{{<serverid1><lastOrigUsnProcessed1>}{<serverid2><lastOrigUsnProcessed2>}...}}

        if (ber_scanf( ber, "{mmm}",
                        &syncReqCtrlVal->bvUtdVector.lberbv ) == LBER_ERROR )
            VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: ber_scanf failed while parsing "
                      "lastLocalUsnProcessed in the sync request control value" );
            lr->errCode = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
            retVal = LDAP_NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECT;
            BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                            "Error in reading lastLocalUsnProcessed in the sync request control value");

        VMDIR_LOG_DEBUG( LDAP_DEBUG_REPL, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: ServerId: %s, lastLocalUsnProcessed: %s, utdVector: %s",
                  syncReqCtrlVal->reqInvocationId.lberbv.bv_val, syncReqCtrlVal->bvLastLocalUsnProcessed.lberbv.bv_val,
                  syncReqCtrlVal->bvUtdVector.lberbv.bv_val );

        syncReqCtrlVal->intLastLocalUsnProcessed = op->syncDoneCtrl->value.syncDoneCtrlVal.intLastLocalUsnProcessed =
                                   VmDirStringToLA( syncReqCtrlVal->bvLastLocalUsnProcessed.lberbv.bv_val, NULL, 10 );
            char *                  nextServerIdStr = NULL;
            char *                  nextOrigUsnStr = NULL;

            nextServerIdStr = syncReqCtrlVal->bvUtdVector.lberbv.bv_val;

            while( nextServerIdStr != NULL && nextServerIdStr[0] != '\0')
                PLW_HASHTABLE_NODE pNode = NULL;

                if (VmDirAllocateMemory( sizeof(UptoDateVectorEntry), (PVOID *)&utdVectorEntry ) != 0)
                    VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: VmDirAllocateMemory failed " );
                    lr->errCode = retVal = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR;
                    BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                                    "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: VmDirAllocateMemory failed");

                nextOrigUsnStr = VmDirStringChrA( nextServerIdStr, ':');
                *nextOrigUsnStr = '\0';
                utdVectorEntry->invocationId.lberbv.bv_val = nextServerIdStr;
                utdVectorEntry->invocationId.lberbv.bv_len = VmDirStringLenA( nextServerIdStr );

                nextServerIdStr = VmDirStringChrA( nextOrigUsnStr, ',');
                *nextServerIdStr = '\0';

                utdVectorEntry->currMaxOrigUsnProcessed = utdVectorEntry->reqLastOrigUsnProcessed =
                                                              atol( nextOrigUsnStr );

                LwRtlHashTableResizeAndInsert( op->syncDoneCtrl->value.syncDoneCtrlVal.htUtdVector,
                                               &utdVectorEntry->Node, &pNode);
                assert( pNode == NULL );    // assert the key of added node is unique.

        tag = ber_peek_tag( ber, &len );
    if (tag == LBER_BOOLEAN)
        ber_int_t reloadHint;
        if (ber_scanf( ber, "b", &reloadHint) == LBER_ERROR)
            VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: Error in reading reloadHint from the PDU" );
            lr->errCode = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
            retVal = LDAP_NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECT;
            BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                            "Error in reading reloadHint from the PDU.");
        if (reloadHint)
            syncReqCtrlVal->reloadHint = TRUE;
    if ( ber_scanf( ber, "}") == LBER_ERROR ) // End of control value
        VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: ber_scanf failed while parsing the end of "
                  "sync request control value." );
        lr->errCode = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                        "Decoding error while parsing the end of sync request control value.");

    backendCtx.pBE = VmDirBackendSelect("");
    maxPartnerVisibleUSN = backendCtx.pBE->pfnBEGetLeastOutstandingUSN( &backendCtx, FALSE ) - 1;

    if (syncReqCtrlVal->intLastLocalUsnProcessed > maxPartnerVisibleUSN)
        VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: ServerId %s has processed my USN (%u), my max USN is (%u).",
                         syncReqCtrlVal->reqInvocationId.lberbv.bv_val, syncReqCtrlVal->intLastLocalUsnProcessed, maxPartnerVisibleUSN );
        lr->errCode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM;
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg), "Partner is ahead of my changes.");

    // Even in the error case, syncDoneCtrl should be freed during operation delete.
    VMDIR_LOG_DEBUG( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ParseSyncRequestControlVal: End." );
    VmDirBackendCtxContentFree( &backendCtx );

    return retVal;


    VMDIR_APPEND_ERROR_MSG(lr->pszErrMsg, pszLocalErrorMsg);

    goto cleanup;
    VDIR_OPERATION *                        pOp,
    BerValue *                              pControlBer,    // Input: control value encoded as ber
    PVDIR_APPEND_ENTRIES_CONTROL_VALUE      pCtrlVal,       // Output
    VDIR_LDAP_RESULT *                      pLdapResult     // Output
    int                 retVal = LDAP_SUCCESS;
    BerElementBuffer    berbuf = {0};
    BerElement *        ber = (BerElement *)&berbuf;
    PSTR                pszLocalErrorMsg = NULL;
    ber_int_t           term = 0;
    BerValue            leader = {0};
    BerValue            preLogIndex= {0};
    ber_int_t           preLogTerm = 0;
    BerValue            leaderCommit = {0};
    BerValue            entries = {0};

    if (!pOp || !pControlBer)
        retVal = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR( retVal );

    if (!pCtrlVal || !pLdapResult)
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR( retVal );

    ber_init2( ber, pControlBer, LBER_USE_DER );

     * The AppendEntriesControl the BER-encoded version of the following SEQUENCE:
     * ControlValue ::= SEQUENCE {
     *        term                    Integer
     *        leader                  OCTET STRING
     *        preLogIndex             OCTET STRING
     *        prevLogTerm             Integer
     *        leaderCommit            OCTET STRING
     *        entries                 OCTET STRING
     *  }

    if (ber_scanf(ber, "{immimm}", &term, &leader, &preLogIndex, &preLogTerm, &leaderCommit, &entries) == LBER_ERROR)
        VMDIR_LOG_ERROR( VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "%s: ber_scanf failed while parsing filter value", __FUNCTION__);
        pLdapResult->errCode = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
        BAIL_ON_VMDIR_ERROR_WITH_MSG(   retVal, (pszLocalErrorMsg),
                                        "Error in reading cluster state control filter");

    pCtrlVal->term = term;

    retVal = VmDirAllocateStringA(leader.bv_val, &(pCtrlVal->leader));

    pCtrlVal->preLogIndex = VmDirStringToLA(preLogIndex.bv_val, NULL, 10);

    pCtrlVal->preLogTerm = preLogTerm;

    pCtrlVal->leaderCommit = VmDirStringToLA(leaderCommit.bv_val, NULL, 10);

    retVal = VmDirAllocateAndCopyMemory(entries.bv_val, entries.bv_len, (PVOID*)&(pCtrlVal->entries.lberbv_val));
    pCtrlVal->entries.lberbv_len = entries.bv_len;

    return retVal;

    if (pszLocalErrorMsg && pLdapResult->pszErrMsg)
        VMDIR_APPEND_ERROR_MSG(pLdapResult->pszErrMsg, pszLocalErrorMsg);
    VMDIR_LOG_ERROR(VMDIR_LOG_MASK_ALL, "%s Error: %d", __func__, retVal);
    goto cleanup;