void selectDeviceBasedOnMpiRank()
   int deviceCount;
   WALBERLA_CUDA_CHECK( cudaGetDeviceCount( &deviceCount ));
   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Selecting CUDA device depending on MPI Rank" );

   MPI_Info info;
   MPI_Info_create( &info );
   MPI_Comm newCommunicator;
   MPI_Comm_split_type(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, 0, info, &newCommunicator );

   int processesOnNode;
   int rankOnNode;
   MPI_Comm_size( newCommunicator, &processesOnNode );
   MPI_Comm_rank( newCommunicator, &rankOnNode );

   if ( deviceCount == processesOnNode )
      WALBERLA_CUDA_CHECK( cudaSetDevice( rankOnNode ));
   else if ( deviceCount > processesOnNode )
      WALBERLA_LOG_WARNING( "Not using all available GPUs on node. Processes on node "
                               << processesOnNode << " available GPUs on node " << deviceCount );
      WALBERLA_CUDA_CHECK( cudaSetDevice( rankOnNode ));
      WALBERLA_LOG_WARNING( "Too many processes started per node - should be one per GPU. Number of processes per node "
                               << processesOnNode << ", available GPUs on node " << deviceCount );
      WALBERLA_CUDA_CHECK( cudaSetDevice( rankOnNode % deviceCount ));
bool ExprSystemInitFunction::parse( const Config::BlockHandle & config )
   // parse expressions from config and compile them
   exprtk::parser<real_t> parser;

   bool valid = true;
   const std::string ux_expr_str = config.getParameter<std::string>( "u_x" , "0.0" );
   if( !parser.compile( ux_expr_str, (*expr_)[ "u_x" ] ) )
      WALBERLA_LOG_WARNING( "Error in expression for u_x\n" <<
                              "Error     : " << parser.error() << "\n" <<
                              "Expression: " << ux_expr_str );

      valid = false;

   const std::string uy_expr_str = config.getParameter<std::string>( "u_y" , "0.0" );
   if( !parser.compile( uy_expr_str, (*expr_)[ "u_y" ] ) )
      WALBERLA_LOG_WARNING( "Error in expression for u_y\n" <<
                              "Error     : " << parser.error() << "\n" <<
                              "Expression: " << uy_expr_str );

      valid = false;

   const std::string uz_expr_str = config.getParameter<std::string>( "u_z" , "0.0" );
   if( !parser.compile( uz_expr_str, (*expr_)[ "u_z" ] ) )
      WALBERLA_LOG_WARNING( "Error in expression for u_z\n" <<
                              "Error     : " << parser.error() << "\n" <<
                              "Expression: " << uz_expr_str );

      valid = false;

   const std::string rho_expr_str = config.getParameter<std::string>( "rho" , "1.0" );
   if( !parser.compile( rho_expr_str, (*expr_)[ "rho" ] ) )
      WALBERLA_LOG_WARNING( "Error in expression for rho\n" <<
                            "Error     : " << parser.error() << "\n" <<
                            "Expression: " << rho_expr_str );

      valid = false;

   return valid;
GUI::GUI(timeloop::ITimeloop & timeloop, const shared_ptr<StructuredBlockForest> & blockForest, int& argc, char ** argv)
   :  timeloop_( timeloop ),
      blockForest_( *blockForest )
   QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName( "FAU"      );
   QCoreApplication::setApplicationName ( "waLBerla" );

   pImpl = new GuiImpl();
   pImpl->app = new QApplication( argc, argv );
   pImpl->mainWindow = new MainWindow( timeloop_, blockForest_, *this );

   if ( lastInstance_ != NULL ) {
      WALBERLA_LOG_WARNING( "More than one GUI may lead to problems!");
   lastInstance_ = this;

   walberla::Abort::instance()->resetAbortFunction( &walberla::Abort::exceptionAbort );