int TestWLogCallback(int argc, char* argv[]) { wLog* root; wLog* logA; wLog* logB; wLogLayout* layout; wLogAppender* appender; wLogCallbacks callbacks; function = __FUNCTION__; WLog_Init(); root = WLog_GetRoot(); WLog_SetLogAppenderType(root, WLOG_APPENDER_CALLBACK); appender = WLog_GetLogAppender(root); = CallbackAppenderData; callbacks.image = CallbackAppenderImage; callbacks.message = CallbackAppenderMessage; callbacks.package = CallbackAppenderPackage; if (!WLog_ConfigureAppender(appender, "callbacks", (void *)&callbacks)) return -1; layout = WLog_GetLogLayout(root); WLog_Layout_SetPrefixFormat(root, layout, "%mn"); WLog_OpenAppender(root); logA = WLog_Get(channels[0]); logB = WLog_Get(channels[1]); WLog_SetLogLevel(logA, WLOG_TRACE); WLog_SetLogLevel(logB, WLOG_TRACE); WLog_Print(logA, messages[0].level, messages[0].msg); WLog_Print(logB, messages[1].level, messages[1].msg); WLog_Print(logA, messages[2].level, messages[2].msg, 2, "test"); WLog_Print(logB, messages[3].level, messages[3].msg, 2, "time"); WLog_Print(logA, messages[4].level, messages[4].msg); WLog_Print(logB, messages[5].level, messages[5].msg); WLog_Print(logA, messages[6].level, messages[6].msg); WLog_Print(logB, messages[7].level, messages[7].msg); WLog_CloseAppender(root); WLog_Uninit(); return success ? 0 : -1; }
int TestWLog(int argc, char* argv[]) { wLog* log; wLogLayout* layout; wLogAppender* appender; log = WLog_New("CONSOLE_LOG_TEST"); WLog_SetLogLevel(log, WLOG_INFO); WLog_SetLogAppenderType(log, WLOG_APPENDER_CONSOLE); appender = WLog_GetLogAppender(log); layout = WLog_GetLogLayout(log); WLog_Layout_SetPrefixFormat(log, layout, "[%lv:%mn] [%fl|%fn|%ln] - "); WLog_ConsoleAppender_SetOutputStream(log, (wLogConsoleAppender*) appender, WLOG_CONSOLE_STDERR); WLog_OpenAppender(log); WLog_Print(log, WLOG_INFO, "this is a test"); WLog_Print(log, WLOG_WARN, "this is a %dnd %s", 2, "test"); WLog_Print(log, WLOG_ERROR, "this is an error"); WLog_Print(log, WLOG_TRACE, "this is a trace output"); WLog_CloseAppender(log); WLog_Free(log); log = WLog_New("FILE_LOG_TEST"); WLog_SetLogLevel(log, WLOG_WARN); WLog_SetLogAppenderType(log, WLOG_APPENDER_FILE); appender = WLog_GetLogAppender(log); layout = WLog_GetLogLayout(log); WLog_Layout_SetPrefixFormat(log, layout, "[%lv:%mn] [%fl|%fn|%ln] - "); WLog_FileAppender_SetOutputFileName(log, (wLogFileAppender*) appender, "/tmp/wlog_test.log"); WLog_OpenAppender(log); WLog_Print(log, WLOG_INFO, "this is a test"); WLog_Print(log, WLOG_WARN, "this is a %dnd %s", 2, "test"); WLog_Print(log, WLOG_ERROR, "this is an error"); WLog_Print(log, WLOG_TRACE, "this is a trace output"); WLog_CloseAppender(log); WLog_Free(log); return 0; }
BOOL WLog_SetStringLogLevel(wLog* log, LPCSTR level) { int lvl; if (!log || !level) return FALSE; lvl = WLog_ParseLogLevel(level); if (lvl < 0) return FALSE; return WLog_SetLogLevel(log, lvl); }
rdpRedirection* redirection_new() { rdpRedirection* redirection; redirection = (rdpRedirection*) calloc(1, sizeof(rdpRedirection)); if (redirection) { WLog_Init(); redirection->log = WLog_Get("com.freerdp.core.redirection"); #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_REDIR WLog_SetLogLevel(redirection->log, WLOG_TRACE); #endif } return redirection; }
RDS_MODULE_COMMON* rdp_rds_module_new(void) { rdsModuleRdp* rdp; WLog_Init(); rdp = (rdsModuleRdp*) malloc(sizeof(rdsModuleRdp)); rdp->log = WLog_Get("com.freerds.module.rdp"); WLog_OpenAppender(rdp->log); WLog_SetLogLevel(rdp->log, WLOG_DEBUG); WLog_Print(rdp->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "RdsModuleNew"); return (RDS_MODULE_COMMON*) rdp; }
int cef_rds_module_new(rdsModule* module) { rdsModuleCef* cef; WLog_Init(); cef = (rdsModuleCef*) module; cef->log = WLog_Get("com.freerds.module.cef.connector"); WLog_OpenAppender(cef->log); WLog_SetLogLevel(cef->log, WLOG_DEBUG); WLog_Print(cef->log, WLOG_DEBUG, "RdsModuleNew"); return 0; }
RpcEngine::RpcEngine() : mPacktLength(0), mHeaderRead(0), mPayloadRead(0) { mhStopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); WLog_SetLogLevel(logger_RPCEngine, WLOG_ERROR); }
RFX_CONTEXT* rfx_context_new(BOOL encoder) { HKEY hKey; LONG status; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwValue; SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; RFX_CONTEXT* context; wObject *pool; RFX_CONTEXT_PRIV *priv; context = (RFX_CONTEXT*)calloc(1, sizeof(RFX_CONTEXT)); if (!context) return NULL; context->encoder = encoder; context->priv = priv = (RFX_CONTEXT_PRIV *)calloc(1, sizeof(RFX_CONTEXT_PRIV) ); if (!priv) goto error_priv; WLog_Init(); priv->log = WLog_Get("com.freerdp.codec.rfx"); WLog_OpenAppender(priv->log); #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_RFX WLog_SetLogLevel(priv->log, WLOG_DEBUG); #endif priv->TilePool = ObjectPool_New(TRUE); if (!priv->TilePool) goto error_tilePool; pool = ObjectPool_Object(priv->TilePool); pool->fnObjectInit = (OBJECT_INIT_FN) rfx_tile_init; if (context->encoder) { pool->fnObjectNew = (OBJECT_NEW_FN) rfx_encoder_tile_new; pool->fnObjectFree = (OBJECT_FREE_FN) rfx_encoder_tile_free; } else { pool->fnObjectNew = (OBJECT_NEW_FN) rfx_decoder_tile_new; pool->fnObjectFree = (OBJECT_FREE_FN) rfx_decoder_tile_free; } /* * align buffers to 16 byte boundary (needed for SSE/NEON instructions) * * y_r_buffer, cb_g_buffer, cr_b_buffer: 64 * 64 * sizeof(INT16) = 8192 (0x2000) * dwt_buffer: 32 * 32 * 2 * 2 * sizeof(INT16) = 8192, maximum sub-band width is 32 * * Additionally we add 32 bytes (16 in front and 16 at the back of the buffer) * in order to allow optimized functions (SEE, NEON) to read from positions * that are actually in front/beyond the buffer. Offset calculations are * performed at the BufferPool_Take function calls in rfx_encode/decode.c. * * We then multiply by 3 to use a single, partioned buffer for all 3 channels. */ priv->BufferPool = BufferPool_New(TRUE, (8192 + 32) * 3, 16); if (!priv->BufferPool) goto error_BufferPool; #ifdef _WIN32 { BOOL isVistaOrLater; OSVERSIONINFOA verinfo; ZeroMemory(&verinfo, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA)); verinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA); GetVersionExA(&verinfo); isVistaOrLater = ((verinfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6) && (verinfo.dwMinorVersion >= 0)) ? TRUE : FALSE; priv->UseThreads = isVistaOrLater; } #else priv->UseThreads = TRUE; #endif GetNativeSystemInfo(&sysinfo); priv->MinThreadCount = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; priv->MaxThreadCount = 0; status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Software\\FreeRDP\\RemoteFX"), 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &hKey); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("UseThreads"), NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) priv->UseThreads = dwValue ? 1 : 0; if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("MinThreadCount"), NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) priv->MinThreadCount = dwValue; if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("MaxThreadCount"), NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*) &dwValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) priv->MaxThreadCount = dwValue; RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (priv->UseThreads) { /* Call primitives_get here in order to avoid race conditions when using primitives_get */ /* from multiple threads. This call will initialize all function pointers correctly */ /* before any decoding threads are started */ primitives_get(); priv->ThreadPool = CreateThreadpool(NULL); if (!priv->ThreadPool) goto error_threadPool; InitializeThreadpoolEnvironment(&priv->ThreadPoolEnv); SetThreadpoolCallbackPool(&priv->ThreadPoolEnv, priv->ThreadPool); if (priv->MinThreadCount) if (!SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum(priv->ThreadPool, priv->MinThreadCount)) goto error_threadPool_minimum; if (priv->MaxThreadCount) SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum(priv->ThreadPool, priv->MaxThreadCount); } /* initialize the default pixel format */ rfx_context_set_pixel_format(context, RDP_PIXEL_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8); /* create profilers for default decoding routines */ rfx_profiler_create(context); /* set up default routines */ context->quantization_decode = rfx_quantization_decode; context->quantization_encode = rfx_quantization_encode; context->dwt_2d_decode = rfx_dwt_2d_decode; context->dwt_2d_encode = rfx_dwt_2d_encode; RFX_INIT_SIMD(context); context->state = RFX_STATE_SEND_HEADERS; return context; error_threadPool_minimum: CloseThreadpool(priv->ThreadPool); error_threadPool: BufferPool_Free(priv->BufferPool); error_BufferPool: ObjectPool_Free(priv->TilePool); error_tilePool: free(priv); error_priv: free(context); return NULL; }
int DeviceServiceEntry(PDEVICE_SERVICE_ENTRY_POINTS pEntryPoints) { char* name; char* path; int length, ck; RDPDR_SMARTCARD* device; SMARTCARD_DEVICE* smartcard; device = (RDPDR_SMARTCARD*) pEntryPoints->device; name = device->Name; path = device->Path; smartcard = (SMARTCARD_DEVICE*) calloc(1, sizeof(SMARTCARD_DEVICE)); if (!smartcard) return -1; smartcard->device.type = RDPDR_DTYP_SMARTCARD; smartcard-> = "SCARD"; smartcard->device.IRPRequest = smartcard_irp_request; smartcard->device.Init = smartcard_init; smartcard->device.Free = smartcard_free; length = strlen(smartcard->; smartcard-> = Stream_New(NULL, length + 1); Stream_Write(smartcard->, "SCARD", 6); smartcard->name = NULL; smartcard->path = NULL; if (path) { smartcard->path = path; smartcard->name = name; } else if (name) { if (1 == sscanf(name, "%d", &ck)) smartcard->path = name; else smartcard->name = name; } smartcard->log = WLog_Get(""); WLog_SetLogLevel(smartcard->log, WLOG_DEBUG); smartcard->IrpQueue = MessageQueue_New(NULL); smartcard->rgSCardContextList = ListDictionary_New(TRUE); smartcard->rgOutstandingMessages = ListDictionary_New(TRUE); smartcard->CompletedIrpQueue = Queue_New(TRUE, -1, -1); smartcard->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) smartcard_thread_func, smartcard, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL); pEntryPoints->RegisterDevice(pEntryPoints->devman, (DEVICE*) smartcard); ResumeThread(smartcard->thread); return 0; }
int TestWLog(int argc, char* argv[]) { wLog* root; wLog* logA; wLog* logB; wLogLayout* layout; wLogAppender* appender; char* tmp_path; char* wlog_file; if (!(tmp_path = GetKnownPath(KNOWN_PATH_TEMP))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get temporary directory!\n"); return -1; } WLog_Init(); root = WLog_GetRoot(); WLog_SetLogAppenderType(root, WLOG_APPENDER_BINARY); appender = WLog_GetLogAppender(root); if(!WLog_ConfigureAppender(appender, "outputfilename", "test_w.log")) return 1; if(!WLog_ConfigureAppender(appender, "outputfilepath", tmp_path)) return 1; layout = WLog_GetLogLayout(root); WLog_Layout_SetPrefixFormat(root, layout, "[%lv:%mn] [%fl|%fn|%ln] - "); WLog_OpenAppender(root); logA = WLog_Get("com.test.ChannelA"); logB = WLog_Get("com.test.ChannelB"); WLog_SetLogLevel(logA, WLOG_INFO); WLog_SetLogLevel(logB, WLOG_ERROR); WLog_Print(logA, WLOG_INFO, "this is a test"); WLog_Print(logA, WLOG_WARN, "this is a %dnd %s", 2, "test"); WLog_Print(logA, WLOG_ERROR, "this is an error"); WLog_Print(logA, WLOG_TRACE, "this is a trace output"); WLog_Print(logB, WLOG_INFO, "just some info"); WLog_Print(logB, WLOG_WARN, "we're warning a %dnd %s", 2, "time"); WLog_Print(logB, WLOG_ERROR, "we've got an error"); WLog_Print(logB, WLOG_TRACE, "leaving a trace behind"); WLog_CloseAppender(root); WLog_Uninit(); if ((wlog_file = GetCombinedPath(tmp_path, "test_w.log"))) { DeleteFileA(wlog_file); free(wlog_file); } return 0; }