void TextTrackManager::PerformTrackSelection(TextTrackKind aTextTrackKinds[], uint32_t size) { nsTArray<TextTrack*> candidates; GetTextTracksOfKinds(aTextTrackKinds, size, candidates); // Step 3: If any TextTracks in candidates are showing then abort these steps. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < candidates.Length(); i++) { if (candidates[i]->Mode() == TextTrackMode::Showing) { WEBVTT_LOGV("PerformTrackSelection Showing return kind %d",candidates[i]->Kind()); return; } } // Step 4: Honor user preferences for track selection, otherwise, set the // first TextTrack in candidates with a default attribute to showing. // TODO: Bug 981691 - Honor user preferences for text track selection. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < candidates.Length(); i++) { if (TrackIsDefault(candidates[i]) && candidates[i]->Mode() == TextTrackMode::Disabled) { candidates[i]->SetMode(TextTrackMode::Showing); WEBVTT_LOGV("PerformTrackSelection set Showing kind %d", candidates[i]->Kind()); return; } } }
already_AddRefed<TextTrack> TextTrackManager::AddTextTrack(TextTrackKind aKind, const nsAString& aLabel, const nsAString& aLanguage, TextTrackMode aMode, TextTrackReadyState aReadyState, TextTrackSource aTextTrackSource) { if (!mMediaElement || !mTextTracks) { return nullptr; } WEBVTT_LOG("%p AddTextTrack",this); WEBVTT_LOGV("AddTextTrack kind %d Label %s Language %s",aKind, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aLanguage).get()); RefPtr<TextTrack> track = mTextTracks->AddTextTrack(aKind, aLabel, aLanguage, aMode, aReadyState, aTextTrackSource, CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); AddCues(track); ReportTelemetryForTrack(track); if (aTextTrackSource == TextTrackSource::Track) { NS_DispatchToMainThread(NewRunnableMethod(this, &TextTrackManager::HonorUserPreferencesForTrackSelection)); } return track.forget(); }
void TextTrackManager::DidSeek() { WEBVTT_LOG("DidSeek"); if (mMediaElement) { mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled = mMediaElement->CurrentTime(); WEBVTT_LOGV("DidSeek set mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled %lf", mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled); } mHasSeeked = true; }
void TextTrackManager::AddCues(TextTrack* aTextTrack) { if (!mNewCues) { WEBVTT_LOG("AddCues mNewCues is null"); return; } TextTrackCueList* cueList = aTextTrack->GetCues(); if (cueList) { bool dummy; WEBVTT_LOGV("AddCues, CuesNum=%d", cueList->Length()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cueList->Length(); ++i) { mNewCues->AddCue(*cueList->IndexedGetter(i, dummy)); } TimeMarchesOn(); } }
void TextTrackManager::UpdateCueDisplay() { WEBVTT_LOG("UpdateCueDisplay"); mUpdateCueDisplayDispatched = false; if (!mMediaElement || !mTextTracks) { return; } nsIFrame* frame = mMediaElement->GetPrimaryFrame(); nsVideoFrame* videoFrame = do_QueryFrame(frame); if (!videoFrame) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> overlay = videoFrame->GetCaptionOverlay(); nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> controls = videoFrame->GetVideoControls(); if (!overlay) { return; } nsTArray<RefPtr<TextTrackCue> > activeCues; mTextTracks->GetShowingCues(activeCues); if (activeCues.Length() > 0) { WEBVTT_LOG("UpdateCueDisplay ProcessCues"); WEBVTT_LOGV("UpdateCueDisplay activeCues.Length() %d",activeCues.Length()); RefPtr<nsVariantCC> jsCues = new nsVariantCC(); jsCues->SetAsArray(nsIDataType::VTYPE_INTERFACE, &NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMEventTarget), activeCues.Length(), static_cast<void*>(activeCues.Elements())); nsPIDOMWindowInner* window = mMediaElement->OwnerDoc()->GetInnerWindow(); if (window) { sParserWrapper->ProcessCues(window, jsCues, overlay, controls); } } else if (overlay->Length() > 0) { WEBVTT_LOG("UpdateCueDisplay EmptyString"); nsContentUtils::SetNodeTextContent(overlay, EmptyString(), true); } }
void TextTrackManager::RemoveTextTrack(TextTrack* aTextTrack, bool aPendingListOnly) { if (!mPendingTextTracks || !mTextTracks) { return; } WEBVTT_LOG("%p RemoveTextTrack TextTrack %p", this, aTextTrack); mPendingTextTracks->RemoveTextTrack(aTextTrack); if (aPendingListOnly) { return; } mTextTracks->RemoveTextTrack(aTextTrack); // Remove the cues in mNewCues belong to aTextTrack. TextTrackCueList* removeCueList = aTextTrack->GetCues(); if (removeCueList) { WEBVTT_LOGV("RemoveTextTrack removeCueList->Length() %d", removeCueList->Length()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < removeCueList->Length(); ++i) { mNewCues->RemoveCue(*((*removeCueList)[i])); } DispatchTimeMarchesOn(); } }
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#time-marches-on void TextTrackManager::TimeMarchesOn() { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread!"); WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn"); mTimeMarchesOnDispatched = false; // Early return if we don't have any TextTracks or shutting down. if (!mTextTracks || mTextTracks->Length() == 0 || mShutdown) { return; } nsISupports* parentObject = mMediaElement->OwnerDoc()->GetParentObject(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!parentObject)) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> window = do_QueryInterface(parentObject); if (mMediaElement && (!(mMediaElement->GetPlayedOrSeeked()) || mMediaElement->Seeking())) { WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn seeking or post return"); return; } // Step 3. double currentPlaybackTime = mMediaElement->CurrentTime(); bool hasNormalPlayback = !mHasSeeked; mHasSeeked = false; WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled %lf currentPlaybackTime %lf hasNormalPlayback %d" , mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled, currentPlaybackTime, hasNormalPlayback); // Step 1, 2. RefPtr<TextTrackCueList> currentCues = new TextTrackCueList(window); RefPtr<TextTrackCueList> otherCues = new TextTrackCueList(window); bool dummy; for (uint32_t index = 0; index < mTextTracks->Length(); ++index) { TextTrack* ttrack = mTextTracks->IndexedGetter(index, dummy); if (ttrack && dummy) { // TODO: call GetCueListByTimeInterval on mNewCues? ttrack->UpdateActiveCueList(); TextTrackCueList* activeCueList = ttrack->GetActiveCues(); if (activeCueList) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeCueList->Length(); ++i) { currentCues->AddCue(*((*activeCueList)[i])); } } } } WEBVTT_LOGV("TimeMarchesOn currentCues %d", currentCues->Length()); // Populate otherCues with 'non-active" cues. if (hasNormalPlayback) { if (currentPlaybackTime < mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled) { // TODO: Add log and find the root cause why the // playback position goes backward. mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled = currentPlaybackTime; } media::Interval<double> interval(mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled, currentPlaybackTime); otherCues = mNewCues->GetCueListByTimeInterval(interval);; } else { // Seek case. Put the mLastActiveCues into otherCues. otherCues = mLastActiveCues; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*currentCues)[i]; otherCues->RemoveCue(*cue); } WEBVTT_LOGV("TimeMarchesOn otherCues %d", otherCues->Length()); // Step 4. RefPtr<TextTrackCueList> missedCues = new TextTrackCueList(window); if (hasNormalPlayback) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*otherCues)[i]; if (cue->StartTime() >= mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled && cue->EndTime() <= currentPlaybackTime) { missedCues->AddCue(*cue); } } } WEBVTT_LOGV("TimeMarchesOn missedCues %d", missedCues->Length()); // Step 5. Empty now. // TODO: Step 6: fire timeupdate? // Step 7. Abort steps if condition 1, 2, 3 are satisfied. // 1. All of the cues in current cues have their active flag set. // 2. None of the cues in other cues have their active flag set. // 3. Missed cues is empty. bool c1 = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentCues->Length(); ++i) { if (!(*currentCues)[i]->GetActive()) { c1 = false; break; } } bool c2 = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { if ((*otherCues)[i]->GetActive()) { c2 = false; break; } } bool c3 = (missedCues->Length() == 0); if (c1 && c2 && c3) { mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled = currentPlaybackTime; WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn step 7 return, mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled %lf", mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled); return; } // Step 8. Respect PauseOnExit flag if not seek. if (hasNormalPlayback) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*otherCues)[i]; if (cue && cue->PauseOnExit() && cue->GetActive()) { WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn pause the MediaElement"); mMediaElement->Pause(); break; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < missedCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*missedCues)[i]; if (cue && cue->PauseOnExit()) { WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn pause the MediaElement"); mMediaElement->Pause(); break; } } } // Step 15. // Sort text tracks in the same order as the text tracks appear // in the media element's list of text tracks, and remove // duplicates. TextTrackListInternal affectedTracks; // Step 13, 14. nsTArray<RefPtr<SimpleTextTrackEvent>> eventList; // Step 9, 10. // For each text track cue in missed cues, prepare an event named // enter for the TextTrackCue object with the cue start time. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < missedCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*missedCues)[i]; if (cue) { SimpleTextTrackEvent* event = new SimpleTextTrackEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("enter"), cue->StartTime(), cue->GetTrack(), cue); eventList.InsertElementSorted(event, CompareSimpleTextTrackEvents(mMediaElement)); affectedTracks.AddTextTrack(cue->GetTrack(), CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); } } // Step 11, 17. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*otherCues)[i]; if (cue->GetActive() || missedCues->IsCueExist(cue)) { double time = cue->StartTime() > cue->EndTime() ? cue->StartTime() : cue->EndTime(); SimpleTextTrackEvent* event = new SimpleTextTrackEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("exit"), time, cue->GetTrack(), cue); eventList.InsertElementSorted(event, CompareSimpleTextTrackEvents(mMediaElement)); affectedTracks.AddTextTrack(cue->GetTrack(), CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); } cue->SetActive(false); } // Step 12, 17. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*currentCues)[i]; if (!cue->GetActive()) { SimpleTextTrackEvent* event = new SimpleTextTrackEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("enter"), cue->StartTime(), cue->GetTrack(), cue); eventList.InsertElementSorted(event, CompareSimpleTextTrackEvents(mMediaElement)); affectedTracks.AddTextTrack(cue->GetTrack(), CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); } cue->SetActive(true); } // Fire the eventList for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eventList.Length(); ++i) { NS_DispatchToMainThread(eventList[i].forget()); } // Step 16. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < affectedTracks.Length(); ++i) { TextTrack* ttrack = affectedTracks[i]; if (ttrack) { ttrack->DispatchAsyncTrustedEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("cuechange")); HTMLTrackElement* trackElement = ttrack->GetTrackElement(); if (trackElement) { trackElement->DispatchTrackRunnable(NS_LITERAL_STRING("cuechange")); } } } mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled = currentPlaybackTime; mLastActiveCues = currentCues; // Step 18. UpdateCueDisplay(); }
NS_IMETHOD Run() { WEBVTT_LOGV("SimpleTextTrackEvent cue %p mName %s mTime %lf", mCue.get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mName).get(), mTime); mCue->DispatchTrustedEvent(mName); return NS_OK; }