文件: Menu.c 项目: awmaker/awmaker
static void updateFrameTitle(_Panel * panel, const char *title, InfoType type)
	if (type != NoInfo) {
		char *tmp;

		switch (type) {
		case ExecInfo:
			tmp = wstrconcat(title, _(": Execute Program"));

		case CommandInfo:
			tmp = wstrconcat(title, _(": Perform Internal Command"));

		case ExternalInfo:
			tmp = wstrconcat(title, _(": Open a Submenu"));

		case PipeInfo:
			tmp = wstrconcat(title, _(": Program Generated Submenu"));

		case PLPipeInfo:
			tmp = wstrconcat(title, _(": Program Generated Proplist Submenu"));

		case DirectoryInfo:
			tmp = wstrconcat(title, _(": Directory Contents Menu"));

		case WSMenuInfo:
			tmp = wstrconcat(title, _(": Open Workspaces Submenu"));

		case WWindowListInfo:
			tmp = wstrconcat(title, _(": Open Window List Submenu"));

			tmp = NULL;
		WMSetFrameTitle(panel->optionsF, tmp);
	} else {
		WMSetFrameTitle(panel->optionsF, NULL);
文件: wtest.c 项目: awmaker/awmaker
void testFrame(WMScreen * scr)
	WMWindow *win;
	WMFrame *frame;
	int i;
	static char *titles[] = {
	static WMTitlePosition pos[] = {


	win = WMCreateWindow(scr, "testFrame");
	WMSetWindowTitle(win, "Frame");
	WMSetWindowCloseAction(win, closeAction, NULL);
	WMResizeWidget(win, 400, 300);

	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		frame = WMCreateFrame(win);
		WMMoveWidget(frame, 8 + (i % 3) * 130, 8 + (i / 3) * 130);
		WMResizeWidget(frame, 120, 120);
		WMSetFrameTitle(frame, titles[i]);
		WMSetFrameTitlePosition(frame, pos[i]);


文件: Menu.c 项目: awmaker/awmaker
static void createPanel(_Panel * p)
	_Panel *panel = (_Panel *) p;
	WMScreen *scr = WMWidgetScreen(panel->parent);
	WMColor *black = WMBlackColor(scr);
	WMColor *white = WMWhiteColor(scr);
	WMColor *gray = WMGrayColor(scr);
	WMFont *bold = WMBoldSystemFontOfSize(scr, 12);
	WMFont *font = WMSystemFontOfSize(scr, 12);
	WMLabel *label;
	int width;

	menuDelegate.data = panel;

	panel->boldFont = bold;
	panel->normalFont = font;

	panel->black = black;
	panel->white = white;
	panel->gray = gray;

		Pixmap pix;
		Display *dpy = WMScreenDisplay(scr);
		GC gc;
		WMPixmap *pixm;

		pixm = WMCreatePixmap(scr, 7, 7, WMScreenDepth(scr), True);

		pix = WMGetPixmapXID(pixm);

		XDrawLine(dpy, pix, WMColorGC(black), 0, 3, 6, 3);
		XDrawLine(dpy, pix, WMColorGC(black), 3, 0, 3, 6);
		   XDrawLine(dpy, pix, WMColorGC(black), 1, 0, 3, 3);
		   XDrawLine(dpy, pix, WMColorGC(black), 1, 6, 3, 3);
		   XDrawLine(dpy, pix, WMColorGC(black), 0, 0, 0, 6);

		pix = WMGetPixmapMaskXID(pixm);

		gc = XCreateGC(dpy, pix, 0, NULL);

		XSetForeground(dpy, gc, 0);
		XFillRectangle(dpy, pix, gc, 0, 0, 7, 7);

		XSetForeground(dpy, gc, 1);
		XDrawLine(dpy, pix, gc, 0, 3, 6, 3);
		XDrawLine(dpy, pix, gc, 3, 0, 3, 6);

		panel->markerPix[ExternalInfo] = pixm;
		panel->markerPix[PipeInfo] = pixm;
		panel->markerPix[PLPipeInfo] = pixm;
		panel->markerPix[DirectoryInfo] = pixm;
		panel->markerPix[WSMenuInfo] = pixm;
		panel->markerPix[WWindowListInfo] = pixm;

		XFreeGC(dpy, gc);

	panel->box = WMCreateBox(panel->parent);
	WMSetViewExpandsToParent(WMWidgetView(panel->box), 2, 2, 2, 2);

	panel->typeP = WMCreatePopUpButton(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->typeP, 150, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->typeP, 10, 10);

	WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->typeP, _("New Items"));
	WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->typeP, _("Sample Commands"));
	WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->typeP, _("Sample Submenus"));

	WMSetPopUpButtonAction(panel->typeP, changedItemPad, panel);

	WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->typeP, 0);

		WEditMenu *pad;

		pad = makeFactoryMenu(panel->box, 150);
		WMMoveWidget(pad, 10, 40);

		putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("Run Program"));
		putNewItem(panel, pad, CommandInfo, _("Internal Command"));
		putNewSubmenu(pad, _("Submenu"));
		putNewItem(panel, pad, ExternalInfo, _("External Submenu"));
		putNewItem(panel, pad, PipeInfo, _("Generated Submenu"));
		putNewItem(panel, pad, PLPipeInfo, _("Generated PL Menu"));
		putNewItem(panel, pad, DirectoryInfo, _("Directory Contents"));
		putNewItem(panel, pad, WSMenuInfo, _("Workspace Menu"));
		putNewItem(panel, pad, WWindowListInfo, _("Window List Menu"));

		panel->itemPad[0] = pad;

		WEditMenu *pad;
		ItemData *data;
		WMScrollView *sview;

		sview = WMCreateScrollView(panel->box);
		WMResizeWidget(sview, 150, 180);
		WMMoveWidget(sview, 10, 40);
		WMSetScrollViewHasVerticalScroller(sview, True);

		pad = makeFactoryMenu(panel->box, 130);

		WMSetScrollViewContentView(sview, WMWidgetView(pad));

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("XTerm"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg black -fg white";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("rxvt"));
		data->param.exec.command = "rxvt";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("ETerm"));
		data->param.exec.command = "eterm";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("Run..."));
		data->param.exec.command = _("%A(Run,Type command to run)");

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("Firefox"));
		data->param.exec.command = "firefox";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("gimp"));
		data->param.exec.command = "gimp";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("epic"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -e epic";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("ee"));
		data->param.exec.command = "ee";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("xv"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xv";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("Evince"));
		data->param.exec.command = "evince";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExecInfo, _("ghostview"));
		data->param.exec.command = "gv";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, CommandInfo, _("Exit Window Maker"));
		data->param.command.command = 3;


		panel->itemPad[1] = sview;

		WEditMenu *pad, *smenu;
		ItemData *data;
		WMScrollView *sview;

		sview = WMCreateScrollView(panel->box);
		WMResizeWidget(sview, 150, 180);
		WMMoveWidget(sview, 10, 40);
		WMSetScrollViewHasVerticalScroller(sview, True);

		pad = makeFactoryMenu(panel->box, 130);

		WMSetScrollViewContentView(sview, WMWidgetView(pad));

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, ExternalInfo, _("Debian Menu"));
		data->param.pipe.command = "/etc/GNUstep/Defaults/menu.hook";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, PipeInfo, _("RedHat Menu"));
		data->param.pipe.command = "wmconfig --output wmaker";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, PipeInfo, _("Menu Conectiva"));
		data->param.pipe.command = "wmconfig --output wmaker";

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, DirectoryInfo, _("Themes"));
		data->param.directory.command = "setstyle";
		data->param.directory.directory =
		    "/usr/share/WindowMaker/Themes /usr/local/share/WindowMaker/Themes $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes";
		data->param.directory.stripExt = 1;

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, DirectoryInfo, _("Bg Images (scale)"));
		data->param.directory.command = "wmsetbg -u -s";
		data->param.directory.directory =
		    "/opt/kde2/share/wallpapers /usr/share/WindowMaker/Backgrounds $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds";
		data->param.directory.stripExt = 1;

		data = putNewItem(panel, pad, DirectoryInfo, _("Bg Images (tile)"));
		data->param.directory.command = "wmsetbg -u -t";
		data->param.directory.directory =
		    "/opt/kde2/share/wallpapers /usr/share/WindowMaker/Backgrounds $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds";
		data->param.directory.stripExt = 1;

		smenu = putNewSubmenu(pad, _("Assorted XTerms"));

		data = putNewItem(panel, smenu, ExecInfo, _("XTerm Yellow on Blue"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg midnightblue -fg yellow";

		data = putNewItem(panel, smenu, ExecInfo, _("XTerm White on Black"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg black -fg white";

		data = putNewItem(panel, smenu, ExecInfo, _("XTerm Black on White"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg white -fg black";

		data = putNewItem(panel, smenu, ExecInfo, _("XTerm Black on Beige"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg '#bbbb99' -fg black";

		data = putNewItem(panel, smenu, ExecInfo, _("XTerm White on Green"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg '#228822' -fg white";

		data = putNewItem(panel, smenu, ExecInfo, _("XTerm White on Olive"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg '#335533' -fg white";

		data = putNewItem(panel, smenu, ExecInfo, _("XTerm Blue on Blue"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg '#112244' -fg '#88aabb'";

		data = putNewItem(panel, smenu, ExecInfo, _("XTerm BIG FONTS"));
		data->param.exec.command = "xterm -sb -sl 2000 -bg black -fg white -fn 10x20";


		panel->itemPad[2] = sview;

	width = FRAME_WIDTH - 20 - 150 - 10 - 2;

	panel->optionsF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->optionsF, width, FRAME_HEIGHT - 15);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->optionsF, 10 + 150 + 10, 5);

	width -= 20;

	/* command */

	panel->commandF = WMCreateFrame(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->commandF, width, 50);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->commandF, 10, 20);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->commandF, _("Program to Run"));
	WMSetFrameTitlePosition(panel->commandF, WTPAtTop);

	panel->commandT = WMCreateTextField(panel->commandF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->commandT, width - 95, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->commandT, 10, 20);

	panel->browseB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->commandF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->browseB, 70, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->browseB, width - 80, 18);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->browseB, _("Browse"));
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->browseB, browseForFile, panel);

	WMAddNotificationObserver(dataChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->commandT);

#if 0
	panel->xtermC = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->commandF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->xtermC, width - 20, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->xtermC, 10, 50);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->xtermC, _("Run the program inside a Xterm"));

	/* path */

	panel->pathF = WMCreateFrame(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->pathF, width, 150);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->pathF, 10, 40);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->pathF, _("Path for Menu"));

	panel->pathT = WMCreateTextField(panel->pathF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->pathT, width - 20, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->pathT, 10, 20);

	WMAddNotificationObserver(dataChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->pathT);

	label = WMCreateLabel(panel->pathF);
	WMResizeWidget(label, width - 20, 80);
	WMMoveWidget(label, 10, 50);
	WMSetLabelText(label, _("Enter the path for a file containing a menu\n"
				"or a list of directories with the programs you\n"
				"want to have listed in the menu. Ex:\n"
				"~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/menu\n" "or\n" "/usr/bin ~/xbin"));


	/* pipe */

	panel->pipeF = WMCreateFrame(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->pipeF, width, 155);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->pipeF, 10, 30);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->pipeF, _("Command"));

	panel->pipeT = WMCreateTextField(panel->pipeF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->pipeT, width - 20, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->pipeT, 10, 20);

	WMAddNotificationObserver(dataChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->pipeT);

	label = WMCreateLabel(panel->pipeF);
	WMResizeWidget(label, width - 20, 40);
	WMMoveWidget(label, 10, 50);
	WMSetLabelText(label, _("Enter a command that outputs a menu\n" "definition to stdout when invoked."));

	panel->pipeCacheB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->pipeF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->pipeCacheB, width - 20, 40);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->pipeCacheB, 10, 110);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->pipeCacheB, _("Cache menu contents after opening for\n" "the first time"));


	/* proplist pipe */

	panel->plpipeF = WMCreateFrame(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->plpipeF, width, 155);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->plpipeF, 10, 30);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->plpipeF, _("Command"));

	panel->plpipeT = WMCreateTextField(panel->plpipeF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->plpipeT, width - 20, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->plpipeT, 10, 20);

	WMAddNotificationObserver(dataChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->plpipeT);

	label = WMCreateLabel(panel->plpipeF);
	WMResizeWidget(label, width - 20, 40);
	WMMoveWidget(label, 10, 50);
	WMSetLabelText(label, _("Enter a command that outputs a proplist menu\n" "definition to stdout when invoked."));

	panel->plpipeCacheB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->plpipeF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->plpipeCacheB, width - 20, 40);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->plpipeCacheB, 10, 110);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->plpipeCacheB, _("Cache menu contents after opening for\n" "the first time"));


	/* directory menu */

	panel->dcommandF = WMCreateFrame(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dcommandF, width, 90);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dcommandF, 10, 25);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->dcommandF, _("Command to Open Files"));

	panel->dcommandT = WMCreateTextField(panel->dcommandF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dcommandT, width - 20, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dcommandT, 10, 20);

	WMAddNotificationObserver(dataChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->dcommandT);

	label = WMCreateLabel(panel->dcommandF);
	WMResizeWidget(label, width - 20, 45);
	WMMoveWidget(label, 10, 40);
	WMSetLabelText(label, _("Enter the command you want to use to open the\n"
				"files in the directories listed below."));


	panel->dpathF = WMCreateFrame(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dpathF, width, 80);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dpathF, 10, 125);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->dpathF, _("Directories with Files"));

	panel->dpathT = WMCreateTextField(panel->dpathF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dpathT, width - 20, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dpathT, 10, 20);

	WMAddNotificationObserver(dataChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->dpathT);

	panel->dstripB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->dpathF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dstripB, width - 20, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dstripB, 10, 50);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->dstripB, _("Strip extensions from file names"));

	WMSetButtonAction(panel->dstripB, buttonClicked, panel);


	/* shortcut */

	panel->shortF = WMCreateFrame(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->shortF, width, 50);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->shortF, 10, 160);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->shortF, _("Keyboard Shortcut"));

	panel->shortT = WMCreateTextField(panel->shortF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->shortT, width - 20 - 150, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->shortT, 10, 20);

	WMAddNotificationObserver(dataChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->shortT);

	panel->sgrabB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->shortF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->sgrabB, 70, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->sgrabB, width - 80, 18);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->sgrabB, _("Capture"));
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->sgrabB, sgrabClicked, panel);

	panel->sclearB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->shortF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->sclearB, 70, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->sclearB, width - 155, 18);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->sclearB, _("Clear"));
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->sclearB, sgrabClicked, panel);


	/* internal command */

	panel->icommandL = WMCreateList(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->icommandL, width, 80);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->icommandL, 10, 20);

	WMSetListAction(panel->icommandL, icommandLClicked, panel);

	WMAddNotificationObserver(dataChanged, panel, WMListSelectionDidChangeNotification, panel->icommandL);

	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 0, _("Arrange Icons"));
	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 1, _("Hide All Windows Except For The Focused One"));
	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 2, _("Show All Windows"));

	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 3, _("Exit Window Maker"));
	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 4, _("Exit X Session"));
	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 5, _("Restart Window Maker"));
	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 6, _("Start Another Window Manager   : ("));

	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 7, _("Save Current Session"));
	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 8, _("Clear Saved Session"));
	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 9, _("Refresh Screen"));
	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 10, _("Open Info Panel"));
	WMInsertListItem(panel->icommandL, 11, _("Open Copyright Panel"));

	panel->paramF = WMCreateFrame(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->paramF, width, 50);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->paramF, 10, 105);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->paramF, _("Window Manager to Start"));

	panel->paramT = WMCreateTextField(panel->paramF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->paramT, width - 20, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->paramT, 10, 20);

	WMAddNotificationObserver(dataChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->paramT);


	panel->quickB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->quickB, width, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->quickB, 10, 120);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->quickB, _("Do not confirm action."));
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->quickB, buttonClicked, panel);

	label = WMCreateLabel(panel->optionsF);
	WMResizeWidget(label, width + 5, FRAME_HEIGHT - 50);
	WMMoveWidget(label, 7, 20);
			 " - drag items from the left to the menu to add new items\n"
			 " - drag items out of the menu to remove items\n"
			 " - drag items in menu to change their position\n"
			 " - drag items with Control pressed to copy them\n"
			 " - double click in a menu item to change the label\n"
			 " - click on a menu item to change related information"));


		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(panel->itemPad); i++)
	changedItemPad(panel->typeP, panel);

	panel->sections[NoInfo][0] = label;

	panel->sections[ExecInfo][0] = panel->commandF;
	panel->sections[ExecInfo][1] = panel->shortF;

	panel->sections[CommandInfo][0] = panel->icommandL;
	panel->sections[CommandInfo][1] = panel->shortF;

	panel->sections[ExternalInfo][0] = panel->pathF;

	panel->sections[PipeInfo][0] = panel->pipeF;

	panel->sections[PLPipeInfo][0] = panel->plpipeF;

	panel->sections[DirectoryInfo][0] = panel->dpathF;
	panel->sections[DirectoryInfo][1] = panel->dcommandF;

	panel->currentType = NoInfo;


		WMPoint pos;

		pos = WMGetViewScreenPosition(WMWidgetView(panel->box));

		if (pos.x < 200) {
			pos.x += FRAME_WIDTH + 20;
		} else {
			pos.x = 10;

		pos.y = WMAX(pos.y - 100, 0);

		if (panel->menu)
			WEditMenuShowAt(panel->menu, pos.x, pos.y);
文件: Docks.c 项目: jafd/wmaker
static void createPanel(Panel *p)
	_Panel *panel = (_Panel *) p;
	WMScreen *scr = WMWidgetScreen(panel->parent);
	WMPixmap *icon1, *icon2;
	RImage *xis = NULL;
	RContext *rc = WMScreenRContext(scr);
	char *path;
	int i, j, k;
	char *buf1, *buf2;

	path = LocateImage(ARQUIVO_XIS);
	if (path) {
		xis = RLoadImage(rc, path, 0);
		if (!xis) {
			wwarning(_("could not load image file %s"), path);

	panel->box = WMCreateBox(panel->parent);
	WMSetViewExpandsToParent(WMWidgetView(panel->box), 2, 2, 2, 2);

	/***************** Auto-delays *****************/
	buf1 = wmalloc(strlen(DELAY_ICON) + 1);
	buf2 = wmalloc(strlen(DELAY_ICON_S) + 1);

	for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
		panel->autoDelayF[k] = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->autoDelayF[k], 365, 100);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->autoDelayF[k], 15, 10 + k * 110);
		if (k == 0)
			WMSetFrameTitle(panel->autoDelayF[k], _("Delays in milliseconds for autocollapsing clips"));
			WMSetFrameTitle(panel->autoDelayF[k], _("Delays in milliseconds for autoraising clips"));

		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
			panel->autoDelayL[i + k * 2] = WMCreateLabel(panel->autoDelayF[k]);
			WMResizeWidget(panel->autoDelayL[i + k * 2], 165, 20);
			WMMoveWidget(panel->autoDelayL[i + k * 2], 10, 27 + 40 * i);
			WMSetLabelText(panel->autoDelayL[i + k * 2], _(auto_delay[i + k * 2].string));
			WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->autoDelayL[i + k * 2], WARight);

			for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
				panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][j] = WMCreateCustomButton(panel->autoDelayF[k], WBBStateChangeMask);
				WMResizeWidget(panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][j], 25, 25);
				WMMoveWidget(panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][j], 175 + (25 * j), 25 + 40 * i);
				WMSetButtonBordered(panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][j], False);
				WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][j], WIPImageOnly);
				WMSetButtonAction(panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][j], pushAutoDelayButton, panel);
				if (j > 0)
					WMGroupButtons(panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][0], panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][j]);
				sprintf(buf1, DELAY_ICON, j);
				CreateImages(scr, rc, NULL, buf1, &icon1, NULL);
				if (icon1) {
					WMSetButtonImage(panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][j], icon1);
				} else {
					wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), buf1);
				sprintf(buf2, DELAY_ICON_S, j);
				CreateImages(scr, rc, NULL, buf2, &icon2, NULL);
				if (icon2) {
					WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->autoDelayB[i + k * 2][j], icon2);
				} else {
					wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), buf2);

			panel->autoDelayT[i + k * 2] = WMCreateTextField(panel->autoDelayF[k]);
			WMResizeWidget(panel->autoDelayT[i + k * 2], 36, 20);
			WMMoveWidget(panel->autoDelayT[i + k * 2], 310, 27 + 40 * i);
			WMAddNotificationObserver(autoDelayChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->autoDelayT[i + k * 2]);


	/***************** Enable/disable clip/dock/drawers *****************/
	panel->dockF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dockF, 115, 210);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dockF, 390, 10);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->dockF, _("Dock/Clip/Drawer"));

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		panel->docksB[i] = WMCreateButton(panel->dockF, WBTToggle);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->docksB[i], 56, 56);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->docksB[i], 30, 20 + 62 * i);
		WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->docksB[i], WIPImageOnly);
		CreateImages(scr, rc, xis, dock_config[i].icon_file, &icon1, &icon2);
		if (icon2) {
			WMSetButtonImage(panel->docksB[i], icon2);
		if (icon1) {
			WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->docksB[i], icon1);
		case 0:
			WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("Disable/enable the application Dock (the\n"
						  "vertical icon bar in the side of the screen)."), WMWidgetView(panel->docksB[i]));
		case 1:
			WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("Disable/enable the Clip (that thing with\n"
						  "a paper clip icon)."), WMWidgetView(panel->docksB[i]));
		case 2:
			WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("Disable/enable Drawers (a dock that stores\n"
						  "application icons horizontally). The dock is required."), WMWidgetView(panel->docksB[i]));
		WMSetButtonAction(panel->docksB[i], pushDockButton, panel);

	if (xis)


文件: Themes.c 项目: jafd/wmaker
static void createPanel(Panel * p)
	_Panel *panel = (_Panel *) p;

	panel->box = WMCreateBox(panel->parent);
	WMSetViewExpandsToParent(WMWidgetView(panel->box), 2, 2, 2, 2);

	panel->saveB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->saveB, 154, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->saveB, 15, 10);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->saveB, _("Save Current Theme"));

	panel->list = WMCreateList(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->list, 154, 150);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->list, 15, 40);

	panel->loadB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->loadB, 74, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->loadB, 15, 200);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->loadB, _("Load"));

	panel->instB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->instB, 74, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->instB, 95, 200);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->instB, _("Install"));

    /**************** Tile of the day ****************/

	panel->totF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->totF, 210, 105);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->totF, 240, 10);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->totF, _("Tile of The Day"));

	panel->totL = WMCreateLabel(panel->totF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->totL, 67, 67);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->totL, 25, 25);
	WMSetLabelRelief(panel->totL, WRSunken);

	panel->totB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->totF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->totB, 86, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->totB, 105, 45);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->totB, _("Download"));
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->totB, downloadCallback, panel);


    /**************** Bar of the day ****************/

	panel->botF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->botF, 315, 95);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->botF, 190, 125);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->botF, _("Bar of The Day"));

	panel->botL = WMCreateLabel(panel->botF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->botL, 285, 32);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->botL, 15, 20);
	WMSetLabelRelief(panel->botL, WRSunken);

	panel->botB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->botF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->botB, 86, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->botB, 110, 60);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->botB, _("Download"));
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->botB, downloadCallback, panel);



static void createPanel(Panel * p)
	_Panel *panel = (_Panel *) p;
	WMScreen *scr = WMWidgetScreen(panel->parent);
	WMPixmap *icon;
	char *buf1, *buf2;
	int i;
	RColor color;
	char *path;

	color.red = 0xae;
	color.green = 0xaa;
	color.blue = 0xae;

	panel->box = WMCreateBox(panel->parent);
	WMSetViewExpandsToParent(WMWidgetView(panel->box), 2, 2, 2, 2);

    /**************** Mouse Speed ****************/
	panel->speedF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->speedF, 219, 85);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->speedF, 9, 54);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->speedF, _("Mouse Speed"));

	panel->speedL = WMCreateLabel(panel->speedF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->speedL, 40, 46);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->speedL, 8, 10);
	WMSetLabelImagePosition(panel->speedL, WIPImageOnly);
	path = LocateImage(SPEED_ICON_FILE);
	if (path) {
		icon = WMCreateBlendedPixmapFromFile(scr, path, &color);
		if (icon) {
			WMSetLabelImage(panel->speedL, icon);
		} else {
			wwarning(_("could not load icon %s"), path);

	panel->speedS = WMCreateSlider(panel->speedF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->speedS, 150, 15);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->speedS, 58, 30);
	WMSetSliderMinValue(panel->speedS, 0);
	WMSetSliderMaxValue(panel->speedS, 40);
	WMSetSliderContinuous(panel->speedS, False);
	WMSetSliderAction(panel->speedS, speedChange, panel);

	panel->acceL = WMCreateLabel(panel->speedF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->acceL, 50, 16);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->acceL, 8, 58);
	WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->acceL, WARight);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->acceL, _("Accel.:"));

	panel->acceT = WMCreateTextField(panel->speedF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->acceT, 40, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->acceT, 58, 56);
	WMAddNotificationObserver(returnPressed, panel, WMTextDidEndEditingNotification, panel->acceT);

	panel->threL = WMCreateLabel(panel->speedF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->threL, 80, 16);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->threL, 98, 58);
	WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->threL, WARight);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->threL, _("Threshold:"));

	panel->threT = WMCreateTextField(panel->speedF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->threT, 30, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->threT, 178, 56);
	WMAddNotificationObserver(returnPressed, panel, WMTextDidEndEditingNotification, panel->threT);


	/* ************** Grab Modifier **************** */
	panel->grabF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->grabF, 219, 46);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->grabF, 9, 5);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->grabF, _("Mouse Grab Modifier"));

	WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("Keyboard modifier to use for actions that\n"
				  "involve dragging windows with the mouse,\n"
				  "clicking inside the window."), WMWidgetView(panel->grabF));

	panel->grabP = WMCreatePopUpButton(panel->grabF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->grabP, 178, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->grabP, 20, 17);


	/***************** Doubleclick Delay ****************/

	panel->ddelaF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->ddelaF, 219, 80);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->ddelaF, 9, 142);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->ddelaF, _("Double-Click Delay"));

	buf1 = wmalloc(strlen(DELAY_ICON) + 2);
	buf2 = wmalloc(strlen(DELAY_ICON_S) + 2);

	for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(panel->ddelaB); i++) {
		panel->ddelaB[i] = WMCreateCustomButton(panel->ddelaF, WBBStateChangeMask);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->ddelaB[i], 25, 25);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->ddelaB[i], 18 + (40 * i), 18);
		WMSetButtonBordered(panel->ddelaB[i], False);
		WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->ddelaB[i], WIPImageOnly);
		WMSetButtonAction(panel->ddelaB[i], doubleClick, panel);
		if (i > 0) {
			WMGroupButtons(panel->ddelaB[0], panel->ddelaB[i]);
		sprintf(buf1, DELAY_ICON, i + 1);
		sprintf(buf2, DELAY_ICON_S, i + 1);
		path = LocateImage(buf1);
		if (path) {
			icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
			if (icon) {
				WMSetButtonImage(panel->ddelaB[i], icon);
			} else {
				wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);
		path = LocateImage(buf2);
		if (path) {
			icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
			if (icon) {
				WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->ddelaB[i], icon);
			} else {
				wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);

	panel->tester = CreateDoubleTest(panel->ddelaF, _("Test"));
	WMResizeWidget(panel->tester, 84, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->tester, 20, 48);

	panel->ddelaT = WMCreateTextField(panel->ddelaF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->ddelaT, 40, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->ddelaT, 130, 50);

	panel->ddelaL = WMCreateLabel(panel->ddelaF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->ddelaL, 40, 16);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->ddelaL, 173, 54);
		WMFont *font;
		WMColor *color;

		font = WMSystemFontOfSize(scr, 10);
		color = WMDarkGrayColor(scr);
		WMSetLabelTextColor(panel->ddelaL, color);
		WMSetLabelFont(panel->ddelaL, font);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->ddelaL, _("ms"));


	/* ************** Workspace Action Buttons **************** */

	panel->menuF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->menuF, 276, 217);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->menuF, 236, 5);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->menuF, _("Workspace Mouse Actions"));

	panel->disaB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->menuF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->disaB, 254, 18);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->disaB, 10, 15);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->disaB, _("Disable mouse actions"));
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->disaB, toggle_disabling_of_mouse_actions, panel);

	for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(button_list); i++) {
		int j;

		panel->mouse_action[i].label = WMCreateLabel(panel->menuF);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->mouse_action[i].label, 115, 20);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->mouse_action[i].label, 4, 37 + 25 * i);
		WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->mouse_action[i].label, WARight);
		WMSetLabelText(panel->mouse_action[i].label, _(button_list[i].display_label));

		panel->mouse_action[i].popup = WMCreatePopUpButton(panel->menuF);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->mouse_action[i].popup, 145, 20);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->mouse_action[i].popup, 121, 37 + 25 * i);

		if (button_list[i].type == T_BUTTON) {
			for (j = 0; j < wlengthof(button_actions); j++)
				WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->mouse_action[i].popup, _(button_actions[j].label));
		} else {
			for (j = 0; j < wlengthof(wheel_actions); j++)
				WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->mouse_action[i].popup, _(wheel_actions[j].label));


static void createPanel(Panel *p)
	_Panel *panel = (_Panel *) p;
	WMScreen *scr = WMWidgetScreen(panel->parent);
	char *buf1, *buf2;
	WMPixmap *icon, *altIcon;
	RImage *xis = NULL;
	int i;
	RContext *rc = WMScreenRContext(scr);
	WMFont *font = WMSystemFontOfSize(scr, 10);
	char *path;

	path = LocateImage(ARQUIVO_XIS);
	if (path) {
		xis = RLoadImage(rc, path, 0);
		if (!xis)
			wwarning(_("could not load image file %s"), path);

	panel->box = WMCreateBox(panel->parent);
	WMSetViewExpandsToParent(WMWidgetView(panel->box), 2, 2, 2, 2);

    /*********** Icon Slide Speed **********/
	panel->icoF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->icoF, 212, 45);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->icoF, 15, 10);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->icoF, _("Icon Slide Speed"));

    /*********** Shade Animation Speed **********/
	panel->shaF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->shaF, 212, 45);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->shaF, 15, 65);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->shaF, _("Shade Animation Speed"));

	buf1 = wmalloc(strlen(SPEED_IMAGE) + 1);
	buf2 = wmalloc(strlen(SPEED_IMAGE_S) + 1);

	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		panel->icoB[i] = WMCreateCustomButton(panel->icoF, WBBStateChangeMask);
		panel->shaB[i] = WMCreateCustomButton(panel->shaF, WBBStateChangeMask);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->icoB[i], 40, 24);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->icoB[i], 2 + (40 * i), 15);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->shaB[i], 40, 24);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->shaB[i], 2 + (40 * i), 15);
		WMSetButtonBordered(panel->icoB[i], False);
		WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->icoB[i], WIPImageOnly);
		if (i > 0) {
			WMGroupButtons(panel->icoB[0], panel->icoB[i]);
		WMSetButtonBordered(panel->shaB[i], False);
		WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->shaB[i], WIPImageOnly);
		if (i > 0) {
			WMGroupButtons(panel->shaB[0], panel->shaB[i]);
		sprintf(buf1, SPEED_IMAGE, i);
		sprintf(buf2, SPEED_IMAGE_S, i);
		path = LocateImage(buf1);
		if (path) {
			icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
			if (icon) {
				WMSetButtonImage(panel->icoB[i], icon);
				WMSetButtonImage(panel->shaB[i], icon);
			} else {
				wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);
		path = LocateImage(buf2);
		if (path) {
			icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
			if (icon) {
				WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->icoB[i], icon);
				WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->shaB[i], icon);
			} else {
				wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);


    /***************** Smoothed Scaling *****************/
	panel->smoF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->smoF, 94, 100);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->smoF, 420, 10);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->smoF, _("Smooth Scaling"));

	panel->smoB = WMCreateButton(panel->smoF, WBTToggle);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->smoB, 64, 64);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->smoB, 15, 23);
	WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->smoB, WIPImageOnly);
	path = LocateImage(SMOOTH_IMAGE);
	if (path) {
		RImage *image, *scaled;

		image = RLoadImage(WMScreenRContext(scr), path, 0);

		scaled = RScaleImage(image, 61, 61);
		icon = WMCreatePixmapFromRImage(scr, scaled, 128);
		if (icon) {
			WMSetButtonImage(panel->smoB, icon);

		scaled = RSmoothScaleImage(image, 61, 61);
		icon = WMCreatePixmapFromRImage(scr, scaled, 128);
		if (icon) {
			WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->smoB, icon);

	WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("Smooth scaled background images, neutralizing\n"
				  "the `pixelization' effect. This will slow\n"
				  "down loading of background images considerably."), WMWidgetView(panel->smoB));


    /***************** Titlebar Style Size ****************/
	panel->titlF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->titlF, 212, 97);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->titlF, 15, 120);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->titlF, _("Titlebar Style"));

	panel->oldsB = WMCreateButton(panel->titlF, WBTOnOff);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->oldsB, 60, 40);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->oldsB, 16, 32);
	WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->oldsB, WIPImageOnly);
	path = LocateImage(OLDS_IMAGE);
	if (path) {
		icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
		if (icon) {
			WMSetButtonImage(panel->oldsB, icon);

	panel->newsB = WMCreateButton(panel->titlF, WBTOnOff);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->newsB, 60, 40);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->newsB, 76, 32);
	WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->newsB, WIPImageOnly);
	path = LocateImage(NEWS_IMAGE);
	if (path) {
		icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
		if (icon) {
			WMSetButtonImage(panel->newsB, icon);

	panel->nextB = WMCreateButton(panel->titlF, WBTOnOff);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->nextB, 60, 40);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->nextB, 136, 32);
	WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->nextB, WIPImageOnly);
	path = LocateImage(NEXT_IMAGE);
	if (path) {
		icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
		if (icon) {
			WMSetButtonImage(panel->nextB, icon);

	WMGroupButtons(panel->newsB, panel->oldsB);
	WMGroupButtons(panel->newsB, panel->nextB);


    /**************** Features ******************/
	panel->animF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->animF, 173, 100);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->animF, 237, 10);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->animF, _("Animations"));

	panel->animB = WMCreateButton(panel->animF, WBTToggle);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->animB, 64, 64);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->animB, 15, 23);
	WMSetButtonFont(panel->animB, font);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->animB, _("Animations"));
	WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->animB, WIPAbove);
	CreateImages(scr, rc, xis, ANIM_IMAGE, &altIcon, &icon);
	if (icon) {
		WMSetButtonImage(panel->animB, icon);
	if (altIcon) {
		WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->animB, altIcon);
	WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("Disable/enable animations such as those shown\n"
				  "for window miniaturization, shading etc."), WMWidgetView(panel->animB));

	panel->supB = WMCreateButton(panel->animF, WBTToggle);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->supB, 64, 64);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->supB, 94, 23);
	WMSetButtonFont(panel->supB, font);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->supB, _("Superfluous"));
	WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->supB, WIPAbove);
	CreateImages(scr, rc, xis, SUPERF_IMAGE, &altIcon, &icon);
	if (icon) {
		WMSetButtonImage(panel->supB, icon);
	if (altIcon) {
		WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->supB, altIcon);
	WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("Disable/enable `superfluous' features and\n"
				  "animations. These include the `ghosting' of the\n"
				  "dock when it's being moved to another side and\n"
				  "the explosion animation when undocking icons."), WMWidgetView(panel->supB));


    /*********** Dithering **********/
	panel->cmapSize = 4;

	panel->dithF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dithF, 277, 97);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dithF, 237, 120);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->dithF, _("Dithering colormap for 8bpp"));

	WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("Number of colors to reserve for Window Maker\n"
				  "on displays that support only 8bpp (PseudoColor)."),

	panel->dithB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->dithF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dithB, 235, 32);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dithB, 15, 15);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->dithB, _("Disable dithering in any visual/depth"));

	panel->dithL = WMCreateLabel(panel->dithF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dithL, 75, 16);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dithL, 98, 50);
	WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->dithL, WACenter);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->dithL, "64");

	panel->dithS = WMCreateSlider(panel->dithF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dithS, 95, 16);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dithS, 90, 65);
	WMSetSliderMinValue(panel->dithS, 2);
	WMSetSliderMaxValue(panel->dithS, 6);
	WMSetSliderContinuous(panel->dithS, True);
	WMSetSliderAction(panel->dithS, updateLabel, panel);

	panel->dith1L = WMCreateLabel(panel->dithF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dith1L, 80, 35);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dith1L, 5, 50);
	WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->dith1L, WACenter);
	WMSetLabelFont(panel->dith1L, font);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->dith1L, _("More colors for\napplications"));

	panel->dith2L = WMCreateLabel(panel->dithF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dith2L, 80, 35);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dith2L, 190, 50);
	WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->dith2L, WACenter);
	WMSetLabelFont(panel->dith2L, font);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->dith2L, _("More colors for\nWindow Maker"));



	if (xis)
static void createPanel(Panel * p)
	_Panel *panel = (_Panel *) p;
	WMScreen *scr = WMWidgetScreen(panel->parent);
	int i;
	WMColor *color;
	WMFont *font;

	color = WMDarkGrayColor(scr);
	font = WMSystemFontOfSize(scr, 10);

	panel->box = WMCreateBox(panel->parent);
	WMSetViewExpandsToParent(WMWidgetView(panel->box), 2, 2, 2, 2);

    /**************** Initial Key Repeat ***************/
	panel->delaF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->delaF, 495, 60);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->delaF, 15, 10);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->delaF, _("Initial Key Repeat"));

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		panel->delaB[i] = WMCreateButton(panel->delaF, WBTOnOff);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->delaB[i], 60, 20);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->delaB[i], 70 + i * 60, 25);
		if (i > 0)
			WMGroupButtons(panel->delaB[0], panel->delaB[i]);
		switch (i) {
		case 0:
			WMSetButtonText(panel->delaB[i], "....a");
		case 1:
			WMSetButtonText(panel->delaB[i], "...a");
		case 2:
			WMSetButtonText(panel->delaB[i], "..a");
		case 3:
			WMSetButtonText(panel->delaB[i], ".a");
	panel->dmsT = WMCreateTextField(panel->delaF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dmsT, 50, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dmsT, 345, 25);
	/*    WMSetTextFieldAlignment(panel->dmsT, WARight); */

	panel->dmsL = WMCreateLabel(panel->delaF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dmsL, 30, 16);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dmsL, 400, 30);
	WMSetLabelTextColor(panel->dmsL, color);
	WMSetLabelFont(panel->dmsL, font);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->dmsL, "msec");


    /**************** Key Repeat Rate ***************/
	panel->rateF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->rateF, 495, 60);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->rateF, 15, 95);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->rateF, _("Key Repeat Rate"));

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		panel->rateB[i] = WMCreateButton(panel->rateF, WBTOnOff);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->rateB[i], 60, 20);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->rateB[i], 70 + i * 60, 25);
		if (i > 0)
			WMGroupButtons(panel->rateB[0], panel->rateB[i]);
		switch (i) {
		case 0:
			WMSetButtonText(panel->rateB[i], "a....a");
		case 1:
			WMSetButtonText(panel->rateB[i], "a...a");
		case 2:
			WMSetButtonText(panel->rateB[i], "a..a");
		case 3:
			WMSetButtonText(panel->rateB[i], "a.a");
	panel->rmsT = WMCreateTextField(panel->rateF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->rmsT, 50, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->rmsT, 345, 25);
	/*    WMSetTextFieldAlignment(panel->rmsT, WARight); */

	panel->rmsL = WMCreateLabel(panel->rateF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->rmsL, 30, 16);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->rmsL, 400, 30);
	WMSetLabelTextColor(panel->rmsL, color);
	WMSetLabelFont(panel->rmsL, font);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->rmsL, "msec");


	panel->testT = WMCreateTextField(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->testT, 480, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->testT, 20, 180);
	WMSetTextFieldText(panel->testT, _("Type here to test"));


static void
createPanel(Panel *p)
    _Panel *panel = (_Panel*)p;
    WMScreen *scr = WMWidgetScreen(panel->parent);
    WMPixmap *icon;
    int i;
    char *buf1, *buf2;
    char *path;

    panel->box = WMCreateBox(panel->parent);
    WMSetViewExpandsToParent(WMWidgetView(panel->box), 2, 2, 2, 2);

    /***************** Menu Scroll Speed ****************/
    panel->scrF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
    WMResizeWidget(panel->scrF, 235, 90);
    WMMoveWidget(panel->scrF, 25, 20);
    WMSetFrameTitle(panel->scrF, _("Menu Scrolling Speed"));

    buf1 = wmalloc(strlen(SPEED_IMAGE)+1);
    buf2 = wmalloc(strlen(SPEED_IMAGE_S)+1);
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        panel->scrB[i] = WMCreateCustomButton(panel->scrF, WBBStateChangeMask);
        WMResizeWidget(panel->scrB[i], 40, 40);
        WMMoveWidget(panel->scrB[i], 15+(40*i), 30);
        WMSetButtonBordered(panel->scrB[i], False);
        WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->scrB[i], WIPImageOnly);
        if (i > 0) {
            WMGroupButtons(panel->scrB[0], panel->scrB[i]);
        sprintf(buf1, SPEED_IMAGE, i);
        sprintf(buf2, SPEED_IMAGE_S, i);
        path = LocateImage(buf1);
        if (path) {
            icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
            if (icon) {
                WMSetButtonImage(panel->scrB[i], icon);
            } else {
                wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);
        path = LocateImage(buf2);
        if (path) {
            icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
            if (icon) {
                WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->scrB[i], icon);
            } else {
                wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);


    /***************** Submenu Alignment ****************/

    panel->aliF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
    WMResizeWidget(panel->aliF, 220, 90);
    WMMoveWidget(panel->aliF, 280, 20);
    WMSetFrameTitle(panel->aliF, _("Submenu Alignment"));

    panel->alinB = WMCreateButton(panel->aliF, WBTOnOff);
    WMResizeWidget(panel->alinB, 48, 48);
    WMMoveWidget(panel->alinB, 56, 25);
    WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->alinB, WIPImageOnly);
    path = LocateImage(MENU_ALIGN1);
    if (path) {
        icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
        if (icon) {
            WMSetButtonImage(panel->alinB, icon);
        } else {
            wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);
    panel->aliyB = WMCreateButton(panel->aliF, WBTOnOff);
    WMResizeWidget(panel->aliyB, 48, 48);
    WMMoveWidget(panel->aliyB, 120, 25);
    WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->aliyB, WIPImageOnly);
    path = LocateImage(MENU_ALIGN2);
    if (path) {
        icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
        if (icon) {
            WMSetButtonImage(panel->aliyB, icon);
        } else {
            wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);
    WMGroupButtons(panel->alinB, panel->aliyB);


    /***************** Options ****************/
    panel->optF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
    WMResizeWidget(panel->optF, 475, 80);
    WMMoveWidget(panel->optF, 25, 130);

    panel->wrapB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->optF);
    WMResizeWidget(panel->wrapB, 440, 32);
    WMMoveWidget(panel->wrapB, 25, 8);
    WMSetButtonText(panel->wrapB, _("Always open submenus inside the screen, instead of scrolling.\nNote: this is annoying."));

    panel->autoB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->optF);
    WMResizeWidget(panel->autoB, 440, 32);
    WMMoveWidget(panel->autoB, 25, 45);
    WMSetButtonText(panel->autoB, _("Scroll off-screen menus when pointer is moved over them."));



static void create_tab_icon_workspace(WWindow *wwin, InspectorPanel *panel)
	int i = 0;

	/* miniwindow/workspace */
	panel->iconFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->iconFrm, 15, 50);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->iconFrm, PWIDTH - (2 * 15), 170);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->iconFrm, _("Miniwindow Image"));

	panel->iconLbl = WMCreateLabel(panel->iconFrm);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->iconLbl, PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - 22 - 64, 20);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->iconLbl, 64, 64);
	WMSetLabelRelief(panel->iconLbl, WRGroove);
	WMSetLabelImagePosition(panel->iconLbl, WIPImageOnly);

	panel->browseIconBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->iconFrm);
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->browseIconBtn, chooseIconCallback, panel);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->browseIconBtn, 22, 32);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->browseIconBtn, 120, 26);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->browseIconBtn, _("Browse..."));

	panel->fileLbl = WMCreateLabel(panel->iconFrm);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->fileLbl, 20, 85);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->fileLbl, PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - (2 * 20), 14);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->fileLbl, _("Icon filename:"));

	panel->fileText = WMCreateTextField(panel->iconFrm);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->fileText, 20, 105);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->fileText, PWIDTH - (2 * 20) - (2 * 15), 20);
	WMSetTextFieldText(panel->fileText, NULL);
	WMAddNotificationObserver(textEditedObserver, panel, WMTextDidEndEditingNotification, panel->fileText);

	panel->alwChk = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->iconFrm);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->alwChk, 20, 130);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->alwChk, PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - (2 * 15), 30);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->alwChk, _("Ignore client supplied icon"));
	WMSetButtonSelected(panel->alwChk, WFLAGP(wwin, always_user_icon));

	panel->wsFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->wsFrm, 15, 225);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->wsFrm, PWIDTH - (2 * 15), 70);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->wsFrm, _("Initial Workspace"));

	WMSetBalloonTextForView(_("The workspace to place the window when it's"
				  "first shown."), WMWidgetView(panel->wsFrm));

	panel->wsP = WMCreatePopUpButton(panel->wsFrm);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->wsP, 20, 30);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->wsP, PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - (2 * 20), 20);
	WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->wsP, _("Nowhere in particular"));

	for (i = 0; i < w_global.workspace.count; i++)
		WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->wsP, w_global.workspace.array[i]->name);

	i = wDefaultGetStartWorkspace(wwin->wm_instance, wwin->wm_class);
	if (i >= 0 && i <= w_global.workspace.count)
		WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP, i + 1);
		WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP, 0);
static void create_tab_app_specific(WWindow *wwin, InspectorPanel *panel, int frame_width)
	WScreen *scr = wwin->screen_ptr;
	int i = 0, flag = 0, tmp;
	char *caption = NULL, *descr = NULL;

	if (wwin->main_window != None) {
		WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window);

		panel->appFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
		WMSetFrameTitle(panel->appFrm, _("Application Attributes"));
		WMMoveWidget(panel->appFrm, 15, 50);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->appFrm, frame_width, 240);

		for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(panel->appChk); i++) {
			switch (i) {
			case 0:
				caption = _("Start hidden");
				flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, start_hidden);
				descr = _("Automatically hide application when it's started.");
			case 1:
				caption = _("No application icon");
				flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon);
				descr = _("Disable the application icon for the application.\n"
					  "Note that you won't be able to dock it anymore,\n"
					  "and any icons that are already docked will stop\n"
					  "working correctly.");
			case 2:
				caption = _("Shared application icon");
				flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, shared_appicon);
				descr = _("Use a single shared application icon for all of\n"
					  "the instances of this application.\n");
			panel->appChk[i] = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->appFrm);
			WMMoveWidget(panel->appChk[i], 10, 20 * (i + 1));
			WMResizeWidget(panel->appChk[i], 205, 20);
			WMSetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[i], flag);
			WMSetButtonText(panel->appChk[i], caption);
			WMSetBalloonTextForView(descr, WMWidgetView(panel->appChk[i]));

		if (WFLAGP(wwin, emulate_appicon)) {
			WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->appChk[1], False);
			WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->moreChk[7], True);
		} else {
			WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->appChk[1], True);
			WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->moreChk[7], False);
	} else {
		if ((wwin->transient_for != None && wwin->transient_for != scr->root_win)
		    || !wwin->wm_class || !wwin->wm_instance)
			tmp = False;
			tmp = True;

		WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->moreChk[7], tmp);

		WMSetPopUpButtonItemEnabled(panel->pagePopUp, 4, False);
		panel->appFrm = NULL;
static void create_tab_window_advanced(WWindow *wwin, InspectorPanel *panel, int frame_width)
	int i = 0;
	char *caption = NULL, *descr = NULL;
	int flag = 0;

	panel->moreFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->moreFrm, _("Advanced"));
	WMMoveWidget(panel->moreFrm, 15, 45);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->moreFrm, frame_width, 265);

	for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(panel->moreChk); i++) {
		switch (i) {
		case 0:
			caption = _("Do not bind keyboard shortcuts");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys);
			descr = _("Do not bind keyboard shortcuts from Window Maker\n"
				  "when this window is focused. This will allow the\n"
				  "window to receive all key combinations regardless\n"
				  "of your shortcut configuration.");
		case 1:
			caption = _("Do not bind mouse clicks");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_mouse);
			descr = _("Do not bind mouse actions, such as `Alt'+drag\n"
				  "in the window (when alt is the modifier you have\n" "configured).");
		case 2:
			caption = _("Do not show in the window list");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, skip_window_list);
			descr = _("Do not list the window in the window list menu.");
		case 3:
			caption = _("Do not show in the switch panel");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, skip_switchpanel);
			descr = _("Do not include in switch panel while cycling windows.");
		case 4:
			caption = _("Do not let it take focus");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_focusable);
			descr = _("Do not let the window take keyboard focus when you\n" "click on it.");
		case 5:
			caption = _("Keep inside screen");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, dont_move_off);
			descr = _("Do not allow the window to move itself completely\n"
				  "outside the screen. For bug compatibility.\n");
		case 6:
			caption = _("Ignore 'Hide Others'");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_hide_others);
			descr = _("Do not hide the window when issuing the\n" "`HideOthers' command.");
		case 7:
			caption = _("Ignore 'Save Session'");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, dont_save_session);
			descr = _("Do not save the associated application in the\n"
				  "session's state, so that it won't be restarted\n"
				  "together with other applications when Window Maker\n" "starts.");
		case 8:
			caption = _("Emulate application icon");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, emulate_appicon);
			descr = _("Make this window act as an application that provides\n"
				  "enough information to Window Maker for a dockable\n"
				  "application icon to be created.");
		case 9:
			caption = _("Focus across workspaces");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, focus_across_wksp);
			descr = _("Allow Window Maker to switch workspace to satisfy\n"
				  "a focus request (annoying).");
		case 10:
			caption = _("Do not let it be minimized");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_miniaturizable);
			descr = _("Do not let the window of this application be\n"
		case 11:
			caption = _("Disable language button");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_language_button);
			descr = _("Remove the `toggle language' button of the window.");
		panel->moreChk[i] = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->moreFrm);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->moreChk[i], 10, 20 * (i + 1));
		WMResizeWidget(panel->moreChk[i], frame_width - 15, 20);
		WMSetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[i], flag);
		WMSetButtonText(panel->moreChk[i], caption);

		WMSetBalloonTextForView(descr, WMWidgetView(panel->moreChk[i]));
static void create_tab_window_attributes(WWindow *wwin, InspectorPanel *panel, int frame_width)
	int i = 0;
	char *caption = NULL, *descr = NULL;
	int flag = 0;

	panel->attrFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->attrFrm, _("Attributes"));
	WMMoveWidget(panel->attrFrm, 15, 45);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->attrFrm, frame_width, 250);

	for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(panel->attrChk); i++) {
		switch (i) {
		case 0:
			caption = _("Disable titlebar");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_titlebar);
			descr = _("Remove the titlebar of this window.\n"
				  "To access the window commands menu of a window\n"
				  "without it's titlebar, press Control+Esc (or the\n"
				  "equivalent shortcut, if you changed the default\n" "settings).");
		case 1:
			caption = _("Disable resizebar");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_resizebar);
			descr = _("Remove the resizebar of this window.");
		case 2:
			caption = _("Disable close button");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_close_button);
			descr = _("Remove the `close window' button of this window.");
		case 3:
			caption = _("Disable miniaturize button");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_miniaturize_button);
			descr = _("Remove the `miniaturize window' button of the window.");
		case 4:
			caption = _("Disable border");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_border);
			descr = _("Remove the 1 pixel black border around the window.");
		case 5:
			caption = _("Keep on top (floating)");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, floating);
			descr = _("Keep the window over other windows, not allowing\n" "them to cover it.");
		case 6:
			caption = _("Keep at bottom (sunken)");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, sunken);
			descr = _("Keep the window under all other windows.");
		case 7:
			caption = _("Omnipresent");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, omnipresent);
			descr = _("Make window present in all workspaces.");
		case 8:
			caption = _("Start miniaturized");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, start_miniaturized);
			descr = _("Make the window be automatically miniaturized when it's\n" "first shown.");
		case 9:
			caption = _("Start maximized");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, start_maximized != 0);
			descr = _("Make the window be automatically maximized when it's\n" "first shown.");
		case 10:
			caption = _("Full screen maximization");
			flag = WFLAGP(wwin, full_maximize);
			descr = _("Make the window use the whole screen space when it's\n"
				  "maximized. The titlebar and resizebar will be moved\n"
				  "to outside the screen.");
		panel->attrChk[i] = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->attrFrm);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->attrChk[i], 10, 20 * (i + 1));
		WMResizeWidget(panel->attrChk[i], frame_width - 15, 20);
		WMSetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[i], flag);
		WMSetButtonText(panel->attrChk[i], caption);

		WMSetBalloonTextForView(descr, WMWidgetView(panel->attrChk[i]));
static InspectorPanel *createInspectorForWindow(WWindow *wwin, int xpos, int ypos, Bool showSelectPanel)
	WScreen *scr = wwin->screen_ptr;
	InspectorPanel *panel;
	Window parent;
	char *str = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
	int x, y, btn_width, frame_width;
	WMButton *selectedBtn = NULL;

	spec_text = _("The configuration will apply to all\n"
		      "windows that have their WM_CLASS\n"
		      "property set to the above selected\n" "name, when saved.");

	panel = wmalloc(sizeof(InspectorPanel));
	memset(panel, 0, sizeof(InspectorPanel));

	panel->destroyed = 0;
	panel->inspected = wwin;
	panel->nextPtr = panelList;
	panelList = panel;
	panel->win = WMCreateWindow(scr->wmscreen, "windowInspector");
	WMResizeWidget(panel->win, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT);

	/**** create common stuff ****/
	/* command buttons */
	btn_width = (PWIDTH - (2 * 15) - (2 * 10)) / 3;
	panel->saveBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->win);
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->saveBtn, saveSettings, panel);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->saveBtn, (2 * (btn_width + 10)) + 15, PHEIGHT - 40);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->saveBtn, _("Save"));
	WMResizeWidget(panel->saveBtn, btn_width, 28);
	if (wPreferences.flags.noupdates || !(wwin->wm_class || wwin->wm_instance))
		WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->saveBtn, False);

	panel->applyBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->win);
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->applyBtn, applySettings, panel);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->applyBtn, btn_width + 10 + 15, PHEIGHT - 40);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->applyBtn, _("Apply"));
	WMResizeWidget(panel->applyBtn, btn_width, 28);

	panel->revertBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->win);
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->revertBtn, revertSettings, panel);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->revertBtn, 15, PHEIGHT - 40);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->revertBtn, _("Reload"));
	WMResizeWidget(panel->revertBtn, btn_width, 28);

	/* page selection popup button */
	panel->pagePopUp = WMCreatePopUpButton(panel->win);
	WMSetPopUpButtonAction(panel->pagePopUp, changePage, panel);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->pagePopUp, 25, 15);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->pagePopUp, PWIDTH - 50, 20);

	WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Window Specification"));
	WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Window Attributes"));
	WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Advanced Options"));
	WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Icon and Initial Workspace"));
	WMAddPopUpButtonItem(panel->pagePopUp, _("Application Specific"));

	/**** window spec ****/
	frame_width = PWIDTH - (2 * 15);

	panel->specFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->specFrm, _("Window Specification"));
	WMMoveWidget(panel->specFrm, 15, 65);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->specFrm, frame_width, 145);

	panel->defaultRb = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->specFrm);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->defaultRb, 10, 78);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->defaultRb, frame_width - (2 * 10), 20);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->defaultRb, _("Defaults for all windows"));
	WMSetButtonSelected(panel->defaultRb, False);
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->defaultRb, selectSpecification, panel);

	if (wwin->wm_class && wwin->wm_instance) {
		tmp = wstrconcat(wwin->wm_instance, ".");
		str = wstrconcat(tmp, wwin->wm_class);

		panel->bothRb = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->specFrm);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->bothRb, 10, 18);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->bothRb, frame_width - (2 * 10), 20);
		WMSetButtonText(panel->bothRb, str);
		WMGroupButtons(panel->defaultRb, panel->bothRb);

		if (!selectedBtn)
			selectedBtn = panel->bothRb;

		WMSetButtonAction(panel->bothRb, selectSpecification, panel);

	if (wwin->wm_instance) {
		panel->instRb = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->specFrm);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->instRb, 10, 38);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->instRb, frame_width - (2 * 10), 20);
		WMSetButtonText(panel->instRb, wwin->wm_instance);
		WMGroupButtons(panel->defaultRb, panel->instRb);

		if (!selectedBtn)
			selectedBtn = panel->instRb;

		WMSetButtonAction(panel->instRb, selectSpecification, panel);

	if (wwin->wm_class) {
		panel->clsRb = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->specFrm);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->clsRb, 10, 58);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->clsRb, frame_width - (2 * 10), 20);
		WMSetButtonText(panel->clsRb, wwin->wm_class);
		WMGroupButtons(panel->defaultRb, panel->clsRb);

		if (!selectedBtn)
			selectedBtn = panel->clsRb;

		WMSetButtonAction(panel->clsRb, selectSpecification, panel);

	panel->selWinB = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->specFrm);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->selWinB, 20, 145 - 24 - 10);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->selWinB, frame_width - 2 * 10 - 20, 24);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->selWinB, _("Select window"));
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->selWinB, selectWindow, panel);

	panel->specLbl = WMCreateLabel(panel->win);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->specLbl, 15, 210);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->specLbl, frame_width, 100);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->specLbl, spec_text);
	WMSetLabelWraps(panel->specLbl, True);

	WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->specLbl, WALeft);

	/**** attributes ****/
	create_tab_window_attributes(wwin, panel, frame_width);
	create_tab_window_advanced(wwin, panel, frame_width);
	create_tab_icon_workspace(wwin, panel);
	create_tab_app_specific(wwin, panel, frame_width);

	/* if the window is a transient, don't let it have a miniaturize button */
	if (wwin->transient_for != None && wwin->transient_for != scr->root_win)
		WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->attrChk[3], False);
		WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->attrChk[3], True);

	if (!wwin->wm_class && !wwin->wm_instance)
		WMSetPopUpButtonItemEnabled(panel->pagePopUp, 0, False);


	if (panel->appFrm)

	if (showSelectPanel) {
		WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->pagePopUp, 0);
		changePage(panel->pagePopUp, panel);
	} else {
		WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->pagePopUp, 1);
		changePage(panel->pagePopUp, panel);

	parent = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, scr->root_win, 0, 0, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT, 0, 0, 0);
	XSelectInput(dpy, parent, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask);
	panel->parent = parent;
	XReparentWindow(dpy, WMWidgetXID(panel->win), parent, 0, 0);


	XSetTransientForHint(dpy, parent, wwin->client_win);

	if (xpos == UNDEFINED_POS) {
		x = wwin->frame_x + wwin->frame->core->width / 2;
		y = wwin->frame_y + wwin->frame->top_width * 2;
		if (y + PHEIGHT > scr->scr_height)
			y = scr->scr_height - PHEIGHT - 30;
		if (x + PWIDTH > scr->scr_width)
			x = scr->scr_width - PWIDTH;
	} else {
		x = xpos;
		y = ypos;

	panel->frame = wManageInternalWindow(scr, parent, wwin->client_win, "Inspector", x, y, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT);

	if (!selectedBtn)
		selectedBtn = panel->defaultRb;

	WMSetButtonSelected(selectedBtn, True);
	selectSpecification(selectedBtn, panel);

	/* kluge to know who should get the key events */
	panel->frame->client_leader = WMWidgetXID(panel->win);

	WSETUFLAG(panel->frame, no_closable, 0);
	WSETUFLAG(panel->frame, no_close_button, 0);
	wFrameWindowShowButton(panel->frame->frame, WFF_RIGHT_BUTTON);
	panel->frame->frame->on_click_right = destroyInspector;


	showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(panel->alwChk), panel, wwin->wm_instance, wwin->wm_class, UPDATE_TEXT_FIELD);

	return panel;
文件: Focus.c 项目: jafd/wmaker
static void createPanel(Panel * p)
	_Panel *panel = (_Panel *) p;
	WMScreen *scr = WMWidgetScreen(panel->parent);
	int i;
	char *buf1, *buf2;
	WMPixmap *icon;
	WMColor *color;
	WMFont *font;

	panel->box = WMCreateBox(panel->parent);
	WMSetViewExpandsToParent(WMWidgetView(panel->box), 2, 2, 2, 2);

    /***************** Input Focus Mode *****************/
	panel->kfocF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->kfocF, 240, 125);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->kfocF, 15, 10);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->kfocF, _("Input Focus Mode"));

		WMBox *box = WMCreateBox(panel->kfocF);
		WMSetViewExpandsToParent(WMWidgetView(box), 10, 15, 10, 10);
		WMSetBoxHorizontal(box, False);

		panel->kfocB[0] = WMCreateRadioButton(box);
		WMSetButtonText(panel->kfocB[0], _("Manual:  Click on the window to set "
						   "keyboard input focus."));
		WMAddBoxSubview(box, WMWidgetView(panel->kfocB[0]), True, True, 20, 0, 0);

		panel->kfocB[1] = WMCreateRadioButton(box);
		WMGroupButtons(panel->kfocB[0], panel->kfocB[1]);
		WMSetButtonText(panel->kfocB[1], _("Auto:  Set keyboard input focus to "
						   "the window under the mouse pointer."));
		WMAddBoxSubview(box, WMWidgetView(panel->kfocB[1]), True, True, 20, 0, 0);


    /***************** Colormap Installation Mode ****************/

	panel->cfocF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->cfocF, 240, 77);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->cfocF, 15, 143);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->cfocF, _("Install colormap in the window..."));

	panel->manB = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->cfocF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->manB, 225, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->manB, 10, 20);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->manB, _("...that has the input focus."));

	panel->autB = WMCreateRadioButton(panel->cfocF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->autB, 225, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->autB, 10, 45);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->autB, _("...that's under the mouse pointer."));
	WMGroupButtons(panel->manB, panel->autB);


    /***************** Automatic window raise delay *****************/
	panel->raisF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->raisF, 245, 68);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->raisF, 265, 10);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->raisF, _("Automatic Window Raise Delay"));

	buf1 = wmalloc(strlen(DELAY_ICON) + 1);
	buf2 = wmalloc(strlen(DELAY_ICON_S) + 1);

	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		char *path;

		panel->raisB[i] = WMCreateCustomButton(panel->raisF, WBBStateChangeMask);
		WMResizeWidget(panel->raisB[i], 25, 25);
		WMMoveWidget(panel->raisB[i], 12 + (30 * i), 25);
		WMSetButtonBordered(panel->raisB[i], False);
		WMSetButtonImagePosition(panel->raisB[i], WIPImageOnly);
		WMSetButtonAction(panel->raisB[i], pushDelayButton, panel);
		if (i > 0)
			WMGroupButtons(panel->raisB[0], panel->raisB[i]);
		sprintf(buf1, DELAY_ICON, i);
		sprintf(buf2, DELAY_ICON_S, i);
		path = LocateImage(buf1);
		if (path) {
			icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
			if (icon) {
				WMSetButtonImage(panel->raisB[i], icon);
			} else {
				wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);
		path = LocateImage(buf2);
		if (path) {
			icon = WMCreatePixmapFromFile(scr, path);
			if (icon) {
				WMSetButtonAltImage(panel->raisB[i], icon);
			} else {
				wwarning(_("could not load icon file %s"), path);

	panel->raisT = WMCreateTextField(panel->raisF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->raisT, 36, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->raisT, 165, 28);
	WMAddNotificationObserver(raiseTextChanged, panel, WMTextDidChangeNotification, panel->raisT);

	color = WMDarkGrayColor(scr);
	font = WMSystemFontOfSize(scr, 10);

	panel->raisL = WMCreateLabel(panel->raisF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->raisL, 36, 16);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->raisL, 205, 32);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->raisL, _("msec"));
	WMSetLabelTextColor(panel->raisL, color);
	WMSetLabelFont(panel->raisL, font);



    /***************** Options ****************/
	panel->optF = WMCreateFrame(panel->box);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->optF, 245, 132);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->optF, 265, 88);

	panel->ignB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->optF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->ignB, 225, 50);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->ignB, 10, 4);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->ignB, _("Do not let applications receive " "the click used to focus windows."));

	panel->newB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->optF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->newB, 225, 35);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->newB, 10, 49);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->newB, _("Automatically focus new windows."));

	panel->craisB = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->optF);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->craisB, 225, 36);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->craisB, 10, 85);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->craisB, _("Raise window when switching\nfocus with keyboard."));



void ShowDockAppSettingsPanel(WAppIcon * aicon)
	AppSettingsPanel *panel;
	WScreen *scr = aicon->icon->core->screen_ptr;
	Window parent;
	WMFont *font;
	int x, y;
	WMBox *vbox;

	panel = wmalloc(sizeof(AppSettingsPanel));

	panel->editedIcon = aicon;

	aicon->panel = panel;
	aicon->editing = 1;

	panel->win = WMCreateWindow(scr->wmscreen, "applicationSettings");
	WMResizeWidget(panel->win, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT);

	panel->iconLabel = WMCreateLabel(panel->win);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->iconLabel, 64, 64);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->iconLabel, 10, 10);
	WMSetLabelImagePosition(panel->iconLabel, WIPImageOnly);

	panel->nameLabel = WMCreateLabel(panel->win);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->nameLabel, 190, 18);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->nameLabel, 80, 35);
	WMSetLabelTextAlignment(panel->nameLabel, WALeft);
	font = WMBoldSystemFontOfSize(scr->wmscreen, 14);
	WMSetLabelFont(panel->nameLabel, font);
	if (aicon->wm_class && strcmp(aicon->wm_class, "DockApp") == 0)
		WMSetLabelText(panel->nameLabel, aicon->wm_instance);
		WMSetLabelText(panel->nameLabel, aicon->wm_class);

	vbox = WMCreateBox(panel->win);
	WMResizeWidget(vbox, PWIDTH - 20, PHEIGHT - 84 - 10);
	WMMoveWidget(vbox, 10, 84);

	panel->autoLaunchBtn = WMCreateSwitchButton(vbox);
	WMAddBoxSubview(vbox, WMWidgetView(panel->autoLaunchBtn), False, True, 20, 20, 2);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->autoLaunchBtn, _("Start when Window Maker is started"));
	WMSetButtonSelected(panel->autoLaunchBtn, aicon->auto_launch);

	panel->lockBtn = WMCreateSwitchButton(vbox);
	WMAddBoxSubview(vbox, WMWidgetView(panel->lockBtn), False, True, 20, 20, 5);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->lockBtn, _("Lock (prevent accidental removal)"));
	WMSetButtonSelected(panel->lockBtn, aicon->lock);

	panel->commandFrame = WMCreateFrame(vbox);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->commandFrame, _("Application path and arguments"));
	WMAddBoxSubview(vbox, WMWidgetView(panel->commandFrame), False, True, 50, 50, 5);

	panel->commandField = WMCreateTextField(panel->commandFrame);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->commandField, 256, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->commandField, 10, 20);
	WMSetTextFieldText(panel->commandField, aicon->command);


	panel->pasteCommandFrame = WMCreateFrame(vbox);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->pasteCommandFrame, _("Command for middle-click launch"));
	WMAddBoxSubview(vbox, WMWidgetView(panel->pasteCommandFrame), False, True, 70, 70, 5);

	panel->pasteCommandField = WMCreateTextField(panel->pasteCommandFrame);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->pasteCommandField, 256, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->pasteCommandField, 10, 20);

	panel->pasteCommandLabel = WMCreateLabel(panel->pasteCommandFrame);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->pasteCommandLabel, 256, 18);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->pasteCommandLabel, 10, 45);

	WMSetTextFieldText(panel->pasteCommandField, aicon->paste_command);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->pasteCommandLabel, _("%s will be replaced with current selection"));

	panel->dndCommandFrame = WMCreateFrame(vbox);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->dndCommandFrame, _("Command for files dropped with DND"));
	WMAddBoxSubview(vbox, WMWidgetView(panel->dndCommandFrame), False, True, 70, 70, 5);

	panel->dndCommandField = WMCreateTextField(panel->dndCommandFrame);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dndCommandField, 256, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dndCommandField, 10, 20);

	panel->dndCommandLabel = WMCreateLabel(panel->dndCommandFrame);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->dndCommandLabel, 256, 18);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->dndCommandLabel, 10, 45);
#ifdef XDND
	WMSetTextFieldText(panel->dndCommandField, aicon->dnd_command);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->dndCommandLabel, _("%d will be replaced with the file name"));
	WMSetTextFieldEditable(panel->dndCommandField, False);
	WMSetLabelText(panel->dndCommandLabel, _("DND support was not compiled in"));

	panel->iconFrame = WMCreateFrame(vbox);
	WMSetFrameTitle(panel->iconFrame, _("Icon Image"));
	WMAddBoxSubview(vbox, WMWidgetView(panel->iconFrame), False, True, 50, 50, 10);

	panel->iconField = WMCreateTextField(panel->iconFrame);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->iconField, 176, 20);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->iconField, 10, 20);
	WMSetTextFieldText(panel->iconField, wDefaultGetIconFile(aicon->wm_instance, aicon->wm_class, False));

	panel->browseBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(panel->iconFrame);
	WMResizeWidget(panel->browseBtn, 70, 24);
	WMMoveWidget(panel->browseBtn, 195, 18);
	WMSetButtonText(panel->browseBtn, _("Browse..."));
	WMSetButtonAction(panel->browseBtn, chooseIconCallback, panel);

		WMBox *hbox;

		hbox = WMCreateBox(vbox);
		WMSetBoxHorizontal(hbox, True);
		WMAddBoxSubview(vbox, WMWidgetView(hbox), False, True, 24, 24, 0);

		panel->okBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(hbox);
		WMSetButtonText(panel->okBtn, _("OK"));
		WMSetButtonAction(panel->okBtn, panelBtnCallback, panel);
		WMAddBoxSubviewAtEnd(hbox, WMWidgetView(panel->okBtn), False, True, 80, 80, 0);

		panel->cancelBtn = WMCreateCommandButton(hbox);
		WMSetButtonText(panel->cancelBtn, _("Cancel"));
		WMSetButtonAction(panel->cancelBtn, panelBtnCallback, panel);
		WMAddBoxSubviewAtEnd(hbox, WMWidgetView(panel->cancelBtn), False, True, 80, 80, 5);




	parent = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, scr->root_win, 0, 0, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT, 0, 0, 0);
	XSelectInput(dpy, parent, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask);

	XReparentWindow(dpy, WMWidgetXID(panel->win), parent, 0, 0);

	 * make things relative to head
		WMRect rect = wGetRectForHead(scr, wGetHeadForPointerLocation(scr));

		y = aicon->y_pos;
		if (y < 0)
			y = 0;
		else if (y + PHEIGHT > rect.pos.y + rect.size.height)
			y = rect.pos.y + rect.size.height - PHEIGHT - 30;

		if (aicon->dock && aicon->dock->type == WM_DOCK) {
			if (aicon->dock->on_right_side)
				x = rect.pos.x + rect.size.width / 2;
				x = rect.pos.x + rect.size.width / 2 - PWIDTH - 2;
		} else {
			x = rect.pos.x + (rect.size.width - PWIDTH) / 2;

	panel->wwin = wManageInternalWindow(scr, parent, None,
					    _("Docked Application Settings"), x, y, PWIDTH, PHEIGHT);

	panel->wwin->client_leader = WMWidgetXID(panel->win);

	panel->parent = parent;

